def make_graphs(self, graphs_dir=None): lca = LCA({self.db.random(): 1}) lca.lci() tech_filename = safe_filename( + ".technosphere.png" tech_filepath = os.path.join(graphs_dir or projects.output_dir, tech_filename) SparseMatrixGrapher(lca.technosphere_matrix).graph(tech_filepath, dpi=600) bio_filename = safe_filename( + ".biosphere.png" bio_filepath = os.path.join(graphs_dir or projects.output_dir, bio_filename) SparseMatrixGrapher(lca.biosphere_matrix).graph(bio_filepath, dpi=600) return tech_filepath, tech_filename, bio_filepath, bio_filename
def save_calculation_package(name, demand, **kwargs): """Save a calculation package for later use in an independent LCA. Args: * name (str): Name of file to create. Will have datetime appended. * demand (dict): Demand dictionary. * kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments, e.g. ``method``, ``iterations``... Returns the filepath of the calculation package archive. """ _ = lambda x: [os.path.basename(y) for y in x] filepaths = get_filepaths(demand, "demand") data = { 'demand': {mapping[k]: v for k, v in demand.items()}, 'database_filepath': _(filepaths), 'adjust_filepaths': ['database_filepath'], } for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in OBJECT_MAPPING: data[key] = _(get_filepaths(value, key)) data['adjust_filepaths'].append(key) filepaths.extend(get_filepaths(value, key)) else: data[key] = value config_fp = os.path.join(projects.output_dir, "{}.config.json".format(safe_filename(name))) with open(config_fp, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) archive = os.path.join( projects.output_dir, "{}.{}.tar.gz".format( safe_filename(name, False),"%d-%B-%Y-%I-%M%p"))) with, "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(config_fp, arcname=os.path.basename(config_fp)) for filepath in filepaths: tar.add(filepath, arcname=os.path.basename(filepath)) os.remove(config_fp) return archive
def write_lcia_matching(db, name): """Write matched and unmatched CFs to Excel file""" def write_headers(sheet, row): columns = ( 'Name', 'Amount', 'Unit', 'Categories', 'Matched' ) for index, col in enumerate(columns): sheet.write_string(row, index, col, bold) def write_row(sheet, row, data): sheet.write_string(row, 0, data.get('name', '(unknown)')) sheet.write_number(row, 1, data.get('amount', -1)) sheet.write_string(row, 2, data.get('unit', '(unknown)')) sheet.write_string(row, 3, u":".join(data.get('categories', ['(unknown)']))) sheet.write_boolean(row, 4, 'input' in data) safe_name = safe_filename(name, False) filepath = os.path.join( projects.output_dir, "lcia-matching-" + safe_name + ".xlsx" ) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filepath) bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) bold.set_font_size(12) sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('matching') sheet.set_column('A:A', 60) sheet.set_column('B:B', 12) sheet.set_column('C:C', 12) sheet.set_column('D:D', 40) row = 0 for ds in db: for index, elem in enumerate(ds['name']): sheet.write_string(row, index, elem, bold) write_headers(sheet, row + 1) row += 2 for cf in sorted(ds.get('exchanges', []), key=lambda x: x.get('name')): write_row(sheet, row, cf) row += 1 row += 1 workbook.close() return filepath
def write_lci_excel(db_name: str, path: str, objs=None, sections=None) -> Path: """Export database `database_name` to an Excel spreadsheet. Not all data can be exported. The following constraints apply: * Nested data, e.g. `{'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}}` are excluded. Spreadsheets are not a great format for nested data. However, *tuples* are exported, and the characters `::` are used to join elements of the tuple. * The only well-supported data types are strings, numbers, and booleans. Returns the filepath of the exported file. """ path = Path(path) if not path.suffix == ".xlsx": out_file = path / "lci-{}.xlsx".format(safe_filename(db_name, False)) else: out_file = path workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(out_file, {'nan_inf_to_errors': True}) bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) bold.set_font_size(12) highlighted = { 'Activity', 'Database', 'Exchanges', 'Parameters', 'Database parameters', 'Project parameters' } frmt = lambda x: bold if row[0] in highlighted else None sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(create_valid_worksheet_name(db_name)) data = ABCSVFormatter(db_name, objs).get_formatted_data(sections) for row_index, row in enumerate(data): for col_index, value in enumerate(row): if value is None: continue elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number): sheet.write_number(row_index, col_index, value, frmt(value)) else: sheet.write_string(row_index, col_index, frmt_str(value), frmt(value)) workbook.close() return out_file
def write_lci_csv(database_name, sections=None): """Export database `database_name` to a CSV file. Not all data can be exported. The following constraints apply: * Nested data, e.g. `{'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}}` are excluded. CSV is not a great format for nested data. However, *tuples* are exported, and the characters `::` are used to join elements of the tuple. * The only well-supported data types are strings, numbers, and booleans. Returns the filepath of the exported file. """ data = CSVFormatter(database_name).get_formatted_data(sections) safe_name = safe_filename(database_name, False) filepath = os.path.join(projects.output_dir, "lci-" + safe_name + ".csv") with open(filepath, "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for line in data: writer.writerow(line) return filepath
def export_objs(cls, objs, filename, folder="export", backwards_compatible=False): """Export a list of objects. Can have heterogeneous types. Args: * *objs* (list): List of objects to export. * *filename* (str): Name of file to create. * *folder* (str, optional): Folder to create file in. Default is ``export``. * *backwards_compatible* (bool, optional): Create package compatible with bw2data version 1. Returns: Filepath of created file. """ filepath = os.path.join(projects.request_directory(folder), safe_filename(filename) + u".bw2package") cls._write_file( filepath, [cls._prepare_obj(o, backwards_compatible) for o in objs]) return filepath
def lci_matrices_to_excel(database_name, include_descendants=True): """Fake docstring""" from bw2calc import LCA print("Starting Excel export. This can be slow for large matrices!") safe_name = safe_filename(database_name, False) filepath = os.path.join( projects.output_dir, safe_name + ".xlsx" ) lca = LCA({Database(database_name).random(): 1}) lca.load_lci_data() lca.fix_dictionaries() if not include_descendants: lca.activity_dict = { key: value for key, value in lca.activity_dict.items() if key[0] == database_name } # Drop biosphere flows with zero references # TODO: This will ignore (-1 + 1 = 0) references lca.biosphere_dict = { key: value for key, value in lca.biosphere_dict.items() if lca.biosphere_matrix[lca.biosphere_dict[key], :].sum() != 0 } workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filepath) bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) print("Sorting objects") sorted_activity_keys = sorted([ (Database.get(key).get("name") or u"Unknown", key) for key in lca.activity_dict ]) sorted_product_keys = sorted([ (Database.get(key).get("name") or u"Unknown", key) for key in lca.product_dict ]) sorted_bio_keys = sorted([ (Database.get(key).get("name") or u"Unknown", key) for key in lca.biosphere_dict ]) tm_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('technosphere') tm_sheet.set_column('A:A', 50) data = Database(database_name).load() # Labels for index, data in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys): tm_sheet.write_string(0, index + 1, data[0]) for index, data in enumerate(sorted_product_keys): tm_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 0, data[0]) print("Entering technosphere matrix data") coo = lca.technosphere_matrix.tocoo() # Translate row index to sorted product index act_dict = {obj[1]: idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys)} pro_dict = {obj[1]: idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sorted_product_keys)} bio_dict = {obj[1]: idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sorted_bio_keys)} pro_lookup = {v: pro_dict[k] for k, v in lca.product_dict.items()} bio_lookup = {v: bio_dict[k] for k, v in lca.biosphere_dict.items()} act_lookup = {v: act_dict[k] for k, v in lca.activity_dict.items()} # Matrix values for row, col, value in zip(coo.row, coo.col, tm_sheet.write_number( pro_lookup[row] + 1, act_lookup[col] + 1, value ) bm_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('biosphere') bm_sheet.set_column('A:A', 50) data = Database(database_name).load() # Labels for index, data in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys): bm_sheet.write_string(0, index + 1, data[0]) for index, data in enumerate(sorted_bio_keys): bm_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 0, data[0]) print("Entering biosphere matrix data") coo = lca.biosphere_matrix.tocoo() # Matrix values for row, col, value in zip(coo.row, coo.col, bm_sheet.write_number( bio_lookup[row] + 1, act_lookup[col] + 1, value ) COLUMNS = ( u"Index", u"Name", u"Reference product", u"Unit", u"Categories", u"Location" ) tech_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('technosphere-labels') tech_sheet.set_column('B:B', 60) tech_sheet.set_column('C:C', 30) tech_sheet.set_column('D:D', 15) tech_sheet.set_column('E:E', 30) print("Writing metadata") # Header for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS): tech_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold) tech_sheet.write_comment( 'C1', "Only for ecoinvent 3, where names =/= products.", ) for index, data in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys): obj = Database.get(data[1]) tech_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1) tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, obj.get(u'name') or u'Unknown') tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2, obj.get(u'reference product') or u'') tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3, obj.get(u'unit') or u'Unknown') tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 4, u" - ".join(obj.get(u'categories') or [])) tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 5, obj.get(u'location') or u'Unknown') COLUMNS = ( u"Index", u"Name", u"Unit", u"Categories", ) bio_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('biosphere-labels') bio_sheet.set_column('B:B', 60) bio_sheet.set_column('C:C', 15) bio_sheet.set_column('D:D', 30) # Header for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS): bio_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold) for index, data in enumerate(sorted_bio_keys): obj = Database.get(data[1]) bio_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1) bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, obj.get(u'name') or u'Unknown') bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2, obj.get(u'unit') or u'Unknown') bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3, u" - ".join(obj.get(u'categories') or [])) workbook.close() return filepath
def write_lci_matching(db, database_name, only_unlinked=False, only_activity_names=False): """Write matched and unmatched exchanges to Excel file""" def write_headers(sheet, row): columns = ( 'Name', 'Reference Product', 'Amount', 'Database', 'Unit', 'Categories', 'Location', 'Type', 'Matched' ) for index, col in enumerate(columns): sheet.write_string(row, index, col, bold) def write_row(sheet, row, data, exc=True): style = highlighted if ('input' not in data and exc) else None if exc: sheet.write_string(row, 0, data.get('name', '(unknown)'), style) sheet.write_string(row, 1, data.get('reference product', '(unknown)'), style) try: sheet.write_number(row, 2, float(data.get('amount')), style) except ValueError: sheet.write_string(row, 2, 'Unknown', style) else: sheet.write_string(row, 0, data.get('name', '(unknown)'), bold) sheet.write_string(row, 3, data.get('input', [''])[0], style) sheet.write_string(row, 4, data.get('unit', '(unknown)'), style) sheet.write_string(row, 5, u":".join(data.get('categories', ['(unknown)'])), style) sheet.write_string(row, 6, data.get('location', '(unknown)'), style) if exc: sheet.write_string(row, 7, data.get('type', '(unknown)'), style) sheet.write_boolean(row, 8, 'input' in data, style) if only_unlinked and only_activity_names: raise ValueError( "Must choose only one of ``only_unlinked`` and ``only_activity_names``" ) safe_name = safe_filename(database_name, False) suffix = "-unlinked" if only_unlinked else "-names" if only_activity_names else "" filepath = os.path.join( projects.output_dir, "db-matching-" + safe_name + suffix + ".xlsx" ) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filepath) bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) highlighted = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': '#FFB5B5'}) bold.set_font_size(12) sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('matching') sheet.set_column('A:A', 60) sheet.set_column('B:B', 12) sheet.set_column('C:C', 12) sheet.set_column('D:D', 20) sheet.set_column('E:E', 40) sheet.set_column('F:F', 12) sheet.set_column('G:G', 12) row = 0 if only_unlinked: unique_unlinked = collections.defaultdict(set) hash_dict = {} for ds in db: for exc in (e for e in ds.get('exchanges', []) if not e.get('input')): ah = activity_hash(exc) unique_unlinked[exc.get('type')].add(ah) hash_dict[ah] = exc for key in sorted(unique_unlinked.keys()): sheet.write_string(row, 0, key, bold) write_headers(sheet, row + 1) row += 2 exchanges = [hash_dict[ah] for ah in unique_unlinked[key]] exchanges.sort(key=lambda x: (x['name'], list(x.get('categories', [])))) for exc in exchanges: write_row(sheet, row, exc) row += 1 row += 1 else: for ds in db: if not ds.get('exchanges'): continue write_row(sheet, row, ds, False) if only_activity_names: row += 1 continue write_headers(sheet, row + 1) row += 2 for exc in sorted(ds.get('exchanges', []), key=lambda x: x.get('name')): write_row(sheet, row, exc) row += 1 row += 1 workbook.close() return filepath
def lci_matrices_to_matlab(database_name): from bw2calc import LCA lca = LCA({Database(database_name).random(): 1}) lca.lci() lca.fix_dictionaries() ra, rp, rb = lca.reverse_dict() safe_name = safe_filename(database_name, False), safe_name + ".mat"), { 'technosphere': lca.technosphere_matrix, 'biosphere': lca.biosphere_matrix }) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(os.path.join(dirpath, safe_name + ".xlsx")) bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) COLUMNS = ("Index", "Name", "Reference product", "Unit", "Categories", "Location") tech_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('technosphere') tech_sheet.set_column('B:B', 60) tech_sheet.set_column('C:C', 30) tech_sheet.set_column('D:D', 15) tech_sheet.set_column('E:E', 30) # Header for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS): tech_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold) tech_sheet.write_comment( 'C1', "Only for ecoinvent 3, where names =/= products.", ) data = Database(database_name).load() for index, key in sorted(ra.items()): tech_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1) tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, data[key].get('name') or 'Unknown') tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2, data[key].get('reference product') or '') tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3, data[key].get('unit') or 'Unknown') tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 4, " - ".join(data[key].get('categories') or [])) tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 5, data[key].get('location') or 'Unknown') COLUMNS = ( "Index", "Name", "Unit", "Categories", ) biosphere_dicts = {} bio_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('biosphere') bio_sheet.set_column('B:B', 60) bio_sheet.set_column('C:C', 15) bio_sheet.set_column('D:D', 30) # Header for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS): bio_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold) for index, key in sorted(rb.items()): if key[0] not in biosphere_dicts: biosphere_dicts[key[0]] = Database(key[0]).load() obj = biosphere_dicts[key[0]][key] bio_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1) bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, obj.get('name', 'Unknown')) bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2, obj.get('unit', 'Unknown')) bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3, " - ".join(obj.get('categories', []))) workbook.close() return dirpath
def test_safe_filename_unicode_input(self): self.assertTrue(safe_filename(u"Søren Kierkegaard"))