def _build_node(name: str, repo: str, commit: str): # This is responsible for creating a build/ directory and building in it cmd = "git clone {repo} --no-checkout build".format(**locals()).split() check_call(cmd) with cd("build"): cmd = "git checkout {commit}".format(**locals()).split() check_call(cmd) with cd("boss-ui"): # TODO!! mybin = os.path.expanduser("~/bin") env = dict(os.environ, PATH=os.environ['PATH'] + ":" + mybin) check_call(["npm", "install"], env=env) check_call(["npm", "run", "build"], env=env) check_call(["rm", "-rf", "node_modules"]) if os.path.isfile(""): subprocess.check_call(["./"])
def run_step(description: str, payload: str) -> str: decoded = b64decode(payload) msg = pickle.loads(decoded) method = getattr(functions, msg['method']) user = getpass.getuser() home = os.path.expanduser(f"~{user}") keys = ", ".join(msg['params'].keys()) log(f" --- {description}: [ {msg['method']} ] as {user} ({keys})") with cd(home): result = method(**msg['params']) encoded = b64encode(pickle.dumps(result, 0)).decode() return encoded
def _get_zip_archive(url: str, digest: str): os.mkdir("build") with cd("build"): filename = fetch_archive(digest, url) check_call([ "unzip", "-q", filename, ]) os.unlink(filename)
def _build(name: str, repo: str, commit: str): # This is responsible for creating a build/ directory and building in it exe = find_program("git", "/usr/bin") def git(cmd): log(f"{exe} {cmd}") return check_call([exe] + cmd.split()) git_home = os.path.expanduser("~/git") ensure_dir(git_home, 0o700) dst = repo.split("/")[-1] with cd(git_home): local_repo = os.path.abspath(dst) if not os.path.exists(dst): git(f"init -q --bare {dst}") with cd(dst): git("config --local uploadpack.allowreachablesha1inwant true") rc, existing_repo = subprocess.getstatusoutput(f"{exe} remote get-url origin") if rc != 0: git(f"remote add origin {repo}") elif existing_repo.strip() != repo: git(f"remote set-url origin {repo}") with timeit("remote fetch"): git("fetch") cmd = f"init -q build" git(cmd) with cd("build"): git(f"remote add origin {local_repo}") with timeit("local fetch"): git(f"fetch -q origin {commit} --depth 1") git(f"reset -q --hard {commit}") with timeit("build"): subprocess.check_call(f"./services/{name}/", stdout=sys.stderr)
def install_deb(url: str, digest: str, pkg_name: str, version: str) -> None: rc, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( f"dpkg-query --show -f '${{Version}}' {pkg_name}") if rc == 0: have = output.strip() if have == version: return else: raise NotImplementedError( f"We don't support changing the version at the moment. Have={have} Want={version}" ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: with cd(tmpdir): filename = build_utils.fetch_archive(digest, url) check(["apt-get", "install", "./" + filename], env={"DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive"})