Пример #1
    def generate_sequence(spec, funcs):
        :param dict spec: A *job* specification.

        :param dict funcs: A dictionary mapping names to callable objects.

        :returns: A :class:`~stages.BuildSequence()` object.

        :raises: An exception when ``spec`` does not have a ``task`` element or
           when ``task.spec`` is not a list.

        Process a job spec that describes a sequence of tasks and returns a
        :class:`~stages.BuildSequence()` object for inclusion in a
        :class:`~system.BuildSystem()` object.

        sequence = BuildSequence()

        if 'tasks' not in spec or not isinstance(spec['tasks'], list):
            raise InvalidStage
            for task in spec['tasks']:
                if 'job' in task:
                    job, args = BuildSystemGenerator.generate_job(task, funcs)
                elif 'cmd' in task:
                    job, args = BuildSystemGenerator.generate_shell_job(task)

                sequence.add(job, args)


            return sequence
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.bsg = BuildSystemGenerator()

        self.sequence = BuildSequence()

        self.funcs = {
            'dumb': dummy_function,
            'dump_new': dump_args_to_json_file_with_newlines,
            'dump': dump_args_to_json_file,
            'shell': subprocess.call
Пример #3
class TestStagesBuildSequence(StagesBuildStepTests, TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.b = BuildSequence()
        self.args = [ (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 'str'), ('str', 'str') ]
        self.results = []

    def t_function(self, a=None, b=None):
        self.results.append((a, b))

    def test_running(self):
        for arg in self.args:
            self.b.add(self.t_function, [arg[0], arg[1]])

        self.assertEqual(self.results, self.args)
Пример #4
    def setUp(self):
        self.bsg = BuildSystemGenerator()

        self.sequence = BuildSequence()

        self.funcs = { 'dumb': dummy_function,
                       'dump_new': dump_args_to_json_file_with_newlines,
                       'dump': dump_args_to_json_file,
                       'shell': subprocess.call }
Пример #5
    def test_init_with_stages(self):
        b_one = BuildStage()
        b_two = BuildSequence()

        bs_one = BuildSystem()
        bs_one.add_stage('one', b_one)
        bs_one.add_stage('two', b_two)

        bs_two = BuildSystem(bs_one)

        self.assertEqual(bs_two.count(), bs_one.count())
        self.assertEqual(bs_two.get_order(), bs_one.get_order())
Пример #6
    def generate_sequence(spec, funcs):
        :param dict spec: A *job* specification.

        :param dict funcs: A dictionary mapping names to callable objects.

        :returns: A :class:`~stages.BuildSequence()` object.

        :raises: An exception when ``spec`` does not have a ``task`` element or
           when ``task.spec`` is not a list.

        Process a job spec that describes a sequence of tasks and returns a
        :class:`~stages.BuildSequence()` object for inclusion in a
        :class:`~system.BuildSystem()` object.

        sequence = BuildSequence()

        if 'tasks' not in spec or not isinstance(spec['tasks'], list):
            raise InvalidStage
            for task in spec['tasks']:
                if 'job' in task:
                    job, args = BuildSystemGenerator.generate_job(task, funcs)
                elif 'cmd' in task:
                    job, args = BuildSystemGenerator.generate_shell_job(task)

                sequence.add(job, args)


            return sequence
Пример #7
class TestBuildSystemSequenceGeneration(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.bsg = BuildSystemGenerator()

        self.sequence = BuildSequence()

        self.funcs = {
            'dumb': dummy_function,
            'dump_new': dump_args_to_json_file_with_newlines,
            'dump': dump_args_to_json_file,
            'shell': subprocess.call

    def test_generate_sequence(self):
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(dump_args_to_json_file, ('tmp', 'test'))
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(dump_args_to_json_file, ('tmp', 'test'))
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(subprocess.call, (1, 2, 3, 4))

        spec = {
            'tasks': [{
                'job': dummy_function,
                'args': [1, 2]
            }, {
                'job': dump_args_to_json_file,
                'args': ['tmp', 'test']
            }, {
                'job': dummy_function,
                'args': [1, 2]
            }, {
                'job': dummy_function,
                'args': [1, 2]
            }, {
                'job': dump_args_to_json_file,
                'args': ['tmp', 'test']
            }, {
                'job': dummy_function,
                'args': [1, 2]
            }, {
                'job': subprocess.call,
                'args': [1, 2, 3, 4]

        ret = self.bsg.generate_sequence(spec, self.funcs)

        self.assertEqual(ret.stage, self.sequence.stage)

    def test_generate_sequence_shell_job(self):
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
                          dict(cwd='/tmp', args=['test', 1, 2, 3]))

        spec = {
            'tasks': [{
                'job': dummy_function,
                'args': [1, 2]
            }, {
                'cmd': "test",
                'dir': '/tmp',
                'args': [1, 2, 3]

        ret = self.bsg.generate_sequence(spec, self.funcs)

        self.assertEqual(ret.stage, self.sequence.stage)

    def test_invalid_spec(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStage):
                'stage': 'cmd',
                'job': None
            }, self.funcs)

    def test_invalid_spec_task(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStage):
                'stage': 'cmd',
                'task': None
            }, self.funcs)

    def test_invalid_spec_tasks_type(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStage):
                'stage': 'cmd',
                'tasks': 'string'
            }, self.funcs)

    def test_generated_sequence_is_closed(self):
        spec = {
            'tasks': [{
                'job': dummy_function,
                'args': [1, 2]
            }, {
                'cmd': "test",
                'dir': '/tmp',
                'args': [1, 2, 3]

        ret = self.bsg.generate_sequence(spec, self.funcs)

Пример #8
class TestBuildSystemSequenceGeneration(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.bsg = BuildSystemGenerator()

        self.sequence = BuildSequence()

        self.funcs = { 'dumb': dummy_function,
                       'dump_new': dump_args_to_json_file_with_newlines,
                       'dump': dump_args_to_json_file,
                       'shell': subprocess.call }

    def test_generate_sequence(self):
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(dump_args_to_json_file, ('tmp', 'test'))
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(dump_args_to_json_file, ('tmp', 'test'))
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(subprocess.call, (1, 2, 3, 4))

        spec = { 'tasks': [ { 'job': dummy_function, 'args': [1, 2 ] },
                            { 'job': dump_args_to_json_file, 'args': ['tmp', 'test']},
                            { 'job': dummy_function, 'args': [1, 2 ] },
                            { 'job': dummy_function, 'args': [1, 2 ] },
                            { 'job': dump_args_to_json_file, 'args': ['tmp', 'test']},
                            { 'job': dummy_function, 'args': [1, 2 ] },
                            { 'job': subprocess.call, 'args': [1, 2, 3, 4] } ],
                 'stage': 'test'}

        ret = self.bsg.generate_sequence(spec, self.funcs)

        self.assertEqual(ret.stage, self.sequence.stage)

    def test_generate_sequence_shell_job(self):
        self.sequence.add(dummy_function, (1, 2))
        self.sequence.add(subprocess.call, dict(cwd='/tmp', args=['test', 1, 2, 3]))

        spec = { 'tasks': [ { 'job': dummy_function, 'args': [1, 2 ] },
                            { 'cmd': "test",
                              'dir': '/tmp',
                              'args': [1, 2, 3] } ],
                 'stage': 'test'}

        ret = self.bsg.generate_sequence(spec, self.funcs)

        self.assertEqual(ret.stage, self.sequence.stage)

    def test_invalid_spec(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStage):
            self.bsg.generate_sequence({'stage': 'cmd', 'job': None}, self.funcs)

    def test_invalid_spec_task(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStage):
            self.bsg.generate_sequence({'stage': 'cmd', 'task': None}, self.funcs)

    def test_invalid_spec_tasks_type(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidStage):
            self.bsg.generate_sequence({'stage': 'cmd', 'tasks': 'string'}, self.funcs)

    def test_generated_sequence_is_closed(self):
        spec = { 'tasks': [ { 'job': dummy_function, 'args': [1, 2 ] },
                            { 'cmd': "test",
                              'dir': '/tmp',
                              'args': [1, 2, 3] } ],
                 'stage': 'test'}

        ret = self.bsg.generate_sequence(spec, self.funcs)

Пример #9
    def add_stage(self, name, stage=None, stage_type='stage', strict=None):
        :param string name: The name of a stage.

        :param BuildStage stage: A :class:~stages.BuildSteps` object. Default's
           to ``None``, which has the same effect as

        :param string stage_type: Defaults to ``stage``. Either ``sequence`` (or
           ``seq``) or ``stage`` to determine what kind of
           :class`~stages.BuildSteps()` object to instantiate if ``stage`` is

        :param bool strict: Overrides the default
           :attr:`~system.BuildSystem.strict` attribute. When ``True``, prevents
           callers from adding duplicate stages to a :class:~system.BuildSystem`

        :raises: :exc:`~err.InvalidStage()` in strict mode if ``name`` or
           ``stage`` is malformed.

        Creates a new stage and optionally populates the stage with tasks. Note
        the following behaviors:

        - If ``name`` exists in the current :class:~system.BuildSystem`,
          ``strict`` is ``False``, and ``stage`` is ``None``; then
          :meth:~system.BuildSystem.add_stage()` adds the stage with ``name`` to
          the current :class:~system.BuildSystem` object. This allows you to
          perform the same stage multiple times in one build process.

        - If ```name`` does not exist in the current
          :class:~system.BuildSystem`, and ``stage`` is ``None``,
          :meth:~system.BuildSystem.add_stage()` adds the stage and instantiates
          a new :class`~stages.BuildSteps()` (either
          :class`~stages.BuildSequence()` or :class`~stages.BuildStage()`
          depending on the value of ``stage_type``) object with ``name`` to the
          current :class:~system.BuildSystem` object.

          :meth:~system.BuildSystem.add_stage()` must specify a ``stage_type``
          if ``stage`` is ``None``. When ``strict`` is ``True`` not doing so
          raises an exception.

        - Adds the ``stage`` with the specified :class`~stages.BuildSteps()`
          object to the :class:~system.BuildSystem` object. Raises an exception
          if ``stage`` is not a :class`~stages.BuildSteps()` object.

        if stage is None and stage_type is 'stage':
            stage = BuildStage()
            logger.debug('created new (parallel) stage object')
        elif stage is None and stage_type in ['seq', 'sequence']:
            stage = BuildSequence()
            logger.debug('created new sequence object.')
        elif stage is None and stage_type not in ['stage', 'seq', 'sequence']:
                'no default stage object and no valid stage type named {0}.'.
                msg="must add a BuildSteps object to a build system.",
        if isinstance(stage, BuildSteps) is False:
            logger.critical('{0} is not a build step object'.format(name))
                msg="must add a BuildSteps object to a build system.",
            logger.info('appending well formed stage.')
            self.stages[name] = stage

            return True
Пример #10
    def setUp(self):
        self.jobs = [ (cpu_count, (1, 2)), (dummy_function, ('str', 'str')) ]
        self.args = [ (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 'str'), ('str', 'str') ]

        self.b = BuildSequence()
        self.bs = BuildSequence()
Пример #11
 def setUp(self):
     self.b = BuildSequence()
     self.args = [ (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 'str'), ('str', 'str') ]
     self.results = []