Пример #1
 def WriteEnumerationItems(self, stream):
     num = 0
     enumName = self.doc[0]
     # Write in name alpha order
     names = list(self.mapVars.keys())
     for name in names:
         entry = self.mapVars[name]
         vdesc = entry.desc
         if vdesc[4] == pythoncom.VAR_CONST:
             val = vdesc[1]
             if sys.version_info <= (2, 4) and (isinstance(val, int)
                                                or isinstance(val, long)):
                 # in python 2.3, 0x80000000L == 2147483648
                 if val == 2147483648:  # == 0x80000000L - special case for 2.3...
                     use = "0x80000000L"  # 'L' for future warning
                 elif val > 2147483648 or val < 0:  # avoid a FutureWarning
                     use = long(val)
                     use = hex(val)
                 use = repr(val)
             print >> stream, "\t%-30s=%-10s # from enum %s" % \
                           (build.MakePublicAttributeName(name, True), use, enumName)
             num += 1
     return num
Пример #2
 def _make_method_(self, name):
     "Make a method object - Assumes in olerepr funcmap"
     methodName = build.MakePublicAttributeName(
         name)  # translate keywords etc.
     methodCodeList = self._olerepr_.MakeFuncMethod(
         self._olerepr_.mapFuncs[name], methodName, 0)
     methodCode = "\n".join(methodCodeList)
         #			print "Method code for %s is:\n" % self._username_, methodCode
         #			self._print_details_()
         codeObject = compile(methodCode,
                              "<COMObject %s>" % self._username_, "exec")
         # Exec the code object
         tempNameSpace = {}
         # "Dispatch" in the exec'd code is win32com.client.Dispatch, not ours.
         globNameSpace = globals().copy()
         globNameSpace["Dispatch"] = win32com.client.Dispatch
         exec codeObject in globNameSpace, tempNameSpace  # self.__dict__, self.__dict__
         name = methodName
         # Save the function in map.
         fn = self._builtMethods_[name] = tempNameSpace[name]
         newMeth = MakeMethod(fn, self, self.__class__)
         return newMeth
         debug_print("Error building OLE definition for code ", methodCode)
     return None
Пример #3
 def WriteEnumerationItems(self, stream):
   num = 0
   enumName = self.doc[0]
   # Write in name alpha order
   names = list(self.mapVars.keys())
   for name in names:
     entry = self.mapVars[name]
     vdesc = entry.desc
     if vdesc[4] == pythoncom.VAR_CONST:
       val = vdesc[1]
       if sys.version_info <= (2,4) and (isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, long)):
         # in python 2.3, 0x80000000L == 2147483648
         if val==2147483648: # == 0x80000000L - special case for 2.3...
           use = "0x80000000L" # 'L' for future warning
         elif val > 2147483648 or val < 0: # avoid a FutureWarning
           use = long(val)
           use = hex(val)
         use = repr(val)
         # Make sure the repr of the value is valid python syntax
         # still could cause an error on import if it contains a module or type name
         # not available in the global namespace
           compile(use, '<makepy>', 'eval')
         except SyntaxError:
           # At least add the repr as a string, so it can be investigated further
           # Sanitize it, in case the repr contains its own quotes.  (??? line breaks too ???)
           use = use.replace('"',"'")
           use = '"' + use + '"' + ' # This VARIANT type cannot be converted automatically'
       print >> stream, "\t%-30s=%-10s # from enum %s" % \
                     (build.MakePublicAttributeName(name, True), use, enumName)
       num += 1
   return num
Пример #4
 def WriteEnumerationItems(self, stream):
     enumName = self.doc[0]
     # Write in name alpha order
     names = self.mapVars.keys()
     for name in names:
         entry = self.mapVars[name]
         vdesc = entry.desc
         if vdesc[4] == pythoncom.VAR_CONST:
             val = vdesc[1]
             if type(val) in (type(0), type(0L)):
                 if val == 0x80000000L:  # special case
                     use = "0x80000000L"  # 'L' for future warning
                 elif val > 0x80000000L or val < 0:  # avoid a FutureWarning
                     use = long(val)
                     use = hex(val)
                 use = repr(str(val))
             print >> stream, "\t%-30s=%-10s # from enum %s" % \
                           (build.MakePublicAttributeName(name, True), use, enumName)
Пример #5
    def WriteClassBody(self, generator):
        stream = generator.file
        # Write in alpha order.
        names = list(self.mapFuncs.keys())
        specialItems = {
            "count": None,
            "item": None,
            "value": None,
            "_newenum": None
        }  # If found, will end up with (entry, invoke_tupe)
        itemCount = None
        for name in names:
            entry = self.mapFuncs[name]
            # skip [restricted] methods, unless it is the
            # enumerator (which, being part of the "system",
            # we know about and can use)
            dispid = entry.desc[0]
            if entry.desc[9] & pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED and \
                dispid != pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
            # If not accessible via IDispatch, then we can't use it here.
            if entry.desc[3] != pythoncom.FUNC_DISPATCH:
            if dispid == pythoncom.DISPID_VALUE:
                lkey = "value"
            elif dispid == pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                specialItems["_newenum"] = (entry, entry.desc[4], None)
                continue  # Dont build this one now!
                lkey = name.lower()
            if lkey in specialItems and specialItems[
                    lkey] is None:  # remember if a special one.
                specialItems[lkey] = (entry, entry.desc[4], None)
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                if entry.GetResultName():
                    print >> stream, '\t# Result is of type ' + entry.GetResultName(
                if entry.wasProperty:
                    print >> stream, '\t# The method %s is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments' % name
                ret = self.MakeFuncMethod(entry,
                for line in ret:
                    print >> stream, line
        print >> stream, "\t_prop_map_get_ = {"
        names = self.propMap.keys()
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMap[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                resultName = entry.GetResultName()
                if resultName:
                    print >> stream, "\t\t# Property '%s' is an object of type '%s'" % (
                        key, resultName)
                lkey = key.lower()
                details = entry.desc
                resultDesc = details[2]
                argDesc = ()
                mapEntry = MakeMapLineEntry(details[0],
                                            resultDesc, argDesc, key,

                if entry.desc[0] == pythoncom.DISPID_VALUE:
                    lkey = "value"
                elif entry.desc[0] == pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                    lkey = "_newenum"
                    lkey = key.lower()
                if lkey in specialItems and specialItems[
                        lkey] is None:  # remember if a special one.
                    specialItems[lkey] = (entry,
                    # All special methods, except _newenum, are written
                    # "normally".  This is a mess!
                    if entry.desc[0] == pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:

                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s": %s,' % (
                    build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), mapEntry)
        names = self.propMapGet.keys()
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMapGet[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                if entry.GetResultName():
                    print >> stream, "\t\t# Method '%s' returns object of type '%s'" % (
                        key, entry.GetResultName())
                details = entry.desc
                lkey = key.lower()
                argDesc = details[2]
                resultDesc = details[8]
                mapEntry = MakeMapLineEntry(details[0],
                                            resultDesc, argDesc, key,
                if entry.desc[0] == pythoncom.DISPID_VALUE:
                    lkey = "value"
                elif entry.desc[0] == pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                    lkey = "_newenum"
                    lkey = key.lower()
                if lkey in specialItems and specialItems[
                        lkey] is None:  # remember if a special one.
                    specialItems[lkey] = (entry,
                    # All special methods, except _newenum, are written
                    # "normally".  This is a mess!
                    if entry.desc[0] == pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s": %s,' % (
                    build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), mapEntry)

        print >> stream, "\t}"

        print >> stream, "\t_prop_map_put_ = {"
        # These are "Invoke" args
        names = list(self.propMap.keys())
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMap[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                lkey = key.lower()
                details = entry.desc
                # If default arg is None, write an empty tuple
                defArgDesc = build.MakeDefaultArgRepr(details[2])
                if defArgDesc is None:
                    defArgDesc = ""
                    defArgDesc = defArgDesc + ","
                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s" : ((%s, LCID, %d, 0),(%s)),' % (
                    build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), details[0],
                    pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, defArgDesc)

        names = list(self.propMapPut.keys())
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMapPut[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                details = entry.desc
                defArgDesc = MakeDefaultArgsForPropertyPut(details[2])
                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s": ((%s, LCID, %d, 0),%s),' % (
                    build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), details[0], details[4],
        print >> stream, "\t}"

        if specialItems["value"]:
            entry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["value"]
            if propArgs is None:
                typename = "method"
                ret = self.MakeFuncMethod(entry, '__call__')
                typename = "property"
                ret = [
                    "\tdef __call__(self):\n\t\treturn self._ApplyTypes_(*%s)"
                    % propArgs
            print >> stream, "\t# Default %s for this class is '%s'" % (
                typename, entry.names[0])
            for line in ret:
                print >> stream, line
            if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
                print >> stream, "\tdef __str__(self, *args):"
                print >> stream, "\t\treturn str(self.__call__(*args))"
                print >> stream, "\tdef __unicode__(self, *args):"
                print >> stream, "\t\ttry:"
                print >> stream, "\t\t\treturn unicode(self.__call__(*args))"
                print >> stream, "\t\texcept pythoncom.com_error:"
                print >> stream, "\t\t\treturn repr(self)"
                print >> stream, "\tdef __str__(self, *args):"
                print >> stream, "\t\treturn str(self.__unicode__(*args))"
            print >> stream, "\tdef __int__(self, *args):"
            print >> stream, "\t\treturn int(self.__call__(*args))"

        if specialItems["_newenum"]:
            enumEntry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["_newenum"]
            resultCLSID = enumEntry.GetResultCLSIDStr()
            # If we dont have a good CLSID for the enum result, assume it is the same as the Item() method.
            if resultCLSID == "None" and "Item" in self.mapFuncs:
                resultCLSID = self.mapFuncs["Item"].GetResultCLSIDStr()
            # "Native" Python iterator support
            print >> stream, '\tdef __iter__(self):'
            print >> stream, '\t\t"Return a Python iterator for this object"'
            print >> stream, '\t\tob = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(%d,LCID,%d,(13, 10),())' % (
                pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM, enumEntry.desc[4])
            print >> stream, '\t\treturn win32com.client.util.Iterator(ob, %s)' % resultCLSID
            # And 'old style' iterator support - magically used to simulate iterators
            # before Python grew them
            print >> stream, '\tdef _NewEnum(self):'
            print >> stream, '\t\t"Create an enumerator from this object"'
            print >> stream, '\t\treturn win32com.client.util.WrapEnum(self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(%d,LCID,%d,(13, 10),()),%s)' % (
                pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM, enumEntry.desc[4], resultCLSID)
            print >> stream, '\tdef __getitem__(self, index):'
            print >> stream, '\t\t"Allow this class to be accessed as a collection"'
            print >> stream, "\t\tif '_enum_' not in self.__dict__:"
            print >> stream, "\t\t\tself.__dict__['_enum_'] = self._NewEnum()"
            print >> stream, "\t\treturn self._enum_.__getitem__(index)"
        else:  # Not an Enumerator, but may be an "Item/Count" based collection
            if specialItems["item"]:
                entry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["item"]
                print >> stream, '\t#This class has Item property/method which may take args - allow indexed access'
                print >> stream, '\tdef __getitem__(self, item):'
                print >> stream, '\t\treturn self._get_good_object_(self._oleobj_.Invoke(*(%d, LCID, %d, 1, item)), "Item")' % (
                    entry.desc[0], invoketype)
        if specialItems["count"]:
            entry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["count"]
            if propArgs is None:
                typename = "method"
                ret = self.MakeFuncMethod(entry, '__len__')
                typename = "property"
                ret = [
                    "\tdef __len__(self):\n\t\treturn self._ApplyTypes_(*%s)" %
            print >> stream, "\t#This class has Count() %s - allow len(ob) to provide this" % (
            for line in ret:
                print >> stream, line
            # Also include a __nonzero__
            print >> stream, "\t#This class has a __len__ - this is needed so 'if object:' always returns TRUE."
            print >> stream, "\tdef __nonzero__(self):"
            print >> stream, "\t\treturn True"
Пример #6
    def generate_child(self, child, dir):
        "Generate a single child.  May force a few children to be built as we generate deps"
        self.generate_type = GEN_DEMAND_CHILD

        la = self.typelib.GetLibAttr()
        lcid = la[1]
        clsid = la[0]
        major = la[3]
        minor = la[4]
        self.base_mod_name = "win32com.gen_py." + str(
            clsid)[1:-1] + "x%sx%sx%s" % (lcid, major, minor)
            # Process the type library's CoClass objects, looking for the
            # specified name, or where a child has the specified name.
            # This ensures that all interesting things (including event interfaces)
            # are generated correctly.
            oleItems = {}
            vtableItems = {}
            infos = self.CollectOleItemInfosFromType()
            found = 0
            for type_info_tuple in infos:
                info, infotype, doc, attr = type_info_tuple
                if infotype == pythoncom.TKIND_COCLASS:
                    coClassItem, child_infos = self._Build_CoClass(
                    found = build.MakePublicAttributeName(doc[0]) == child
                    if not found:
                        # OK, check the child interfaces
                        for info, info_type, refType, doc, refAttr, flags in child_infos:
                            if build.MakePublicAttributeName(doc[0]) == child:
                                found = 1
                    if found:
                        oleItems[coClassItem.clsid] = coClassItem
                        self._Build_CoClassChildren(coClassItem, child_infos,
                                                    oleItems, vtableItems)
            if not found:
                # Doesn't appear in a class defn - look in the interface objects for it
                for type_info_tuple in infos:
                    info, infotype, doc, attr = type_info_tuple
                    if infotype in [
                            pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE, pythoncom.TKIND_DISPATCH
                        if build.MakePublicAttributeName(doc[0]) == child:
                            found = 1
                            oleItem, vtableItem = self._Build_Interface(
                                clsid] = oleItem  # Even "None" goes in here.
                            if vtableItem is not None:
                                vtableItems[clsid] = vtableItem

            assert found, "Cant find the '%s' interface in the CoClasses, or the interfaces" % (
                child, )
            # Make a map of iid: dispitem, vtableitem)
            items = {}
            for key, value in oleItems.iteritems():
                items[key] = (value, None)
            for key, value in vtableItems.iteritems():
                existing = items.get(key, None)
                if existing is not None:
                    new_val = existing[0], value
                    new_val = None, value
                items[key] = new_val

            self.progress.SetDescription("Generating...", len(items))
            for oleitem, vtableitem in items.itervalues():
                an_item = oleitem or vtableitem
                assert not self.file, "already have a file?"
                # like makepy.py, we gen to a .temp file so failure doesn't
                # leave a 1/2 generated mess.
                out_name = os.path.join(dir, an_item.python_name) + ".py"
                worked = False
                self.file = self.open_writer(out_name)
                    if oleitem is not None:
                    if vtableitem is not None:
                    worked = True
                    self.finish_writer(out_name, self.file, worked)
                    self.file = None
Пример #7
    def WriteClassBody(self, generator):
        stream = generator.file
        # Write in alpha order.
        names = list(self.mapFuncs.keys())
        specialItems = {"count":None, "item":None,"value":None,"_newenum":None} # If found, will end up with (entry, invoke_tupe)
        itemCount = None
        for name in names:
            # skip [restricted] methods, unless it is the
            # enumerator (which, being part of the "system",
            # we know about and can use)
            dispid = entry.desc[0]
            if entry.desc[9] & pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED and \
                dispid != pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
            # If not accessible via IDispatch, then we can't use it here.
            if entry.desc[3] != pythoncom.FUNC_DISPATCH:
            if dispid==pythoncom.DISPID_VALUE:
                lkey = "value"
            elif dispid==pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                specialItems["_newenum"] = (entry, entry.desc[4], None)
                continue # Dont build this one now!
                lkey = name.lower()
            if lkey in specialItems and specialItems[lkey] is None: # remember if a special one.
                specialItems[lkey] = (entry, entry.desc[4], None)
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                if entry.GetResultName():
                    print >> stream, '\t# Result is of type ' + entry.GetResultName()
                if entry.wasProperty:
                    print >> stream, '\t# The method %s is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments' % name
                ret = self.MakeFuncMethod(entry,build.MakePublicAttributeName(name))
                for line in ret:
                    print >> stream, line
        print >> stream, "\t_prop_map_get_ = {"
        names = self.propMap.keys(); names.sort()
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMap[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                resultName = entry.GetResultName()
                if resultName:
                    print >> stream, "\t\t# Property '%s' is an object of type '%s'" % (key, resultName)
                lkey = key.lower()
                details = entry.desc
                resultDesc = details[2]
                argDesc = ()
                mapEntry = MakeMapLineEntry(details[0], pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, resultDesc, argDesc, key, entry.GetResultCLSIDStr())
                if entry.desc[0]==pythoncom.DISPID_VALUE:
                    lkey = "value"
                elif entry.desc[0]==pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                    lkey = "_newenum"
                    lkey = key.lower()
                if lkey in specialItems and specialItems[lkey] is None: # remember if a special one.
                    specialItems[lkey] = (entry, pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, mapEntry)
                    # All special methods, except _newenum, are written
                    # "normally".  This is a mess!
                    if entry.desc[0]==pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:

                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s": %s,' % (build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), mapEntry)
        names = self.propMapGet.keys(); names.sort()
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMapGet[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                if entry.GetResultName():
                    print >> stream, "\t\t# Method '%s' returns object of type '%s'" % (key, entry.GetResultName())
                details = entry.desc
                lkey = key.lower()
                argDesc = details[2]
                resultDesc = details[8]
                mapEntry = MakeMapLineEntry(details[0], pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, resultDesc, argDesc, key, entry.GetResultCLSIDStr())
                if entry.desc[0]==pythoncom.DISPID_VALUE:
                    lkey = "value"
                elif entry.desc[0]==pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                    lkey = "_newenum"
                    lkey = key.lower()
                if lkey in specialItems and specialItems[lkey] is None: # remember if a special one.
                    specialItems[lkey]=(entry, pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, mapEntry)
                    # All special methods, except _newenum, are written
                    # "normally".  This is a mess!
                    if entry.desc[0]==pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM:
                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s": %s,' % (build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), mapEntry)

        print >> stream, "\t}"

        print >> stream, "\t_prop_map_put_ = {"
        # These are "Invoke" args
        names = list(self.propMap.keys()); names.sort()
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMap[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                details = entry.desc
                # If default arg is None, write an empty tuple
                defArgDesc = build.MakeDefaultArgRepr(details[2])
                if defArgDesc is None:
                    defArgDesc = ""
                    defArgDesc = defArgDesc + ","
                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s" : ((%s, LCID, %d, 0),(%s)),' % (build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), details[0], pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, defArgDesc)

        names = list(self.propMapPut.keys()); names.sort()
        for key in names:
            entry = self.propMapPut[key]
            if generator.bBuildHidden or not entry.hidden:
                details = entry.desc
                defArgDesc = MakeDefaultArgsForPropertyPut(details[2])
                print >> stream, '\t\t"%s": ((%s, LCID, %d, 0),%s),' % (build.MakePublicAttributeName(key), details[0], details[4], defArgDesc)
        print >> stream, "\t}"
        if specialItems["value"]:
            entry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["value"]
            if propArgs is None:
                typename = "method"
                ret = self.MakeFuncMethod(entry,'__call__')
                typename = "property"
                ret = [ "\tdef __call__(self):\n\t\treturn self._ApplyTypes_(*%s)" % propArgs]
            print >> stream, "\t# Default %s for this class is '%s'" % (typename, entry.names[0])
            for line in ret:
                print >> stream, line
            if sys.version_info > (3,0):
                print >> stream, "\tdef __str__(self, *args):"
                print >> stream, "\t\treturn str(self.__call__(*args))"
                print >> stream, "\tdef __unicode__(self, *args):"
                print >> stream, "\t\ttry:"
                print >> stream, "\t\t\treturn unicode(self.__call__(*args))"
                print >> stream, "\t\texcept pythoncom.com_error:"
                print >> stream, "\t\t\treturn repr(self)"
                print >> stream, "\tdef __str__(self, *args):"
                print >> stream, "\t\treturn str(self.__unicode__(*args))"
            print >> stream, "\tdef __int__(self, *args):"
            print >> stream, "\t\treturn int(self.__call__(*args))"
        # _NewEnum (DISPID_NEWENUM) does not appear in typelib for many office objects,
        # but it can still be retrieved at runtime, so  always create __iter__.
        # Also, some of those same objects use 1-based indexing, causing the old-style
        # __getitem__ iteration to fail for index 0 where the dynamic iteration succeeds.
        if specialItems["_newenum"]:
            enumEntry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["_newenum"]
            invkind = enumEntry.desc[4]
            # ??? Wouldn't this be the resultCLSID for the iterator itself, rather than the resultCLSID
            #  for the result of each Next() call, which is what it's used for ???
            resultCLSID = enumEntry.GetResultCLSIDStr()
            invkind = pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD | pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET
            resultCLSID = "None"
        # If we dont have a good CLSID for the enum result, assume it is the same as the Item() method.
        if resultCLSID == "None" and "Item" in self.mapFuncs:
            resultCLSID = self.mapFuncs["Item"].GetResultCLSIDStr()
        print >> stream, '\tdef __iter__(self):'
        print >> stream, '\t\t"Return a Python iterator for this object"'
        print >> stream, '\t\ttry:'
        print >> stream, '\t\t\tob = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(%d,LCID,%d,(13, 10),())' % (pythoncom.DISPID_NEWENUM, invkind)
        print >> stream, '\t\texcept pythoncom.error:'
        print >> stream, '\t\t\traise TypeError("This object does not support enumeration")'
        # Iterator is wrapped as PyIEnumVariant, and each result of __next__ is Dispatch'ed if necessary
        print >> stream, '\t\treturn win32com.client.util.Iterator(ob, %s)' %resultCLSID
        if specialItems["item"]:
            entry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["item"]
            resultCLSID = entry.GetResultCLSIDStr()
            print >> stream, '\t#This class has Item property/method which allows indexed access with the object[key] syntax.'
            print >> stream, '\t#Some objects will accept a string or other type of key in addition to integers.'
            print >> stream, '\t#Note that many Office objects do not use zero-based indexing.'
            print >> stream, '\tdef __getitem__(self, key):'
            print >> stream, '\t\treturn self._get_good_object_(self._oleobj_.Invoke(*(%d, LCID, %d, 1, key)), "Item", %s)' \
                    % (entry.desc[0], invoketype, resultCLSID)

        if specialItems["count"]:
            entry, invoketype, propArgs = specialItems["count"]
            if propArgs is None:
                typename = "method"
                ret = self.MakeFuncMethod(entry,'__len__')
                typename = "property"
                ret = [ "\tdef __len__(self):\n\t\treturn self._ApplyTypes_(*%s)" % propArgs]
            print >> stream, "\t#This class has Count() %s - allow len(ob) to provide this" % (typename)
            for line in ret:
                print >> stream, line
            # Also include a __nonzero__
            print >> stream, "\t#This class has a __len__ - this is needed so 'if object:' always returns TRUE."
            print >> stream, "\tdef __nonzero__(self):"
            print >> stream, "\t\treturn True"