Пример #1
def pe_time_series_selection_to_sunburst_and_transaction_table(
        figure, selectedData, time_resolution, time_span, data_store,
    """Selecting specific points from the time series chart updates the
    account burst and the detail labels.  Reminder to self: When you
    think selectedData input is broken, remember that unaltered
    default action in the graph is to zoom, not to select.

    Note: all of the necessary information is in figure but that
    doesn't seem to trigger reliably.  Adding selectedData as a second
    Input causes reliable triggering.

    params: Params() = Params.from_json(param_store)
    trans, atree, eras, dstore = Datastore.get_parts(data_store,
    if not time_resolution:
        time_resolution = params.init_time_res
    if not time_span:
        time_span = params.init_time_span
    if len(trans) == 0:
            "Tried to make burst figure from transactions, but no transactions provided."
        raise PreventUpdate()
    unit = params.unit

    ts_label = CONST["time_span_lookup"].get(time_span)["label"]
    min_period_start: np.datetime64 = None
    max_period_end: np.datetime64 = None
    selected_accounts = []
    selected_trans = pd.DataFrame()
    desc_account_count = 0
    colormap = {}

    # Get the names and colors of all accounts in the Input figure.
    # If anything is clicked, set the selection dates, accounts, and transactions.
    if figure:
        for trace in figure.get("data"):
            account = trace.get("name")
            points = trace.get("selectedpoints")
            colormap[account] = trace.get("marker").get("color")
            if not points:
            for point in points:
                point_x = trace["x"][point]
                period_start, period_end = period_to_date_range(
                    time_resolution, point_x, eras)
                if min_period_start is None:
                    min_period_start = period_start
                    min_period_start = min(min_period_start, period_start)
                if max_period_end is None:
                    max_period_end = period_end
                    max_period_end = max(max_period_end, period_end)
                desc_accounts = atree.get_descendent_ids(account)
                desc_account_count = desc_account_count + len(desc_accounts)
                subtree_accounts = [account] + desc_accounts
                new_trans = (trans.loc[trans["account"].isin(
                    subtree_accounts)].loc[trans["date"] >= period_start].loc[
                        trans["date"] <= period_end])
                new_trans = Ledger.positize(
                    new_trans)  # each top-level account should net positive
                if len(selected_trans) > 0:
                    selected_trans = selected_trans.append(new_trans)
                    selected_trans = new_trans
    selected_count = len(selected_trans)

    if selected_count > 0 and len(selected_accounts) > 0:
        # If there are selected data, describe the contents of the sunburst
        # TODO: desc_account_count is still wrong.
        description = Burst.pretty_account_label(
        # If no trans are selected, show everything.  Note that we
        # could logically get here even if valid accounts are
        # selected, in which case it would be confusing to get back
        # all trans instead of none, but this should never happen haha
        # because any clickable bar must have $$, and so, trans
        description = f"Click a bar in the graph to filter from {len(trans):,d} records"
        selected_trans = trans
        min_period_start = trans["date"].min()
        max_period_end = trans["date"].max()

    title = f"{ts_label} {unit} from {pretty_date(min_period_start)} to {pretty_date(max_period_end)}"
    pe_selection_store = {
        "start": min_period_start,
        "end": max_period_end,
        "count": len(selected_trans),
        "accounts": selected_accounts,

    duration = round(
        pd.to_timedelta((max_period_end - min_period_start), unit="ms") /
        np.timedelta64(1, "M"))
    factor = Ledger.prorate_factor(time_span, duration=duration)
        sun_fig = Burst.from_trans(atree, selected_trans, time_span, unit,
                                   factor, colormap, title)
    except LError as E:
        text = f"Failed to generate sunburst.  Error: {E}"
        description = text

    return (sun_fig, title, description, pe_selection_store)