Пример #1
    def __gen_data_sources(self, scenario):
        elements = []
        for source in scenario.get_data_sources():
            source_path = source["path"]
            delimiter = source.get("delimiter")

            if has_variable_pattern(source_path):
                msg = "Path to CSV contains JMeter variable/function, can't check for file existence: %s"
                self.log.warning(msg, source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = ','
                    self.log.warning("Can't detect CSV dialect, default delimiter will be '%s'", delimiter)
                source_path = self.executor.engine.find_file(source_path)
                if not os.path.isfile(source_path):
                    raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources path not found: %s" % source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = guess_delimiter(source_path)

            if source.get("random-order"):
                config = JMX._get_csv_config_random(source_path, delimiter, source.get("loop", True),
                                                    source.get("variable-names", ""))
                config = JMX._get_csv_config(source_path, delimiter, source.get("loop", True),
                                             source.get("variable-names", ""),  source.get("quoted", False))
        return elements
Пример #2
    def __gen_datasources(self, scenario):
        sources = scenario.get("data-sources")
        if not sources:
            return []
        if not isinstance(sources, list):
            raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources '%s' is not a list" % sources)
        elements = []
        for idx, source in enumerate(sources):
            source = ensure_is_dict(sources, idx, "path")
            source_path = source["path"]

            delimiter = source.get("delimiter")

            if has_variable_pattern(source_path):
                msg = "Path to CSV contains JMeter variable/function, can't check for file existence: %s"
                self.log.warning(msg, source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = ','
                    self.log.warning("Can't detect CSV dialect, default delimiter will be '%s'", delimiter)
                source_path = self.executor.engine.find_file(source_path)
                if not os.path.isfile(source_path):
                    raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources path not found: %s" % source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = self.__guess_delimiter(source_path)

            config = JMX._get_csv_config(source_path, delimiter, source.get("quoted", False), source.get("loop", True),
                                         source.get("variable-names", ""))
        return elements
Пример #3
    def __gen_datasources(self, scenario):
        sources = scenario.get("data-sources")
        if not sources:
            return []
        if not isinstance(sources, list):
            raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources '%s' is not a list" % sources)
        elements = []
        for idx, source in enumerate(sources):
            source = ensure_is_dict(sources, idx, "path")
            source_path = source["path"]

            delimiter = source.get("delimiter")

            if has_variable_pattern(source_path):
                msg = "Path to CSV contains JMeter variable/function, can't check for file existence: %s"
                self.log.warning(msg, source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = ','
                    self.log.warning("Can't detect CSV dialect, default delimiter will be '%s'", delimiter)
                modified_path = self.executor.engine.find_file(source_path)
                if not os.path.isfile(modified_path):
                    raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources path not found: %s" % modified_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = self.__guess_delimiter(modified_path)
                source_path = get_full_path(modified_path)

            config = JMX._get_csv_config(source_path, delimiter, source.get("quoted", False), source.get("loop", True),
                                         source.get("variable-names", ""))
        return elements
Пример #4
    def __gen_datasources(self, scenario):
        sources = scenario.get("data-sources", [])
        if not sources:
            return []
        if not isinstance(sources, list):
            raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources '%s' is not a list" % sources)
        elements = []
        for idx, source in enumerate(sources):
            source = ensure_is_dict(sources, idx, "path")
            source_path = source["path"]

            jmeter_var_pattern = re.compile("^\$\{.*\}$")
            delimiter = source.get('delimiter', None)

            if jmeter_var_pattern.match(source_path):
                self.log.warning('JMeter variable "%s" found, check of file existence is impossible', source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    self.log.warning('CSV dialect detection impossible, default delimiter selected (",")')
                    delimiter = ','
                modified_path = self.executor.engine.find_file(source_path)
                if not os.path.isfile(modified_path):
                    raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources path not found: %s" % modified_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = self.__guess_delimiter(modified_path)
                source_path = get_full_path(modified_path)

            config = JMX._get_csv_config(source_path, delimiter, source.get("quoted", False), source.get("loop", True),
                                         source.get("variable-names", ""))
        return elements
Пример #5
    def __gen_data_sources(self, scenario):
        elements = []
        for source in scenario.get_data_sources():
            source_path = source["path"]
            delimiter = source.get("delimiter")

            if has_variable_pattern(source_path):
                msg = "Path to CSV contains JMeter variable/function, can't check for file existence: %s"
                self.log.warning(msg, source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = ','
                    self.log.warning("Can't detect CSV dialect, default delimiter will be '%s'", delimiter)
                source_path = self.executor.engine.find_file(source_path)
                if not os.path.isfile(source_path):
                    raise TaurusConfigError("data-sources path not found: %s" % source_path)
                if not delimiter:
                    delimiter = guess_delimiter(source_path)

            config = JMX._get_csv_config(source_path, delimiter, source.get("quoted", False), source.get("loop", True),
                                         source.get("variable-names", ""))
        return elements