Пример #1
 def test_wrong_course_id_in_email(self):
     Tests exception when the course_id in CourseEmail is not the same as one explicitly passed in.
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=SlashSeparatedCourseKey("bogus", "course", "id"), to_option=SEND_TO_ALL)
     entry = InstructorTask.create(self.course.id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}  # pylint: disable=no-member
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'does not match email value'):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, self.course.id, task_input, "action_name")  # pylint: disable=no-member
 def test_wrong_course_id_in_task(self):
     Tests exception when the course_id in task is not the same as one explicitly passed in.
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=self.course.id, to_option=SEND_TO_ALL)
     entry = InstructorTask.create("bogus/task/id", "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}  # pylint: disable=E1101
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "does not match task value"):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, self.course.id, task_input, "action_name")  # pylint: disable=E1101
Пример #3
 def test_nonexistent_to_option(self):
     Tests exception when the to_option in the email doesn't exist
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=self.course.id, to_option="IDONTEXIST")
     entry = InstructorTask.create(self.course.id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}  # pylint: disable=no-member
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'Unexpected bulk email TO_OPTION found: IDONTEXIST'):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, self.course.id, task_input, "action_name")  # pylint: disable=no-member
Пример #4
 def test_wrong_course_id_in_task(self):
     Tests exception when the course_id in task is not the same as one explicitly passed in.
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=self.course.id, to_option=SEND_TO_ALL)
     entry = InstructorTask.create("bogus/task/id", "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'does not match task value'):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, self.course.id, task_input, "action_name")
Пример #5
 def test_nonexistent_course(self):
     Tests exception when the course in the email doesn't exist
     course_id = "I/DONT/EXIST"
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=course_id)
     entry = InstructorTask.create(course_id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}  # pylint: disable=E1101
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Course not found"):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, course_id, task_input, "action_name")  # pylint: disable=E1101
Пример #6
 def test_nonexistent_course(self):
     Tests exception when the course in the email doesn't exist
     course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey("I", "DONT", "EXIST")
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=course_id)
     entry = InstructorTask.create(course_id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}  # pylint: disable=no-member
     # (?i) is a regex for ignore case
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, r"(?i)course not found"):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, course_id, task_input, "action_name")  # pylint: disable=no-member
Пример #7
 def test_nonexistent_course(self):
     Tests exception when the course in the email doesn't exist
     course_id = "I/DONT/EXIST"
     email = CourseEmail(course_id=course_id)
     entry = InstructorTask.create(course_id, "task_type", "task_key",
                                   "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}  # pylint: disable=E1101
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Course not found"):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, course_id, task_input,
                                        "action_name")  # pylint: disable=E1101
Пример #8
 def test_wrong_course_id_in_email(self):
     Tests exception when the course_id in CourseEmail is not the same as one explicitly passed in.
     email = CourseEmail.create(CourseLocator("bogus", "course", "id"),
                                self.instructor, [SEND_TO_MYSELF],
                                "re: subject", "dummy body goes here")
     entry = InstructorTask.create(self.course.id, "task_type", "task_key",
                                   "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'does not match email value'):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, self.course.id,
                                        task_input, "action_name")
Пример #9
 def test_nonexistent_email(self, mock_log, result):
     Tests retries when the email doesn't exist
     # create an InstructorTask object to pass through
     course_id = self.course.id
     entry = InstructorTask.create(course_id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": -1}
     with self.assertRaises(CourseEmail.DoesNotExist):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, course_id, task_input, "action_name")  # pylint: disable=no-member
     ((log_str, __, email_id), __) = mock_log.warning.call_args
     self.assertIn('Failed to get CourseEmail with id', log_str)
     self.assertEqual(email_id, -1)
Пример #10
 def test_wrong_course_id_in_email(self):
     Tests exception when the course_id in CourseEmail is not the same as one explicitly passed in.
     email = CourseEmail.create(
         CourseLocator("bogus", "course", "id"),
         "re: subject",
         "dummy body goes here"
     entry = InstructorTask.create(self.course.id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
     task_input = {"email_id": email.id}
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'does not match email value'):
         perform_delegate_email_batches(entry.id, self.course.id, task_input, "action_name")