def generate_mr_signed_in_short_range(out_dir, patient_id): sb = StudyBuilder(patient_position="HFS", patient_id=patient_id, patients_name="MrSigned^InShortRange", patients_birthdate="20121212") ct = sb.build_mr(num_voxels=[48, 64, 10], voxel_size=[4, 3, 4], # [mm] pixel_representation=get_pixel_representation('signed')) ct.clear(stored_value=0) ct.add_box(size=[25, 50, 5], center=[0, 0, 0], stored_value=12345, mode='set') # Smallest stored value is: 0 (in short range) # Largest stored value is: 12345 (in short range). mk_fresh_dir(out_dir) sb.write(out_dir) print out_dir
def generate_pt_unsigned_not_in_short_range(out_dir, patient_id): sb = StudyBuilder(patient_position="HFS", patient_id=patient_id, patients_name="PtUnsigned^NotInShortRange", patients_birthdate="20121212") pt = sb.build_pt(num_voxels=[48, 64, 10], voxel_size=[4, 3, 4], # [mm] pixel_representation=get_pixel_representation('unsigned'), rescale_slope=1) pt.clear(stored_value=0) pt.add_box(size=[25, 50, 5], center=[0, 0, 0], stored_value=54321, mode='set') # Smallest stored value is: 0 (in short range) # Largest stored value is: 54321 (greater than 32767). mk_fresh_dir(out_dir) sb.write(out_dir) print out_dir
def generate_ct_unsigned_rescaled_in_short_range(out_dir, patient_id): sb = StudyBuilder(patient_position="HFS", patient_id=patient_id, patients_name="CtUnsigned^InShortRange", patients_birthdate="20121212") ct = sb.build_ct(num_voxels=[48, 64, 10], voxel_size=[4, 3, 4], # [mm] pixel_representation=get_pixel_representation('unsigned'), rescale_slope=1, rescale_intercept=-1024) ct.clear(stored_value=0) ct.add_box(size=[25, 50, 5], center=[0, 0, 0], stored_value=12345, mode='set') # Smallest rescaled value is: 1 * 0 - 1024 = -1024 (in short range) # Largest rescaled value is: 1 * 54321 - 1024 = 11321 (in short range). mk_fresh_dir(out_dir) sb.write(out_dir) print out_dir
elif series.modality == "RTSTRUCT": for structure in series.structures: structure = structure.split(",") shape = structure[0] if shape == 'sphere': name = structure[1] radius = float(structure[2]) interpreted_type = structure[3] if len(structure) > 4: center = [float(c) for c in structure[4].lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(";")] else: center = [0,0,0] rtstruct.add_sphere(name=name, radius=radius, center=center, interpreted_type=interpreted_type) elif shape == 'box': name = structure[1] size = structure[2] if size.startswith("[") and size.endswith("]"): size = [float(c) for c in size.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(";")] else: size = [float(size),float(size),float(size)] interpreted_type = structure[3] if len(structure) > 4: center = [float(c) for c in structure[4].lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(";")] else: center = [0,0,0] rtstruct.add_box(name=name, size=size, center=center, interpreted_type=interpreted_type) elif shape == "external": rtstruct.add_external_box() sb.write(args.outdir)
elif series.modality == "RTSTRUCT": for structure in series.structures: structure = structure.split(",") shape = structure[0] if shape == 'sphere': name = structure[1] radius = float(structure[2]) interpreted_type = structure[3] if len(structure) > 4: center = [float(c) for c in structure[4].lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(";")] else: center = [0, 0, 0] rtstruct.add_sphere(name=name, radius=radius, center=center, interpreted_type=interpreted_type) elif shape == 'box': name = structure[1] size = structure[2] if size.startswith("[") and size.endswith("]"): size = [float(c) for c in size.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(";")] else: size = [float(size), float(size), float(size)] interpreted_type = structure[3] if len(structure) > 4: center = [float(c) for c in structure[4].lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(";")] else: center = [0, 0, 0] rtstruct.add_box(name=name, size=size, center=center, interpreted_type=interpreted_type) elif shape == "external": rtstruct.add_external_box() sb.write(args.outdir)
rtstruct = sb.build_structure_set() rtstruct.add_external_box() sph = rtstruct.add_sphere(radius=70, center=[-50, 0, -100], name='Sph-Organ', interpreted_type='CAVITY') sph2 = rtstruct.add_sphere(radius=25, center=[0, 0, 0], name='Sph-PTV', interpreted_type='PTV') rtplan = sb.build_static_plan() b1 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle=180, collimator_angle=15, meterset=100) b1.conform_to_rectangle(1, 1, [0, 0]) modules.conform_mlc_to_roi(b1.rtbeam, sph.roi_contour, sb.current_study) modules.conform_mlc_to_roi(b1.rtbeam, sph2.roi_contour, sb.current_study) b1.finalize_mlc() sb.write(tmpdir) print tmpdir import plotting as p p.plot_cp(rtplan.datasets[0].Beams[0], rtplan.datasets[0].Beams[0].CPs[0]) p.plot_roi_in_cp(rtplan.datasets[0].Beams[0], rtplan.datasets[0].Beams[0].CPs[0], sph.roi_contour, sb.current_study) pp.axis('image')
ct.add_sphere(radius = 25, center = [0,0,0], real_value = -1000, mode = 'set') print ct.pixel_array.max(),ct.pixel_array.min() ct.add_box(size = [25,50,25], center = [0,0,0], stored_value = 300, mode = 'add') print ct.pixel_array.max(),ct.pixel_array.min() assert sb.seriesbuilders['CT'] == [ct] rtstruct = sb.build_structure_set() rtstruct.add_external_box() rtstruct.add_sphere(radius = 25, center = [0,0,0], name='Sph-PTV', interpreted_type='PTV') rtstruct.add_box(size = [25,50,25], center = [0,0,0], name='Box-Organ', interpreted_type='CAVITY') rtplan = sb.build_static_plan() b1 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle = 0, meterset = 100) b1.conform_to_circle(25, [0,0]) b2 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle = 120, meterset = 91) b2.conform_to_rectangle(25, 50, [0,0]) b3 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle = 240, meterset = 71) b3.conform_to_rectangle(50, 25, [50,-50]) assert rtplan.beam_builders == [b1,b2,b3] rtdose = sb.build_dose() for beam in rtplan.beam_builders: rtdose.add_lightfield(beam.rtbeam, beam.meterset) sb.write(tmpdir) print tmpdir
print ct.pixel_array.max(),ct.pixel_array.min() ct.add_sphere(radius = 25, center = [0,0,0], real_value = -1000, mode = 'set') print ct.pixel_array.max(),ct.pixel_array.min() ct.add_box(size = [25,50,25], center = [0,0,0], stored_value = 300, mode = 'add') print ct.pixel_array.max(),ct.pixel_array.min() assert sb.seriesbuilders['CT'] == [ct] rtstruct = sb.build_structure_set() rtstruct.add_external_box() rtstruct.add_sphere(radius = 25, center = [0,0,0], name='Sph-PTV', interpreted_type='PTV') rtstruct.add_box(size = [25,50,25], center = [0,0,0], name='Box-Organ', interpreted_type='CAVITY') rtplan = sb.build_static_plan() b1 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle = 0, meterset = 100) b1.conform_to_circle(25, [0,0]) b2 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle = 120, meterset = 91) b2.conform_to_rectangle(25, 50, [0,0]) b3 = rtplan.build_beam(gantry_angle = 240, meterset = 71) b3.conform_to_rectangle(50, 25, [50,-50]) assert rtplan.beam_builders == [b1,b2,b3] rtdose = sb.build_dose() for beam in rtplan.beam_builders: rtdose.add_lightfield(beam.rtbeam, beam.meterset) sb.write("/tmp/studybuilder")