Пример #1
 def _object_changed(self, action, ob, 
     """() -> domain.Change
         the UI for some changes allow the user to manually set the 
         date_active -- this is what should be used as the *effective* date 
         i.e. the date to be used for all intents and purposes other than 
         for data auditing. When not user-modified, the value should be equal 
         to date_audit.
     user = utils.get_login_user()
     assert user is not None, "Audit error. No user logged in."
     # carry over a snapshot of head values
     def get_field_names_to_audit(kls):
         names_to_audit = []
         table = self.audit_table
         for column in table.columns:
             # skip all fields starting with "audit_"
             if column.name.startswith("audit_"):
             # ok, column must therefore be a proper attribute from ob's class
             assert column.name in kls.__dict__, \
                 "Not in class: %s" % column.name
             # skip all primary keys (audit_head_id managed separately)
             if column.primary_key: 
         for vp_name, vp_type in kls.extended_properties:
         return names_to_audit
     def copy_field_values(head_cls, source, dest):
         for name in get_field_names_to_audit(head_cls):
             setattr(dest, name, getattr(source, name))
     # ensure real head object, in case we are dealing with reversioning 
     # off an Audit instance
     head_ob = ob
     if action == "version" and issubclass(ob.__class__, domain.Audit):
         # ob is an Audit instance, so need its head_ob
         head_ob = ob.audit_head
     # audit snapshot - done first, to ensure a valid audit_id...
     au = self.audit_class()
     au.audit_head = head_ob # attach audit log item to parent object
     copy_field_values(head_ob.__class__, ob, au)
     session = Session()
     # change/audit record
     # !+version Version instances are created as Change instances!
     ch = domain.Change()
     ch.seq = 0 # !+ reset below, to avoid sqlalchemy violates not-null constraint
     ch.audit = au # ensures ch.audit_id, ch.note.object_id
     ch.user_id = user.user_id
     ch.action = action
     ch.seq = self._get_seq(ch)
     # !+translate_seq(mr, feb-2013) this should be divided by language?
     # !+translate_action(mr, feb-2013) shoudl there be an action per 
     # language e.g. translate-fr for translations to french (resolves the 
     # noted translate_seq issue)
     ch.procedure = procedure
     ch.date_audit = datetime.now()
     if date_active:
         ch.date_active = date_active
         ch.date_active = ch.date_audit
     if note:
         ch.note = note
     # !+SUBITEM_CHANGES_PERMISSIONS(mr, jan-2012) permission on change 
     # records for something like item[@draft]->file[@attached]->fileversion 
     # need to remember also the root item's state, else when item later 
     # becomes visible to clerk and others, the file itself will also become 
     # visible to the clerk (CORRECT) but so will ALL changes on the file 
     # while that file itself was @attached (WRONG!). May best be addressed
     # when change persistence is reworked along with single document table.
     log.debug("AUDIT [%s] %s" % (au, au.__dict__))
     log.debug("CHANGE [%s] %s" % (action, ch.__dict__))
     return ch
Пример #2
    def _object_changed(
            the UI for some changes allow the user to manually set the 
            date_active -- this is what should be used as the *effective* date 
            i.e. the date to be used for all intents and purposes other than 
            for data auditing. When not user-modified, the value should be equal 
            to date_audit.
        user_id = get_db_user_id()
        assert user_id is not None, "Audit error. No user logged in."

        # carry over a snapshot of head values
        def get_field_names_to_audit(kls):
            names_to_audit = []
            table = self.audit_table
            for column in table.columns:
                # skip all fields starting with "audit_"
                if column.name.startswith("audit_"):
                # ok, column must therefore be a proper attribute from ob's class
                assert column.name in kls.__dict__, \
                    "Not in class: %s" % column.name
                # skip all primary keys (audit_head_id managed separately)
                if column.primary_key:
            for vp_name, vp_type in kls.extended_properties:
            return names_to_audit

        def copy_field_values(head_cls, source, dest):
            for name in get_field_names_to_audit(head_cls):
                setattr(dest, name, getattr(source, name))

        # ensure real head object, in case we are dealing with reversioning
        # off an Audit instance
        head_ob = ob
        if action == "version" and issubclass(ob.__class__, domain.Audit):
            # ob is an Audit instance, so need its head_ob
            head_ob = ob.audit_head

        # audit snapshot - done first, to ensure a valid audit_id...
        au = self.audit_class()
        au.audit_head = head_ob  # attach audit log item to parent object
        copy_field_values(head_ob.__class__, ob, au)
        session = Session()

        # change/audit record
        # !+version Version instances are created as Change instances!
        ch = domain.Change()
        ch.seq = 0  # !+ reset below, to avoid sqlalchemy violates not-null constraint
        ch.audit = au  # ensures ch.audit_id, ch.note.object_id
        ch.user_id = user_id
        ch.action = action
        ch.seq = self._get_seq(ch)
        ch.procedure = procedure
        ch.date_audit = datetime.now()
        if date_active:
            ch.date_active = date_active
            ch.date_active = ch.date_audit
        if note:
            ch.note = note

        # !+SUBITEM_CHANGES_PERMISSIONS(mr, jan-2012) permission on change
        # records for something like item[@draft]->file[@attached]->fileversion
        # need to remember also the root item's state, else when item later
        # becomes visible to clerk and others, the file itself will also become
        # visible to the clerk (CORRECT) but so will ALL changes on the file
        # while that file itself was @attached (WRONG!). May best be addressed
        # when change persistence is reworked along with single document table.

        log.debug("AUDIT [%s] %s" % (au, au.__dict__))
        log.debug("CHANGE [%s] %s" % (action, ch.__dict__))
        return ch
Пример #3
    def _object_changed(self, action, ob, 
            description="", extras=None, date_active=None):
            this is a non-localized string as base description of the log item,
            offers a (building block) for the description of this log item. 
            UI components may use this in any of the following ways:
            - AS IS, optionally localized
            - as a building block for an elaborated description e.g. for 
              generating descriptions that are hyperlinks to an event or 
              version objects
            - ignore it entirely, and generate a custom description via other
              means e.g. from the "notes" extras dict.
        extras: !+CHANGE_EXTRAS(mr, dec-2010)
            a python dict, containing "extra" information about the log item, 
            with the "key/value" entries depending on the change "action"; 

            Specific examples, for actions: 
                workflow: self.object_workflow()
                version: self.object_version()
                modify: self.object_modify()
            For now, this dict is serialized (using repr(), values are assumed 
            to be simple strings or numbers) as the value of the notes column, 
            for storing in the db--but if and when the big picture of these 
            extra keys is understood clearly then the changes table may be 
            remodeled with dedicated table columns.
            the UI for some changes allow the user to manually set the 
            date_active -- this is what should be used as the *effective* date 
            i.e. the date to be used for all intents and purposes other than 
            for data auditing. When not user-modified, the value should be equal 
            to date_audit. 
        oid, otype = self._getKey(ob)
        user_id = get_db_user_id()
        assert user_id is not None, "Audit error. No user logged in."
        session = Session()
        change = self.change_class()
        change.action = action
        change.date_audit = datetime.now()
        if date_active:
            change.date_active = date_active
            change.date_active = change.date_audit
        change.user_id = user_id
        change.description = description
        change.extras = extras
        change.content_type = otype
        change.head = ob # attach change to parent object
        change.status = ob.status # remember parent's status at time of change
        # !+SUBITEM_CHANGES_PERMISSIONS(mr, jan-2012) permission on change 
        # records for something like item[@draft]->file[@attached]->fileversion 
        # need to remember also the root item's state, else when item later 
        # becomes visible to clerk and others, the file itself will also become 
        # visible to the clerk (CORRECT) but so will ALL changes on the file 
        # while that file itself was @attached (WRONG!). May best be addressed
        # when change persistence is reworked along with single document table.
        log.debug("AUDITED [%s] %s" % (action, change.__dict__))
        return change.change_id