Пример #1

# add an aci for this user on the farm
mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', '(targetattr = "*") (version 3.0; acl "Administration User ACL";allow (all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=ttestuser,cn=config");)')]
farm.modify_s(suffix, mod)

admin = DSAdmin(host1, port1, admindn, adminpw)

# add a new user using the admin account, first without user password
dn = "uid=chainuser," + suffix
ent = Entry(dn)
ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson')
ent.setValues('cn', 'Chain User')
ent.setValues('sn', 'Chain')
ent.setValues('givenName', 'User')
print "added entry", dn

# next, try it with userPassword
dn = "uid=chainuser2," + suffix
ent = Entry(dn)
ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson')
ent.setValues('cn', 'Chain User')
ent.setValues('sn', 'Chain')
ent.setValues('givenName', 'User')
ent.setValues('userPassword', "password")

# search for user on farm
ents = farm.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
if not ents:
Пример #2
# existing IPA user to be synced with AD
userObjClasses = [
    'top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson'

if useds:
    print "Create sub-ou's on the AD side and add users . . ."
    ii = 0
    dns = ['ou=people,' + suffix,
           'ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix, 'ou=2,ou=people,' + suffix,
           'ou=11,ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix,
           'ou=12,ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix]
    for dn in dns:
        ent = Entry(dn)
        ent.setValues('objectclass', 'organizationalUnit')
        try: ad.add_s(ent)
        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: pass
        print "Add users to", dn
        for jj in range(0,5):
            strii = str(ii)
            userdn = 'cn=Test User' + strii + ',' + dn
            ent = Entry(userdn)
            userid = 'userid' + strii
            ent.setValues('objectclass', ['person', 'adPerson'])
            ent.setValues('sn', 'User' + strii)
            ent.setValues('samAccountName', userid)
            ent.setValues('objectGUID', struct.pack('B', ii))
            ent.setValues('name', 'Test User' + strii) # same as cn
            try: ad.add_s(ent)
            except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: pass
            userids[userid] = userdn
Пример #3
mod = [(
    ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci',
    '(targetattr = "*") (version 3.0; acl "Administration User ACL";allow (all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=ttestuser,cn=config");)'
farm.modify_s(suffix, mod)

admin = DSAdmin(host1, port1, admindn, adminpw)

# add a new user using the admin account, first without user password
dn = "uid=chainuser," + suffix
ent = Entry(dn)
ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson')
ent.setValues('cn', 'Chain User')
ent.setValues('sn', 'Chain')
ent.setValues('givenName', 'User')
print "added entry", dn

# next, try it with userPassword
dn = "uid=chainuser2," + suffix
ent = Entry(dn)
ent.setValues('objectclass', 'inetOrgPerson')
ent.setValues('cn', 'Chain User')
ent.setValues('sn', 'Chain')
ent.setValues('givenName', 'User')
ent.setValues('userPassword', "password")

# search for user on farm
ents = farm.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
if not ents:
Пример #4
    {'description': 'normal, regular AD account disabled, do not expire password',
     'userAccountControl': 512 + 2 + 65536}

userids_disabled = {}
if useds:
    print "Create sub-ou's on the AD side and add users . . ."
    ii = 0
    dns = ['ou=people,' + suffix,
           'ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix, 'ou=2,ou=people,' + suffix,
           'ou=11,ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix,
           'ou=12,ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix]
    for dn in dns:
        ent = Entry(dn)
        ent.setValues('objectclass', 'organizationalUnit')
        try: ad.add_s(ent)
        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: pass
        print "Add users to", dn
        for jj in range(0,5):
            strii = str(ii)
            userdn = 'cn=Test User' + strii + ',' + dn
            ent = Entry(userdn)
            userid = 'userid' + strii
            ent.setValues('objectclass', ['person', 'adPerson'])
            ent.setValues('sn', 'User' + strii)
            ent.setValues('samAccountName', userid)
            ent.setValues('objectGUID', struct.pack('B', ii))
            ent.setValues('name', 'Test User' + strii) # same as cn
            kk = ii % len(userAcctVals)
            for attr, val in userAcctVals[kk].iteritems():
                ent.setValues(attr, str(val))
Пример #5
agmtm1tom2 = m1.setupAgreement(m2, m1replargs)
print "waiting for init to finish"
agmtm2tom1 = m2.setupAgreement(m1, m2replargs)

nents = 5
m1ents = range(nents)
m2ents = range(len(m1ents), len(m1ents) + nents + 1)
print "Add %d entries to m2" % len(m2ents)
for ii in m2ents:
    dn = "cn=%d, %s" % (ii, basedn)
    ent = Entry(dn)
    ent.setValues('objectclass', 'person')
    ent.setValues('sn', 'testuser')
    print "Added m2 entry", dn

print "Add %d entries to m1" % len(m1ents)
for ii in m1ents:
    dn = "cn=%d, %s" % (ii, basedn)
    ent = Entry(dn)
    ent.setValues('objectclass', 'person')
    ent.setValues('sn', 'testuser')
    print "Added m1 entry", dn

print "Sleep for 5 seconds to let changes propagate . . ."

print "see if m1 entries made it to m2"
Пример #6

userids_disabled = {}
if useds:
    print "Create sub-ou's on the AD side and add users . . ."
    ii = 0
    dns = [
        'ou=people,' + suffix, 'ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix,
        'ou=2,ou=people,' + suffix, 'ou=11,ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix,
        'ou=12,ou=1,ou=people,' + suffix
    for dn in dns:
        ent = Entry(dn)
        ent.setValues('objectclass', 'organizationalUnit')
        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
        print "Add users to", dn
        for jj in range(0, 5):
            strii = str(ii)
            userdn = 'cn=Test User' + strii + ',' + dn
            ent = Entry(userdn)
            userid = 'userid' + strii
            ent.setValues('objectclass', ['person', 'adPerson'])
            ent.setValues('sn', 'User' + strii)
            ent.setValues('samAccountName', userid)
            ent.setValues('objectGUID', struct.pack('B', ii))
            ent.setValues('name', 'Test User' + strii)  # same as cn
            kk = ii % len(userAcctVals)
            for attr, val in userAcctVals[kk].iteritems():
Пример #7
agmtm1tom2 = m1.setupAgreement(m2, m1replargs)
print "waiting for init to finish"
agmtm2tom1 = m2.setupAgreement(m1, m2replargs)

nents = 5
m1ents = range(nents)
m2ents = range(len(m1ents), len(m1ents)+nents+1)
print "Add %d entries to m2" % len(m2ents)
for ii in m2ents:
    dn = "cn=%d, %s" % (ii, basedn)
    ent = Entry(dn)
    ent.setValues('objectclass', 'person')
    ent.setValues('sn', 'testuser')
    print "Added m2 entry", dn

print "Add %d entries to m1" % len(m1ents)
for ii in m1ents:
    dn = "cn=%d, %s" % (ii, basedn)
    ent = Entry(dn)
    ent.setValues('objectclass', 'person')
    ent.setValues('sn', 'testuser')
    print "Added m1 entry", dn

print "Sleep for 5 seconds to let changes propagate . . ."

print "see if m1 entries made it to m2"