Пример #1
class MemoCache(Cache):
    """Manages cached values for a single st.memo-ized function."""

    def __init__(
        key: str,
        persist: Optional[str],
        max_entries: float,
        ttl: float,
        display_name: str,
        self.key = key
        self.display_name = display_name
        self.persist = persist
        self._mem_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=max_entries, ttl=ttl, timer=_TTLCACHE_TIMER)
        self._mem_cache_lock = threading.Lock()

    def max_entries(self) -> float:
        return cast(float, self._mem_cache.maxsize)

    def ttl(self) -> float:
        return cast(float, self._mem_cache.ttl)

    def get_stats(self) -> List[CacheStat]:
        stats: List[CacheStat] = []
        with self._mem_cache_lock:
            for item_key, item_value in self._mem_cache.items():
        return stats

    def read_value(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """Read a value from the cache. Raise `CacheKeyNotFoundError` if the
        value doesn't exist, and `CacheError` if the value exists but can't
        be unpickled.
            pickled_value = self._read_from_mem_cache(key)

        except CacheKeyNotFoundError as e:
            if self.persist == "disk":
                pickled_value = self._read_from_disk_cache(key)
                self._write_to_mem_cache(key, pickled_value)
                raise e

            return pickle.loads(pickled_value)
        except pickle.UnpicklingError as exc:
            raise CacheError(f"Failed to unpickle {key}") from exc

    def write_value(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        """Write a value to the cache. It must be pickleable."""
            pickled_value = pickle.dumps(value)
        except pickle.PicklingError as exc:
            raise CacheError(f"Failed to pickle {key}") from exc

        self._write_to_mem_cache(key, pickled_value)
        if self.persist == "disk":
            self._write_to_disk_cache(key, pickled_value)

    def _read_from_mem_cache(self, key: str) -> bytes:
        with self._mem_cache_lock:
            if key in self._mem_cache:
                entry = bytes(self._mem_cache[key])
                _LOGGER.debug("Memory cache HIT: %s", key)
                return entry

                _LOGGER.debug("Memory cache MISS: %s", key)
                raise CacheKeyNotFoundError("Key not found in mem cache")

    def _read_from_disk_cache(self, key: str) -> bytes:
        path = self._get_file_path(key)
            with streamlit_read(path, binary=True) as input:
                value = input.read()
                _LOGGER.debug("Disk cache HIT: %s", key)
                return bytes(value)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise CacheKeyNotFoundError("Key not found in disk cache")
        except BaseException as e:
            raise CacheError("Unable to read from cache") from e

    def _write_to_mem_cache(self, key: str, pickled_value: bytes) -> None:
        with self._mem_cache_lock:
            self._mem_cache[key] = pickled_value

    def _write_to_disk_cache(self, key: str, pickled_value: bytes) -> None:
        path = self._get_file_path(key)
            with streamlit_write(path, binary=True) as output:
        except util.Error as e:
            # Clean up file so we don't leave zero byte files.
            except (FileNotFoundError, IOError, OSError):
            raise CacheError("Unable to write to cache") from e

    def _get_file_path(self, value_key: str):
        """Return the path of the disk cache file for the given value."""
        return get_streamlit_file_path(_CACHE_DIR_NAME, f"{self.key}-{value_key}.memo")
Пример #2
class Processor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.socket = WebSocket("", 5678, MaxTokensAtOnce, TokensTTL,
        self.database = database.Database()
        self.externalAPI = ExternalAPI(None, None, None, None).metrics

        self.userThreads = {}
        self.clientTokens = TTLCache(maxsize=MaxTokensAtOnce, ttl=TokensTTL)
        self.medicTokens = TTLCache(maxsize=MaxTokensAtOnce, ttl=TokensTTL)
        self.userMetrics = {}
        allUsers = self.database.getAllUsers()
        for user in allUsers:
            metrics = {
            }  #{GPS: [metric], HealthStatus: [metric, metric], Sleep:[metric]}
            userDevices = self.database.getAllDevices(user)
            for device in userDevices:
                deviceType = device["type"].strip().replace(" ", "_")
                userDevice = eval(deviceType +
                                  "(device[\"authentication_fields\"],\"" +
                                  user + "\",\"" + str(device.get("id", "")) +
                                  "\", [" +
                                  str(device.get("latitude", str(None))) +
                                  "," +
                                  str(device.get("longitude", str(None))) +
                for metric in userDevice.metrics:
                    if metric.metricType not in metrics:
                        metrics[metric.metricType] = []

            for metric in GPS(None, user, None,
                              None).metrics + self.externalAPI:
                if metric.metricType not in metrics:
                    metrics[metric.metricType] = []

            self.userMetrics[user] = metrics


            #passing only the GPS, HealthStatus and Sleep to the Thread
            self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread(
                self, {
                    k: v
                    for k, v in metrics.items()
                    if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"]
                }, user)

        #urls["https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/heart/date/today/1d.json"]=[{"Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyMkRLMlgiLCJzdWIiOiI3Q05RV1oiLCJpc3MiOiJGaXRiaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iLCJzY29wZXMiOiJyc29jIHJhY3QgcnNldCBybG9jIHJ3ZWkgcmhyIHJudXQgcnBybyByc2xlIiwiZXhwIjoxNTUzODAxNjA5LCJpYXQiOjE1NTM3NzI4MDl9.6_hSXgYG36430e-ZaRfcEYSzDezGJeaMF5R2PiSr4bk"}, 1]

    def signup(self, jsonData):

            if jsonData["type"] == "client":
                user = jsonData["username"]
                if user not in self.userMetrics:
                    self.userMetrics[user] = {}

                    for metric in GPS({}, user, None,
                                      None).metrics + self.externalAPI:
                        if metric.metricType not in self.userMetrics[user]:
                            self.userMetrics[user][metric.metricType] = []

                    self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread(
                        self, {
                            k: v
                            for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items()
                            if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"]
                        }, user)

            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def logout(self, token):
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401
        elif client:
            del self.clientTokens[token]
        elif medic:
            del self.medicTokens[token]

        return json.dumps({
            "status": 0,
            "msg": "Successful operation."
        }).encode("UTF-8"), 200

    def _generateToken(self, tokenMap, username):
        Generates a new token for a user and stores it

        :param tokenMap: self.clientTokens or self.medicTokens
        :type tokenMap: dict
        :param username: of the user loggedin
        :type username: str
        :return: the new token
        :rtype: str
        min_char = 30
        max_char = 40
        allchar = string.ascii_letters + string.digits

        for t, n in tokenMap.items():
            if n == username:
                return t

        token = "".join(
            choice(allchar) for x in range(randint(min_char, max_char)))
        while token in tokenMap:
            token = "".join(
                choice(allchar) for x in range(randint(min_char, max_char)))

        tokenMap[token] = username

        return token

    def signin(self, jsonData):
        userType = self.database.verifyUser(jsonData)

        if userType == 0:  # invalid login
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Incorrect username or password."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        elif userType == 1:  # valid login and user is a client
            token = self._generateToken(self.clientTokens,
        elif userType == 2:  # valid login and user is a medic
            token = self._generateToken(self.medicTokens, jsonData["username"])

        return json.dumps({
            "status": 0,
            "msg": "Successful operation.",
            "data": {
                "token": token
        }).encode("UTF-8"), 200

    def getAllDevices(self, token):
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "Medic users don't have devices associated."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        if not user:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            devices = self.database.getAllDevices(user)

            for device in devices:
                auth_fields = device.pop("authentication_fields")
                for field_name, field_value in auth_fields.items():
                    device[field_name] = field_value

        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

        return json.dumps({
            "status": 0,
            "msg": "Successful operation.",
            "data": devices
        }).encode("UTF-8"), 200

    def updateDevice(self, token, deviceConf):
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "Medic users don't have devices associated."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 403

        user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        if not user:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            userDevices = {
                for metric in self.userMetrics[user]
                for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric]
            for device in userDevices:
                if device.id == str(deviceConf["id"]):
                    latitude = deviceConf[
                        "latitude"] if "latitude" in deviceConf else device._location[
                    longitude = deviceConf[
                        "longitude"] if "longitude" in deviceConf else device._location[
                                  [latitude, longitude])
                    if user in self.userThreads:
                    self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread(
                        self, {
                            k: v
                            for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items()
                            if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"]
                        }, user)
            self.database.updateDevice(user, deviceConf)
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def deleteDevice(self, token, data):
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "Medic users don't have devices associated."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 403

        user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        if not user:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            deviceId = data["id"]
            for metric in self.userMetrics[user]:
                for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric]:
                    if submetric.dataSource.id == deviceId:

            self.database.deleteDevice(user, deviceId)
            if user in self.userThreads:
            self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread(
                self, {
                    k: v
                    for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items()
                    if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"]
                }, user)

            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def addDevice(self, token, jsonData):
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "Medic users don't have devices associated."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 403

        user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        if not user:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            id = str(self.database.addDevice(user, jsonData))

            if id not in [
                    for metric in self.userMetrics[user]
                    for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric]
                deviceType = jsonData["type"].strip().replace(" ", "_")
                device = eval(deviceType +
                              "(jsonData[\"authentication_fields\"],\"" +
                              user + "\",\"" + str(id) + "\", [" +
                              jsonData.get("latitude", str(None)) + "," +
                              jsonData.get("longitude", str(None)) + "])")
                for metric in device.metrics:
                    if metric.metricType not in self.userMetrics[user]:
                        self.userMetrics[user][metric.metricType] = []

                if user in self.userThreads:
                self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread(
                    self, {
                        k: v
                        for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items()
                        if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"]
                    }, user)

            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def getData(self, token, endpoint, start, end, interval, patient):
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            if client:
                values = self.database.getData(endpoint, client, start, end,
            elif medic:
                if endpoint == "Path":
                    return json.dumps({
                        "status": 4,
                        "msg": "Only accecible to patitents."
                    }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

                if not patient:
                    return json.dumps({
                        "status": 2,
                        "msg": "Missing argument \"patient\""
                    }).encode("UTF-8"), 400

                values = self.database.getDataByMedic(medic, endpoint, patient,
                                                      start, end, interval)
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation.",
                "data": values
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def download(self, userCount):
        Gets all data from a number of users, received
        If the number received is less than the number
         of existing users than the users are chosen randomly
        Else all the users are sent

        :param userCount: number os users to retrieve
        :type userCount: int
        :return: of all users, with all metrics and its data in each one
        :rtype: list
        users = self.database.getAllUsers()

        if userCount < len(users):
            users = choices(users, k=userCount)

        allData = []

        for user in users:
            userData = {}
            for metric in [
                    "Environment", "Event", "HealthStatus", "Path",
                    "PersonalStatus", "Sleep"
                userData[metric] = self.database.getData(
                    metric, user, 0, None, None)


        return json.dumps({
            "status": 0,
            "msg": "Successful operation.",
            "data": allData

    def updateProfile(self, token, data):
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401
        elif client:
            user = client
        elif medic:
            user = medic

        argsErrors = ArgumentValidator.signupAndUpdateProfile(
            True if client else False, True, data)
        if len(argsErrors) > 0:
            return json.dumps({
                "Argument errors : " + ", ".join(argsErrors)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 400

            self.database.updateProfile("client" if client else "medic", user,
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def getProfile(self, token, data):
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        patient = None
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401
        elif client:
            user = client
        elif medic:
            user = medic
            patient = data.get("patient")

            if patient:
                profile = self.database.getPatientProfile(medic, patient)
                profile = self.database.getProfile(user)

            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation.",
                "data": profile
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def deleteProfile(self, token):
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401
        elif client:
            user = client
        elif medic:
            user = medic

            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def getSupportedDevices(self):
            values = self.database.getSupportedDevices()
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation.",
                "data": values
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def uploadPermission(self, token, jsonData):
        Use by both medic and client
        grants/requests for a permission. calls 'grantPermission' and 'requestPermission' on database.py

        username - str - of the user the he wants to grant or request permission
        data - {username:str, health_number: int, duration: int}
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

        argsErrors = ArgumentValidator.uploadPermissions(
            "medic" if medic else "client", jsonData)
        if len(argsErrors) > 0:
            return json.dumps({
                "Argument errors : " + ", ".join(argsErrors)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 400

            target = jsonData["username"]
            targetToken = None
            for (k1, v1), (k2, v2) in zip(self.medicTokens.items(),
                if v1 == target or v2 == target:
                    targetToken = (k1 if v1 == target else k2)

            if client:
                source, destination = self.database.grantPermission(
                    client, jsonData)
            elif medic:
                source, destination = self.database.requestPermission(
                    medic, jsonData)

            permissionThread([source], targetToken, self.socket).start()

            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation.",
                "data": destination
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def getAllPermissions(self, token):
        Use by both medic and client
        gets all current permissions. calls 'allPermissionsData' on database.py
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            data = self.database.allPermissionsData(
                client if client else medic)
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 0,
                "msg": "Successful operation.",
                "data": data
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def acceptPermission(self, token, medic):
        Used only by the client, accepts a pending permission

        token - str - token representing the user
        medic - str - of the medic that he wants to reject request for permission
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Only accessible to patients"
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        client = self.clientTokens.get(token)
        if not client:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            self.database.acceptPermission(client, medic)
            return json.dumps({
                "Successful operation. Permission accepted with success."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def rejectPermission(self, token, medic):
        Used only by the client, rejects a pending permission

        token - str - token representing the user
        medic - str - of the medic that he wants to reject request for permission
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Only accessible to patients"
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        client = self.clientTokens.get(token)
        if not client:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            self.database.rejectPermission(client, medic)
            return json.dumps({
                "Successful operation. Permission rejected with success."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def removePendingPermission(self, token, client):
        Used only by the medic, removes a pending permission (requests not responded by the client)

        token - str - token representing the user
        client - str - of the client that he wants to remove the active permission
        if self.clientTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Only accessible to medics"
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token)
        if not medic:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            self.database.deleteRequestPermission(medic, client)
            return json.dumps({
                "Successful operation. Permission removed with success."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def removeAcceptedPermission(self, token, medic):
        Used only by the client, removes an accepted permission

        token - str - token representing the user
        username - str - of the medic that he wants to remove an accepted permission
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Only accessible to patients"
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        client = self.clientTokens.get(token)
        if not client:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

            self.database.removeAcceptedPermission(client, medic)
            return json.dumps({
                "Successful operation. Permission removed with success."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except LogicException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def process(self, responses, user):
        normalData = {}
        for resp in responses:
            metric = resp[0]
            if metric not in normalData:
                normalData[metric] = {}
            normalData[metric] = dict(normalData[metric], **resp[1])

        if "GPS" in normalData:
            envMetrics = [
                submetric for metric in self.userMetrics[user]
                for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric]
                if submetric.metricType == "Environment"
            if normalData["GPS"]["latitude"] != None and normalData["GPS"][
                    "longitude"] != None:
                if float(normalData["GPS"]["latitude"]) > -90 and float(
                        normalData["GPS"]["latitude"]) < 90 and float(
                            normalData["GPS"]["longitude"]) > -180 and float(
                                normalData["GPS"]["longitude"]) < 180:
                    for metric in [
                            metric for metric in envMetrics
                            if metric.metricLocation == "inside"
                        distance = round(
                            ], metric.dataSource.location).m)
                        if distance <= RADIUS:
                                jsonData = metric.getData()
                                data = metric.normalizeData(jsonData)
                                normalData["Environment"] = dict(
                                    normalData["Environment"], **data)
                            except Exception as e:
                                    "<" + user +
                                    ">Exception caught while refetching the data: "
                                    + str(e))
                                    tokens = metric.dataSource.refreshToken()
                                        metric.dataSource.user, {
                                    resp = metric.normalizeData(
                                    normalData["Environment"] = dict(
                                        normalData["Environment"], **data)
                                except Exception as e:
                                        "<" + user +
                                        ">Tried to refresh tokens and couldn't, caught error: "
                                        + str(e))
                    if normalData["Environment"] == {}:
                        for metric in [
                                metric for metric in envMetrics
                                if metric.metricLocation == "outside"
                                jsonData = metric.getData()
                                data = metric.normalizeData(jsonData)
                                normalData["Environment"] = dict(
                                    normalData["Environment"], **data)
                            except Exception as e:
                                    "<" + user +
                                    ">Exception caught while refetching the data: "
                                    + str(e))
                                    tokens = metric.dataSource.refreshToken()
                                        metric.dataSource.user, {
                                    resp = metric.normalizeData(
                                    normalData["Environment"] = dict(
                                        normalData["Environment"], **data)
                                except Exception as e:
                                        "<" + user +
                                        ">Tried to refresh tokens and couldn't, caught error: "
                                        + str(e))
                    normalData["Environment"]["latitude"] = normalData["GPS"][
                    normalData["Environment"]["longitude"] = normalData["GPS"][

                logging.error("Couldn't process GPS: " +

            del normalData["GPS"]

            coords = self.userMetrics[user]["GPS"][0].normalizeData(
            responses.append(("Path", {"path": coords}))
            for metric in normalData:
                if metric != "Environment":
                    normalData[metric]["latitude"] = coords["latitude"]
                    normalData[metric]["longitude"] = coords["longitude"]
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("<" + user +
                          ">Error while fetching GPS Coordinates. " + str(e))

        for metric in normalData:
            if time not in normalData[metric]:
                normalData[metric]["time"] = int(time.time())

            self._save(normalData, user)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("<" + user + ">Error while saving data. " + str(e))

    def registerMood(self, token, data):
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Only accessible to patients"
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        user = self.clientTokens.get(token)
        if not user:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

        moods = data["moods"]
        concatMoods = moods[0]
        allMoods = {"events": [], "metrics": [], "data": {}}
        for m in moods:
            concatMoods += "," + m
            self.process([("PersonalStatus", {
                "moods": concatMoods[:-1]
            }), ("Event", {
                "events": json.dumps(allMoods)
            })], user)
            return json.dumps({
                "Successful operation. Mood(s) registered with success."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "While saving data. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "While saving data.Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def deleteMood(self, token, data):
        if self.medicTokens.get(token):
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 1,
                "msg": "Only accessible to patients"
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 406

        user = self.clientTokens.get(token)
        if not user:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": 4,
                "msg": "Invalid Token."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 401

        time = data["time"]
        deleteMetrics = ["Event", "PersonalStatus"]
            for metric in deleteMetrics:
                self.database.delete(metric, time, user)
            return json.dumps({
                "Successful operation. Mood(s) deleted with success."
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 200
        except DatabaseException as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "status": -1,
                "msg": "While saving data. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "While saving data. Server internal error. " + str(e)
            }).encode("UTF-8"), 500

    def _save(self, data, user):
            for key in data:
                self.database.insert(key, data[key], user)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    def end(self):
        for k in self.userThreads:
        return ""

    def checkPermissions(self, token):
        client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None)
        medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None)
        if not client and not medic:
            logging.error("Invalid Token in check permissions of " +
                          client if client else medic)
            data = self.database.getPendingPermissions(
                client if client else medic)
            permissionThread(data, token, self.socket).start()
        except DatabaseException as e:
            logging.error("Database error in check permissions of " +
                          client if client else medic + " -> " + str(e))
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Server error in check permissions of " +
                          client if client else medic + " -> " + str(e))