Пример #1
    def _mail_missing_message(self, subject, text):
        # FIXME: This should be handled properly via the event api
        # we should send a missing message on the mq, and let any reporter
        # handle that

        # first, see if we have a MailNotifier we can use. This gives us a
        # fromaddr and a relayhost.
        buildmaster = self.botmaster.master
        for st in buildmaster.services:
            if isinstance(st, MailNotifier):
            # if not, they get a default MailNotifier, which always uses SMTP
            # to localhost and uses a dummy fromaddr of "buildbot".
            log.msg("worker-missing msg using default MailNotifier")
            st = MailNotifier("buildbot")
        # now construct the mail

        m = Message()
        m['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
        m['Subject'] = subject
        m['From'] = st.fromaddr
        recipients = self.notify_on_missing
        m['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
        d = st.sendMessage(m, recipients)
        # return the Deferred for testing purposes
        return d