def load_ipython_extension(ip): log.debug("Loading PROV-O-Matic extension") # Push the prov and replace wrapper functions ip.push('prov') ip.push('replace') # Push the save_prov function (for saving the generated provenance trace to a file) ip.push('save_prov') # Push the add_prov function (for adding provenance from external files) ip.push('add_prov') # Push the revive function (for binding a value from an inported provenance graph to a new variable) ip.push('revive') ip.push('list_entities') ip.push('list_activities') ## Initialize the PROV-O-Viz adapter viewer = Viewer() view_prov = viewer.view_prov set_provoviz_url = viewer.set_provoviz_url view_prov_service = viewer.view_prov_service # Push the PROV-O-Viz functions to the IPython Notebook ip.push('view_prov') ip.push('set_provoviz_url') ip.push('view_prov_service') ## Initialize the Ducktape loader ducktape = Ducktape(ip) load_ducktape = ducktape.load ip.push('load_ducktape') # Clear the provenance graph clear_dataset() try : add_prov('',url='http://localhost:8000/datafiles/prov-o.ttl') except : curwd = os.getcwd() provopath = os.path.join(curwd,'datafiles/prov-o.ttl') log.warning('Could not load PROV schema from URL, attempting to load from {}'.format(provopath)) add_prov('',url='file://{}'.format(provopath)) ## Initialize the notebookwatcher and code visitor. nw = NotebookWatcher(ip) cv = CodeVisitor(nw)'pre_execute', nw.pre_execute)'post_execute', nw.post_execute) ip.ast_transformers.append(cv)
def load(self, provenance_uri,data_uri): r = requests.get(data_uri) tables = json.loads(r.content) for name,data in tables.items(): log.debug("Loading {}".format(name)) self._ip.push({name: data}) self.__dict__[name] = data r = requests.get(provenance_uri) add_prov(provenance_uri,r.content)