Пример #1
    def getContentForGivenItem(self, key, item, page=None):
        Take content from template file
        corresponding to the key
        and assign data from item
        # First check previous stored content
        if 'keepContent' in item and item['keepContent'] \
                and self.contentKeeped[key]:
            return self.contentKeeped[key]

        content = ''
        replaceDict = ''
        # Build template file path
        tplPath = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "templates", "%s.tpl" % key)

        # Build replace dict depending on source type
        if item['type'] == 'sql':
            data = None

            # Load SQL query and get data
            # Get sql file
            sqlFile = tplPath + '.sql'
            fin = open(sqlFile, 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
            sql = fin.read()

            # Add schema to search_path if postgis
            if self.dbType == 'postgis':
                sql = cadastre_common.setSearchPath(
                    sql, self.connectionParams['schema'])
            # Add where clause depending on etype
            sql = sql.replace('$and', item['and'][self.etype])

            # Limit results if asked
            if page and key in list(self.mainTables.keys()) \
                    and key in list(self.lineCount.keys()):
                offset = int((page - 1) * self.maxLineNumber)
                # ~ sql+= " LIMIT %s" % self.maxLineNumber
                # ~ sql+= " OFFSET %s" % offset
                # Get data from previous fetched full data
                data = self.lineCount[key]['data'][offset:self.maxLineNumber +

            # Run SQL
            if self.dbType == 'spatialite':
                sql = cadastre_common.postgisToSpatialite(sql)
            # Run SQL only if data has not already been defined
            if data is None:
                # print(sql)
                [header, data, rowCount,
                 ok] = cadastre_common.fetchDataFromSqlQuery(
                     self.connector, sql)

            # Page no defined = means the query is here to
            # get line count and whole data for proprietes_baties & proprietes_non_baties
            if not page:
                if key in list(self.lineCount.keys()):
                    # line count
                    self.lineCount[key]['count'] = rowCount
                    # keep data
                    self.lineCount[key]['data'] = data
            if page:
                # Get content for each line of data
                for line in data:
                    replaceDict = {}
                    for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                        replaceDict['$%s' % item['names'][i]] = u'%s' % line[i]
                    content += self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

                # fill empty data to have full size table
                if key in list(self.mainTables.keys()) \
                        and key not in list(self.contentKeeped.keys()) \
                        and len(data) < self.maxLineNumber:
                    for _ in range(self.maxLineNumber - len(data)):
                        replaceDict = {}
                        for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                            replaceDict['$%s' % item['names'][i]] = u'&nbsp;'
                        content += self.getHtmlFromTemplate(
                            tplPath, replaceDict)

        elif item['type'] == 'properties':
            # build replace dict from properties
            replaceDict = {}
            for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                replaceDict['$' + item['names'][i]] = item['source'][i]
            content = self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

        elif item['type'] == 'parent':
            replaceDict = {}
            for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                replaceDict['$' + item['names'][i]] = self.mainTables[
            content = self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

        # Keep somme content globally
        if 'keepContent' in item and item['keepContent']:
            self.contentKeeped[key] = content

        # replace some unwanted content
        content = content.replace('None', '')
        return content
Пример #2
    def getContentForGivenItem(self, key, item, page=None):
        Take content from template file
        corresponding to the key
        and assign data from item
        # First check previous stored content
        if 'keepContent' in item and item['keepContent'] \
         and self.contentKeeped[key]:
            return self.contentKeeped[key]

        content = ''
        replaceDict = ''
        # Build template file path
        tplPath = os.path.join(
            "%s.tpl" % key

        # Build replace dict depending on source type
        if item['type'] == 'sql':
            data = None

            # Load SQL query and get data
            # Get sql file
            sqlFile = tplPath + '.sql'
            fin = open(sqlFile, 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
            sql = fin.read()

            # Add schema to search_path if postgis
            if self.dbType == 'postgis':
                sql = cadastre_common.setSearchPath(sql, self.connectionParams['schema'])
            # Add where clause depending on etype
            sql = sql.replace('$and', item['and'][self.etype] )

            # Limit results if asked
            if page and key in list(self.mainTables.keys()) \
            and key in list(self.lineCount.keys()):
                offset = int((page- 1) * self.maxLineNumber)
                #~ sql+= " LIMIT %s" % self.maxLineNumber
                #~ sql+= " OFFSET %s" % offset
                # Get data from previous fetched full data
                data = self.lineCount[key]['data'][offset:self.maxLineNumber+offset]

            # Run SQL
            if self.dbType == 'spatialite':
                sql = cadastre_common.postgisToSpatialite(sql)
            # Run SQL only if data has not already been defined
            if data is None:
                [header, data, rowCount, ok] = cadastre_common.fetchDataFromSqlQuery(self.connector, sql)

            # Page no defined = means the query is here to
            # get line count and whole data for proprietes_baties & proprietes_non_baties
            if not page:
                if key in list(self.lineCount.keys()):
                    # line count
                    self.lineCount[key]['count'] = rowCount
                    # keep data
                    self.lineCount[key]['data'] = data
            if page:
                # Get content for each line of data
                for line in data:
                    replaceDict = {}
                    for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                        replaceDict['$%s' % item['names'][i] ] = u'%s' % line[i]
                    content+= self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

                # fill empty data to have full size table
                if key in list(self.mainTables.keys()) \
                and key not in list(self.contentKeeped.keys()) \
                and len(data) < self.maxLineNumber:
                    for l in range(self.maxLineNumber - len(data)):
                        replaceDict = {}
                        for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                            replaceDict['$%s' % item['names'][i] ] = u'&nbsp;'
                        content+= self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

        elif item['type'] == 'properties':
            # build replace dict from properties
            replaceDict = {}
            for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                replaceDict['$' + item['names'][i]] = item['source'][i]
            content = self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

        elif item['type'] == 'parent':
            replaceDict = {}
            for i in range(len(item['names'])):
                replaceDict['$' + item['names'][i]] = self.mainTables[ item['source'] ]['content']
            content = self.getHtmlFromTemplate(tplPath, replaceDict)

        # Keep somme content globally
        if 'keepContent' in item and item['keepContent']:
            self.contentKeeped[key] = content

        # replace some unwanted content
        content = content.replace('None', '')
        return content