Пример #1
def test_get_circle_cutout_pixels_iris_no_overlap():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, IRIS_3D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    circle = Circle(20.0, 20.0, 0.1)

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.get_circle_cutout_pixels(circle, header, 1, 2)
        assert False, 'Should raise NoContentError.'
    except NoContentError:
        assert True
Пример #2
def do_pos_circle(circle):
    cutout = ['{} 140 0 0.1'.format(circle)]

    test_subject = Transform()
    shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(cutout)
    assert shapes is not None
    assert len(shapes) == 1
    circle = shapes[0]
    assert isinstance(circle, Circle)
    assert circle.ra == 140.0
    assert circle.dec == 0.0
    assert circle.radius == 0.1
Пример #3
def test_band_tiled_multi_chunk():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, TILED_MULTICHUNK_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    energy = Energy(371.0e-9, 372.0e-9)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_energy_cutout_pixels(energy, header, 3)
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    # SODA returns [0][1:2724,1:3]
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 2724
Пример #4
def test_band_no_overlap():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)
    header.append(('RESTFRQ', 1.420406E9))

    energy = Energy(212.0, 213.0)

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.get_energy_cutout_pixels(energy, header, 3)
        assert False, 'Should raise NoContentError'
    except NoContentError as e:
        assert isinstance(e, NoContentError)
Пример #5
def test__append_world_to_circle_pixels():
    cutouts = [(0, 0), (1, 256), (1, 256)]
    pixels = (1, 1089, None, 1089)
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)
    test_subject = Transform()

        test_subject._append_world_to_circle_pixels(header, 1, 2, pixels,
        assert False, 'Should throw NoContentError for missing value.'
    except NoContentError as nce:
        assert '{}'.format(nce) == 'Unable to create bounding box.', \
            'Wrong message.'
Пример #6
def test_interval_polygon():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, QUERY_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    # CW winding direction
    polygon = Polygon([[139.9, -0.1], [140.1, -0.1],
                       [140.1, 0.1], [139.9, 0.1]])

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.get_polygon_cutout_pixels(polygon, header, 1, 2)
        assert False
    except ValueError:
        assert True
Пример #7
def test_get_circle_cutout_pixels_cgps_galactic():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, CGPS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    circle = Circle(25.0, 60.0, 0.5)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_circle_cutout_pixels(circle, header, 1, 2)

    # SODA returns [0][350:584,136:370]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert pixels[0] == 367
    assert pixels[1] == 568
    assert pixels[2] == 152
    assert pixels[3] == 353
Пример #8
def test_get_circle_cutout_pixels_vlass():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    circle = Circle(168.34719985367971, 76.18699791158396, 0.010)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_circle_cutout_pixels(circle, header, 1, 2)

    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 4
    assert pixels[0] == 2940
    assert pixels[1] == 3061
    assert pixels[2] == 4193
    assert pixels[3] == 4314
Пример #9
def test_circle():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, QUERY_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    circle = Circle(140.0, 0.0, 0.1)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_circle_cutout_pixels(circle, header, 1, 2)

    # SODA returns [0][271:279,254:262,*]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 4
    assert pixels[0] == 271
    assert pixels[1] == 280
    assert pixels[2] == 253
    assert pixels[3] == 262
Пример #10
def test_get_polygon_cutout_pixels_vlass():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    polygon = Polygon([[168.34, 76.18], [168.34, 76.19], [168.35, 76.19]])

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_polygon_cutout_pixels(polygon, header, 1, 2)

    # SODA returns cutout=[0][2997:3011,4211:4272,*,*]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 4
    assert pixels[0] == 2996
    assert pixels[1] == 3012
    assert pixels[2] == 4211
    assert pixels[3] == 4272
Пример #11
def test_get_energy_cutout_pixels_jcmt():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, JCMT_3D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    # cdelt3 from caom2: 3.05140426249E-5
    header.append(('CDELT3', 3.05140426249E-5))

    energy = Energy(0.00091067, 0.00091012)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_energy_cutout_pixels(energy, header, 3)

    # caom2ops returns cutout=[0][*,*,290:6810]&cutout=[1][*,*,290:6810]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 290
    assert pixels[1] == 6810
Пример #12
def test_get_circle_cutout_pixels_iris_all_overlap():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, IRIS_3D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    circle = Circle(140.0, 0.0, 10.0)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_circle_cutout_pixels(circle, header, 1, 2)

    # cutout pixels: -125:676, -143:659
    # cutout returning entire image returns empty list
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 4
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 500
    assert pixels[2] == 1
    assert pixels[3] == 500
Пример #13
def test_pos_band():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)
    header.append(('RESTFRQ', 1.420406E9))

    world = ['circle 25.0 60.0 0.5', 'BAND 211.0e-3 211.05e-3']

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixel_cutout_hdu = test_subject.world_to_pixels(world, header)

    # SODA returns [0][350:584,136:370,91:177,*]
    assert pixel_cutout_hdu is not None
    ranges = pixel_cutout_hdu.get_ranges()
    assert len(ranges) == 4
    assert ranges[0] == (367, 568)
    assert ranges[1] == (152, 353)
    assert ranges[2] == (91, 178)
    assert ranges[3] == (1, 1)
Пример #14
def test_polygon():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, QUERY_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    # CCW winding direction
    polygon = Polygon([[139.9, 0.1], [140.1, 0.1],
                       [140.1, -0.1], [139.9, -0.1]])

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_polygon_cutout_pixels(polygon, header, 1, 2)

    # SODA returns [0][271:279,254:262,*]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 4
    assert pixels[0] == 271
    assert pixels[1] == 280
    assert pixels[2] == 253
    assert pixels[3] == 263
Пример #15
def test_get_energy_cutout_pixels_cgps_raises_error():
        CPGS cube lacks rest wavelength or frequency for wcslib
        to do the transform from VELO-LFR to WAVE-???, and the
        python wcslib wrapper will raise a ValueError.

    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, CGPS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    energy = Energy(211.0e-3, 211.05e-3)

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.get_energy_cutout_pixels(energy, header, 3)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError.'
    except ValueError:
        assert True
Пример #16
def test_get_energy_cutout_pixels_vlass():
    BAND 0.04456576 0.11662493
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    energy = Energy(0.04456576, 0.11662493)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_energy_cutout_pixels(energy, header, 3)

    # SODA returns cutout=[0][*,*,1:2,*]
    # library returns (before clipping) [2.79849082, 0.79277332] pixels
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 3
Пример #17
def test_get_polarization_cutout_pixels_cgps():
    CTYPE4  = 'STOKES  '           / 4TH COORDINATE TYPE
    CRVAL4  =   1.000000000000E+00 / REF. COORD. 1-4=I,Q,U,V
    CRPIX4  =                 1.00 / REF. PIXEL
    CDELT4  =        1.0000000E+00 / DELTA COORD.
    CROTA4  =                 0.00 / ROTATION ANGLE (DEG)
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, CGPS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    polarization = Polarization([PolarizationState.I])

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_polarization_cutout_pixels(
        polarization, header, 4)

    # SODA returns [*,*,*,1:1]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 1
Пример #18
def test_band():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)
    header.append(('RESTFRQ', 1.420406E9))

    # energy from caom2
    # bandpassName: 21 cm
    # resolvingPower: null
    # specsys: LSRK
    # ssysobs: null
    # restfrq: 1.420406E9
    # restwav: null
    # velosys: null
    # zsource: null
    # ssyssrc: null
    # velang: null
    # ctype: VRAD
    # cunit: m/s
    # syser:
    # rnder:
    # naxis: 272
    # crpix: 145.0
    # crval: -60000.0
    # cdelt: -824.46002
    # bounds: null
    # range: null

    energy = Energy(211.0e-3, 211.05e-3)

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_energy_cutout_pixels(energy, header, 3)
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    # SODA returns [0][*,*,91:177,*]
    assert pixels[0] == 91
    assert pixels[1] == 178
Пример #19
def test_parse_world():
    test_subject = Transform()

    world = 'CIRCLE 1.0 2.0 3.0'
    circle = test_subject.parse_world(world)

    assert circle is not None
    assert isinstance(circle, Circle)
    assert circle.ra == 1.0
    assert circle.dec == 2.0
    assert circle.radius == 3.0

    world = 'POLYGON 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0'
    polygon = test_subject.parse_world(world)

    assert polygon is not None
    assert isinstance(polygon, Polygon)
    vertices = polygon.vertices
    assert len(vertices) == 3
    assert vertices[0][0] == 1.0
    assert vertices[0][1] == 2.0
    assert vertices[1][0] == 3.0
    assert vertices[1][1] == 4.0
    assert vertices[2][0] == 5.0
    assert vertices[2][1] == 6.0

    world = 'BAND 1.0 2.0'
    energy = test_subject.parse_world(world)

    assert energy is not None
    assert isinstance(energy, Energy)
    assert energy.lower == 1.0
    assert energy.upper == 2.0

    world = 'TIME 1.0 2.0'
    time = test_subject.parse_world(world)

    assert time is not None
    assert isinstance(time, Time)
    assert time.lower == 1.0
    assert time.upper == 2.0

    world = 'POL I V'
    polarization = test_subject.parse_world(world)

    assert polarization is not None
    assert isinstance(polarization, Polarization)
    states = polarization.states
    assert len(states) == 2
    assert states[0] == PolarizationState.I
    assert states[1] == PolarizationState.V
Пример #20
def test_world_to_pixels_vlass():
    CIRCLE 168.34719985367971 76.18699791158396 0.01
    BAND 0.04456576 0.11662493 POL I
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    world = [
        'circle 168.34719985367971 76.18699791158396 0.01',
        'BAND 0.04456576 0.11662493', 'POL I'

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixel_cutout_hdu = test_subject.world_to_pixels(world, header)

    assert pixel_cutout_hdu is not None
    ranges = pixel_cutout_hdu.get_ranges()
    assert len(ranges) == 4
    # assert ranges[0] == (2940, 3061)
    assert ranges[1] == (4193, 4314)
    assert ranges[2] == (1, 3)
    assert ranges[3] == (1, 1)
Пример #21
    def _check_hdu_list(self, cutout_dimensions, hdu_list):
        has_match = False
        pixel_matches_left = len(cutout_dimensions)
        for curr_extension_idx, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list):
            # If we encounter a PrimaryHDU, write it at the top and continue.
            if isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU) and hdu.data is None:
                logger.debug('Appending Primary from index {}'.format(
            elif hdu.is_image:
                header = hdu.header
                ext_name = header.get('EXTNAME')
                ext_ver = header.get('EXTVER', 0)
                curr_ext_name_ver = None

                if ext_name is not None:
                    curr_ext_name_ver = (ext_name, ext_ver)

                    if isinstance(cutout_dimensions[0], PixelCutoutHDU):
                        for cutout_dimension in cutout_dimensions:
                            if self._is_extension_requested(
                                    curr_extension_idx, curr_ext_name_ver,
                                    '*** Extension {} does match ({} | {})'.
                                pixel_matches_left -= 1
                                self._pixel_cutout(header, hdu.data,
                                has_match = True

                        if pixel_matches_left == 0:
                            return has_match
                        logger.debug('Handling WCS transform.')
                        # Handle WCS transform.
                        transform = Transform()
                        transformed_cutout_dimension = \
                            transform.world_to_pixels(cutout_dimensions, header)
                        logger.debug('Transformed {} into {}'.format(
                            cutout_dimensions, transformed_cutout_dimension))
                        self._pixel_cutout(header, hdu.data,
                        has_match = True

                except NoContentError:
                    # Skip for now as we're iterating the loop.
                    logger.debug('No overlap with extension {}'.format(

            logger.debug('Finished extension {}'.format(curr_extension_idx))

        logger.debug('Has match in list? -- {}'.format(has_match))
        return has_match
Пример #22
def test_get_polarization_cutout_pixels_vlass():
    Polarization states for header are I, Q, U, V (1, 2, 3, 4)
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    polarization = Polarization([PolarizationState.I])

    test_subject = Transform()
    pixels = test_subject.get_polarization_cutout_pixels(
        polarization, header, 4)

    # SODA returns [*,*,*,1:1]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 1

    polarization = Polarization([PolarizationState.I, PolarizationState.Q])

    pixels = test_subject.get_polarization_cutout_pixels(
        polarization, header, 4)

    # should return [1:2]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 2

    polarization = Polarization(
        [PolarizationState.I, PolarizationState.Q, PolarizationState.U])

    pixels = test_subject.get_polarization_cutout_pixels(
        polarization, header, 4)

    # should return [1:3]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 3

    polarization = Polarization([
        PolarizationState.I, PolarizationState.Q, PolarizationState.U,

    pixels = test_subject.get_polarization_cutout_pixels(
        polarization, header, 4)

    # should return [1:4]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 4

    polarization = Polarization([PolarizationState.I, PolarizationState.V])

    pixels = test_subject.get_polarization_cutout_pixels(
        polarization, header, 4)

    # should return [1:4]
    assert pixels is not None
    assert len(pixels) == 2
    assert pixels[0] == 1
    assert pixels[1] == 4
Пример #23
def test_world_to_shape():
    test_subject = Transform()

    world = ['CIRCLE 1.0 2.0 3.0', 'CIRCLE 4.0 5.0 6.0']
        shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError'
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    world = ['CIRCLE 1.0 2.0 3.0', 'POLYGON 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0']
        shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError'
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    world = [
        'POLYGON 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0',
        'POLYGON 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5'
        shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError'
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    world = ['BAND 1.0 2.0 3.0', 'BAND 4.0 5.0 6.0']
        shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError'
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    world = ['TIME 1.0 2.0 3.0', 'TIME 4.0 5.0 6.0']
        shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError'
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    world = ['POL I V', 'POL Q U']
        shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)
        assert False, 'Should raise ValueError'
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    world = ['CIRCLE 1.0 2.0 3.0', 'BAND 4.0 5.0', 'TIME 6.0 7.0', 'POL I V']
    shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)

    assert shapes is not None
    assert len(shapes) == 4

    circle = shapes[0]
    assert circle is not None
    assert isinstance(circle, Circle)
    assert circle.ra == 1.0
    assert circle.dec == 2.0
    assert circle.radius == 3.0

    energy = shapes[1]
    assert energy is not None
    assert isinstance(energy, Energy)
    assert energy.lower == 4.0
    assert energy.upper == 5.0

    time = shapes[2]
    assert time is not None
    assert isinstance(time, Time)
    assert time.lower == 6.0
    assert time.upper == 7.0

    polarization = shapes[3]
    assert polarization is not None
    assert isinstance(polarization, Polarization)
    states = polarization.states
    assert len(states) == 2
    assert states[0] == PolarizationState.I
    assert states[1] == PolarizationState.V

    world = [
        'POLYGON 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5', 'BAND 4.0 5.0', 'TIME 6.0 7.0',
        'POL I V'
    shapes = test_subject.world_to_shape(world)

    assert shapes is not None
    assert len(shapes) == 4

    polygon = shapes[0]
    assert polygon is not None
    assert isinstance(polygon, Polygon)
    vertices = polygon.vertices
    assert len(vertices) == 3
    assert vertices[0][0] == 1.0
    assert vertices[0][1] == 1.5
    assert vertices[1][0] == 2.0
    assert vertices[1][1] == 2.5
    assert vertices[2][0] == 3.0
    assert vertices[2][1] == 3.5

    energy = shapes[1]
    assert energy is not None
    assert isinstance(energy, Energy)
    assert energy.lower == 4.0
    assert energy.upper == 5.0

    time = shapes[2]
    assert time is not None
    assert isinstance(time, Time)
    assert time.lower == 6.0
    assert time.upper == 7.0

    polarization = shapes[3]
    assert polarization is not None
    assert isinstance(polarization, Polarization)
    states = polarization.states
    assert len(states) == 2
    assert states[0] == PolarizationState.I
    assert states[1] == PolarizationState.V
Пример #24
def test_world_to_pixels_no_content():
    header_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, VLASS_4D_CUBE_HEADER)
    header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(header_filename)

    # circle no content
    query = [
        'CIRCLE -168.34719985367971 -76.18699791158396 0.01',
        'BAND 0.04456576 0.11662493', 'POL I'

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.world_to_pixels(query, header)
        assert False, 'Should raise NoContentError'
    except NoContentError:
        assert True

    # polygon no content
    query = [
        'POLYGON -168.34 -76.18 -168.34 -76.19 -168.35 -76.19',
        'BAND 0.04456576 0.11662493', 'POL I'

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.world_to_pixels(query, header)
        assert False, 'Should raise NoContentError'
    except NoContentError:
        assert True

    # energy no content
    query = [
        'CIRCLE 168.34719985367971 76.18699791158396 0.01',
        'BAND 0.14456576 0.21662493', 'POL I'

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.world_to_pixels(query, header)
        assert False, 'Should raise NoContentError'
    except NoContentError:
        assert True

    # polarization no content
    query = [
        'CIRCLE 168.34719985367971 76.18699791158396 0.01',
        'BAND 0.04456576 0.11662493', 'POL LL'

    test_subject = Transform()
        test_subject.world_to_pixels(query, header)
        assert False, 'Should raise NoContentError'
    except NoContentError:
        assert True
Пример #25
    def _check_hdu_list(self, cutout_dimensions, hdu_list):
        has_match = False
        len_cutout_dimensions = len(cutout_dimensions)
        if len_cutout_dimensions > 0:
            result_hdu_list = None
            if self._require_primary_hdu(cutout_dimensions) and \
               hdu_list[0].header['NAXIS'] == 0:
                # add the PrimaryHDU from the original HDU list
                result_hdu_list = fits.HDUList([hdu_list[0]])
            # Check for a pixel cutout
            if isinstance(cutout_dimensions[0], PixelCutoutHDU):
                for cutout_dimension in cutout_dimensions:
                    ext = cutout_dimension.get_extension()
                    ext_idx = hdu_list.index_of(ext)
                    hdu = hdu_list[ext_idx]

                    # Entire extension was requested.
                    if not cutout_dimension.get_ranges():
                            'Appending entire extension {}'.format(ext))
                        result_hdu_list = self._add_hdu(hdu, result_hdu_list)
                        has_match = True
                            result_hdu_list = self._add_hdu(
                                self._pixel_cutout(hdu, cutout_dimension),
                            has_match = True
                                'Successfully cutout from {} ({})'.format(
                                    ext, ext_idx))
                        except NoContentError:
                                'Skipping non-overlapping cutout {}'.format(
                # Skip the primary as it should be written out already.
                for hdu in hdu_list:
                    if hdu.is_image and hdu.data is not None:
                        transform = Transform()
                            'Transforming {}'.format(cutout_dimensions))
                        transformed_cutout_dimension = \
                                cutout_dimensions, hdu.header)
                        logger.debug('Transformed {} into {}'.format(
                            cutout_dimensions, transformed_cutout_dimension))
                            result_hdu_list = self._add_hdu(self._pixel_cutout(
                                transformed_cutout_dimension), result_hdu_list)
                            has_match = True
                        except NoContentError:
                                'Skipping non-overlapping cutout {}'.format(

            # time to write the cutout file
                self.output_writer, output_verify='ignore', checksum='remove')
            raise NoContentError('No overlap found (No cutout specified).')

        logger.debug('Has match in list? -- {}'.format(has_match))
        return has_match