Пример #1
    def test_dues15_notice(self):
        test the dues15 notice view -- acknowledge incoming payments
        self.config.add_route('detail', '/detail/')
        self.config.add_route('make_dues15_invoice_no_pdf', '/')
        # prepare test candidate
        m1 = C3sMember.get_by_id(1)  # german normal member
        m1.membership_accepted = True
        from c3smembership.views.membership_dues import send_dues15_invoice_email
        req0 = testing.DummyRequest(matchdict={'member_id': m1.id})
        req0.referrer = 'detail'
        resp0 = send_dues15_invoice_email(req0)
        resp0  # tame flymake

        partial_payment_amount = D('10')

        # here comes the request to test
        req1 = testing.DummyRequest(matchdict={'member_id': 1},
                                        'amount': partial_payment_amount,
                                        'payment_date': '2015-09-11',
        from c3smembership.views.membership_dues import dues15_notice
        res1 = dues15_notice(req1)
        res1  # tame flymake

        # After the partial payment, some amount has been paid
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_paid, True)
        # it has been the partial payment amount
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_amount_paid, partial_payment_amount)
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_paid_date, datetime(2015, 9, 11, 0, 0))
        # the balance is the original amount subtracted by the partial payment
                         D(m1.dues15_amount) - partial_payment_amount)
        # and the account is not balanced.
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_balanced, False)

        # here comes the request to test
        req2 = testing.DummyRequest(matchdict={'member_id': 1},
                                        'amount': D(m1.dues15_amount) -
                                        'payment_date': '2015-09-13',
        res2 = dues15_notice(req2)
        res2  # tame flymake

        # After the final payment, some amount has been paid
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_paid, True)
        # it has been the full amount
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_amount_paid, D('50'))
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_paid_date, datetime(2015, 9, 13, 0, 0))
        # the balance is 0
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_balance, D('0'))
        # and the account is balanced.
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_balanced, True)
Пример #2
    def test_dues15_notice(self):
        test the dues15 notice view -- acknowledge incoming payments
        self.config.add_route('detail', '/detail/')
        self.config.add_route('make_dues15_invoice_no_pdf', '/')
        # prepare test candidate
        m1 = C3sMember.get_by_id(1)  # german normal member
        m1.membership_accepted = True
        from c3smembership.views.membership_dues import send_dues15_invoice_email
        req0 = testing.DummyRequest(
            matchdict={'member_id': m1.id})
        req0.referrer = 'detail'
        resp0 = send_dues15_invoice_email(req0)
        resp0  # tame flymake

        partial_payment_amount = D('10')

        # here comes the request to test
        req1 = testing.DummyRequest(
            matchdict={'member_id': 1},
                'amount': partial_payment_amount,
                'payment_date': '2015-09-11',
        from c3smembership.views.membership_dues import dues15_notice
        res1 = dues15_notice(req1)
        res1  # tame flymake

        # After the partial payment, some amount has been paid
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_paid, True)
        # it has been the partial payment amount
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_amount_paid, partial_payment_amount)
                         datetime(2015, 9, 11, 0, 0))
        # the balance is the original amount subtracted by the partial payment
            m1.dues15_balance, D(m1.dues15_amount) - partial_payment_amount)
        # and the account is not balanced.
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_balanced, False)

        # here comes the request to test
        req2 = testing.DummyRequest(
            matchdict={'member_id': 1},
                'amount': D(m1.dues15_amount) - partial_payment_amount,
                'payment_date': '2015-09-13',
        res2 = dues15_notice(req2)
        res2  # tame flymake

        # After the final payment, some amount has been paid
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_paid, True)
        # it has been the full amount
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_amount_paid, D('50'))
                         datetime(2015, 9, 13, 0, 0))
        # the balance is 0
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_balance, D('0'))
        # and the account is balanced.
        self.assertEqual(m1.dues15_balanced, True)
Пример #3
    def test_send_dues15_invoice_email_single(self):
        test the send_dues15_invoice_email view

        * calculate invoice amount and send invoice email
        ** to not accepted member
        ** to accepted member
        ** to non-existing member (wrong id)
        ** to same member (just send email, don't create new invoice)

        ... and also check email texts for
        * german normal member
        * english normal member
        * german investing member
        * english investing member
        * german investing legal entity
        * english investing legal entity

        from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
        from c3smembership.views.membership_dues import send_dues15_invoice_email
        from c3smembership.models import Dues15Invoice

        _number_of_invoices = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())

        self.config.add_route('toolbox', '/')
        self.config.add_route('detail', '/')
        self.config.add_route('make_dues15_invoice_no_pdf', '/')

        req = testing.DummyRequest()
        req.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '1',
        req.referrer = 'detail'
        res = send_dues15_invoice_email(req)
        self.assertTrue(res.status_code == 302)
        self.assertTrue('http://example.com/' in res.headers['Location'])
        # member 1 not accepted by the board. problem!

        _number_of_invoices_2 = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())
        assert(_number_of_invoices == _number_of_invoices_2 == 0)
        # print("_number_of_invoices: {}".format(_number_of_invoices))

        m1 = C3sMember.get_by_id(1)
        m1.membership_accepted = True

        res = send_dues15_invoice_email(req)
        # print('#'*60)
        # print res
        # print('#'*60)

        _number_of_invoices_3 = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())
        # print("_number_of_invoices 3: {}".format(_number_of_invoices_3))
        assert(_number_of_invoices_3 == 1)

        # check for outgoing email
        mailer = get_mailer(req)
        # print mailer
        # print mailer.outbox
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 1)
        # print mailer.outbox[0].body
            'Verwendungszweck: C3S-dues2015-0001' in mailer.outbox[0].body)

        now we try to get an id that does not exist
        req2 = testing.DummyRequest()
        req2.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '1234',
        req2.referrer = 'detail'
        res2 = send_dues15_invoice_email(req2)
        self.assertTrue(res2.status_code == 302)
        self.assertTrue('http://example.com/' in res2.headers['Location'])

        what if we call that function (and send email) twice?
        test that no second invoice is created in DB.
        req3 = testing.DummyRequest()
        req3.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '1',
        req3.referrer = 'detail'
        res3 = send_dues15_invoice_email(req3)
        self.assertTrue(res3.status_code == 302)
        self.assertTrue('http://example.com/' in res3.headers['Location'])
        _number_of_invoices_4 = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())
        self.assertEqual(_number_of_invoices_3, _number_of_invoices_4)
        check for email texts
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 2)
            (u'Dein Mitgliedsbeitrag ab Quartal 1 beträgt also 50 Euro.')
            in mailer.outbox[0].body)
        # print(mailer.outbox[0].body)
            (u'Dein Mitgliedsbeitrag ab Quartal 1 beträgt also 50 Euro.')
            in mailer.outbox[1].body)
        # print(mailer.outbox[1].body)

        send email to
        * english member,
        * investing members (de/en),
        * legal entities (de/en)
        # english normal #####################################################
        m2 = C3sMember.get_by_id(2)
        m2.membership_accepted = True
        req_en_normal = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_en_normal.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '2',
        req_en_normal.referrer = 'detail'
        res_en_normal = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_en_normal)
        self.assertTrue(res_en_normal.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 3)
        # print(mailer.outbox[2].body)
            (u'Please transfer 50 Euro')
            in mailer.outbox[2].body)

        # german investing ###################################################
        m3 = C3sMember.get_by_id(3)
        m3.membership_accepted = True
        req_de_investing = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_de_investing.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '3',
        req_de_investing.referrer = 'detail'
        res_de_investing = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_de_investing)
        self.assertTrue(res_de_investing.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 4)
        # print(mailer.outbox[3].body)
            (u'Da Du investierendes Mitglied bist')
            in mailer.outbox[3].body)

        # english investing ##################################################
        m4 = C3sMember.get_by_id(4)
        m4.membership_accepted = True
        req_en_investing = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_en_investing.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '4',
        req_en_investing.referrer = 'detail'
        res_en_investing = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_en_investing)
        self.assertTrue(res_en_investing.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 5)
        # print(mailer.outbox[4].body)
            (u'Since you are an investing member')
            in mailer.outbox[4].body)

        # german legal entity ################################################
        m5 = C3sMember.get_by_id(5)
        m5.membership_accepted = True
        req_de_legalentity = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_de_legalentity.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '5',
        req_de_legalentity.referrer = 'detail'
        res_de_legalentity = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_de_legalentity)
        self.assertTrue(res_de_legalentity.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 6)
        # print(mailer.outbox[5].body)
            in mailer.outbox[5].body)

        # english legal entity ###############################################
        m6 = C3sMember.get_by_id(6)
        m6.membership_accepted = True
        req_en_legalentity = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_en_legalentity.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '6',
        req_en_legalentity.referrer = 'detail'
        res_en_legalentity = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_en_legalentity)
        self.assertTrue(res_en_legalentity.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 7)
        # print(mailer.outbox[6].body)
            (u'Da Musikverlag investierendes Mitglied ist')
            in mailer.outbox[6].body)
            (u'Für juristische Personen wird empfohlen')
            in mailer.outbox[6].body)
Пример #4
    def test_send_dues15_invoice_email_single(self):
        test the send_dues15_invoice_email view

        * calculate invoice amount and send invoice email
        ** to not accepted member
        ** to accepted member
        ** to non-existing member (wrong id)
        ** to same member (just send email, don't create new invoice)

        ... and also check email texts for
        * german normal member
        * english normal member
        * german investing member
        * english investing member
        * german investing legal entity
        * english investing legal entity

        from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
        from c3smembership.views.membership_dues import send_dues15_invoice_email
        from c3smembership.models import Dues15Invoice

        _number_of_invoices = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())

        self.config.add_route('toolbox', '/')
        self.config.add_route('detail', '/')
        self.config.add_route('make_dues15_invoice_no_pdf', '/')

        req = testing.DummyRequest()
        req.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '1',
        req.referrer = 'detail'
        res = send_dues15_invoice_email(req)
        self.assertTrue(res.status_code == 302)
        self.assertTrue('http://example.com/' in res.headers['Location'])
        # member 1 not accepted by the board. problem!

        _number_of_invoices_2 = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())
        assert (_number_of_invoices == _number_of_invoices_2 == 0)
        # print("_number_of_invoices: {}".format(_number_of_invoices))

        m1 = C3sMember.get_by_id(1)
        m1.membership_accepted = True

        res = send_dues15_invoice_email(req)
        # print('#'*60)
        # print res
        # print('#'*60)

        _number_of_invoices_3 = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())
        # print("_number_of_invoices 3: {}".format(_number_of_invoices_3))
        assert (_number_of_invoices_3 == 1)

        # check for outgoing email
        mailer = get_mailer(req)
        # print mailer
        # print mailer.outbox
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 1)
        # print mailer.outbox[0].body
            'Verwendungszweck: C3S-dues2015-0001' in mailer.outbox[0].body)
        now we try to get an id that does not exist
        req2 = testing.DummyRequest()
        req2.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '1234',
        req2.referrer = 'detail'
        res2 = send_dues15_invoice_email(req2)
        self.assertTrue(res2.status_code == 302)
        self.assertTrue('http://example.com/' in res2.headers['Location'])
        what if we call that function (and send email) twice?
        test that no second invoice is created in DB.
        req3 = testing.DummyRequest()
        req3.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '1',
        req3.referrer = 'detail'
        res3 = send_dues15_invoice_email(req3)
        self.assertTrue(res3.status_code == 302)
        self.assertTrue('http://example.com/' in res3.headers['Location'])
        _number_of_invoices_4 = len(Dues15Invoice.get_all())
        self.assertEqual(_number_of_invoices_3, _number_of_invoices_4)
        check for email texts
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 2)
            (u'Dein Mitgliedsbeitrag ab Quartal 1 beträgt also 50 Euro.'
             ) in mailer.outbox[0].body)
        # print(mailer.outbox[0].body)
            (u'Dein Mitgliedsbeitrag ab Quartal 1 beträgt also 50 Euro.'
             ) in mailer.outbox[1].body)
        # print(mailer.outbox[1].body)
        send email to
        * english member,
        * investing members (de/en),
        * legal entities (de/en)
        # english normal #####################################################
        m2 = C3sMember.get_by_id(2)
        m2.membership_accepted = True
        req_en_normal = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_en_normal.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '2',
        req_en_normal.referrer = 'detail'
        res_en_normal = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_en_normal)
        self.assertTrue(res_en_normal.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 3)
        # print(mailer.outbox[2].body)
        self.assertTrue((u'Please transfer 50 Euro') in mailer.outbox[2].body)

        # german investing ###################################################
        m3 = C3sMember.get_by_id(3)
        m3.membership_accepted = True
        req_de_investing = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_de_investing.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '3',
        req_de_investing.referrer = 'detail'
        res_de_investing = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_de_investing)
        self.assertTrue(res_de_investing.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 4)
        # print(mailer.outbox[3].body)
            (u'Da Du investierendes Mitglied bist') in mailer.outbox[3].body)

        # english investing ##################################################
        m4 = C3sMember.get_by_id(4)
        m4.membership_accepted = True
        req_en_investing = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_en_investing.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '4',
        req_en_investing.referrer = 'detail'
        res_en_investing = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_en_investing)
        self.assertTrue(res_en_investing.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 5)
        # print(mailer.outbox[4].body)
            (u'Since you are an investing member') in mailer.outbox[4].body)

        # german legal entity ################################################
        m5 = C3sMember.get_by_id(5)
        m5.membership_accepted = True
        req_de_legalentity = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_de_legalentity.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '5',
        req_de_legalentity.referrer = 'detail'
        res_de_legalentity = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_de_legalentity)
        self.assertTrue(res_de_legalentity.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 6)
        # print(mailer.outbox[5].body)
        self.assertTrue((u'') in mailer.outbox[5].body)

        # english legal entity ###############################################
        m6 = C3sMember.get_by_id(6)
        m6.membership_accepted = True
        req_en_legalentity = testing.DummyRequest()
        req_en_legalentity.matchdict = {
            'member_id': '6',
        req_en_legalentity.referrer = 'detail'
        res_en_legalentity = send_dues15_invoice_email(req_en_legalentity)
        self.assertTrue(res_en_legalentity.status_code == 302)
        self.assertEqual(len(mailer.outbox), 7)
        # print(mailer.outbox[6].body)
        self.assertTrue((u'Da Musikverlag investierendes Mitglied ist'
                         ) in mailer.outbox[6].body)
        self.assertTrue((u'Für juristische Personen wird empfohlen'
                         ) in mailer.outbox[6].body)