class _StylePreview(QtWidgets.QGroupBox): preview_text_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal([]) def __init__( self, api: Api, model: AssStylesModel, selection_model: QtCore.QItemSelectionModel, parent: QtWidgets.QWidget, ) -> None: super().__init__("Preview", parent) self._api = api self._selection_model = selection_model self._renderer = AssRenderer() self._editor = QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit() self._editor.setPlainText(api.cfg.opt["styles"]["preview_test_text"]) self._editor.setFixedWidth(400) self._editor.setTabChangesFocus(True) self._editor.setFixedHeight(get_text_edit_row_height(self._editor, 2)) self._background_combobox = QtWidgets.QComboBox() for i, path in enumerate(get_assets("style_preview_bk")): self._background_combobox.addItem(, path.resolve()) if == api.cfg.opt["styles"]["preview_background"]: self._background_combobox.setCurrentIndex(i) self._preview_box = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self._preview_box.setLineWidth(1) self._preview_box.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self._preview_box.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self._preview_box.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored ) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(self._editor) layout.addWidget(self._background_combobox) layout.addWidget(self._preview_box) self.update_preview() self._editor.textChanged.connect(self._on_text_change) self._background_combobox.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._on_background_change ) model.dataChanged.connect(self.update_preview) model.rowsInserted.connect(self.update_preview) model.rowsRemoved.connect(self.update_preview) selection_model.selectionChanged.connect(self.update_preview) def _on_background_change(self) -> None: self.update_preview() self._api.cfg.opt["styles"][ "preview_background" ] = self._background_combobox.currentData().name def _on_text_change(self) -> None: self.preview_text_changed.emit() self.update_preview() self._api.cfg.opt["styles"]["preview_test_text"] = self.preview_text @property def preview_text(self) -> str: return self._editor.toPlainText() @property def _selected_style(self) -> T.Optional[AssStyle]: try: idx = self._selection_model.selectedIndexes()[0].row() except IndexError: return None else: return self._api.subs.styles[idx] def update_preview(self) -> None: selected_style = self._selected_style if not selected_style: self._preview_box.clear() return resolution = (self._preview_box.width(), self._preview_box.height()) if resolution[0] <= 0 or resolution[1] <= 0: self._preview_box.clear() return fake_style = copy(selected_style) = "Default" if ( and ): fake_style.scale( resolution[1] / ) fake_style_list = AssStyleList() fake_style_list.append(fake_style) fake_event = AssEvent( start=0, end=1000, text=self.preview_text.replace("\n", "\\N"),, ) fake_event_list = AssEventList() fake_event_list.append(fake_event) fake_meta = AssMeta() image ="RGBA", size=resolution) background_path = self._background_combobox.currentData() if background_path and background_path.exists(): background = for y in range(0, resolution[1], background.height): for x in range(0, resolution[0], background.width): image.paste(background, (x, y)) self._renderer.set_source( fake_style_list, fake_event_list, fake_meta, resolution ) subs_image = self._renderer.render( time=0, aspect_ratio=( if else 1 ), ) image = PIL.Image.composite(subs_image, image, subs_image) image = PIL.ImageQt.ImageQt(image) image = QtGui.QImage(image) self._preview_box.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image))
class VideoStream(QtCore.QObject): """The video API.""" errored = QtCore.pyqtSignal() changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal() loaded = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__( self, threading_api: ThreadingApi, log_api: LogApi, subs_api: SubtitlesApi, path: Path, ) -> None: """Initialize self. :param threading_api: threading API :param log_api: logging API :param subs_api: subtitles API :param path: path to the video file to load """ super().__init__() self._threading_api = threading_api self._log_api = log_api self._subs_api = subs_api self.uid = uuid.uuid4() self._path = path self._timecodes: T.List[int] = [] self._keyframes: T.List[int] = [] self._frame_rate = fractions.Fraction(0, 1) self._aspect_ratio = fractions.Fraction(1, 1) self._width = 0 self._height = 0 self._ass_renderer = AssRenderer() self._source: T.Union[None, ffms2.VideoSource] = None self._last_output_fmt: T.Any = None"video: loading {path}") self._threading_api.schedule_task( lambda: _load_video_source(self._log_api, self.uid, self._path), self._got_source, ) @property def path(self) -> Path: """Return video source path. :return: path """ return self._path @property def is_ready(self) -> bool: """Return whether if the video is loaded. :return: whether if the video is loaded """ return self._source is not None def screenshot( self, pts: int, path: Path, include_subtitles: bool, width: T.Optional[int], height: T.Optional[int], ) -> None: """Save a screenshot into specified destination. :param pts: pts to make screenshot of :param path: path to save the screenshot to :param include_subtitles: whether to 'burn in' the subtitles :param width: optional width to render to :param height: optional height to render to """ if width and height: grab_width = width grab_height = height elif height: grab_width = int(self.width * height / self.height) grab_height = height elif width: grab_height = int(self.height * width / self.width) grab_width = width else: grab_width = self.width grab_height = self.height if grab_width <= 0 or grab_height <= 0: raise ValueError("cannot take a screenshot at negative resolution") pts = self.align_pts_to_prev_frame(pts) idx = self.timecodes.index(pts) frame = self.get_frame(idx, grab_width, grab_height) image = PIL.Image.frombytes("RGB", (grab_width, grab_height), frame) if include_subtitles: self._ass_renderer.set_source( self._subs_api.styles,, self._subs_api.meta, (grab_width, grab_height), ) subs_image = self._ass_renderer.render( time=pts, aspect_ratio=self._aspect_ratio) image = PIL.Image.composite(subs_image, image, subs_image) def align_pts_to_near_frame(self, pts: int) -> int: """Align PTS to a frame closest to given PTS. :param pts: PTS to align :return: aligned PTS """ if self.timecodes: max_idx = len(self.timecodes) - 1 idx1 = max( 0, min(max_idx, bisect.bisect_right(self.timecodes, pts) - 1)) idx2 = max(0, min(max_idx, bisect.bisect_left(self.timecodes, pts))) return min( [self.timecodes[idx1], self.timecodes[idx2]], key=lambda val: abs(val - pts), ) return pts def align_pts_to_prev_frame(self, pts: int) -> int: """Align PTS to a frame immediately before given PTS. :param pts: PTS to align :return: aligned PTS """ if self.timecodes: idx = bisect.bisect_right(self.timecodes, pts) - 1 if idx >= len(self.timecodes): return self.timecodes[-1] if pts < self.timecodes[idx]: return pts return self.timecodes[idx] return pts def align_pts_to_next_frame(self, pts: int) -> int: """Align PTS to a frame immediately after given PTS. :param pts: PTS to align :return: aligned PTS """ if self.timecodes: idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.timecodes, pts) if idx >= len(self.timecodes): return pts if pts < 0: return self.timecodes[0] return self.timecodes[idx] return pts def frame_idx_from_pts( self, pts: T.Union[float, int, np.array]) -> T.Union[int, np.array]: """Get index of a frame that contains given PTS. :param pts: PTS to search for :return: frame index, -1 if not found """ ret = np.searchsorted(self.timecodes, pts, "right").astype( ret = np.clip(ret - 1, a_min=0 if self.timecodes else -1, a_max=None) return ret @property def frame_rate(self) -> fractions.Fraction: """Return the frame rate. :return: video frame rate """ return self._frame_rate @property def width(self) -> int: """Return horizontal video resolution. :return: video width in pixels """ return self._width @property def height(self) -> int: """Return vertical video resolution. :return: video height in pixels """ return self._height @property def aspect_ratio(self) -> fractions.Fraction: """Return the frame aspect ratio. :return: video frame aspect ratio """ return self._aspect_ratio @property def timecodes(self) -> T.List[int]: """Return video frames' PTS. :return: video frames' PTS """ if not self._wait_for_source(): return [] return self._timecodes @property def keyframes(self) -> T.List[int]: """Return video keyframes' indexes. :return: video keyframes' indexes """ if not self._wait_for_source(): return [] return self._keyframes @property def min_pts(self) -> int: """Return minimum video time in milliseconds. :return: minimum PTS """ if not self.timecodes: return 0 return self.timecodes[0] @property def max_pts(self) -> int: """Return maximum video time in milliseconds. :return: maximum PTS """ if not self.timecodes: return 0 return self.timecodes[-1] def get_frame(self, frame_idx: int, width: int, height: int) -> T.Optional[np.array]: """Get raw video data from the currently loaded video source. :param frame_idx: frame number :param width: output image width :param height: output image height :return: numpy image """ with _SAMPLER_LOCK: if (not self._wait_for_source() or frame_idx < 0 or frame_idx >= len(self.timecodes)): return None assert self._source new_output_fmt = (_PIX_FMT, width, height, ffms2.FFMS_RESIZER_AREA) if self._last_output_fmt != new_output_fmt: self._source.set_output_format(*new_output_fmt) self._last_output_fmt = new_output_fmt frame = self._source.get_frame(frame_idx) return (frame.planes[0].reshape( (height, frame.Linesize[0]))[:, 0:width * 3].reshape(height, width, 3)) def _got_source(self, source: ffms2.VideoSource) -> None: with _SAMPLER_LOCK: self._source = source if source is None: self.errored.emit() return self._timecodes = [ int(round(pts)) for pts in source.track.timecodes ] self._keyframes = source.track.keyframes[:] self._timecodes.sort() self._keyframes.sort() self._frame_rate = fractions.Fraction(,, ) self._aspect_ratio = (fractions.Fraction(,, ) if ( and else fractions.Fraction( 1, 1)) frame = source.get_frame(0) self._width = frame.EncodedWidth self._height = int(frame.EncodedHeight / self._aspect_ratio) self.loaded.emit() def _wait_for_source(self) -> bool: if self._source is None: return False while self._source is _LOADING: time.sleep(0.01) if self._source is None: return False return True