Пример #1
def test_unique_key(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    """This test confirms that the 'filename' parameter is honoured when it comes
    to generating a cache key for the source.
    project = str(datafiles)
                     {"aliases": {
                         "tmpdir": "file:///" + str(tmpdir)

    states = cli.get_element_states(
        ["target.bst", "target-custom.bst", "target-custom-executable.bst"])
    assert states["target.bst"] == "fetch needed"
    assert states["target-custom.bst"] == "fetch needed"
    assert states["target-custom-executable.bst"] == "fetch needed"

    # Try to fetch it
    cli.run(project=project, args=["source", "fetch", "target.bst"])

    # We should download_yaml the file only once
    states = cli.get_element_states(
        ["target.bst", "target-custom.bst", "target-custom-executable.bst"])
    assert states["target.bst"] == "buildable"
    assert states["target-custom.bst"] == "buildable"
    assert states["target-custom-executable.bst"] == "buildable"

    # But the cache key is different because the 'filename' is different.
    assert (cli.get_element_key(project, "target.bst") != cli.get_element_key(
        project, "target-custom.bst") != cli.get_element_key(
            project, "target-custom-executable.bst"))
Пример #2
def test_strict_dependencies(cli, datafiles, target, expected_state):
    project = str(datafiles)

    # Configure non strict mode, this will have
    # an effect on the build and the `bst show`
    # commands run via cli.get_element_states()
    cli.configure({"projects": {"test": {"strict": False}}})

    result = cli.run(project=project, silent=True, args=["build", target])

    states = cli.get_element_states(project, ["base.bst", target])
    assert states["base.bst"] == "cached"
    assert states[target] == "cached"

    # Now modify the file, effectively causing the common base.bst
    # dependency to change it's cache key
    hello_path = os.path.join(project, "files", "hello.txt")
    with open(hello_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    # Now assert that we have the states we expect as a result
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, ["base.bst", target])
    assert states["base.bst"] == "buildable"
    assert states[target] == expected_state
Пример #3
def test_keep_dependencies(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element_path = "elements"

    # Skip this test if we do not have support for subsecond precision mtimes
    # The artifact expiry logic relies on mtime changes, in real life second precision
    # should be enough for this to work almost all the time, but test cases happen very
    # quickly, resulting in all artifacts having the same mtime.
    # This test requires subsecond mtime to be reliable.
    if not have_subsecond_mtime(project):
            "Filesystem does not support subsecond mtime precision: {}".format(

    cli.configure({"cache": {"quota": 10000000}})

    # Create a pretty big dependency
    create_element_size("dependency.bst", project, element_path, [], 5000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "dependency.bst"])

    # Now create some other unrelated artifact
    create_element_size("unrelated.bst", project, element_path, [], 4000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "unrelated.bst"])

    # Check that the correct element remains in the cache
    states = cli.get_element_states(project,
                                    ["dependency.bst", "unrelated.bst"])
    assert states["dependency.bst"] == "cached"
    assert states["unrelated.bst"] == "cached"

    # We try to build an element which depends on the LRU artifact,
    # and could therefore fail if we didn't make sure dependencies
    # aren't removed.
    # Since some artifact caches may implement weak cache keys by
    # duplicating artifacts (bad!) we need to make this equal in size
    # or smaller than half the size of its dependencies.
    create_element_size("target.bst", project, element_path,
                        ["dependency.bst"], 2000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target.bst"])

    states = cli.get_element_states(project, ["target.bst", "unrelated.bst"])
    assert states["target.bst"] == "cached"
    assert states["dependency.bst"] == "cached"
    assert states["unrelated.bst"] != "cached"
Пример #4
def test_dynamic_build_plan(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    target = "checkout-deps.bst"
    build_dep = "import-dev.bst"
    runtime_dep = "import-bin.bst"
    all_elements = [target, build_dep, runtime_dep]

    with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir),
                                            "artifactshare")) as share:

        # First build the target element and push to the remote.
            {"artifacts": {
                "servers": [{
                    "url": share.repo,
                    "push": True
        result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", target])

        # Assert that everything is now cached in the remote.
        for element_name in all_elements:
            assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name)

        # Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache directory
        casdir = os.path.join(cli.directory, "cas")
        artifactdir = os.path.join(cli.directory, "artifacts")

        # Assert that nothing is cached locally anymore
        states = cli.get_element_states(project, all_elements)
        assert not any(states[e] == "cached" for e in all_elements)

        # Now try to rebuild target
        result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", target])

        # Assert that target and runtime dependency were pulled
        # but build dependency was not pulled as it wasn't needed
        # (dynamic build plan).
        assert target in result.get_pulled_elements()
        assert runtime_dep in result.get_pulled_elements()
        assert build_dep not in result.get_pulled_elements()

        # And assert that the pulled elements are again in the local cache
        states = cli.get_element_states(project, all_elements)
        assert states[target] == "cached"
        assert states[runtime_dep] == "cached"
        assert states[build_dep] != "cached"
Пример #5
def test_default_target(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    project_path = os.path.join(project, "project.conf")

    # First, modify project configuration to set a default target
    project_conf = {
        "name": "test-default-target",
        "min-version": "2.0",
        "element-path": "elements",
        "defaults": {
            "targets": ["dummy_stack.bst"]
    _yaml.roundtrip_dump(project_conf, project_path)

    # dummy_stack only depends on dummy_1 and dummy_2, but not dummy_3
    all_targets = ["dummy_1.bst", "dummy_2.bst", "dummy_stack.bst"]

    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build"])

    states = cli.get_element_states(project, all_targets)
    assert all(states[e] == "cached" for e in all_targets)

    # assert that dummy_3 isn't included in the output
    assert "dummy_3.bst" not in states
Пример #6
def test_artifact_delete_element_and_artifact(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element = "target.bst"
    dep = "compose-all.bst"

    # Configure a local cache
    local_cache = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "cache")
    cli.configure({"cachedir": local_cache})

    # First build an element so that we can find its artifact
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", element])
    assert cli.get_element_states(project, [element, dep], deps="none") == {
        element: "cached",
        dep: "cached",

    # Obtain the artifact ref
    cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, element)
    artifact = os.path.join("test", os.path.splitext(element)[0], cache_key)

    # Explicitly check that the ARTIFACT exists in the cache
    assert os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(local_cache, "artifacts", "refs", artifact))

    # Delete the artifact
    result = cli.run(project=project,
                     args=["artifact", "delete", artifact, dep])

    # Check that the ARTIFACT is no longer in the cache
    assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(local_cache, "artifacts", artifact))

    # Check that the dependency ELEMENT is no longer cached
    assert cli.get_element_state(project, dep) != "cached"
Пример #7
def test_push_pull_deps(cli, tmpdir, datafiles, deps, expected_states):
    project = str(datafiles)
    target = "checkout-deps.bst"
    build_dep = "import-dev.bst"
    runtime_dep = "import-bin.bst"
    all_elements = [target, build_dep, runtime_dep]

    with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir),
                                            "artifactshare")) as share:

        # First build the target element and push to the remote.
            {"artifacts": {
                "servers": [{
                    "url": share.repo,
                    "push": True
        result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", target])

        # Assert that everything is now cached in the remote.
        for element_name in all_elements:
            assert_shared(cli, share, project, element_name)

        # Now we've pushed, delete the user's local artifact cache
        # directory and try to redownload it from the share
        casdir = os.path.join(cli.directory, "cas")
        artifactdir = os.path.join(cli.directory, "artifacts")

        # Assert that nothing is cached locally anymore
        states = cli.get_element_states(project, all_elements)
        assert not any(states[e] == "cached" for e in all_elements)

        # Now try bst artifact pull
        result = cli.run(project=project,
                         args=["artifact", "pull", "--deps", deps, target])

        # And assert that the pulled elements are again in the local cache
        states = cli.get_element_states(project, all_elements)
        states_flattended = (states[target], states[build_dep],
        assert states_flattended == expected_states
Пример #8
def test_filter_track_multi(datafiles, cli, tmpdir):
    repo = create_repo("tar", str(tmpdir))
    ref = repo.create(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "files"))
    elements_dir = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "elements")
    project = str(tmpdir)
    input_name = "input.bst"
    input2_name = "input2.bst"

    project_config = {
        "name": "filter-track-test",
        "min-version": "2.0",
        "element-path": "elements",
    project_file = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "project.conf")
    _yaml.roundtrip_dump(project_config, project_file)

    input_config = {
        "kind": "import",
        "sources": [repo.source_config()],

    input_file = os.path.join(elements_dir, input_name)
    _yaml.roundtrip_dump(input_config, input_file)

    input2_config = dict(input_config)
    input2_file = os.path.join(elements_dir, input2_name)
    _yaml.roundtrip_dump(input2_config, input2_file)

    filter1_config = {"kind": "filter", "depends": [{"filename": input_name, "type": "build"}]}
    filter1_file = os.path.join(elements_dir, "filter1.bst")
    _yaml.roundtrip_dump(filter1_config, filter1_file)

    filter2_config = {"kind": "filter", "depends": [{"filename": input2_name, "type": "build"}]}
    filter2_file = os.path.join(elements_dir, "filter2.bst")
    _yaml.roundtrip_dump(filter2_config, filter2_file)

    # Assert that a fetch is needed
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [input_name, input2_name])

    assert states == {
        input_name: "no reference",
        input2_name: "no reference",

    # Now try to track it
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["source", "track", "filter1.bst", "filter2.bst"])

    # Now check that a ref field exists
    new_input = _yaml.load(input_file, shortname=None)
    source_node = new_input.get_sequence("sources").mapping_at(0)
    new_ref = source_node.get_str("ref")
    assert new_ref == ref

    new_input2 = _yaml.load(input2_file, shortname=None)
    source_node2 = new_input2.get_sequence("sources").mapping_at(0)
    new_ref2 = source_node2.get_str("ref")
    assert new_ref2 == ref
Пример #9
def test_fetch_deps(cli, datafiles, deps, expected_states):
    project = str(datafiles)
    target = "bananas.bst"
    build_dep = "apples.bst"
    runtime_dep = "oranges.bst"

    # Assert that none of the sources are cached
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [target, build_dep, runtime_dep])
    assert all(state == "fetch needed" for state in states.values())

    # Now fetch the specified sources
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["source", "fetch", "--deps", deps, target])

    # Finally assert that we have fetched _only_ the desired sources
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [target, build_dep, runtime_dep])
    states_flattened = (states[target], states[build_dep], states[runtime_dep])
    assert states_flattened == expected_states
Пример #10
def test_track_single(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    dev_files_path = os.path.join(project, "files", "dev-files")
    element_path = os.path.join(project, "elements")
    element_dep_name = "track-test-dep.bst"
    element_target_name = "track-test-target.bst"

    # Create our repo object of the given source type with
    # the dev files, and then collect the initial ref.
    repo = Git(str(tmpdir))

    # Write out our test targets
    generate_element(repo, os.path.join(element_path, element_dep_name))
                     os.path.join(element_path, element_target_name),

    # Assert that tracking is needed for both elements
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [element_target_name])
    assert states == {
        element_dep_name: "no reference",
        element_target_name: "no reference",

    # Now first try to track only one element
    result = cli.run(
        args=["source", "track", "--deps", "none", element_target_name])

    # And now fetch it
    result = cli.run(
        args=["source", "fetch", "--deps", "none", element_target_name])

    # Assert that the dependency is waiting and the target has still never been tracked
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [element_target_name])
    assert states == {
        element_dep_name: "no reference",
        element_target_name: "waiting",
Пример #11
def test_expiry_order(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element_path = "elements"
    checkout = os.path.join(project, "workspace")

    cli.configure({"cache": {"quota": 9000000}})

    # Create an artifact
    create_element_size("dep.bst", project, element_path, [], 2000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "dep.bst"])

    # Create another artifact
    create_element_size("unrelated.bst", project, element_path, [], 2000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "unrelated.bst"])

    # And build something else
    create_element_size("target.bst", project, element_path, [], 2000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target.bst"])

    create_element_size("target2.bst", project, element_path, [], 2000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target2.bst"])


    # Now extract dep.bst
    res = cli.run(
        args=["artifact", "checkout", "dep.bst", "--directory", checkout])

    # Finally, build something that will cause the cache to overflow
    create_element_size("expire.bst", project, element_path, [], 2000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "expire.bst"])

    # While dep.bst was the first element to be created, it should not
    # have been removed.
    # Note that buildstream will reduce the cache to 50% of the
    # original size - we therefore remove multiple elements.
    check_elements = [
        "unrelated.bst", "target.bst", "target2.bst", "dep.bst", "expire.bst"
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, check_elements)
    assert tuple(states[element] for element in check_elements) == (
Пример #12
def test_no_default(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    all_targets = [
        "dummy_1.bst", "dummy_2.bst", "dummy_3.bst", "dummy_stack.bst"

    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build"])

    states = cli.get_element_states(project, all_targets)
    assert all(states[e] == "cached" for e in all_targets)
Пример #13
def test_never_delete_required(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element_path = "elements"

    # Skip this test if we do not have support for subsecond precision mtimes
    # The artifact expiry logic relies on mtime changes, in real life second precision
    # should be enough for this to work almost all the time, but test cases happen very
    # quickly, resulting in all artifacts having the same mtime.
    # This test requires subsecond mtime to be reliable.
    if not have_subsecond_mtime(project):
            "Filesystem does not support subsecond mtime precision: {}".format(

        "cache": {
            "quota": 10000000
        "scheduler": {
            "fetchers": 1,
            "builders": 1

    # Create a linear build tree
    create_element_size("dep1.bst", project, element_path, [], 8000000)
    create_element_size("dep2.bst", project, element_path, ["dep1.bst"],
    create_element_size("dep3.bst", project, element_path, ["dep2.bst"],
    create_element_size("target.bst", project, element_path, ["dep3.bst"],

    # Build dep1.bst, which should fit into the cache.
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "dep1.bst"])

    # We try to build this pipeline, but it's too big for the
    # cache. Since all elements are required, the build should fail.
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target.bst"])
    res.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
    res.assert_task_error(ErrorDomain.CAS, "cache-too-full")

    states = cli.get_element_states(project, ["target.bst"])
    assert states["dep1.bst"] == "cached"
    assert states["dep2.bst"] != "cached"
    assert states["dep3.bst"] != "cached"
    assert states["target.bst"] != "cached"
Пример #14
def test_build_deps_build(datafiles, cli):
    project = str(datafiles)
    target = "checkout-deps.bst"
    build_dep = "import-dev.bst"
    runtime_dep = "import-bin.bst"

    result = cli.run(project=project,
                     args=["build", "--deps", "build", target])

    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [target, build_dep, runtime_dep])
    assert states[build_dep] == "cached"
    assert states[target] == "buildable"
    assert states[runtime_dep] == "buildable"
Пример #15
def test_artifact_delete_elements_build_deps(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element = "target.bst"

    # Build the element and ensure it's cached
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", element])

    # Assert element and build deps are cached
    assert cli.get_element_state(project, element) == "cached"
    bdep_states = cli.get_element_states(project, [element], deps="build")
    for state in bdep_states.values():
        assert state == "cached"

    result = cli.run(project=project,
                     args=["artifact", "delete", "--deps", "build", element])

    # Assert that the build deps have been deleted and that the artifact remains cached
    assert cli.get_element_state(project, element) == "cached"
    bdep_states = cli.get_element_states(project, [element], deps="build")
    for state in bdep_states.values():
        assert state != "cached"
Пример #16
def test_track_deps(cli, datafiles, deps, expected_states):
    project = str(datafiles)
                     {"aliases": {
                         "project-root": "file:///" + project

    target = "bananas.bst"
    build_dep = "apples.bst"
    runtime_dep = "oranges.bst"

    # Assert that none of the sources have a reference
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [target, build_dep, runtime_dep])
    assert all(state == "no reference" for state in states.values())

    # Now track the specified sources
    result = cli.run(project=project,
                     args=["source", "track", "--deps", deps, target])

    # Finally assert that we have tracked _only_ the desired sources
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [target, build_dep, runtime_dep])
    states_flattened = (states[target], states[build_dep], states[runtime_dep])
    assert states_flattened == expected_states
Пример #17
def test_artifact_delete_artifacts_build_deps(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element = "target.bst"

    # Configure a local cache
    local_cache = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "cache")
    cli.configure({"cachedir": local_cache})

    # First build an element so that we can find its artifact
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", element])

    # Obtain the artifact ref
    cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, element)
    artifact = os.path.join("test", os.path.splitext(element)[0], cache_key)

    # Explicitly check that the ARTIFACT exists in the cache
    assert os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(local_cache, "artifacts", "refs", artifact))

    # get the artifact refs of the build dependencies
    bdep_refs = []
    bdep_states = cli.get_element_states(project, [element], deps="build")
    for bdep in bdep_states.keys():
            os.path.join("test", _get_normal_name(bdep),
                         cli.get_element_key(project, bdep)))

    # Assert build dependencies are cached
    for ref in bdep_refs:
        assert os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(local_cache, "artifacts", "refs", ref))

    # Delete the artifact
    result = cli.run(project=project,
                     args=["artifact", "delete", "--deps", "build", artifact])

    # Check that the artifact's build deps are no longer in the cache
    # Assert build dependencies have been deleted and that the artifact remains
    for ref in bdep_refs:
        assert not os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(local_cache, "artifacts", "refs", ref))
    assert os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(local_cache, "artifacts", "refs", artifact))
Пример #18
def test_no_needless_overwrite(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
    project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
    dev_files_path = os.path.join(project, "files", "dev-files")
    element_path = os.path.join(project, "elements")
    target = "track-test-target.bst"

    # Skip this test if we do not have support for subsecond precision mtimes
    if not have_subsecond_mtime(project):
            "Filesystem does not support subsecond mtime precision: {}".format(

    # Create our repo object of the given source type with
    # the dev files, and then collect the initial ref.
    repo = Git(str(tmpdir))

    # Write out our test target and assert it exists
    generate_element(repo, os.path.join(element_path, target))
    path_to_target = os.path.join(element_path, target)
    assert os.path.exists(path_to_target)
    creation_mtime = os.path.getmtime(path_to_target)

    # Assert tracking is needed
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, [target])
    assert states[target] == "no reference"

    # Perform the track
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["source", "track", target])

    track1_mtime = os.path.getmtime(path_to_target)

    assert creation_mtime != track1_mtime

    # Now (needlessly) track again
    result = cli.run(project=project, args=["source", "track", target])

    track2_mtime = os.path.getmtime(path_to_target)

    assert track1_mtime == track2_mtime
Пример #19
def test_artifact_expires(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element_path = "elements"

    # Skip this test if we do not have support for subsecond precision mtimes
    # The artifact expiry logic relies on mtime changes, in real life second precision
    # should be enough for this to work almost all the time, but test cases happen very
    # quickly, resulting in all artifacts having the same mtime.
    # This test requires subsecond mtime to be reliable.
    if not have_subsecond_mtime(project):
            "Filesystem does not support subsecond mtime precision: {}".format(

    cli.configure({"cache": {
        "quota": 10000000,

    # Create an element that uses almost the entire cache (an empty
    # ostree cache starts at about ~10KiB, so we need a bit of a
    # buffer)
    create_element_size("target.bst", project, element_path, [], 6000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target.bst"])

    assert cli.get_element_state(project, "target.bst") == "cached"

    # Our cache should now be almost full. Let's create another
    # artifact and see if we can cause buildstream to delete the old
    # one.
    create_element_size("target2.bst", project, element_path, [], 6000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target2.bst"])

    # Check that the correct element remains in the cache
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, ["target.bst", "target2.bst"])
    assert states["target.bst"] != "cached"
    assert states["target2.bst"] == "cached"
Пример #20
def test_cleanup_first(cli, datafiles):
    project = str(datafiles)
    element_path = "elements"

    cli.configure({"cache": {
        "quota": 10000000,

    # Create an element that uses almost the entire cache (an empty
    # ostree cache starts at about ~10KiB, so we need a bit of a
    # buffer)
    create_element_size("target.bst", project, element_path, [], 8000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target.bst"])

    assert cli.get_element_state(project, "target.bst") == "cached"

    # Now configure with a smaller quota, create a situation
    # where the cache must be cleaned up before building anything else.
    # Fix the fetchers and builders just to ensure a predictable
    # sequence of events (although it does not effect this test)
        "cache": {
            "quota": 5000000,
        "scheduler": {
            "fetchers": 1,
            "builders": 1

    # Our cache is now more than full, BuildStream
    create_element_size("target2.bst", project, element_path, [], 4000000)
    res = cli.run(project=project, args=["build", "target2.bst"])

    # Check that the correct element remains in the cache
    states = cli.get_element_states(project, ["target.bst", "target2.bst"])
    assert states["target.bst"] != "cached"
    assert states["target2.bst"] == "cached"