Пример #1
	def __init__(self, source_path):
			Create the Neighborhood, for finding nearest neighbors.

			source_path (string): path to a bcolz database with three carray
			columns: 'id', 'vector' and 'norm'


		self.source_path = source_path

		# open bcolz datastores
		self.vectors = bvec.carray(rootdir=source_path + "/vector")
		self.norms = bvec.carray(rootdir=source_path + "/norm")
		self.source_table = bcolz.ctable(rootdir=source_path)

		#print("Created similarity object from BCOLZ files: source {0}; target: {1}".format(source_path, target_path))

		# create similarity object
		self.similarity = sim.Similarity(self.vectors, self.norms)

		# create domain <-> index maps

		# dictionary taking ids to indeces (source)
		self.id_index_map = self._create_id_index_map(self.source_table)

		self.index_id_map = self._create_index_id_map(self.source_table)
Пример #2
	def empty_like(self, shape=None, chunklen=None, cparams=None, rootdir=None):
		Create an empty bvec.carray container matching this one, with optional

		p_dtype = self.dtype

		if shape == None:
			shape = self.shape
		if cparams == None:
			cparams = self.cparams

		if(len(shape) == 1):

			result_template = np.ndarray(shape=(0), dtype=p_dtype)
			return bvec.carray(result_template, expectedlen=shape[0], chunklen=chunklen, cparams=cparams, rootdir=rootdir)

		elif(len(self.shape) == 2):

			result_template = np.ndarray((0, shape[1]), dtype=p_dtype)
			return bvec.carray(result_template, expectedlen=shape[0], chunklen=chunklen, cparams=cparams, rootdir=rootdir)

			raise ValueError("Can't create a carray like that. Only one and two dimensions supported.")