Пример #1
def decision(image):
    [label, score] = requestLabel(
        image)  # Output of API converted into a label and a score
    print("Oooooh that's a", label, ". I'm", score, "percent sure!")
    params = memory.getValue(
    )  # Array of paramaters [alpha, beta,  survival, ex alpha, ex beta]
    # return alpha = coward coefficient; beta = aggressor coefficient
    alpha = params[0]
    beta = params[1]
    adjustment = params[2]
    return alpha, beta, label, adjustment
Пример #2
def error(totalTime, label):
    # We calculate our error based on the change in Survival Time = Duration 1000 sec
    # if survival time decreases
    #    error = (old time - new time)/total
    #    if error is -ve --> Positive stimulus (Survival Time Has Increased)
    #           increase beta and decrease alpha
    #    if error is +ve --> Negative stimulus (Survival Time Has Decreased)
    #           increase alpha and decrease beta
    params = memory.getValue(label)
    delta = -1 * params[2]
    survivalAdjustment = (delta) / (totalTime)
    # if delta = -100  and totalTime = 1000 error should be 0.1
    return survivalAdjustment, delta
def update_positions():
    global imagex, imagey, survival_time, E, alpha, beta, index, ABL, imgplot, currenttime, survivalprogress, timeprogress, recentindex
    sr.x = bug.x + sr.x_disp * sin(bug.angle) + sr.y_disp * cos(bug.angle)
    sr.y = bug.y + -sr.x_disp * cos(bug.angle) + sr.y_disp * sin(bug.angle)

    sl.x = bug.x + sl.x_disp * sin(bug.angle) + sl.y_disp * cos(bug.angle)
    sl.y = bug.y - sl.x_disp * cos(bug.angle) + sl.y_disp * sin(bug.angle)

    #    sr.x = bug.x + sr.x_disp*cos(bug.angle-pi/2) - sr.y_disp*sin(bug.angle-pi/2)
    #    sr.y = bug.y + sr.x_disp*sin(bug.angle-pi/2) + sr.y_disp*cos(bug.angle-pi/2)
    #    sl.x = bug.x + sl.x_disp*cos(bug.angle-pi/2) - sl.y_disp*sin(bug.angle-pi/2)
    #    sl.y = bug.y + sl.x_disp*sin(bug.angle-pi/2) + sl.y_disp*cos(bug.angle-pi/2)

    #    totalTime = duration/ms
    totalTime = 1000

    index = distances(ABL, bugx, bugy)
    imagex = ABL[index][4]
    imagey = ABL[index][5]
    apiradius = 1500
    contactradius = 50

    if ((bug.x - imagex)**2 + (bug.y - imagey)**2) > apiradius:
        if ABL[index][6] == 1:
            ABL[index][6] = 0
        E = -80
        sr.E = E
        sl.E = E
        sbr.E = E
        sbl.E = E

    if ((bug.x - imagex)**2 + (bug.y - imagey)**2) <= apiradius and (
        (bug.x - imagex)**2 + (bug.y - imagey)**2) >= contactradius:
        #        ABL[index].append(1)
        if ABL[index][6] == 0 and recentindex != index:
            ABL[index][6] = 1
            recentindex = index
            [alpha, beta, label, adjustment] = decision(image[index])
            img = Image.open(image[index])
            if imgplot != 1:
            imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

            syn_ll_c.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * alpha
            syn_rr_c.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * alpha
            syn_ll_a.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * beta
            syn_rr_a.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * beta
            #            print("The alpha value before backpropagation is", memory.bug_memory[label][0]) #print alpha and beta before adjustment
            #            print("The beta value before backpropagation is", memory.bug_memory[label][1])
            print("The object is within", apiradius)

            if ABL[index][0] > 0.5:
                E = 0
            elif ABL[index][0] < 0.5:
                E = -80
            sr.E = E
            sl.E = E
            sbr.E = E
            sbl.E = E
            print("The E value is", E)

    if ((bug.x - imagex)**2 + (bug.y - imagey)**2) < contactradius:
        ABL[index][6] = 0
        [alpha, beta, label, adjustment] = decision(image[index])
        img = Image.open(image[index])
        if imgplot != 1:
        imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

        syn_ll_c.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * alpha
        syn_rr_c.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * alpha
        syn_ll_a.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * beta
        syn_rr_a.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * beta
        print("The alpha value before backpropagation is",
              [0])  #print alpha and beta before adjustment
        print("The beta value before backpropagation is",

        [survivalAdjustment, delta] = error(totalTime, label)
        memory.adjustValue(label, survivalAdjustment)
        ABL[index][0] = memory.bug_memory[label][0]
        ABL[index][1] = memory.bug_memory[label][1]
        print("The alpha value after backpropagation is",
              [0])  #print alpha and beta after adjustment
        print("The beta value after backpropagation is",

        syn_ll_c.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * memory.bug_memory[label][0]
        syn_rr_c.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * memory.bug_memory[label][0]
        syn_ll_a.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * memory.bug_memory[label][1]
        syn_rr_a.g_synmax = g_synmaxval * memory.bug_memory[label][1]

        if ABL[index][0] > 0.5:
            E = 0
        elif ABL[index][0] < 0.5:
            E = -80
        sr.E = E
        sl.E = E
        sbr.E = E
        sbl.E = E
        print("The E value is", E)
        #update_decision(label) # Implement ud()
        survival_time -= delta  # Get Current clock time
        timeprogress.append(time.time() - currenttime)
        print("The survival time is", survival_time, "and has changed by",
              -1 * delta, "during this iteration\n")

        #        if survival_time <= 0:
        #            print('Elapsed Time: ' , time.time() - currenttime, 'seconds')
        #            plt.figure(2)
        #            plot(timeprogress, survivalprogress)

        imagex = randint(-map_size + 10, map_size - 10)
        imagey = randint(-map_size + 10, map_size - 10)

        ABL[index][4] = imagex
        ABL[index][5] = imagey

#    else:
#        E=0
#        sr.E = E
#        sl.E = E
#        sbr.E = E
#        sbl.E = E

    if (bug.x < -map_size):
        bug.x = -map_size
        bug.angle = pi - bug.angle
    if (bug.x > map_size):
        bug.x = map_size
        bug.angle = pi - bug.angle
    if (bug.y < -map_size):
        bug.y = -map_size
        bug.angle = -bug.angle
    if (bug.y > map_size):
        bug.y = map_size
        bug.angle = -bug.angle

    sr.imagex = imagex
    sr.imagey = imagey
    sl.imagex = imagex
    sl.imagey = imagey