Пример #1
    def test10_UserCertFile(self):
        Adding a certificate
        self.assertIsNotNone(self.certfile.date_created, "Expected UploadedFile.date_created to be populated.")
        self.assertEqual(self.certfile.cabinet_id, 2, "Expected cabinet to be %s but got %s" % (self.certfile.cabinet, self.cabinet_file.pk))

        user_cert = ContactCertFile(
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.contact_id, self.contact.pk, "Expected user_id to be %s but got %s" % (self.contact.pk, user_cert.contact_id))
        self.assertFalse(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate not to be valid.")
Пример #2
def view_contact_import(request):
    form = ImportContactsForm()
    message = ''
    errorList = []
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ImportContactsForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
        my_file = request.FILES['file']
        if form.is_valid():
            with open('/var/www/yellowpage/media/xls/'+my_file.name, 'wb+') as destination:
                for chunk in my_file.chunks():
            xls = xlrd.open_workbook('/var/www/yellowpage/media/xls/'+my_file.name)
            sheet = xls.sheet_by_index(0)
            completed = 0
            for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows):
                    code = sheet.cell_value(row_index,0).capitalize()
                    #if str(code) == "":
                    contact = Contact(code=code)
                    contact.surname = sheet.cell_value(row_index,1).capitalize()
                    contact.name = sheet.cell_value(row_index,2).capitalize()
                    contact.street = sheet.cell_value(row_index,3).capitalize()
                    contact.zip = str(sheet.cell_value(row_index,4))
                    contact.city = sheet.cell_value(row_index,5).capitalize()
                    contact.province = Province.objects.get(code=sheet.cell_value(row_index,6))
                    contact.email = sheet.cell_value(row_index,8)
                    contact.phone_number = sheet.cell_value(row_index, 7)
                    contact.birthdate = str(sheet.cell_value(row_index,12))
                    sectorString = str(sheet.cell_value(row_index, 10))
                    professionString = str(sheet.cell_value(row_index, 9))
                    profession = Work.objects.filter(name=professionString)
                    if not profession:
                        sector = Sector.objects.filter(name=sectorString)
                        if not sector:
                            sector = Sector(name=sectorString)
                        profession = Work(name=professionString, sector=Sector.objects.get(pk=sector.pk))
                        profession = profession[0]
                    contact.work = Work.objects.get(name=profession.name)
                    completed += 1
                    cabinet = Cabinet.objects.get(pk=ContactCertFile.CABINET_ID)
                    current_user = request.user
                    file = ContactCertFile(contact=Contact.objects.get(pk=contact.pk))
                    uploadedFile = UploadedFile(title="Certificato Vuoto", cabinet=cabinet, file_ref="/cabinet/cert_empty.pdf", owner=current_user)
                    file.file = uploadedFile
                    file.expiry = str(sheet.cell_value(row_index,11))
                except Exception as e:
                    print '%s (%s)' % (e.message, type(e))
                    errorList.append(sheet.cell_value(row_index,0).capitalize() + " " + e.message)
            message = 'Report Import: %d contatti importati correttamente. ' % completed

    return render_to_response('admin/contacts/view_contact_import.html',{'form':form, 'message':message, 'errorList': errorList}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #3
    def test12_userCertFile_expiry(self):
        Check certificate is valid logic and duration
        today = datetime.date.today()

        # Set certificate to expire in 20 days, and should be valid
        expiry = today + datetime.timedelta(20)
        user_cert = ContactCertFile(
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry to be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 0, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '0' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "1y-", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '1y-' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set certificate to expire today, and should be valid
        user_cert.expiry = today
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate to be valid on the expiry day.")
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 0, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '0' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "1y-", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '1y-' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set the expiry to 10 days ago, and should be invalid
        expiry = today - datetime.timedelta(10)
        user_cert.expiry = expiry
        self.assertFalse(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry NOT to be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, -1, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '-1' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "expired", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of 'expired' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set the expiry to 1 year from now, and should be invalid
        expiry = today + datetime.timedelta(365 + 10)
        user_cert.expiry = expiry
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 1, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '1' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "1y-", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '1y-' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set the expiry to 2 years from ago, and should be invalid
        expiry = today + datetime.timedelta(365 * 2 + 10)
        user_cert.expiry = expiry
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 2, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '2' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "2y", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '2y' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set the expiry to 3 years from ago, and should be invalid
        expiry = today + datetime.timedelta(365 * 3 + 10)
        user_cert.expiry = expiry
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 3, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '3' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "3y", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '3y' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set the expiry to 4 years from ago, and should be invalid
        expiry = today + datetime.timedelta(365 * 4 + 10)
        user_cert.expiry = expiry
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 4, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '4' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "4y+", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '4y+' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))

        # Set the expiry to 7 years from ago, and should be invalid
        expiry = today + datetime.timedelta(365 * 7 + 10)
        user_cert.expiry = expiry
        self.assertTrue(user_cert.is_valid, "Expected certificate with '%s' expiry be valid." % expiry)
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration, 7, "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '7' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration))
        self.assertEqual(user_cert.duration_code, "4y+", "Expected expiry '%s' to result in duration of '4y+' but got '%s'" % (expiry,user_cert.duration_code))