Пример #1
 def getNewState(self, file):
     # Would like to do load(file) here... but it doesn't work with universal line endings, see Python bug 1724366
     from cStringIO import StringIO
     unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(file.read()))
     # Magic to keep us backward compatible in the face of packages changing...
     unpickler.find_global = self.findGlobal
     return unpickler.load()
Пример #2
 def getNewState(cls, file):
     # Would like to do load(file) here... but it doesn't work with universal line endings, see Python bug 1724366
     from cStringIO import StringIO
     unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(file.read()))
     # Magic to keep us backward compatible in the face of packages changing...
     unpickler.find_global = cls.findGlobal
     return unpickler.load()
Пример #3
def unpickle(file_path=None):
    """Load pickled Python objects from a file.

    Almost like ``cPickle.load(open(file_path))``, but also loads object saved
    with older versions of Eelbrain, and allows using a system file dialog to
    select a file.

    file_path : None | str
        Path to a pickled file. If None, a system file dialog will be used. If
        the user cancels the file dialog, a RuntimeError is raised.
    if file_path is None:
        filetypes = [("Pickles (*.pickled)", '*.pickled'), ("All files", '*')]
        file_path = ui.ask_file("Select File to Unpickle", "Select a pickled "
                                "file to unpickle", filetypes)
    if file_path is False:
        raise RuntimeError("User canceled")

    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        new_path = os.extsep.join((file_path, 'pickled'))
        if os.path.exists(new_path):
            file_path = new_path

    with open(file_path, 'r') as fid:
        unpickler = Unpickler(fid)
        unpickler.find_global = map_paths
        obj = unpickler.load()

    return obj
Пример #4
    def load_state(self, state):
        """Load an image_set_list's state from the string returned from save_state"""

        self.__image_sets = []
        self.__image_sets_by_key = {}

        # Make a safe unpickler
        p = Unpickler(StringIO(state))

        def find_global(module_name, class_name):
            logger.debug("Pickler wants %s:%s", module_name, class_name)
            if module_name not in ("numpy", "numpy.core.multiarray"):
                    "WARNING WARNING WARNING - your batch file has asked to load %s.%s."
                    " If this looks in any way suspicious please contact us at www.cellprofiler.org",
                raise ValueError("Illegal attempt to unpickle class %s.%s", (module_name, class_name))
            mod = sys.modules[module_name]
            return getattr(mod, class_name)

        p.find_global = find_global

        count = p.load()
        all_keys = [p.load() for i in range(count)]
        self.__legacy_fields = p.load()
        # Have to do in this order in order for the image set's
        # legacy_fields property to hook to the right legacy_fields
        for i in range(count):
Пример #5
def unpickle(file_path=None):
    """Load pickled Python objects from a file.

    Almost like ``cPickle.load(open(file_path))``, but also loads object saved
    with older versions of Eelbrain, and allows using a system file dialog to
    select a file.

    file_path : None | str
        Path to a pickled file. If None (default), a system file dialog will be
        shown. If the user cancels the file dialog, a RuntimeError is raised.
    if file_path is None:
        filetypes = [("Pickles (*.pickled)", '*.pickled'), ("All files", '*')]
        file_path = ui.ask_file("Select File to Unpickle", "Select a pickled "
                                "file to unpickle", filetypes)
        if file_path is False:
            raise RuntimeError("User canceled")
            print repr(file_path)
        file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_path)
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            new_path = os.extsep.join((file_path, 'pickled'))
            if os.path.exists(new_path):
                file_path = new_path

    with open(file_path, 'r') as fid:
        unpickler = Unpickler(fid)
        unpickler.find_global = map_paths
        obj = unpickler.load()

    return obj
Пример #6
def _unpickle(pickled):
    """ Unpickles a string and catch all types of errors it can throw,
    to raise only NotReadableJobError in case of error.

    OpenERP stores the text fields as 'utf-8', so we specify the encoding.

    `loads()` may raises many types of exceptions (AttributeError,
    IndexError, TypeError, KeyError, ...). They are all catched and
    raised as `NotReadableJobError`).

    Pickle could be exploited by an attacker who would write a value in a job
    that would run arbitrary code when unpickled. This is why we set a custom
    ``find_global`` method on the ``Unpickler``, only jobs and a whitelist of
    classes/functions are allowed to be unpickled (plus the builtins types).
    def restricted_find_global(mod_name, fn_name):
        mod = sys.modules[mod_name]
        fn = getattr(mod, fn_name)
        if not (fn in JOB_REGISTRY or fn in _UNPICKLE_WHITELIST):
            raise UnpicklingError(
                '{}.{} is not allowed in jobs'.format(mod_name, fn_name)
        return fn

    unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(pickled))
    unpickler.find_global = restricted_find_global
        unpickled = unpickler.load()
    except (StandardError, UnpicklingError):
        raise NotReadableJobError('Could not unpickle.', pickled)
    return unpickled
Пример #7
    def got_data(self, port_agent_packet):
        Called by the instrument connection when data is available.

        Also add data to the chunker and when received call got_chunk
        to publish results.

        data_length = port_agent_packet.get_data_length()
        data = port_agent_packet.get_data()
        timestamp = port_agent_packet.get_timestamp()

        log.debug("Got Data: %s" % data)
        log.debug("Add Port Agent Timestamp: %s" % timestamp)

        unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(data))
        # Disable class unpickling, for security; record should be all
        # built-in types. Note this only works with cPickle.
        unpickler.find_global = None

        # pkt is an antelope.Pkt.Packet object converted to a dict. Refer to
        # the documentation for the Antelope Python bindings for compelete
        # details.

        pkt = unpickler.load()

        for particle in self._particle_factory(pkt, timestamp):
Пример #8
    def load_state(self, state):
        '''Load an image_set_list's state from the string returned from save_state'''
        self.__image_sets = []
        self.__image_sets_by_key = {}

        # Make a safe unpickler
        p = Unpickler(StringIO(state))
        def find_global(module_name, class_name):
            logger.debug("Pickler wants %s:%s",module_name, class_name)
            if (module_name not in ("numpy", "numpy.core.multiarray")):
                    "WARNING WARNING WARNING - your batch file has asked to load %s.%s."
                    " If this looks in any way suspicious please contact us at www.cellprofiler.org",
                    module_name, class_name)
                raise ValueError("Illegal attempt to unpickle class %s.%s", 
                                 (module_name, class_name))
            mod = sys.modules[module_name]
            return getattr(mod, class_name)
        p.find_global = find_global

        count = p.load()
        all_keys = [p.load() for i in range(count)]
        self.__legacy_fields = p.load()
        # Have to do in this order in order for the image set's
        # legacy_fields property to hook to the right legacy_fields
        for i in range(count):
Пример #9
def tryToResolveConflict(self,
    # class_tuple, old, committed, newstate = ('',''), 0, 0, 0
        prfactory = PersistentReferenceFactory()
        newpickle = self._crs_untransform_record_data(newpickle)
        file = StringIO(newpickle)
        unpickler = Unpickler(file)
        unpickler.find_global = find_global
        unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
        meta = unpickler.load()
        if isinstance(meta, tuple):
            klass = meta[0]
            newargs = meta[1] or ()
            if isinstance(klass, tuple):
                klass = find_global(*klass)
            klass = meta
            newargs = ()

        if klass in _unresolvable:
            raise ConflictError

        newstate = unpickler.load()
        inst = klass.__new__(klass, *newargs)

            resolve = inst._p_resolveConflict
        except AttributeError:
            _unresolvable[klass] = 1
            raise ConflictError

        old = state(self, oid, oldSerial, prfactory)
        committed = state(self, oid, committedSerial, prfactory, committedData)

        resolved = resolve(old, committed, newstate)

        file = StringIO()
        pickler = Pickler(file, 1)
        pickler.inst_persistent_id = persistent_id
        return self._crs_transform_record_data(file.getvalue(1))
    except (ConflictError, BadClassName):
        # If anything else went wrong, catch it here and avoid passing an
        # arbitrary exception back to the client.  The error here will mask
        # the original ConflictError.  A client can recover from a
        # ConflictError, but not necessarily from other errors.  But log
        # the error so that any problems can be fixed.
        logger.error("Unexpected error", exc_info=True)

    raise ConflictError(oid=oid,
                        serials=(committedSerial, oldSerial),
Пример #10
    def got_data(self, port_agent_packet):
        Called by the instrument connection when data is available.

        Also add data to the chunker and when received call got_chunk
        to publish results.

        data_length = port_agent_packet.get_data_length()
        data = port_agent_packet.get_data()
        timestamp = port_agent_packet.get_timestamp()

        log.debug("Got Data: %s" % data)
        log.debug("Add Port Agent Timestamp: %s" % timestamp)

        unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(data))
        # Disable class unpickling, for security; record should be all
        # built-in types. Note this only works with cPickle.
        unpickler.find_global = None

        # pkt is an antelope.Pkt.Packet object converted to a dict. Refer to
        # the documentation for the Antelope Python bindings for compelete
        # details.

        pkt = unpickler.load()

        for particle in self._particle_factory(pkt, timestamp):
Пример #11
def state(self, oid, serial, prfactory, p=''):
    p = p or self.loadSerial(oid, serial)
    file = StringIO(p)
    unpickler = Unpickler(file)
    unpickler.find_global = find_global
    unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
    unpickler.load()  # skip the class tuple
    return unpickler.load()
Пример #12
def state(self, oid, serial, prfactory, p=''):
    p = p or self.loadSerial(oid, serial)
    file = StringIO(p)
    unpickler = Unpickler(file)
    unpickler.find_global = find_global
    unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
    unpickler.load() # skip the class tuple
    return unpickler.load()
Пример #13
def state(self, oid, serial, prfactory, p=""):
    p = p or self.loadSerial(oid, serial)
    p = self._crs_untransform_record_data(p)
    file = StringIO(p)
    unpickler = Unpickler(file)
    unpickler.find_global = find_global
    unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
    unpickler.load()  # skip the class tuple
    return unpickler.load()
Пример #14
def server_decode(msg):
    """Decodes msg and returns its parts"""
    unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(msg))
    unpickler.find_global = server_find_global

        return unpickler.load()  # msgid, flags, name, args
        log("can't decode message: %s" % short_repr(msg), level=logging.ERROR)
Пример #15
def tryToResolveConflict(self, oid, committedSerial, oldSerial, newpickle,
    # class_tuple, old, committed, newstate = ('',''), 0, 0, 0
        prfactory = PersistentReferenceFactory()
        newpickle = self._crs_untransform_record_data(newpickle)
        file = StringIO(newpickle)
        unpickler = Unpickler(file)
        unpickler.find_global = find_global
        unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
        meta = unpickler.load()
        if isinstance(meta, tuple):
            klass = meta[0]
            newargs = meta[1] or ()
            if isinstance(klass, tuple):
                klass = find_global(*klass)
            klass = meta
            newargs = ()

        if klass in _unresolvable:
            raise ConflictError

        newstate = unpickler.load()
        inst = klass.__new__(klass, *newargs)

            resolve = inst._p_resolveConflict
        except AttributeError:
            _unresolvable[klass] = 1
            raise ConflictError

        old = state(self, oid, oldSerial, prfactory)
        committed = state(self, oid, committedSerial, prfactory, committedData)

        resolved = resolve(old, committed, newstate)

        file = StringIO()
        pickler = Pickler(file,1)
        pickler.inst_persistent_id = persistent_id
        return self._crs_transform_record_data(file.getvalue(1))
    except (ConflictError, BadClassName):
        # If anything else went wrong, catch it here and avoid passing an
        # arbitrary exception back to the client.  The error here will mask
        # the original ConflictError.  A client can recover from a
        # ConflictError, but not necessarily from other errors.  But log
        # the error so that any problems can be fixed.
        logger.error("Unexpected error", exc_info=True)

    raise ConflictError(oid=oid, serials=(committedSerial, oldSerial),
Пример #16
def _cpickle_loads(pkl_str):
    """A replacement for cPickle.loads that overrides the find_global
    attribute (Or find_class in Python3)
    pk = Unpickler(BytesIO(pkl_str))
    if hasattr(pk, 'find_class'):
        # This is the method name in Python3
        pk.find_class = _find_global
        # hasattr doe not really work on the cPickle objects in Python2, so we
        # just assume we're in python2 if hasattr returned false
        pk.find_global = _find_global
    return pk.load()
Пример #17
def unpickle_old_pyfits(fn):
    This function unpickles everything in the specified filename, and
    correctly adapts pyfits files pre 2.3 to the new module structure.

        import cPickle as pickle
        from cPickle import Unpickler
        import pickle
        from pickle import Unpickler
    import imp, sys

    def fg(modname, classname):
        if 'NP_pyfits' in modname:
            modname = modname.replace('NP_pyfits', 'core')

        if '.' in modname:
            mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[0])
            mod = __import__(modname)

        return getattr(mod, classname)

    objs = []
    if isinstance(fn, str):
        f = open(fn)
        f = fn

        u = Unpickler(f)
        u.find_global = fg

        while True:

    except EOFError:
        if isinstance(fn, str):
    if len(objs) == 1:
        return objs[0]
        return objs
Пример #18
 def load(self, file):
     """Unpickle a file."""
     safeUnpickler = Unpickler(file)
     safeUnpickler.find_global = self.findGlobal
     return safeUnpickler.load()
Пример #19
 def load(self, file):
     """Unpickle a file."""
     safeUnpickler = Unpickler(file)
     safeUnpickler.find_global = self.findGlobal
     return safeUnpickler.load()
Пример #20
def import_during_commit(self, transaction, f, return_oid_list):
    """Import data during two-phase commit.

    Invoked by the transaction manager mid commit.
    Appends one item, the OID of the first object created,
    to return_oid_list.
    oids = {}

    # IMPORTANT: This code should be consistent with the code in
    # serialize.py. It is currently out of date and doesn't handle
    # weak references.

    def persistent_load(ooid):
        """Remap a persistent id to a new ID and create a ghost for it."""

        klass = None
        if isinstance(ooid, tuple):
            ooid, klass = ooid

        if ooid in oids:
            oid = oids[ooid]
            if klass is None:
                oid = self._storage.new_oid()
                oid = self._storage.new_oid(), klass
            oids[ooid] = oid

        return Ghost(oid)

    while 1:
        header = f.read(16)
        if header == export_end_marker:
        if len(header) != 16:
            raise ExportError("Truncated export file")

        # Extract header information
        ooid = header[:8]
        length = u64(header[8:16])
        data = f.read(length)

        if len(data) != length:
            raise ExportError("Truncated export file")

        if oids:
            oid = oids[ooid]
            if isinstance(oid, tuple):
                oid = oid[0]
            oids[ooid] = oid = self._storage.new_oid()

        # Blob support
        blob_begin = f.read(len(blob_begin_marker))
        if blob_begin == blob_begin_marker:
            # Copy the blob data to a temporary file
            # and remember the name
            blob_len = u64(f.read(8))
            blob_filename = mktemp()
            blob_file = open(blob_filename, "wb")
            cp(f, blob_file, blob_len)
            blob_filename = None

        pfile = StringIO(data)
        unpickler = Unpickler(pfile)
        unpickler.persistent_load = persistent_load
        unpickler.find_global = find_broken_global

        newp = StringIO()
        pickler = Pickler(newp, 1)
        pickler.inst_persistent_id = persistent_id

        data = newp.getvalue()

        if blob_filename is not None:
            self._storage.storeBlob(oid, None, data, blob_filename,
                                    '', transaction)
            self._storage.store(oid, None, data, '', transaction)