def help(name=None): """Display help for an action. If "commands" is passed, list possible commands. If no action is given, display general help.""" print( '+++ Attention: passwords are *never* taken directly as parameters +++' ) print('+++ Achtung: Passwörter *nie* direkt als Parameter angeben +++\n\n') def getsig(func): try: return str(inspect.signature(func)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return '(<?>)' if name is None: parser.print_help() return elif name == 'commands': print('\n\n'.join('{}{}: {}'.format(n, getsig(f), ( inspect.getdoc(f) or 'No docstring').split('\n\n')[0]) for n, f in COMMANDS.items() if callable(f))) return elif name in COMMANDS: obj = COMMANDS[name] else: obj = name # it gets passed through eval-val before
async def help(function_str=None): if not function_str:[function_str]) else: tprint( "You need to specify the function you need information on (example: help cancel_all)!" )
def help(self, arg=None): """ @brief Overloads the built-in help function. help() prints the help text for Interactive mode; help(foo) calls the standard help routine for thing 'foo'. @param[in] self Pointer to the current object @param[in] arg = None """ if arg is not None: return print(self._get_help_string())
def help(self, arg=None): """ Prints the help text This Overloads the built-in help function. help() prints the help text for Interactive mode; help(foo) calls the standard help routine for thing 'foo'. @param[in] self Pointer to the current object @param[in] arg = None """ if len(self._user_namespace) == 0: self._populate_namespace() if arg is not None: return else: self._print_help()
def help(self, arg=None): """Prints the help text. This Overloads the built-in help function. ``help()`` prints the help text for Interactive mode. ``help(foo)`` calls the standard help routine for thing ``foo``. Args: arg """ if len(self._user_namespace) == 0: self._populate_namespace() if arg is not None: return else: self._print_help()
''' Created on 2018年8月17日 @author: lixue ''' ''' 字符串本省就是可以迭代的 ''' from collections import Counter from builtins import help help(Counter) c = Counter("safsdafsdagdsgsdaflksajklfsdjafkszanf") print(c) #对其中每一个字符或者数字进行统计,键为字符,值为个数 #Counter({'s': 8, 'a': 7, 'f': 6, 'd': 5, 'k': 3, 'g': 2, 'l': 2, 'j': 2, 'z': 1, 'n': 1}) s = ['rwer', 'fsdfs', 'rwer'] print(Counter(s)) # Counter({'rwer': 2, 'fsdfs': 1})
import builtins print(""))) print(float.as_integer_ratio(1.5)) #ondalikli olarka gosterim print(float.is_integer(3.0)) #verilen ondalikli sayi tam sayi mi print(float.hex(4.0)) #floati hexadecimale cevirme print(float.fromhex("a70")) #hexadecimali floata cevirme x = [[]] * 3 x[0].append("a") print( x ) #olusturulan ilk listeden uretilen 3 liste,ilk listeden referans aldigi icin degerleri ayni oluyor. print("yahya".center(20, "a")) a = 3 b = 3 liste = ["a", "b", "c"] print(a.__eq__(b)) #equal/a==b/esit print(a.__le__(b)) #less than or equal/a<=b/kucuk esit print(a.__lt__(b)) #less than/a<b/kucuktur print(a.__ge__(b)) #greater than or equal/a>=b/buyuk esit print(a.__gt__(b)) #greater than/a>b/buyuktur print(a.__ne__(b)) #not equal/a!=b/esit degildir print(liste.__contains__("a")) #in/"a" in liste)/iceriyor mu print(format(1234567, "8.2f")) print(f'{255:X}') #Format'in bir diger kullanim sekli print(int(33).__format__("X")) #format bir diger kullanim sekli print(globals()) print(locals())
''' Created on 2019年7月29日 文件的操作的方法环` @author: Administrator ''' from builtins import help print(help(open))
while words[i] != 'c': print( 'i %d %s' % ( i, words[i] ) ) i = inc( i ) for l in "python": if l == "o": continue print( l ) try: print( 'a' + 1 ) except: print( 'problem' ) upperName( "nate" ) print( "%d" % abs( -4 ) ) print( dir( [] ) ) array = [] print( help( array.count ) ) print( eval( "4+5+5" ) ) print( float( "8" ) ) print( list( range( 0, 3 ) ) ) print( sum( tup ) ) afile = open( "/root/pytest", 'r' ) ftext = print( ftext ) 0, 0 ) ftext = print( ftext ) afile.close() wfile = open( "/root/pytestw", 'w' ) wfile.write( 'sfuff\n' ) wfile.close() wfile = open( "/root/pytestw", 'a' )