Пример #1
    def load(self):		
        cache_key = self.get_cache_key()
        cache = memcache.get(cache_key)
        if cache == None:
            cache = {}
            stop = getCachedEntityOr404(Stop,id_or_name = self.id)
            cache["stop"] = stop
            if  stop['parent_station'] == None:
                station_id = stop['id']
                station_id = stop['parent_station']
            if isinstance(station_id,unicode):
                station_id = str(station_id)
            station = db.Key.from_path(Stop.kind(),station_id)
            q = Trip.all(keys_only = True).filter("stop_list = " , station)
            cache["trip_id_list"] = [key.id_or_name() for key in q ]
            memcache.add(cache_key, cache, _default_cache_time)

        self.stop = cache["stop"]
        self.trip_id_list = cache["trip_id_list"]
Пример #2
    def load(self):
        Load from memcache or bigtable.
        Remark : If you only want to load a single entry of Agency , please use
        getCachedEntityOr404 instead.
        cache_key = self.get_cache_key()
        cache = memcache.get(cache_key)

        if cache == None:
            cache = {}
            entity = getCachedEntityOr404(Agency,id_or_name = self.id)
            agency = entity["instance"]
            cache["agency"] = entity
            property = getattr(Trip,"route")
            route_entity_list = []
            trip_key_list = {}
            gql = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gogogo_route where agency=:1",agency)
            for row in gql:		
                e = createEntity(row)
                gql2 = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ FROM gogogo_trip where route = :1",row)
                route_key = row.key().id_or_name()
                for trip in gql2:
                    if not route_key in trip_key_list:
                        trip_key_list[route_key] = []

            cache["routes"] = route_entity_list
            cache["trips"] = trip_key_list
            memcache.add(cache_key, cache, _default_cache_time)
        self.agency = cache["agency"]
        self.routes = cache["routes"]
        self.trips = cache["trips"]
Пример #3
    def load(self):
        Load from memcache or bigtable.
        Remark : If you only want to load a single entry of Agency , please use
        getCachedEntityOr404 instead.
        cache_key = self.get_cache_key()
        cache = memcache.get(cache_key)

        if cache == None:
            cache = {}
            entity = getCachedEntityOr404(FareStop,id_or_name = self.id)
            cache['farestop'] = entity
            memcache.add(cache_key, cache, _default_cache_time)
        self.farestop = cache['farestop']
Пример #4
	def load(self):
		Load route and all related objects from memecache or bigtable.
		If you only want to load a single entry of Route , please use
		getCachedEntityOr404 instead.
		cache_key = self.get_cache_key()
		cache = memcache.get(cache_key)
		if cache == None:
			route_entity = getCachedEntityOr404(Route,id_or_name = self.id)
            #TODO - should get from CachedEntity
			agency_entity = createEntity(route_entity['instance'].agency)
			trip_list = []
			gql = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ from gogogo_trip where route = :1",route_entity['instance'])
			for key in gql:
				id = key.id_or_name()
				trip = TripLoader(id)
			cache = {}	
			cache['route'] = route_entity
			cache['agency'] = agency_entity
			cache['trip_list'] = trip_list
			memcache.add(cache_key, cache, _default_cache_time)
		self.entity = cache['route']
		self.agency = cache['agency']
		self.trip_list = cache['trip_list']
Пример #5
    def load(self,stop_table = None):
        Load trip and all related objects from memecache or bigtable.
        If you only want to load a single entry of Trip , please use
        getCachedEntityOr404 instead.
        @param stop_table A dict of stop entities. It is used as cache to speed up the stop loading.
        cache_key = self.get_cache_key()
        cache = memcache.get(cache_key)
        if cache == None:
            cache = {}
            trip_entity = getCachedEntityOr404(Trip,id_or_name = self.id)
            trip = trip_entity['instance']
            cache['trip'] = trip_entity
            cache['route'] = getCachedEntityOr404(Route,id_or_name = trip_entity['route'] )
            cache['agency'] = getCachedEntityOr404(Agency,id_or_name = cache['route']['agency'] )
            first = None
            last = None
                first = db.get(trip.stop_list[0])
                last = db.get(trip.stop_list[len(trip.stop_list)-1])
            except IndexError:
                last = first
            stop_entity_list = []
            for key in trip.stop_list:
                stop_id = key.id_or_name()
                if stop_table and stop_id in stop_table:
                    stop = getCachedEntityOr404(Stop,id_or_name= stop_id)
                except Http404:
                    logging.error("Stop %s not found" % str(stop_id))
            if first != None:
                cache['first'] = createEntity(first)
                cache['first'] = None
            if last != None:	
                cache['last'] = createEntity(last)
                cache['last'] = None
            cache['trip'] = trip_entity
            cache['stop_entity_list'] = stop_entity_list
            #Fare Trip
            faretrip_entity_list = []
            for faretrip in trip.faretrip_set:
                entity = createEntity(faretrip)
                del entity['instance']
                min = sys.maxint
                max = 0
                for fare in faretrip.fares:
                    if fare < min:
                        min = fare
                    if fare > max:
                        max = fare
                if max > 0 :
                    entity["min_fare"] = min
                    entity["max_fare"] = max
                    entity["min_fare"] = -1
                    entity["max_fare"] = -1
            cache['faretrip_entity_list'] = faretrip_entity_list
            memcache.add(cache_key, cache, _default_cache_time)

        self.agency = cache['agency']
        self.route = cache['route']
        self.trip  = cache['trip']
        # First station/stop	
        self.first = cache['first']
        # Last station/stop
        self.last = cache['last']
        self.entity = cache['trip']
        self.stop_entity_list = cache['stop_entity_list']
        self.faretrip_entity_list = cache['faretrip_entity_list']