cantonid = ncovdatapoint[cantonidcolumn].strip(); if cantonid in ["abbreviation_canton_and_fl","canton" ,"","CH","FL"]: continue name = mapidtoname[cantonid] try: if len(ncovdatapoint[1])>0: d = CET.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(ncovdatapoint[0] + " " + ncovdatapoint[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) else: d = CET.localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(ncovdatapoint[0] , "%Y-%m-%d")) except: print("Column 0=Date='" + ncovdatapoint[0] + "' + Column 1=Time='" + ncovdatapoint[1] +"' does not match datetime format") try: name = kantonsubst[name] except: pass if not (name in numcaseslookup) or d>numcaseslookup[name].timestamp: numcaseslookup[name] = datapoint( numcases=int(ncovdatapoint[casecolumn]) if ncovdatapoint[casecolumn] != "" else 0, timestamp=d, sourceurl=""+filename ) return numcaseslookup numcaseslookup = {} for id in mapidtoname: numcaseslookup = { **numcaseslookup, **readNewCSV("COVID19_Fallzahlen_Kanton_" + id + "_total.csv", 2, 4) } processGEOJSON("SWITZERLAND", "cantons.geojson", "name", lambda f: f["id"], numcaseslookup, pop)
num = int(ncovdatapoint[4].replace( ",", "")) if ncovdatapoint[4] != "" else 0 except: if numstr == "1 to 4": num = 2 else: raise try: d = BST.localize( datetime.datetime.strptime(ncovdatapoint[0].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d")) except: print("Failed to parse timestamp '" + ncovdatapoint[0].strip() + "'") if not name in numcaseslookup or numcaseslookup[name].timestamp < d: numcaseslookup[name] = datapoint( numcases=num, timestamp=d, sourceurl="") else: numcaseslookup[name].numcases += num return numcaseslookup numcaseslookup = readNewCSV() processGEOJSON( "UK", "Counties_and_Unitary_Authorities_April_2019_Boundaries_EW_BUC.geojson", "ctyua19nm", "objectid", numcaseslookup, englandpop)
try: d = CET.localize( datetime.datetime.strptime(ncovdatapoint[0].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) except: try: d = CET.localize( datetime.datetime.strptime(ncovdatapoint[0].strip(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) except: print("Failed to parse time for Italy: '" + ncovdatapoint[0].strip() + "'") d = numcaseslookup[name] = buildhelpers.datapoint( numcases=int(ncovdatapoint[9]) if ncovdatapoint[9] != "" else 0, timestamp=d, sourceurl= "" ) return numcaseslookup numcaseslookup = readNewCSV() buildhelpers.processGEOJSON("ITALY", "./limits_IT_provinces_simplified.geojson", "prov_name", "prov_istat_code", numcaseslookup, italypop)
else: unambiguousname = "SK " + n p["GEN"] = unambiguousname else: allnames[p["GEN"]] = p["RS"] def geojsonprop_caseskey(f, numcaseslookup): p = f["properties"] try: name = p["GEN"] try: if p["BEZ"] == "Landkreis" or p["BEZ"] == "Kreis": name2 = "LK " + name else: name2 = "SK " + name v = numcaseslookup.pop(name2) name = name2 except: v = numcaseslookup.pop(name) except: name = p["GEN"] v = None return name, v numcaseslookup = readNewCSV() #numcaseslookup = scrapeOfficialNumbers() processGEOJSON("GERMANY", "RKI_Corona_Landkreise.geojson", "county", "RS", numcaseslookup, lambda f: f["properties"]["EWZ"])
timestamp=d, sourceurl="") if ncovdatapoint[1] == "departement": if v.numcases > 0 and ( not (name in numcasesdepartement) or d > numcasesdepartement[name].timestamp or v.numcases > numcasesdepartement[name].numcases): numcasesdepartement[name] = v else: if v.numcases > 0 and ( not (name in numcasesregion) or d > numcasesregion[name].timestamp or v.numcases > numcasesregion[name].numcases): numcasesregion[name] = v if False: #len(numcasesdepartement)>0: need to do this hierarchical - use the departement data to augment the regional data numcaseslookup = numcasesdepartement francepop = departementpop francegeojson = departementgeojson else: numcaseslookup = numcasesregion francepop = regionpop francegeojson = regiongeojson return numcaseslookup, francegeojson, francepop numcaseslookup, francegeojson, francepop = readNewCSV() buildhelpers.processGEOJSON("FRANCE", francegeojson, "nom", "code", numcaseslookup, francepop)