Пример #1
def test_sort_dirty_flag():
    # a delete and an add of a new price should make it dirty
    sd = SideDict()
    assert sd._sort_dirty == False

    # adding makes dirty
    sd[Price("100.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty

    # adding again at same price shouldn't change that
    sd[Price("100.0")] = 2
    assert sd._sort_dirty

    # because the function that gets sorted prices hasn't been called yet, the internal list should still be empty
    assert sd._sorted == []

    # adding a new price shouldn't change flag, should still be dirty and list still empty
    sd[Price("101.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty
    assert sd._sorted == []

    # deleting at this point shouldn't change flag
    del sd[Price("101.0")]
    assert sd._sort_dirty
    assert sd._sorted == []

    # getting a sorted list should set flag to not dirty and list should be sorted now
    l = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert len(l) == 1
    assert l[0] == Price("100.0")
    assert len(sd._sorted) == 1
    assert sd._sorted[0] == Price("100.0")
    assert sd._sort_dirty == False

    # do a bunch of ads and we should be dirty after each one and len of sorted should not change
    #  because list not updated
    length = len(sd._sorted)
    sd[Price("101.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty
    assert len(sd._sorted) == length
    sd[Price("102.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty
    assert len(sd._sorted) == length
    sd[Price("103.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty
    assert len(sd._sorted) == length
    sd[Price("104.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty

    # get sorted and flag should go back to false
    l = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert sd._sort_dirty == False
    assert len(sd._sorted) == 5

    # adding a price that already exists should keep dirty flag dirty
    sd[Price("104.0")] = 1
    assert sd._sort_dirty == False
Пример #2
def test_creation():
    sd = SideDict()
    # no prices means no min and max
    assert sd.min_price() is None
    assert sd.max_price() is None

    # should not be sort_dirty and list should be empty
    assert sd._sort_dirty == False
    assert len(sd.sorted_prices()) == 0
Пример #3
def test_min_price_when_deleting():
    # don't care what the value is in these tests so just setting it to ints
    sd = SideDict()
    # in empty dict the max price is none
    assert sd.max_price() is None

    # add a few to test when deleting
    sd[Price("100.0")] = 1
    sd[Price("99.99")] = 1
    sd[Price("100.001")] = 1
    sd[Price("100.01")] = 1
    sd[Price("100.02")] = 1

    # at this point MIN price is 99.99
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("99.99")

    # if I delete the lowest price, the min should change
    del sd[Price("99.99")]
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("100.0")

    # deleting a middle price shouldn't change
    del sd[Price("100.01")]
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("100.00")

    # deleting the highest price should't change it
    del sd[Price("100.02")]
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("100.00")

    # deleting lowest price should put at only one left
    del sd[Price("100.0")]
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("100.001")

    # deleting last price should result in none
    del sd[Price("100.001")]
    assert sd.min_price() is None
Пример #4
def test_max_price_when_adding():
    # don't care what the value is in these tests so just setting it to ints
    sd = SideDict()
    # in empty dict the max price is none
    assert sd.max_price() is None

    # the first added price should be the max price
    sd[Price("100.0")] = 1
    assert sd.max_price() == Price("100.0")

    # adding a price that is less than 100 should not change max price
    sd[Price("99.99")] = 1
    assert sd.max_price() == Price("100.0")

    # adding a price greater than 100 should change the max price
    sd[Price("100.001")] = 1
    assert sd.max_price() == Price("100.001")

    # adding higher still should change max again
    sd[Price("100.02")] = 1
    assert sd.max_price() == Price("100.02")

    # adding the same price as the highest should not change the max
    sd[Price("100.02")] = 2
    assert sd.max_price() == Price("100.02")

    # adding the same price that is not the highest should not change the max
    sd[Price("100.001")] = 1
    assert sd.max_price() == Price("100.02")
Пример #5
def test_min_price_when_adding():
    # don't care what the value is in these tests so just setting it to ints
    sd = SideDict()
    # in empty dict the min price is none
    assert sd.min_price() is None

    # the first added price should be the min price
    sd[Price("100.0")] = 1
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("100.0")

    # adding a price that is less than 100 should  change min price
    sd[Price("99.99")] = 1
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("99.99")

    # adding a price greater than 100 should change the min price
    sd[Price("100.001")] = 1
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("99.99")

    # adding a price that is second lowest shouldn't change
    sd[Price("99.9999")] = 1
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("99.99")

    # adding a lower price should change the min
    sd[Price("98.5")] = 1
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("98.5")

    # adding lower still should change min again
    sd[Price("98.4")] = 1
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("98.4")

    # adding same as min shouldn't change min
    sd[Price("98.4")] = 2
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("98.4")

    # adding smae not min shoudlnt' chagne the min
    sd[Price("98.4")] = 2
    assert sd.min_price() == Price("98.4")
Пример #6
def test_sorting():
    # a delete and an add of a new price should make it dirty
    sd = SideDict()
    # sorted should be empty
    l = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert len(l) == 0

    # add one
    sd[Price("33.00")] = 1
    l = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert len(l) == 1
    r = sd.sorted_prices(reverse=True)
    # should be same as forward with only one
    assert len(r) == 1
    assert l == r

    # add 4 more
    sd[Price("32.00")] = 2
    sd[Price("33.5")] = 3
    sd[Price("36.00")] = 4
    sd[Price("15.00")] = 5
    sd[Price("17.00")] = 3
    sd[Price("31.00")] = 5

    # sorted should be 7 long
    l = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert len(l) == 7
    # test for sorted
    assert l[0] == Price("15.00")
    assert l[1] == Price("17.00")
    assert l[2] == Price("31.00")
    assert l[3] == Price("32.00")
    assert l[4] == Price("33.0")
    assert l[5] == Price("33.50")
    assert l[6] == Price("36.0")

    l = sd.sorted_prices(reverse=True)
    assert len(l) == 7
    # test for sorted in reverse
    assert l[6] == Price("15.00")
    assert l[5] == Price("17.00")
    assert l[4] == Price("31.00")
    assert l[3] == Price("32.00")
    assert l[2] == Price("33.0")
    assert l[1] == Price("33.50")
    assert l[0] == Price("36.0")

    # sort regular again to make sure can do that after going in reverse
    l = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert len(l) == 7
    # test for sorted
    assert l[0] == Price("15.00")
    assert l[1] == Price("17.00")
    assert l[2] == Price("31.00")
    assert l[3] == Price("32.00")
    assert l[4] == Price("33.0")
    assert l[5] == Price("33.50")
    assert l[6] == Price("36.0")

    # insert another and test the sorting again for good measure
    sd[Price("19.75")] = 7

    # test reverse set to false, should be like not setting it at all
    l = sd.sorted_prices(reverse=False)
    l2 = sd.sorted_prices()
    assert l == l2
    assert len(l) == 8
    # test for sorted
    assert l[0] == Price("15.00")
    assert l[1] == Price("17.00")
    assert l[2] == Price("19.75")
    assert l[3] == Price("31.00")
    assert l[4] == Price("32.00")
    assert l[5] == Price("33.0")
    assert l[6] == Price("33.50")
    assert l[7] == Price("36.0")

    # now delete a couple and sort
    del sd[Price("15.00")]
    del sd[Price("33.00")]

    l = sd.sorted_prices(reverse=True)
    assert l[5] == Price("17.00")
    assert l[4] == Price("19.75")
    assert l[3] == Price("31.00")
    assert l[2] == Price("32.00")
    assert l[1] == Price("33.50")
    assert l[0] == Price("36.0")