Пример #1
 def _validate_if(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
     if is_object(constraint):
         error = self._validate(value, constraint, path)
         key = 'then' if error is None else 'else'
         constraint = schema[key] if key in schema else None
         if is_object(constraint):
             return self._validate(value, constraint, path)
Пример #2
    def _validate_property_names(self, value, _, constraint, path):
        if is_object(value) and is_object(constraint):
            for name in value.keys():
                name = str(name)
                child_path = f'{path}/{name}'
                error = self._validate(name, constraint, child_path)

                if error is not None:
                    return error
Пример #3
 def _fully_qualify_refs(self, dictionary, url):
     for key, value in dictionary.items():
         if key == '$ref':
             if value.startswith('#'):
                 dictionary[key] = url + value
         elif is_object(value):
             self._fully_qualify_refs(value, url)
         elif is_array(value):
             for item in value:
                 if is_object(item):
                     self._fully_qualify_refs(item, url)
Пример #4
    def _validate_dependencies(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
        if is_object(value) and is_object(constraint):
            for name, child_constraint in constraint.items():
                if name in value:
                    if is_array(child_constraint):
                        for required in child_constraint:
                            if required not in value:
                                return f"the {name} property requires the {required} property but it is missing."

                    elif is_object(child_constraint):
                        error = self._validate(value, child_constraint, path)

                        if error is not None:
                            return error
Пример #5
 def _validate_contains(self, value, _, constraint, path):
     if is_array(value) and is_object(constraint):
         for index, item in enumerate(value):
             error = self._validate(item, constraint, f'{path}[{index}]')
             if error is None:
                 return None
         return 'the array does not contain any item that satisfies the contains schema.'
Пример #6
    def _validate_type(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
        if isinstance(constraint, list):
            for possible_type in constraint:
                if self._validate_type(value, schema, possible_type,
                                       path) is None:
                    return None

            return f'it is not one of {str(constraint).replace("None", "null")}'
        elif constraint == 'object':
            if not is_object(value):
                return 'it is not an object.'
        elif constraint == 'array':
            if not is_array(value):
                return 'it is not an array.'
        elif constraint == 'string':
            if not is_string(value):
                return 'it is not a string.'
        elif constraint == 'integer':
            if not is_integer(value):
                return 'it is not an integer.'
        elif constraint == 'number':
            if not is_number(value):
                return 'it is not a number.'
        elif constraint == 'boolean':
            if not is_boolean(value):
                return 'it is not a boolean.'
        elif constraint == 'null' or constraint is None:
            if value is not None:
                return 'it is not null.'
Пример #7
 def test_is_object(self):
     assert is_object(True) is False
     assert is_number(False) is False
     assert is_object(0) is False
     assert is_object(0.0) is False
     assert is_object('Bob') is False
     assert is_object([1]) is False
     assert is_object((1,)) is False
     assert is_object({}) is True
     assert is_object(OrderedDict()) is True
Пример #8
    def _handle_item_validation(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
        if (is_object(constraint) or is_array(constraint)) and is_array(value):
            additional = self._get_additional_schema('additionalItems', schema)

            for index in range(len(value)):
                if is_object(constraint):
                    schema = constraint
                elif index < len(constraint):
                    schema = constraint[index]
                    schema = additional

                if schema is None:
                    return f'entry {index} in the array is not allowed here.'

                error = self._validate(value[index], schema,

                if error is not None:
                    return error
Пример #9
    def _handle_property_validation(self, value, specific_props, pattern_props,
                                    additional_props, path):
        if not is_object(value):
            return None

        error = None

        for name, child in value.items():
            name = str(name)
            child_path = f'{path}/{name}'
            schema = None

            if name in specific_props:
                schema = specific_props[name]
                for pattern in pattern_props.keys():
                    if re.match(pattern, name):
                        schema = pattern_props[pattern]


            if schema is None:
                schema = additional_props

            if schema is None:
                return f'the {name} property is not allowed here.'

            error = self._validate(child, schema, child_path)

            if error is None:
                if path in self._extension_cache:
                    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                    error = self._validate(child,
                elif name in self._extension_cache:
                    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                    error = self._validate(child,

            if error is not None:

        return error
Пример #10
    def _validate__ref(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
        document = self._schema
        url, ref_path = urldefrag(constraint)

        # Pull external resource
        if url:
            if url not in self._ref_cache:
                document = _schema_reader(url)

                self._fully_qualify_refs(document, url)
                self._ref_cache[url] = document
                document = self._ref_cache[url]

        schema = find_value(document, ref_path)

        if schema is None:
            return f'the reference, \'{constraint}\', does not refer to anything.'

        if not is_object(schema):
            return f'the reference, \'{constraint}\', does not refer to a schema.'

        return self._validate(value, schema, path)
Пример #11
    def _validate_not(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
        if is_object(constraint):
            error = self._validate(value, constraint, path)

            return 'the value was accepted by the child schema.' if error is None else None
Пример #12
 def _validate_max_properties(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
     if is_object(value) and is_number(constraint):
         if len(value) > constraint:
             # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
             return f'the object can have no more than {constraint} propert{"y" if constraint == 1 else "ies"}.'
Пример #13
 def _validate_min_properties(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
     if is_object(value) and is_number(constraint):
         if len(value) < constraint:
             # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
             return f'the object needs at least {constraint} propert{"y" if constraint == 1 else "ies"}.'
Пример #14
 def _validate_required(self, value, schema, constraint, path):
     if is_object(value) and is_array(constraint):
         for required in constraint:
             if required not in value:
                 return f'it is missing the {required} property.'