Пример #1
def getBCVertical( value, N, dz, bc_ver):

  assert np.size(value)==2, 'Value needs to be an array with two entries: value[0] for the left and value[1] for the right boundary'
  assert np.size(N)==2, 'N needs to be an array with two entries: N[0]=Nx and N[1]=Nz'
  assert np.size(dz)==1, 'dx must be a scalar'
  assert np.size(bc_ver)==2, 'bc_hor must have two entries, bc_hor[0] specifying the BC at the left, bc_hor[1] at the right boundary'

  bd = getBCLeft( value[0], N[1], dz, bc_ver[0])
  bd = np.kron( np.ones(N[0]), bd)

  bu = getBCRight( value[1], N[1], dz, bc_ver[1])
  bu = np.kron( np.ones(N[0]), bu)

  return bd, bu
Пример #2
def getBCHorizontal( value, N, dx, bc_hor):
  assert np.size(value)==2, 'Value needs to be an array with two entries: value[0] for the left and value[1] for the right boundary'
  assert np.size(N)==2, 'N needs to be an array with two entries: N[0]=Nx and N[1]=Nz'
  assert np.size(dx)==1, 'dx must be a scalar'
  assert np.size(bc_hor)==2, 'bc_hor must have two entries, bc_hor[0] specifying the BC at the left, bc_hor[1] at the right boundary'

  bl = getBCLeft( value[0], N[0], dx, bc_hor[0] )
  bl = np.kron( bl, np.ones(N[1]) )
  br = getBCRight( value[1], N[0], dx, bc_hor[1] )
  br = np.kron( br, np.ones(N[1]) )

  return bl, br
Пример #3
def getBCVertical(value, N, dz, bc_ver):

    assert np.size(
    ) == 2, 'Value needs to be an array with two entries: value[0] for the left and value[1] for the right boundary'
    assert np.size(
        N) == 2, 'N needs to be an array with two entries: N[0]=Nx and N[1]=Nz'
    assert np.size(dz) == 1, 'dx must be a scalar'
    assert np.size(
    ) == 2, 'bc_hor must have two entries, bc_hor[0] specifying the BC at the left, bc_hor[1] at the right boundary'

    bd = getBCLeft(value[0], N[1], dz, bc_ver[0])
    bd = np.kron(np.ones(N[0]), bd)

    bu = getBCRight(value[1], N[1], dz, bc_ver[1])
    bu = np.kron(np.ones(N[0]), bu)

    return bd, bu
Пример #4
def getBCHorizontal(value, N, dx, bc_hor):

    assert np.size(
    ) == 2, 'Value needs to be an array with two entries: value[0] for the left and value[1] for the right boundary'
    assert np.size(
        N) == 2, 'N needs to be an array with two entries: N[0]=Nx and N[1]=Nz'
    assert np.size(dx) == 1, 'dx must be a scalar'
    assert np.size(
    ) == 2, 'bc_hor must have two entries, bc_hor[0] specifying the BC at the left, bc_hor[1] at the right boundary'

    bl = getBCLeft(value[0], N[0], dx, bc_hor[0])
    bl = np.kron(bl, np.ones(N[1]))

    br = getBCRight(value[1], N[0], dx, bc_hor[1])
    br = np.kron(br, np.ones(N[1]))

    return bl, br