Пример #1
 def smoke_test(self):
     pt = b'Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?'
     pt = c9.pkcs7_pad(pt)
     key = b'YELLOW SUBMARINE'
     ct = aes_128_cbc_encrypt(pt, key)
     pt2 = aes_128_cbc_decrypt(ct, key)
     self.assertEqual(pt, pt2)
Пример #2
def bob(to_alice, from_alice):
    Simulates Bob's communication with Alice via DH. Bob decrypts the messages
    then sends them back after re-encrypting under a new IV.

        to_alice: a queue for sending messages to alice
        from_alice: a queue for receiving messages from alice
    # A->B Send p,g,A
    p, g, A = from_alice.get()
    b, B = c33.diffie_hellman(p, g)
    # B->A Send B
    session_key = c33.make_session_key(A, b, p)
    key = session_key[0:16]
    msg = from_alice.get(0.5)

    while msg:
        msg_iv = msg[0:16]
        msg = msg[16:]
        d_msg = c10.aes_128_cbc_decrypt(msg, key, msg_iv)
        d_msg = c9.pkcs7_unpad(d_msg)
        iv = os.urandom(16)
        d_msg = c9.pkcs7_pad(
            d_msg)  # i know this weird but it does perform a check
        echo = c10.aes_128_cbc_encrypt(d_msg, key, iv)
        echo = iv + echo
            msg = from_alice.get(timeout=0.5)
            msg = False
Пример #3
def encryption_oracle():
    Encrypts a random string under AES-128-CBC

        A random, encrypted bytestring
    pt = random.choice(strs)
    pt = c1.base64toascii(pt)
    pt = c9.pkcs7_pad(pt)
    return c10.aes_128_cbc_encrypt(pt, key, iv)
Пример #4
def encryption_oracle(txt):
    Black box encryption oracle that appends an unknown string to the given
    text, pads it out, and encrypts under AES-128-ECB with an unknown key.

        txt: The plaintext to be encrypted.

        AES-128-ECB(txt || unknown-string, random-key) as a bytestring
    return AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(c9.pkcs7_pad(txt + unknown))
Пример #5
def encode_profile(email):
    Encrypts the encoded profile cookie for the given email address.

        email: The user's email address

        The encrypted cookie
    prof = profile_for(email).encode("utf-8")
    return AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(c9.pkcs7_pad(prof))
Пример #6
def encryption_oracle(txt):
    Encrypts the given text under a secret key with a secret, random prefix, and
    and unknown suffix.

        txt: The (attacker-controlled) text to be encrypted

        AES-128-ECB(random-prefix || txt || unknown-string, random-key)
    return AES.new(key,
                   AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(c9.pkcs7_pad(rando + txt + unknown))
Пример #7
def encrypt_userdata(data):
    Encrypts the given data under AES-128-CBC with a secret key, after
    appending and prepending data and quoting out metacharacters.

        data: The user data to be encrypted

        AES-128-CBC(prefix || user-data || suffix, random-key)
    new_c  = prefix + data.replace(b';', b'').replace(b'=', b'') + suffix
    new_c = c9.pkcs7_pad(new_c)
    return c10.aes_128_cbc_encrypt(new_c, key)
Пример #8
def alice(to_bob, from_bob, msgs):
    Simulates Alice's communication to Bob with DH. Alice checks that
    the echo she receives back is the same as the message she sent.

        to_bob: a queue for sending messages out to bob
        from_bob: a queue for receiving messages from bob
        msgs: list of messages to send to bob
    p = "0xffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024"
    p += "e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd"
    p += "3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec"
    p += "6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f"
    p += "24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361"
    p += "c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552"
    p += "bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327fff"
    p += "fffffffffffff"
    p = int(p, 16)
    g = 2
    a, A = c33.diffie_hellman(p, g)
    # A->B Send p,g,A
    to_bob.put([p, g, A])
    # B->A Send B
    B = from_bob.get()
    session_key = c33.make_session_key(B, a, p)
    key = session_key[0:16]

    for msg in msgs:
        if DEBUG:
            print('Sending msg: ' + str(msg))
        iv = os.urandom(16)
        e_msg = iv + c10.aes_128_cbc_encrypt(c9.pkcs7_pad(msg), key, iv)
        # A->B Send AES-CBC(key,msg,iv) + iv
        # B->A echo
        echo = from_bob.get()
        echo_msg = echo[16:]
        echo_iv = echo[0:16]
        d_echo = c10.aes_128_cbc_decrypt(echo_msg, key, echo_iv)
        d_echo = c9.pkcs7_unpad(d_echo)
        if DEBUG:
            print('Alice got echo: ' + str(d_echo))
        assert d_echo == msg, d_echo
Пример #9
def alice(to_bob, from_bob, msgs):
    Simulates Alice's communication to Bob with DH. Alice checks that
    the echo she receives back is the same as the message she sent.

        to_bob: a queue for sending messages out to bob
        from_bob: a queue for receiving messages from bob
        msgs: list of messages to send to bob
    p = P
    g = G
    a, A = c33.diffie_hellman(p, g)
    # A->B Send p,g
    to_bob.put([p, g])
    # B->A Send ACK
    ack = from_bob.get()
    assert ack == "ACK"
    # A->B Send A
    # B->A Send B
    B = from_bob.get()
    session_key = c33.make_session_key(B, a, p)
    key = session_key[0:16]

    for msg in msgs:
        if DEBUG:
            print('Sending msg: ' + str(msg))
        iv = os.urandom(16)
        e_msg = iv + c10.aes_128_cbc_encrypt(c9.pkcs7_pad(msg), key, iv)
        # A->B Send AES-CBC(key,msg,iv) + iv
        # B->A echo
        echo = from_bob.get()
        echo_msg = echo[16:]
        echo_iv = echo[0:16]
        d_echo = c10.aes_128_cbc_decrypt(echo_msg, key, echo_iv)
        d_echo = c9.pkcs7_unpad(d_echo)
        if DEBUG:
            print('Alice got echo: ' + str(d_echo))
        assert d_echo == msg, d_echo
Пример #10
def encryption_oracle(txt):
    global expected
    # GENERATE random key
    key    = os.urandom(16)
    # GENERATE random number for ECB or CBC
    ecb    = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
    # APPEND random bytes before and after
    before = os.urandom(random.randint(5, 10))
    after  = os.urandom(random.randint(5, 10))
    txt    = before + txt + after
    txt    = c9.pkcs7_pad(txt)
    ct     = b''
    # IF CBC
    if not ecb:
        # GENERATE random IV
        iv = os.urandom(16)
        ct = c10.aes_128_cbc_encrypt(txt, key, iv)
        ct = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(txt)
    return ct