def fmt(prog): return br.CustomHelpFormatter(prog) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="", formatter_class=fmt, add_help=False, usage=argparse.SUPPRESS, description='''\ \033[1mPhyloBuddy\033[m Put a little bonsai into your phylogeny. \033[1mUsage examples\033[m: "/path/to/tree_file" -<cmd> "/path/to/tree_file" -<cmd> | -<cmd> "(A,(B,C));" -f "raw" -<cmd> ''') br.flags(parser, ("trees", "Supply file path(s) or raw tree string, If piping trees into PhyloBuddy " "this argument can be left blank."), br.pb_flags, br.pb_modifiers, VERSION) # This is to allow py.test to work with the -x flag parser.add_argument("-x", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("-m", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("-n", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("--cov", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("--cov-report", nargs="?") in_args = parser.parse_args() def phylo_to_hash(_phylobuddy, mode='hash'): if mode != "hash": return str(_phylobuddy) _hash = md5("{0}\n".format(str(_phylobuddy).rstrip()).encode()).hexdigest() return _hash
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="", formatter_class=fmt, add_help=False, usage=argparse.SUPPRESS, description=''' \033[1mDatabaseBuddy\033[m Go forth to the servers of sequence, and discover. \033[1mUsage examples\033[m: -ls (launch empty live session) "<accn1,accn2,accn3,...>" -<cmd> "<search term1, search term2,...>" -<cmd> "<accn1,search term1>" -<cmd> "/path/to/file_of_accns" -<cmd> ''') br.db_modifiers["database"]["choices"] = Db.DATABASES br.flags(parser, ("user_input", "Specify accession numbers or search terms, " "either in a file or as a comma separated list"), br.db_flags, br.db_modifiers, Db.VERSION) # This is to allow py.test to work with its own flags in_args = parser.parse_args([]) def mock_cmdloop(*args): print(args) return True class MockUsage(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
def test_flags(capsys, hf): contributors = list() contributors.append( br.Contributor("Bud", "Suite", "D", commits=10, github="buddysuite")) contributors.append( br.Contributor("Sweet", "Water", commits=5, github="sweetwater")) version = br.Version("BudddySuite", "3", "5", contributors, release_date={ "day": 13, "month": 7, "year": 2016 }) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="", add_help=False) pos_dict = ("sequence", "Supply file path(s) or raw sequence. If piping sequences " "into SeqBuddy this argument can be left blank.") flag_dict = { "annotate": { "flag": "ano", "nargs": "*", "metavar": "args", "help": "Add a feature (annotation) to selected sequences. " "Args: <name>, <location (start1-end1,start2-end2...)>, [strand (+|-)], " "[qualifier (foo=bar) [qualifier]], [regex_pattern [regex_[pattern]]}" }, "ave_seq_length": { "flag": "asl", "action": "append", "nargs": "?", "metavar": "'clean'", "help": "Calculate average sequence length. Specify 'clean' to remove gaps etc " "first" } } mod_dict = { "alpha": { "flag": "a", "action": "store", "help": "If you want the file read with a specific alphabet" }, "in_format": { "flag": "f", "action": "store", "help": "If SeqBuddy can't guess the file format, try specifying it directly" } } br.flags(parser, _positional=pos_dict, _flags=flag_dict, _modifiers=mod_dict, version=version) parser.print_help() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert hf.string2hash(out) == "9ea2d4ac842b1712687034ea0abf497b"
def fmt(prog): return br.CustomHelpFormatter(prog) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="alignBuddy", formatter_class=fmt, add_help=False, usage=argparse.SUPPRESS, description='''\ \033[1mAlignBuddy\033[m Sequence alignments with a splash of kava. \033[1mUsage examples\033[m: "/path/to/align_file" -<cmd> "/path/to/align_file" -<cmd> | -<cmd> "/path/to/seq_file" -ga "mafft" -p "--auto --thread 8" ''') br.flags(parser, ("alignments", "The file(s) you want to start working on"), br.alb_flags, br.alb_modifiers, VERSION) # This is to allow py.test to work with its own flags in_args = parser.parse_args([]) # ###################### argparse_init() ###################### # def test_argparse_init(capsys, monkeypatch, alb_resources, hf, alb_odd_resources): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['', alb_resources.get_one("o p py", "paths"), "-con", "-o", "stockholm"]) temp_in_args, alignbuddy = Alb.argparse_init() assert hf.buddy2hash(alignbuddy) == "5d9a03d9e1b4bf72d991257d3a696306" monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['', alb_resources.get_one("o p py", "paths"), "-con", "-o", "foo"]) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): Alb.argparse_init()
formatter_class=fmt, add_help=False, usage=argparse.SUPPRESS, description='''\ \033[1mPhyloBuddy\033[m Put a little bonsai into your phylogeny. \033[1mUsage examples\033[m: "/path/to/tree_file" -<cmd> "/path/to/tree_file" -<cmd> | -<cmd> "(A,(B,C));" -f "raw" -<cmd> ''') br.flags( parser, ("trees", "Supply file path(s) or raw tree string, If piping trees into PhyloBuddy " "this argument can be left blank."), br.pb_flags, br.pb_modifiers, VERSION) # This is to allow py.test to work with its own flags in_args = parser.parse_args([]) def mock_fileexistserror(*args, **kwargs): raise FileExistsError(args, kwargs) def mock_filenotfounderror(*args, **kwargs): raise FileNotFoundError(args, kwargs)