Пример #1
def play_game():
    '''Plays one interactive game of bulls and cows on the console'''
    answer = bc.generate_secret()
    guess = input("What would you like to guess? ")
    while (len(guess) != 4) or bc.repeatedNumberCheck(guess) == True:
        guess = input("Oops try again! ")
    bulls = 0
    #Use a counter to keep track of the round
    counter = 1
    #Loop till they get the number right 
    while bc.count_bulls(guess, answer) < 4:
        print("You have " + str(bc.count_cows(guess, answer)) + " cow(s)")
        print("You have " + str(bc.count_bulls(guess, answer)) + " bull(s)") 
        guess = input("Try again? ")
        while(len(guess) != 4):
            guess = input("Four numbers only. ")
        counter = counter + 1
        print("Round: " + str(counter))
    print("You win! It took " + str(counter) + " turns")
Пример #2
def play_game():
    """Plays one interactive game of bulls and cows on the console"""
    print("Remember Cows are correct digits in the wrong place while Bulls are correct digits in the correct place!")
    print("The 4 digit secret number is generated.")
    #generate secret number
    answer = bc.generate_secret()
    bulls = 0
    turnCounter = 1 #round

    #meat and potatoes
    while bulls != 4:
        print("Round: " + str(turnCounter) + "\n")
        #ask user for number guess
        guess = input("Alright, what is your guess? (Remember no repeating digits!) ")
        while len(guess) != 4:
            print("The guess has to be 4 digits long!")
            guess = input("Alright, what is your guess? (Remember no repeating digits!) ")

        #import counting functions
        bulls = bc.count_bulls(guess, answer)
        cows = bc.count_cows(guess, answer)

        print("Bulls: " + str(bulls))
        print("Cows: " + str(cows))
        turnCounter = turnCounter + 1

    if bulls == 4 and turnCounter <= 15:
        print("Congratulations! You won, and rather quickly at that!")

    elif bulls == 4 and turnCounter > 15:
        print("Congratulations...I guess...you won, but it took you long.")

#call the main function
# main()