Пример #1
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make sure to
        handle the special case where all particles have weight 0 after
        reweighting based on observation. If this happens, resample particles
        uniformly at random from the set of legal positions

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell,

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total
             weight for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount
             on a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution.

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the
        distance between a particle and Pacman's position.
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** MODIFIED CODE HERE ***"
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        allPossible = util.Counter()
        if noisyDistance == None:
            allPossible[self.getJailPosition()] = 1.0
            allPossible = util.Counter()
            for p in self.particleList:
                dist = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
                allPossible[p] += emissionModel[dist]         
        if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:

        self.beliefs = allPossible
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
            newPos = util.sample(self.beliefs)
            self.particleList[i] = newPos
Пример #2
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    "Update beliefs based on the given distance observation."
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(observation)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    weights = util.Counter()

    hasNonZero = False
    for p in self.particles:
        distance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
        prob = emissionModel[distance]
        weights[p] += prob
        if(prob > 0):
            hasNonZero = True

    if (not hasNonZero):
        newParticles = []
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
            ghostPos = random.choice(self.legalPositions)

        self.particles = newParticles

    resampledParticles = []
    for i in range(self.numParticles):

    self.particles = resampledParticles
Пример #3
  def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position (2 * i + 1, 1),
         where "i" is the 0-based index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of 999 (a noisy distance
         of 999 will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles.

    pacmanPos = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
    if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
    emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

    jailed = [ noisy == 999 for noisy in noisyDistances ]

    partials = [ tuple() ] * self.numParticles

    for g in xrange(self.numGhosts):
      weighted = util.Counter()
      if jailed[g]:
        # handle the jailed ghost
        jailLocation = (2 * g + 1, 1)
        for i in xrange(self.numParticles):
          partials[i] += (jailLocation, )
      for oldAssign, counts in self.sampledCounts.iteritems():
        for assign, oldCount in counts.iteritems():
          if oldCount <= 0:
          trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(pacmanPos, assign[g])
          delta = abs(trueDistance - noisyDistances[g])
          if emissionModels[g][trueDistance] > 0 and delta <= MAX_DIST_DELTA:
            # no need to normalize by constant
            pTrue = math.exp( -delta )
            weighted[assign[g]] = oldCount * emissionModels[g][trueDistance] * pTrue / self.proposals[oldAssign][assign]
      totalWeight = weighted.totalCount()
      if totalWeight != 0: weighted.normalize()
      for i in xrange(self.numParticles):
        if totalWeight == 0:
          #  handle the zero weights case
          partials[i] += (random.choice(self.legalPositions), )
          partials[i] += (util.sample(weighted), )

    self.particles = CounterFromIterable(partials)
Пример #4
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make
        sure to handle the special case where all particles have weight
        0 after reweighting based on observation. If this happens,
        resample particles uniformly at random from the set of legal
        positions (self.legalPositions).

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, **all** particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, self.getJailPosition()

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
             prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total weight
             for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount on
             a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the distance
        between a particle and pacman's position.

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        newBeliefs = util.Counter()
        beliefs = self.getBeliefDistribution()
        # Special Case #1
        # this will handle the case when pacman captures a ghost, it will update the
        # particles to reflect this change
        if noisyDistance == None:
            newBeliefs[self.getJailPosition()] = 1
        # go through all the legal positions and calculate their manhattan distance
        # to pacman's position
            for p in self.legalPositions:
                distance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
                # if the probability of that distance is greater than zero, than recalculate
                # the new beliefs as accounting for that probability
                if emissionModel[distance] > 0:
                    newBeliefs[p] = emissionModel[distance] * beliefs[p]
        # Special Case #2
        # when all the particles have a weight of 0, we reinitialize
        if newBeliefs.totalCount() == 0:
        self.particles = [util.sample(newBeliefs) for _ in range(self.numParticles)]
Пример #5
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #first special case
        for i in xrange(self.numGhosts):
        	if noisyDistances[i]==None:
        		for x, y in enumerate(self.particles):
					self.particles[x] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(y, i)
        #create a weighted particle distribution
        weightedParticleDistri = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particles:
        	product = 1
        	for i in xrange(self.numGhosts):
        		if noisyDistances[i]!=None:
        			trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(particle[i], pacmanPosition)
        			product *= emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
        	weightedParticleDistri[particle] += product
        # second special case
        if weightedParticleDistri.totalCount()==0:
            #change all particles with all the eaten ghosts' positions changed to their respective jail positions
            for i in xrange(self.numGhosts):
	        	if noisyDistances[i]==None:
	        		for x, y in enumerate(self.particles):
						self.particles[x] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(y, i)
        else: # resampling
            self.particles = [util.sample(weightedParticleDistri) for particle in self.particles]
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make
    sure to handle the special case where all particles have weight
    0 after reweighting based on observation. If this happens,
    resample particles uniformly at random from the set of legal
    positions (self.legalPositions).

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, self.getJailPosition()

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. Remember to
          change particles to jail if called for.
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

    # check if all weights are zero
    def zeroWeights(weights):
      return all(w == 0 for w in weights.values())

    prevBelief = self.getBeliefDistribution()
    allPossible = util.Counter()
    nextParticles = []

    # ghost captured
    if noisyDistance is None:
      jailPosition = self.getJailPosition()
      # put ghost to jail
      for i in range(self.numParticles):

      self.particles = nextParticles

      # update beliefs
      for pos in self.legalPositions:
        trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(pos, pacmanPosition)
        allPossible[pos] += emissionModel[trueDistance] * prevBelief[pos]
      # weights all zero
      if zeroWeights(allPossible):

        # resample particles
        for i in range(self.numParticles):

        self.particles = nextParticles
Пример #7
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
             where "i" is the index of the ghost.

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
              prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
              are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of 0)
              must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
              particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
        it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
        this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
        provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
        that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        weighted, particles = util.Counter(), list()
        for particle in self.particles:
            ghostPositions, weight = list(particle), 1
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                manhattan = util.manhattanDistance(ghostPositions[ghost], pacmanPosition)
                if noisyDistances[ghost] is None:
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghost)
                    weight *= emissionModels[ghost][manhattan]
            weighted[particle] += weight
        if weighted.totalCount() != 0:
            for i in range(self.numParticles):
            particles = self.particles
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                    if noisyDistances[ghost] is None:
                        for i in range(self.numParticles):
                            particles[i] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(self.particles[i], ghost)
        self.particles = particles
Пример #8
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.

    The noisyDistance is the estimated manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.

    The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for any true
    distance you supply.  That is, it stores P(noisyDistance | TrueDistance).

    self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions (you
    should only consider positions that are in self.legalPositions).
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

    # Replace this code with a correct observation update
    updatedBeliefs = util.Counter()
    if(noisyDistance != 999):
      for p in self.legalPositions:
        trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
        if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
          updatedBeliefs[p] = emissionModel[trueDistance] * self.beliefs[p]
      # Must take care of this base case - as autograder seems to ask for it.
      # Setting the probability of the ghost jail cell to be 1 and rest to be 0
      ghostJailPos = (2 * self.ghostAgent.index - 1, 1)
      updatedBeliefs[ghostJailPos] = 1.0

    # MUST normalize !

    self.beliefs = updatedBeliefs
Пример #9
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make sure to
        handle the special case where all particles have weight 0 after
        reweighting based on observation. If this happens, resample particles
        uniformly at random from the set of legal positions

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell,

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total
             weight for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount
             on a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution.

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the
        distance between a particle and Pacman's position.
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        # First check if we ate the ghost, make all particles be the jail position
        if noisyDistance is None:
            self.particles = [self.getJailPosition() for i in range(self.numParticles)]

            new_particles = []
            # This will update our beliefs
            weights = util.Counter()
            # For old particle, use the emission data to inform the new particles
            counted = Counter(self.particles)
            FoundElt = 0
            for key in counted:
                distance = util.manhattanDistance(key, pacmanPosition)
                # Basically the weight to sample at from at different locations is
                # the number of particles at that location * P(noisydist | true dist)
                weights[key] = counted[key] * emissionModel[distance]
                if weights[key] > 0:
                    FoundElt = 1

            # If we didn't get all zeroes
            if FoundElt:                
                # Forward sample, only consider emission
                self.particles = []
                for i in range(self.numParticles):
Пример #10
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        indexOfGhosts = [i for i in range(self.numGhosts) if noisyDistances[i] == None]
        allPos = util.Counter()
        for elem in self.particles:
            for i in range (len(indexOfGhosts)):
                elem = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(elem, indexOfGhosts[i])
            prob = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] is not None:
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(elem[i], pacmanPosition)
                    prob *= emissionModels[i][distance]
            allPos[elem] += prob

        self.beliefs = allPos

        if allPos.totalCount() == 0:
            for i in range(len(self.particles)):
                self.particles[i] = util.sample(self.beliefs)
Пример #11
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.
    The noisyDistance is the estimated manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.
    The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for any true 
    distance you supply.  That is, it stores P(noisyDistance | TrueDistance).
                                aka given the observation noisyDistance, what is the prob of TrueDistance?

    self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions (you
    should only consider positions that are in self.legalPositions).
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
#    print
#    print "TEST"
#    print
    newBeliefs = util.Counter()
    for p in self.beliefs: #for p in self.beliefs 
        trueDis = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition) #get the true distance from pacman to that position
        newBeliefs[p] = emissionModel[trueDis]*self.beliefs[p] #inference equation = old belief for that position times current belief for that position in the emission model
    newBeliefs.normalize() #normalize that probability
    self.beliefs = newBeliefs
Пример #12
  def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
         where "i" is the index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. Remember to
          change ghosts' positions to jail if called for.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
    if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
    emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]
    #print "pacmanPostion=",pacmanPosition
    #print "noisyDistances = ",noisyDistances
    #print "emissionModels = ",emissionModels
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    beliefs = self.getBeliefDistribution()
    #print "beliefs = ",beliefs
    for i in range(self.numGhosts):
        if noisyDistances[i] != None:
            for particle in beliefs:
                ghostItemPos = particle[i]
                trueDis = util.manhattanDistance(ghostItemPos,pacmanPosition)
    for i in range(self.numGhosts):
        if noisyDistances[i] == None:
            new_dis = util.Counter()
            for key in beliefs:
                #print "key=",key
                newKey = []
                for j in range(self.numGhosts):
                    if j == i:
                #print "newKey is ",newKey
            beliefs = new_dis
    if beliefs.totalCount() == 0:
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
            self.particles[i] = util.sample(beliefs)
Пример #13
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        updated = []
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            # print(noisyDistances)
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                for index, particle in enumerate(self.particleList):
                    self.particleList[index] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)

        weights = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particleList:
            totalprob = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] != None:
                    dist = util.manhattanDistance(particle[i], pacmanPosition)
                    prob = emissionModels[i][dist]
                    totalprob = totalprob * prob
            weights[particle] += totalprob
        # print(weights)
        keys = weights.keys()
        distribution = weights.values()
        if all(val == 0 for val in distribution):
            self.particleList = util.nSample(distribution, keys, len(self.particleList))
Пример #14
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    "Update beliefs based on the given distance observation."
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(observation)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    noisyDistance = observation

    newBeliefs = util.Counter()
    beliefs = self.getBeliefDistribution()

    for pos in self.legalPositions:
        trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(pacmanPosition, pos)
        if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
            newBeliefs[pos] = emissionModel[trueDistance] * beliefs[pos]

    if newBeliefs.totalCount() == 0:
        self.initializeUniformly(gameState, self.numParticles)
        self.particles = []
        for i in range (0, self.numParticles):

    if noisyDistance == 999:
        self.particles = []
        for i in range (0, self.numParticles):
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.
    The noisyDistance is the estimated manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.
    The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for any true 
    distance you supply.  That is, it stores P(noisyDistance | TrueDistance).

    self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions (you
    should only consider positions that are in self.legalPositions).
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # Replace this code with a correct observation update
    allPossible = util.Counter()
    for p in self.legalPositions:
      trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
      if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
          allPossible[p] = self.beliefs[p]
          allPossible[p] *= emissionModel[trueDistance]
    self.beliefs = allPossible
Пример #16
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]
Пример #17
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make
        sure to handle the special case where all particles have weight
        0 after reweighting based on observation. If this happens,
        resample particles uniformly at random from the set of legal
        positions (self.legalPositions).

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, **all** particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, self.getJailPosition()

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
             prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total weight
             for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount on
             a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the distance
        between a particle and pacman's position.

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        print "Noisy Distance: ", noisyDistance
        print "Emission Model: ", emissionModel
        print "pacman Position: ", pacmanPosition
        print "self.particles: ", self.particles
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        belief = self.getBeliefDistribution()
        #ghost has been captured
        if noisyDistance is None:
            self.particles = []
            for index in range(0, self.numParticles):
            #weighting and testing if the weights are 0
            for position in self.legalPositions:
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(position, pacmanPosition)
                allPossible[position] = emissionModel[trueDistance] * belief[position]
            if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:
            self.particles = []
            for index in range(0, self.numParticles):
                newP = util.sample(allPossible)
Пример #18
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make
        sure to handle the special case where all particles have weight
        0 after reweighting based on observation. If this happens,
        resample particles uniformly at random from the set of legal
        positions (self.legalPositions).

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, **all** particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, self.getJailPosition()

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
             prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total weight
             for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount on
             a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the distance
        between a particle and pacman's position.

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Пример #19
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.
    The noisyDistance is the estimated manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.
    The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for any true 
    distance you supply.  That is, it stores P(noisyDistance | TrueDistance).

    self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions (you
    should only consider positions that are in self.legalPositions).

    A correct implementation will handle the following special case:
      *  When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all beliefs should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition()

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    # Replace this code with a correct observation update
    # Be sure to handle the jail.
    if noisyDistance is None:
      self.beliefs = util.Counter()
      for p in self.legalPositions:
        trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
        self.beliefs[p] = emissionModel[trueDistance]*self.beliefs[p]
  def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position (2 * i + 1, 1),
         where "i" is the 0-based index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of 999 (a noisy distance
         of 999 will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
    if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
    emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Пример #21
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make
    sure to handle the special case where all particles have weight
    0 after reweighting based on observation. If this happens,
    resample particles uniformly at random from the set of legal
    positions (self.legalPositions).

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, self.getJailPosition()

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. Remember to
          change particles to jail if called for.
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
Пример #22
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

	weights = util.Counter()
	i = 0	
	if noisyDistance == None:
		self.particle_positions = []
		while i != self.numParticles:
			i += 1
		for p in self.particle_positions:
			trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
			#maybe more than one particle per position
			weights[p] += emissionModel[trueDistance]
		if weights.totalCount()	!= 0:
			self.particle_positions = []
			while i != self.numParticles:
				i += 1
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        counter = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particles:
           # weight = 0
            weight = 1
            for i in range(0, self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] != None:
                    manDistance = util.manhattanDistance(particle[i],pacmanPosition)
                    weight = weight * emissionModels[i][manDistance]
                    listP = list(particle)
                    listP[i] = self.getJailPosition(i)
                    particle = tuple(listP) 
            counter[particle] =  counter[particle] + weight

        if any(counter.values()):
            particles = []
            for i in range(0, self.numParticles):
Пример #24
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.

        The noisyDistance is the estimated Manhattan distance to the ghost you
        are tracking.

        The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for
        any true distance you supply. That is, it stores P(noisyDistance |

        self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions (you
        should only consider positions that are in self.legalPositions).

        A correct implementation will handle the following special case:
          *  When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all beliefs should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        # print 'noisyDistance : ', noisyDistance
        # print 'emissionModel : ', emissionModel
        # print 'pacmanPosition : ', pacmanPosition
        # print ''

        "*** Q1 CODE STARTS HERE ***"
        # util.raiseNotDefined()

        # Replace this code with a correct observation update
        # Be sure to handle the "jail" edge case where the ghost is eaten
        # and noisyDistance is None
        # allPossible = util.Counter()
        # for p in self.legalPositions:
        #     trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
        #     if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
        #         allPossible[p] = 1.0

        allPossibleParticle = util.Counter()
        for p in self.legalPositions:
            distance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
            if emissionModel[distance] > 0:
                allPossibleParticle[p] = emissionModel[distance] * self.beliefs[p]

        if noisyDistance is None:
            jailedGhostBelief = util.Counter()
            jailedGhostBelief[(2 * self.index - 1, 1)] = 1
            allPossibleParticle = jailedGhostBelief

        "*** Q1 CODE ENDS HERE ***"

        self.beliefs = allPossibleParticle
Пример #25
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
	weights = util.Counter()
	for i in range(len(self.particle_positions)):	
		temp = 1
		for ghost_idx in range(self.numGhosts):
			if noisyDistances[ghost_idx] == None:
				new_particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(self.particle_positions[i],ghost_idx)
				self.particle_positions[i] = new_particle
				trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(self.particle_positions[i][ghost_idx],pacmanPosition)
				model = emissionModels[ghost_idx] 	
				temp *= model[trueDistance]
		weights[self.particle_positions[i]] += temp
	i = 0
	if weights.totalCount() != 0:
		self.particle_positions = []
		while i != self.numParticles:
			i += 1
Пример #26
  def observe(self, observation, gameState):
    Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.

    The noisyDistance is the estimated manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.

    The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for any true
    distance you supply.  That is, it stores P(noisyDistance | TrueDistance).
    noisyDistance = observation
    emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    allPossible = util.Counter()
    for p in self.legalPositions:
      trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
      if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
        #allPossible[p] = 1
        allPossible[p] = emissionModel[trueDistance]*self.beliefs[p] #strengthen the belief based on the positive probability vales of the possible locations of ghosts
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    self.beliefs = allPossible
Пример #27
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
             where "i" is the index of the ghost.

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
              prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
              are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of 0)
              must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
              particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
        it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
        this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
        provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
        that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances() # before was a single noisyDistance
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]
        # before was a single one:   emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        newWeightCounter = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particleList:
            newWeightForParticle = 1            
            for index in range(0, self.numGhosts):
                if(noisyDistances[index] == None):
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, index)                    
                    ghostsDistanceProduct = util.manhattanDistance(particle[index], pacmanPosition)
                    newWeightForParticle *= emissionModels[index][ghostsDistanceProduct]
            newWeightCounter[particle] = newWeightCounter[particle] + newWeightForParticle              
        if(not newWeightCounter.totalCount() == 0):
            for x in range(0, self.numParticles):
                self.particleList[x] = util.sample(newWeightCounter)
        else: #all particles receive 0 weight
            for x in range(0, len(self.particleList)):
                for index in range(0, self.numGhosts):
                    if(noisyDistances[index] == None):
                        self.particleList[x] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(self.particleList[x], index)                    
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make sure to
        handle the special case where all particles have weight 0 after
        reweighting based on observation. If this happens, resample particles
        uniformly at random from the set of legal positions

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell,

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total
             weight for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount
             on a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution.

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the
        distance between a particle and Pacman's position.
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # References: Textbook pp. 598-599

        # jail edge case
        if noisyDistance == None:
            pos = self.getJailPosition()
            self.particles = [pos]*self.numParticles

        # Step 1: calculate weightss
        weights = util.Counter()
        for pos,prob in self.getBeliefDistribution().items():
            trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(pos, pacmanPosition)
            weights[pos] = emissionModel[trueDistance]*prob

        # Step 2: resample based on the weights
        if weights.totalCount() == 0:
            self.initializeUniformly(gameState) # edge case
            distribution = []
            values = []
            for pos, prob in weights.items():

            self.particles = util.nSample(distribution, values, self.numParticles)
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's position.

        The noisyDistance is the estimated Manhattan distance to the ghost you
        are tracking.

        The emissionModel below stores the probability of the noisyDistance for
        any true distance you supply. That is, it stores P(noisyDistance |

        self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions (you
        should only consider positions that are in self.legalPositions).

        A correct implementation will handle the following special case:
          *  When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all beliefs should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        print "############"
        print noisyDistance
        print emissionModel
        print pacmanPosition
        print self.beliefs
        print "############"

        # Replace this code with a correct observation update
        # Be sure to handle the "jail" edge case where the ghost is eaten
        # and noisyDistance is None
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        if(noisyDistance != None):
          priors = self.beliefs
          for p in self.legalPositions:
            trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
            priorBelief = priors[p]
            if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
              allPossible[p] = priorBelief * emissionModel[trueDistance]
          for p in self.legalPositions:
              allPossible[p] = 0
          allPossible[self.getJailPosition()] = 1

        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        self.beliefs = allPossible
Пример #30
  def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
         where "i" is the index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. Remember to
          change ghosts' positions to jail if called for.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
    if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
    emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    allPossible = util.Counter()

    for oldParticle in self.particles:
      tempDist = 1.0
      for i in range(self.numGhosts):
        if noisyDistances[i] == None:
          tempList = list(oldParticle)
          tempList[i] = self.getJailPosition(i)
          oldParticle = tuple(tempList)

          trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(oldParticle[i], pacmanPosition)
          tempDist *= emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
      allPossible[oldParticle] += tempDist


    # check if all particles have zero weight
    if list(allPossible) == [0]:

      # resample particles
      tempList = []
      for x in range(self.numParticles):

      self.particles = tempList
Пример #31
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
             where "i" is the index of the ghost.

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
              prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
              are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of 0)
              must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
              particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
        it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
        this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
        provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
        that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #check for capture
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if (noisyDistances[i] == None):
                # Ghost is captured
                newList = []
                for par in self.particleList:
                    newList.append(self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(par, i))
                self.particleList = newList

        #weight the particles
        weightedCounter = util.Counter()
        for par in self.particleList:
            prob = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if (noisyDistances[i] == None): continue
                #iterative through ghost
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(par[i], pacmanPosition)
                prob = prob * emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
            weightedCounter[par] += prob

        if (weightedCounter.totalCount() == 0):

        newList = []
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
        self.particleList = newList
Пример #32
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        # iterate over all particles and then all ghosts
        # if ghost noisyDistances is none then it should go to prison jail
        # otherwise we should count probability of this ghost being in specific sell based on ebservation
        # and multiply all of them and add to counter
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        for index in range(0, len(self.particles)):
            sample = self.particles[index]
            probability = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] is None:
                    self.particles[index] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                        sample, i)
                    sample = self.particles[index]
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(
                        sample[i], pacmanPosition)
                    probability = probability * emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
            allPossible[sample] += probability

        if (allPossible.totalCount() == 0):

        # choose randomly from particles based on their weights
        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
Пример #33
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        """Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
        1) When all particles get weight 0 due to the observation,
           a new set of particles need to be generated from the initial
           prior distribution by calling initializeParticles.

        2) Otherwise after all new particles have been generated by
           resampling you must check if any ghosts have been captured
           by packman (noisyDistances[i] will be None if ghost i has
           ben captured).

           For each captured ghost, you need to change the i'th component
           of every particle (remember that the particles contain a position
           for every ghost---so you need to change the component associated
           with the i'th ghost.). In particular, if ghost i has been captured
           then the i'th component of every particle must be changed so
           the i'th ghost is in its prison cell (position self.getJailPosition(i))

            Note that more than one ghost might be captured---you need
            to ensure that every particle puts every captured ghost in
            its prison cell.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to help you
        edit a specific particle. Since we store particles as tuples,
        they must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted
        back to a tuple. This is a common operation when placing a
        ghost in jail. Note that this function
        creates a new particle, that has to replace the old particle in
        your list of particles.

        HINT1. The weight of every particle is the product of the probabilities
               of associated with each ghost's noisyDistance observation
        HINT2. When computing the weight of a particle by looking at each
               ghost's noisyDistance observation make sure you check
               if the ghost has been captured. Captured ghost's are ignored
               in the weight computation (the particle's component for
               the captured ghost is updated the precise position later---so
               this corresponds to multiplying the weight by probability 1
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        jIndex = []

        for i in range(self.numGhosts):

            if noisyDistances[i] is None:

        counter = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particles:

            for j in jIndex:
                particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle,j)

            prob = 1

            for i in range(self.numGhosts):

                if i not in jIndex:
                    model = emissionModels[i]
                    ghostPos = particle[i]
                    dist = util.manhattanDistance(ghostPos,pacmanPosition)
                    prob = prob * model[dist]

            counter[particle] = counter[particle] + prob

        self.beliefs = counter

        if counter.totalCount() != 0:

            for i in range(len(self.particles)):
                newPos = util.sample(self.beliefs)
                self.particles[i] = newPos


        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
             where "i" is the index of the ghost.

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
              prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
              are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of 0)
              must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
              particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
        it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
        this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
        provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
        that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        # damn this list comprehension is self explainatory
        jailedGhosts = [
            i for i in range(self.numGhosts) if noisyDistances[i] is None

        allPossible = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particles:
            newParticle = particle
            # most of jailed ghosts are captured in previous runs, but there might also be
            # a new captured ghost so we need to mark it as jailed
            for jailed in jailedGhosts:
                newParticle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                    newParticle, jailed)
            # we start with probability 1 and then multiply for each non-jailed ghost
            # with the probability of it being at a certain distance
            newProb = 1.0
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                if ghost not in jailedGhosts:
                    # same as in exact inference
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(
                        pacmanPosition, newParticle[ghost])
                    newProb *= emissionModels[ghost][trueDistance]
            allPossible[newParticle] += newProb

        self.beliefs = allPossible
        # make new particles from obtained beliefs
        if self.beliefs.totalCount() == 0:
            self.particles = [
                util.sample(self.beliefs) for i in range(self.numParticles)
Пример #35
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # Checking if noisyDistance is None i.e prison cell and hence making the probability of the belief of prison cell 1
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                self.particles = [
                    self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(p, i)
                    for p in self.particles

        weightedParticles = util.Counter()
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        #changing the probability of beliefs using formula (new_prob = old_prob * conditional_prob) same as bayes net P(h/D) = P(D/h)*P(h)
        for p in self.particles:
            weightedParticles[p] = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] != None:
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p[i], pacmanPosition)
                    weightedParticles[p] *= emissionModels[i][trueDistance]

        self.particleWeights = util.Counter()
        for p in self.particles:
            self.particleWeights[p] += 1.0
        for p in self.particles:
            if p not in allPossible:
                allPossible[p] = weightedParticles[p] * self.particleWeights[p]
        self.beliefs = allPossible

        if self.beliefs.totalCount() == 0:
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    self.particles = [
                        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(p, i)
                        for p in self.particles
            self.particles = [
                util.sample(self.beliefs) for i in range(self.numParticles)
Пример #36
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        weight = util.Counter()
        for p in self.particles:
            particleList = list(p)
            particleWeight = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(particleList[i],
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    p = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(p, i)
                    emission = 1
                    particleWeight *= emission
                    emission = emissionModels[i]
                    particleWeight *= emission[trueDistance]
            weight[p] += particleWeight

        tempList = []
        tempList2 = []
        if weight.totalCount() == 0:
            tempList = self.particles
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    for p in range(self.numParticles):
                        tempList[p] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                            self.particles[p], i)
            self.particles = tempList

            for i in range(self.numParticles):
            self.particles = tempList2
Пример #37
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]
        currentDistribution = self.getBeliefDistribution()

        # Create new distribution model
        newDistribution = util.Counter()
        for state, stateProb in currentDistribution.iteritems():
            newProb = stateProb
            for ghostIndex in range(self.numGhosts):

                # If ghost is in jail
                if noisyDistances[ghostIndex] == None:
                    state = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(state, ghostIndex)
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(state[ghostIndex], pacmanPosition)
                    newProb *= emissionModels[ghostIndex][trueDistance]

            newDistribution[state] = newProb

        # Handle some edge cases
        if newDistribution.totalCount() == 0.0:
            newDistribution = self.getBeliefDistribution()

        # Using new distribution sample particles
        items = sorted(newDistribution.items())
        distribution = [i[1] for i in items]
        values = [i[0] for i in items]
        newListOfSamples = util.nSample(distribution, values, self.numParticles)

        self.particles = newListOfSamples
Пример #38
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        def jailGhosts(particle):
            newParticle = list(particle)
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[ghost] is None:
                    newParticle[ghost] = self.getJailPosition(ghost)
            return tuple(newParticle)

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        # Distribution of particles
        distribution = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particles:
            prob = 1.0
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[ghost] is not None:
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(pacmanPosition,
                    prob *= emissionModels[ghost][distance]
            distribution[particle] += prob

        # If all particles have 0 weight, recreate from the prior distribution
        if distribution.totalCount() == 0:
            self.particles = map(jailGhosts, self.particles)

        newParticles = []

        for i in range(self.numParticles):
            particle = util.sample(distribution)
            particle = jailGhosts(particle)

        self.particles = newParticles
Пример #39
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
             where "i" is the index of the ghost.

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
              prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
              are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of None)
              must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
              particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
        it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
        this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
        provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
        that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # instanciate grid world
        grid = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particles:
            prob = 1.0
            # loop throgh ghots
            for index in range(self.numGhosts):
                # ghost is in jail
                if noisyDistances[index] == None:
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, index)
                # get distance from ghost and update prob
                elif prob != 0:
                    man_distance = util.manhattanDistance(particle[index], pacmanPosition)
                    prob = prob * emissionModels[index][man_distance]
            # update grid
            grid[particle] = grid[particle] + prob

        # all ghosts are in jail
        if sum(grid.values()) == 0:

        # normalyze geid world and instanciate relevant
        self.particles = []
        counter = 0

        # resample particles based on state of the grid
        while counter < self.numParticles:
            particle = util.sample(grid)
            counter = counter + 1
Пример #40
    def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
         where "i" is the index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. Remember to
          change ghosts' positions to jail if called for.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        """allPossible = util.Counter()
    for p in self.particlesList:
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                listP = list(particle)
                listP[g] = self.getJailPosition(g)
                particle = tuple(listP) 
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p[i], pacmanPosition)
                weight *= emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
        allPossible[p] += weight
    if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:
        self.particlesList = []
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
        beliefDis = self.getBeliefDistribution()
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] != None:
                for particle in beliefDis:
                    ghost_pos = particle[i]
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(
                        ghost_pos, pacmanPosition)
                    beliefDis[particle] *= emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                new_dis = util.Counter()
                for particle in beliefDis:
                        particle, i)] += beliefDis[particle]
                beliefDis = new_dis

        if beliefDis.totalCount() == 0:
            for i in xrange(self.numParticles):
                self.particles[i] = util.sample(beliefDis)
Пример #41
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        #updates the weight for each particle
        for part in self.particles:
            weight = 1
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                #ghost in jail, changes particle location to jail
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    part = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(part, i)
                    #ghost not in jail
                    #updates weightrs
                    weight = weight * emissionModels[i][util.manhattanDistance(
                        part[i], pacmanPosition)]
            #if ghost in jail, weight is now in Jail
            #if ghost is not in jail, weight is updated nomrally with the particle
            allPossible[part] = allPossible[part] + weight

        #checks if all particles are valued at 0, and resets
        if sum(allPossible.values()) == 0:
            self.particles = []
            for i in range(self.numParticles):
Пример #42
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        """Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
        1) When all particles get weight 0 due to the observation,
           a new set of particles need to be generated from the initial
           prior distribution by calling initializeParticles.

        2) Otherwise after all new particles have been generated by
           resampling you must check if any ghosts have been captured
           by packman (noisyDistances[i] will be None if ghost i has
           ben captured).

           For each captured ghost, you need to change the i'th component
           of every particle (remember that the particles contain a position
           for every ghost---so you need to change the component associated
           with the i'th ghost.). In particular, if ghost i has been captured
           then the i'th component of every particle must be changed so
           the i'th ghost is in its prison cell (position self.getJailPosition(i))

            Note that more than one ghost might be captured---you need
            to ensure that every particle puts every captured ghost in
            its prison cell.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to help you
        edit a specific particle. Since we store particles as tuples,
        they must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted
        back to a tuple. This is a common operation when placing a
        ghost in jail. Note that this function
        creates a new particle, that has to replace the old particle in
        your list of particles.

        HINT1. The weight of every particle is the product of the probabilities
               of associated with each ghost's noisyDistance observation
        HINT2. When computing the weight of a particle by looking at each
               ghost's noisyDistance observation make sure you check
               if the ghost has been captured. Captured ghost's are ignored
               in the weight computation (the particle's component for
               the captured ghost is updated the precise position later---so
               this corresponds to multiplying the weight by probability 1
        # emissionModel[dist(p)] = Pr(et|xt=p).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        # for each distinct particle, compute weight as sum of weights of all the same particle
        # for each particle, compute weight as product of porobability of each postion in that particle.
        weights = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particles:
            product = 1.0
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
                    product *= emissionModels[i][util.manhattanDistance(
                        particle[i], pacmanPosition)]
            weights[particle] += product
        if weights.totalCount() > 0:
            for i in range(self.numParticles):
                self.particles[i] = util.sample(weights)
        else:  # case 1
        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particles):  # case 2
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    self.particles[index] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                        particle, i)
        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Пример #43
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        """Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's

        When we enter this function pacman's distribution over
        possible locations of the ghost are stored in self.beliefs

        For any position p:
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p | e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)

        That is, pacman's distribution has already been updated by all
        prior observations already.

        This function should update self.beliefs[p] so that
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p |e_t, e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)

        That is, it should update pacman's distribution over the
        ghost's locations to account for the passed observation.

        noisyDistance (= the next observation e_t) is the estimated
        Manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.

        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        stores the probability of having observed noisyDistance given any
        true distance you supply. That is
        emissionModel[trueDistance] = Pr(noisyDistance | trueDistance).

        Since our observations have to do with manhattanDistance with
        no indication of direction, we take
        Pr(noisyDistance | Xt=p) =
            Pr(noisyDistance | manhattanDistance(p,packmanPosition))

        That is, the probability of observing noisyDistance given that the
        ghost is in position p is equal to the probability of having
        observed noisyDistance given the trueDistance between p and the
        pacman's current position.

        self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions
        (Only positions in self.legalPositions need to have
         their probability updated)

        A correct implementation will handle the following special

        * When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all beliefs should be
          updated so that pacman believes the ghost to be in its
          prison cell with probability 1, this position is

          You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
          checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
          of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
          captured, note 0 != None).

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #the code below updates pacman's beliefs so that it
        #has a uniform distribution over all possible positions
        #the ghost could be.
        # Replace this code with a correct observation update
        # Be sure to handle the "jail" edge case where the ghost is eaten
        # and noisyDistance is None


        # The counter class is an extension of the standard pythoy dictionary type
        beliefs = util.Counter()
        if noisyDistance == None:
            beliefs[self.getJailPosition()] = 1.0
            for ghostPosition in self.legalPositions:
                distance = util.manhattanDistance(ghostPosition,
                # emissionModel[trueDistance] = Pr(noisyDistance | trueDistance) = Pr(et|xt)
                # self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p |e_t, e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)
                beliefs[ghostPosition] = emissionModel[
                    distance] * self.beliefs[ghostPosition]

        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        self.beliefs = beliefs
Пример #44
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        newBeliefDist = util.Counter()
        eatenGhostsIndex = []
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] is None:
        for particle in self.particles:
            # Update for eaten Ghosts
            for i in eatenGhostsIndex:
                particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)

            prob = 1
            # For not eaten Ghosts
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if i not in eatenGhostsIndex:
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(
                        particle[i], pacmanPosition)
                    prob *= (emissionModels[i])[trueDistance]

            newBeliefDist[particle] += prob

        if newBeliefDist.totalCount() == 0:
            for pos in range(len(self.particles)):
                self.particles[pos] = util.sample(newBeliefDist)
Пример #45
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #first special case
        for i in xrange(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                for x, y in enumerate(self.particles):
                    self.particles[x] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(y, i)
        #create a weighted particle distribution
        weightedParticleDistri = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particles:
            product = 1
            for i in xrange(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] != None:
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(
                        particle[i], pacmanPosition)
                    product *= emissionModels[i][trueDistance]
            weightedParticleDistri[particle] += product
        # second special case
        if weightedParticleDistri.totalCount() == 0:
            #change all particles with all the eaten ghosts' positions changed to their respective jail positions
            for i in xrange(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                    for x, y in enumerate(self.particles):
                        self.particles[x] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                            y, i)
        else:  # resampling
            self.particles = [
                for particle in self.particles
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # jail edge case
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                pos = self.getJailPosition(i)
                for j,particle in enumerate(self.particles):
                    self.particles[j] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle,i)

        # Step 1: calculate weights
        weights = util.Counter()
        for particle,N in self.getBeliefDistribution().items():
            trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(particle[i], pacmanPosition)
            prob = 1.0
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] != None: 
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(particle[i], pacmanPosition)
                    prob *= emissionModels[i][distance]
            weights[particle] += prob*N

        # Step 2: resample based on the weights
        if weights.totalCount() == 0:
            self.initializeParticles() # edge case
            distribution = []
            values = []
            for pos, prob in weights.items():

            self.particles = util.nSample(distribution, values, self.numParticles)
Пример #47
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        for i in range(self.numParticles):
            prob = 1
            each = self.particleslist[i]
            # print("!!!!!!!!!!")
            # print(each)
            for j in range(self.numGhosts):
                noisydis = noisyDistances[j]
                emissionmod = emissionModels[j]
                if noisydis ==None:
                    each = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(each,j)
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(each[j], pacmanPosition)
                    prob *=emissionmod[trueDistance]


        if allPossible.totalCount()==0:
            samplelist = []
            count = 0
            while count < self.numParticles:
                count +=1
            self.particleslist = samplelist
Пример #48
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        ghostIndexJail = []

        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] == None:

        newParticles = util.Counter()
        # Creating all particles
        for p in self.particles:
            for ghosts in ghostIndexJail:
                p = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(p, ghosts)

            probability = 1

            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if i not in ghostIndexJail:
                    em = emissionModels[i]
                    #true distance
                    dist = util.manhattanDistance(p[i], pacmanPosition)
                    probability *= em[dist]
            # particle
            newParticles[p] += probability

        self.beliefs = newParticles

        # same as previous question
        # If all values are zero .i.e sum should be zero
        # then initialze partciles
        if newParticles.totalCount() == 0:
            for i in range(len(self.particles)):
                newPos = util.sample(self.beliefs)
                self.particles[i] = newPos
Пример #49
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make sure to
        handle the special case where all particles have weight 0 after
        reweighting based on observation. If this happens, resample particles
        uniformly at random from the set of legal positions

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell,

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total
             weight for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount
             on a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution.

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the
        distance between a particle and Pacman's position.
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        weightedParticles = util.Counter()
        particlesDistribution = util.Counter()
        # Checking if noisyDistance is None i.e prison cell and hence making the probability of the belief of prison cell 1
        if noisyDistance == None:
            self.particles = [
                self.getJailPosition() for i in range(self.numParticles)
            allPossible[self.getJailPosition()] = 1
            self.beliefs = allPossible
            #changing the probability of beliefs using formula (new_prob = old_prob * conditional_prob) same as bayes net P(h/D) = P(D/h)*P(h)
            for p in self.particles:
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
                    p] = self.particleWeights[p] * emissionModel[trueDistance]
                weightedParticles[p] += 1
            self.beliefs = allPossible
            self.particleWeights = weightedParticles

            if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:
                self.particles = [
                    util.sample(self.beliefs) for i in range(self.numParticles)
                self.particleWeights = util.Counter()
                for p in self.particles:
                    self.particleWeights[p] += 1.0
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy
        To loop over the ghosts, use:
          for i in range(self.numGhosts):
        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.
             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.
          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.
        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        import functools

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()

        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:

        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        particleWeights = []

        #if ghost is eaten place it in jail with a probability of 1
        #for p in self.particles:
        #    for i in range(self.numGhosts):
        #        if noisyDistances[i] == None:
        #                p = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(p, i)

        # jailGhost, res = float('inf'), self.doJailCheck(noisyDistances)
        # if res[1] is True: jailGhost = res[0]
        jailCondition = False

        #weighting the particles
        for index, p in enumerate(self.particles):

            listOfLocationWeights = []
            # loop through all ghosts
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):

                if noisyDistances[i] != None:
                    # find the true distance from pacman to the current ghost that we're iterating through
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p[i], pacmanPosition)
                    # weight each particle by the probability of getting to that position (use emission model)
                    # account for our current belief distribution (evidence) at this point in time
                        emissionModels[i][trueDistance])  #* currentBeliefs[p])

                    self.particles[index] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                        p, i)
                    jailCondition = True

                    #self.particles = [self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(p, i) for p in self.particles]

            if len(listOfLocationWeights) != 0:
                    functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y,

        #if not jailCondition:
        # now create a counter and count up the particle weights observed
        particleDictionary = util.Counter()

        #for i in range(self.numParticles):
        for index, p in enumerate(self.particles):
            #particleDictionary[self.particles[i]] += particleWeights[i]
            particleDictionary[p] += particleWeights[index]


        # 2) if all particles have 0 weight, recreate prior distribution
        #print particleDictionary.totalCount() == 0

        if particleDictionary.totalCount() == 0:


        # otherwise, go ahead and resample based on our new beliefs

            keys = []
            values = []

            # find each key, value pair in our counter
            keys, values = zip(*particleDictionary.items())

            # resample self.particles
            self.particles = util.nSample(values, keys, self.numParticles)

    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make
        sure to handle the special case where all particles have weight
        0 after reweighting based on observation. If this happens,
        resample particles uniformly at random from the set of legal
        positions (self.legalPositions).

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, **all** particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, self.getJailPosition()

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
             prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total weight
             for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount on
             a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the distance
        between a particle and pacman's position.

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        allPossible = util.Counter()
        if noisyDistance is None:
            # if ghost is captured, mark it so
            allPossible[self.getJailPosition()] = 1.0
            for p in self.particles:
                # for each particle get the position and add the probability
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(pacmanPosition, p)
                if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:
                    # add the probability to be at distance trueDistance
                    allPossible[p] += emissionModel[trueDistance]

        # make sure we have sum = 1 over probabilities
        self.beliefs = allPossible
        newParticles = []
        if self.beliefs.totalCount() == 0:
            # this conditional branch is pretty much stated in the requirement
            # the next particles will be samples from current beliefs
            # if a belief from the current state has a high probability, then it will happen more
            # often, and will have more particles in that position
            # the more a position appears in the particles, the higher the probability
            # that a ghost is there
            self.particles = [
                util.sample(allPossible) for i in range(len(self.particles))
    def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
         where "i" is the index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. Remember to
          change ghosts' positions to jail if called for.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] is None:
                for ptc in self.particles[:]:
                    ptc = list(ptc)
                    ptc[i] = self.getJailPosition(i)

        weighted = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particles:
            weighted_ptc = 1.0
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] is not None:
                    weighted_ptc *= emissionModels[i][util.manhattanDistance(
                        pacmanPosition, particle[i])]
            weighted[particle] += weighted_ptc


        if weighted.totalCount() == 0:
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] is None:
                    for ptc in self.particles[:]:
                        ptc = list(ptc)
                        ptc[i] = self.getJailPosition(i)
            self.particles = [
                util.sample(weighted) for i in range(self.numParticles)
Пример #53
    def observeState(self, gameState):
    Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

    As in elapseTime, to loop over the ghosts, use:

      for i in range(self.numGhosts):

    A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
      1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
         that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
         where "i" is the index of the ghost.

         You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
         checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
         of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

      2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
          prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
          are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of 0)
          must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
          particle if a ghost has been eaten.

    ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
    it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
    this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
    provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
    that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        for i in range(self.numGhosts):
            if noisyDistances[i] is None:
                self.particles = [
                    self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
                    for particle in self.particles[:]

        weightedParticles = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particles:
            weightedParticle = 1.0
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] is not None:
                    weightedParticle *= emissionModels[i][
                        util.manhattanDistance(pacmanPosition, particle[i])]
            weightedParticles[particle] += weightedParticle


        if weightedParticles.totalCount() == 0:
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[i] is None:
                    self.particles = [
                        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
                        for particle in self.particles[:]

            self.particles = [
                for i in range(self.numParticles)
Пример #54
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances
        allPossible = util.Counter()

        for particle in self.particles:
            accrueProb = 1.0
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                # handle a ghost in jail by updating the particle
                if noisyDistances[ghost] == None:
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghost)
                    trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(
                        particle[ghost], pacmanPosition)
                    accrueProb *= emissionModels[ghost][trueDistance]
            allPossible[particle] += accrueProb

        # handle all particles getting a weight of zero by starting again
        if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:
            # add back the information for ghosts in jail
            for ghost in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[ghost] == None:
                    for j, particle in enumerate(self.particles):
                        self.particle[j] = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(
                            particle, ghost)
            # rebuild the particle list for next time!
            self.particles = []
            for index in range(self.numParticles):
Пример #55
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        """Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's

        When we enter this function pacman's distribution over
        possible locations of the ghost are stored in self.beliefs

        For any position p:
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p | e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)

        That is, pacman's distribution has already been updated by all
        prior observations already.

        This function should update self.beliefs[p] so that
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p |e_t, e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)

        That is, it should update pacman's distribution over the
        ghost's locations to account for the passed observation.

        noisyDistance (= the next observation e_t) is the estimated
        Manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.

        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        stores the probability of having observed noisyDistance given any
        true distance you supply. That is
        emissionModel[trueDistance] = Pr(noisyDistance | trueDistance).

        Since our observations have to do with manhattanDistance with
        no indication of direction, we take
        Pr(noisyDistance | Xt=p) =
            Pr(noisyDistance | manhattanDistance(p,packmanPosition))

        That is, the probability of observing noisyDistance given that the
        ghost is in position p is equal to the probability of having
        observed noisyDistance given the trueDistance between p and the
        pacman's current position.

        self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions
        (Only positions in self.legalPositions need to have
         their probability updated)

        A correct implementation will handle the following special

        * When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all beliefs should be
          updated so that pacman believes the ghost to be in its
          prison cell with probability 1, this position is

          You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
          checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
          of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
          captured, note 0 != None).

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        allPossible = util.Counter()
        if noisyDistance is None:
            allPossible[self.getJailPosition] = 1
            for p in self.legalPositions:
                allPossible[p] = self.beliefs[p] * \
                        p, pacmanPosition)]

        self.beliefs = allPossible
Пример #56
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [
            busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        old_beliefs = self.getBeliefDistribution()

        for ind, particle in enumerate(self.particles):
            par = 1.0
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                if (noisyDistances[i] == None):
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
                    dist = util.manhattanDistance(particle[i], pacmanPosition)
                    par = par * emissionModels[i][dist]
            allPossible[particle] += par

        if not any(allPossible.values()):
            for ind, particle in enumerate(self.particles):
                for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                    if (noisyDistances[i] == None):
                        particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
            temp = []
            for i in range(self.numParticles):
                self.particles = temp
Пример #57
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy observations.

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated so
             that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position self.getJailPosition(i)
             where "i" is the index of the ghost.

             You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
             of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from the
              prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all particles
              are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have noisyDistance of None)
              must be changed to the jail Position. This will involve changing each
              particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        ** Remember ** We store particles as tuples, but to edit a specific particle,
        it must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. Since
        this is a common operation when placing a ghost in the jail for a particle, we have
        provided a helper method named self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, ghostIndex)
        that performs these three operations for you.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts: return
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        allPossible = util.Counter()
        place = 0

        for number in self.particles:
            remainder = 1.0
            for num in range(self.numGhosts):
                # examining case
                if noisyDistances[num] is None:
                    number = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(number, num)

                    gameRange = util.manhattanDistance(number[num], pacmanPosition)
                    remainder = remainder * emissionModels[num][gameRange]

            allPossible[number] = allPossible[number] + remainder
            place = place + 1

        if not any(allPossible.values()):
            place = 0
            for number in self.particles:
                for num in range(self.numGhosts):
                    # examining case
                    if noisyDistances[num] is not None:

                        number = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(number, num)

                place = place + 1

            store = []
            for number in range(self.numParticles):

            self.particles = store
Пример #58
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make sure to
        handle the special case where all particles have weight 0 after
        reweighting based on observation. If this happens, resample particles
        uniformly at random from the set of legal positions

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell,

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total
             weight for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount
             on a Counter object

        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution.

        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the
        distance between a particle and Pacman's position.
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # initialize the counter and retrieve belief distribution
        allPossible = util.Counter()
        beliefs = self.getBeliefDistribution()

        # Case 1
        # update all particles when ghost is eaten (noisyDistance == None)
        if noisyDistance == None:

            # do this as a list because our particles are in a list
            jailPositionList = [self.getJailPosition()]
            self.particlesList = self.numParticles * jailPositionList
            # similar to q2
            for p in self.legalPositions:

                # retrieve true distance to each location and noisy
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
                probabilityOfNoisyGivenTrue = emissionModel[trueDistance]

                # we want to keep summing them according to the particle
                allPossible[p] = allPossible[p] + (beliefs[p] * probabilityOfNoisyGivenTrue)

            # Check whether particles all have a weight of 0 and initialize uniformly if true
            if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:


                # iterate through particles
                particleSampleDistribution = list()

                # create the samples from the distribution based on new counter
                for _ in range(self.numParticles):

                self.particlesList = particleSampleDistribution
Пример #59
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell, position
             self.getJailPosition(i) where `i` is the index of the ghost.

             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.

          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeParticles. After all
             particles are generated randomly, any ghosts that are eaten (have
             noisyDistance of None) must be changed to the jail Position. This
             will involve changing each particle if a ghost has been eaten.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to edit a specific
        particle. Since we store particles as tuples, they must be converted to
        a list, edited, and then converted back to a tuple. This is a common
        operation when placing a ghost in jail.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # counter
        possibleCounter = util.Counter()

        for _, particle in enumerate(self.particles):
            prior = 1

            # for each ghost
            for i in range(self.numGhosts):

                # check the first case for eaten ghost
                if noisyDistances[i] is None:
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
                # else calculate the actual distance to get the partial/priority
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(pacmanPosition, particle[i])
                    noisyDistance = emissionModels[i][distance]
                    prior = prior * noisyDistance

            # add prior to particle
            possibleCounter[particle] = possibleCounter[particle] + prior

        # check for counter values all = 0
        if possibleCounter.totalCount() == 0:

            # set particle to jailed ghost because found
            for particle in self.particles:
                for i in range(self.numGhosts):
                    if noisyDistances[i] == None:
                        particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, i)
            # else normalize and resample it for particle list
            newParticleList = list()

            for _ in range(self.numParticles):

            self.particles = newParticleList
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        Update beliefs based on the given distance observation. Make sure to
        handle the special case where all particles have weight 0 after
        reweighting based on observation. If this happens, resample particles
        uniformly at random from the set of legal positions
        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
          1) When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all particles should be updated
             so that the ghost appears in its prison cell,
             As before, you can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
             checking if it has a noisyDistance of None.
          2) When all particles receive 0 weight, they should be recreated from
             the prior distribution by calling initializeUniformly. The total
             weight for a belief distribution can be found by calling totalCount
             on a Counter object
        util.sample(Counter object) is a helper method to generate a sample from
        a belief distribution.
        You may also want to use util.manhattanDistance to calculate the
        distance between a particle and Pacman's position.
        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        allPossible = util.Counter()

        # 1) if ghost is eaten place it in jail with a probability of 1
        if noisyDistance == None:

            temp = []

            for p in range(len(self.particles)):

            self.particles = temp

        # otherwise go ahead ahead and create our counter

            currentBeliefs = self.getBeliefDistribution()

            for p in self.particles:

                # find the true distance from pacman to each particle
                trueDistance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)

                if emissionModel[trueDistance] > 0:

                    # weight each particle by the probability of getting to that position (use emission model)
                    # account for our current belief distribution (evidence) at this point in time
                        p] = emissionModel[trueDistance] * currentBeliefs[p]

            # 2) if all particles have 0 weight, recreate prior distribution
            if allPossible.totalCount() == 0:


            # otherwise, go ahead and resample based on our new beliefs

                keys = []
                values = []

                # find each key, value pair in our counter
                for key, value in allPossible.items():


                # resample self.particles
                self.particles = util.nSample(values, keys, self.numParticles)