Пример #1
def version_tree(ob, root=False, reversion=False):
    """Create (if needed) a snapshot of the object graph starting at ob.
    Recursively visit all ob children, and:
        - check if they are cleanly versioned
        - version them if not (procedure="a"), set dirty True
        - version ob if necessary, and relate version of ob to children
        - return (version, dirty) -- dirty flag is also propagated upwards, and 
          when True the version returned is just newly created else it is the 
          latest previously-existing version found.
    root:bool -- a version of the root ob itself, even if cleanly vesrioned, 
        is always created. Plus, parameters for other sub-calls are affected
        by whether we are daling with root instance or not.
    reversion:bool -- whether this is a revert to a previous version or not, in 
        which case ob is the older version to revert to.
    current root types: Doc (only Event...), Attachment 
    current child types: (only Event doc, that may not parent Events), Attachment
    assert get_feature_interface("version").providedBy(ob), \
        "Not versionable! %s" % (ob) # !+reversion?
    # ob must be newly versioned if dirty, we always explicitly version root ob
    dirty = root or False
    child_obs = []
    child_versions = []
    # process children (determine via child-implicating features)
    if get_feature_interface("attachment").providedBy(ob):
    if hasattr(ob, "sa_events") and ob.sa_events:
    #if hasattr(ob, "item_signatories") and ob.item_signatories:
    #   child_obs.extend(ob.item_signatories)
    for child in child_obs:
        child_dirty, child_version = version_tree(child)
        dirty = dirty or child_dirty
    def changed_since_last_version(ob):
        """Does ob need to be freshly versioned?
            # ordered by audit_id, newest first
            return ob.changes[0].action != "version"
            # !+what if a sub-child has been reversioned since last child version?
        except IndexError:
            return True
    dirty = dirty or changed_since_last_version(ob)
    if dirty:
        # create version if needed
        if reversion:
            auditor = audit.get_auditor(ob.audit_head)
            auditor = audit.get_auditor(ob)
        last_version = auditor.object_version(ob, root=root)
        session = Session()
        for cv in child_versions:
            # relate newly created ob last_version to child versions
            ct = domain.ChangeTree()
            ct.parent_id = last_version.audit_id
            ct.child_id = cv.audit_id
        # retrieve newest version for ob
        last_version = ob.changes[0]
    return dirty, last_version
Пример #2
 def _change_object(self):
     auditor = audit.get_auditor(self.context)
     return auditor.change_object
Пример #3
def version_tree(ob, root=False, reversion=False):
    """Create (if needed) a snapshot of the object graph starting at ob.
    Recursively visit all ob children, and:
        - check if they are cleanly versioned
        - version them if not (procedure="a"), set dirty True
        - version ob if necessary, and relate version of ob to children
        - return (version, dirty) -- dirty flag is also propagated upwards, and 
          when True the version returned is just newly created else it is the 
          latest previously-existing version found.
    root:bool -- a version of the root ob itself, even if cleanly vesrioned, 
        is always created. Plus, parameters for other sub-calls are affected
        by whether we are daling with root instance or not.
    reversion:bool -- whether this is a revert to a previous version or not, in 
        which case ob is the older version to revert to.
    current root types: Doc (only Event...), Attachment 
    current child types: (only Event doc, that may not parent Events), Attachment
    assert get_feature_interface("version").providedBy(ob), \
        "Not versionable! %s" % (ob) # !+reversion?

    # ob must be newly versioned if dirty, we always explicitly version root ob
    dirty = root or False

    child_obs = []
    child_versions = []
    # process children (determine via child-implicating features)
    if get_feature_interface("attachment").providedBy(ob):
    if hasattr(ob, "sa_events") and ob.sa_events:
    #if hasattr(ob, "item_signatories") and ob.item_signatories:
    #   child_obs.extend(ob.item_signatories)
    for child in child_obs:
        child_dirty, child_version = version_tree(child)
        dirty = dirty or child_dirty

    def changed_since_last_version(ob):
        """Does ob need to be freshly versioned?
            # ordered by audit_id, newest first
            return ob.changes[0].action != "version"
            # !+what if a sub-child has been reversioned since last child version?
        except IndexError:
            return True

    dirty = dirty or changed_since_last_version(ob)
    if dirty:
        # create version if needed
        if reversion:
            auditor = audit.get_auditor(ob.audit_head)
            auditor = audit.get_auditor(ob)
        last_version = auditor.object_version(ob, root=root)
        session = Session()
        for cv in child_versions:
            # relate newly created ob last_version to child versions
            ct = domain.ChangeTree()
            ct.parent_id = last_version.audit_id
            ct.child_id = cv.audit_id
        # retrieve newest version for ob
        last_version = ob.changes[0]

    return dirty, last_version
Пример #4
 def _change_object(self):
     auditor = audit.get_auditor(self.context)
     return auditor.change_object
Пример #5
def version_tree(ob, root=False, reversion=False):
    """Create (if needed) a snapshot of the object graph starting at ob.
    Recursively visit all ob children, and:
        - check if they are cleanly versioned
        - version them if not (procedure="a"), set dirty True
        - version ob if necessary, and relate version of ob to children
        - return (dirty, version) -- dirty flag is also propagated upwards, and 
          when True the version returned is just newly created else it is the 
          latest previously-existing version found.
    root:bool -- a version of the root ob itself, even if cleanly vesrioned, 
        is always created. Plus, parameters for other sub-calls are affected
        by whether we are daling with root instance or not.
    reversion:bool -- whether this is a revert to a previous version or not, in 
        which case ob is the older version to revert to.
    assert feature.provides_feature(ob, "version"), "Not versionable! %s" % (ob) # !+reversion?
    # ob must be newly versioned if dirty, we always explicitly version root ob
    dirty = root or False
    # process children (determine via child-implicating features)
    child_obs = []
    child_versions = []
    for feature_subtype_name, sa_container_attr_name in VERSIONABLE_SUBTYPES_AS_FEATURES:
        if feature.get_feature_interface(feature_subtype_name).providedBy(ob):
            if feature.provides_feature(feature_subtype_name, "version"):
                child_obs.extend(getattr(ob, sa_container_attr_name))
    for child in child_obs:
        child_dirty, child_version = version_tree(child)
        dirty = dirty or child_dirty
    def changed_since_last_version(ob):
        """Does ob need to be freshly versioned?
            # ordered by audit_id, newest first
            return ob.changes[0].action != "version"
            # !+what if a sub-child has been reversioned since last child version?
        except IndexError:
            return True
    dirty = dirty or changed_since_last_version(ob)
    if dirty:
        # create version if needed
        if reversion:
            auditor = audit.get_auditor(ob.audit_head)
            auditor = audit.get_auditor(ob)
        last_version = auditor.object_version(ob, root=root)
        session = Session()
        for cv in child_versions:
            # relate newly created ob last_version to child versions
            ct = domain.ChangeTree()
            ct.parent_id = last_version.audit_id
            ct.child_id = cv.audit_id
        # retrieve newest version for ob
        last_version = ob.changes[0]
    return dirty, last_version