class LinuxClient(BaseClient):
    def __init__(self,
        self.client_log = cclogging.getLogger(

        ssh_timeout = config.connection_timeout
        if ip_address is None:
            raise ServerUnreachable("None")
        self.ip_address = ip_address
        self.username = username
        if self.username is None:
            self.username = '******'
        self.password = password
        self.server_id = server_id

        start = int(time.time())
        reachable = False
        while not reachable:
            reachable =,
            if int(time.time()) - start >= config.connection_timeout:
                raise ServerUnreachable(ip_address)

        if key is not None:
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.KEY_STRING
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.PASSWORD

        self.ssh_client = SSHBehaviors(username=self.username,
        self.ssh_client.connect_with_timeout(cooldown=20, timeout=ssh_timeout)
        if not self.ssh_client.is_connected():
            message = ('SSH timeout after {timeout} seconds: '
                       'Could not connect to {ip_address}.')
            raise SshConnectionException(
                message.format(timeout=ssh_timeout, ip_address=ip_address))

    def can_connect_to_public_ip(self):
        @summary: Checks if you can connect to server using public ip
        @return: True if you can connect, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        # This returns true since the connection has already been tested in the
        # init method

        return self.ssh_client is not None

    def can_ping_public_ip(self, public_addresses, ip_address_version_for_ssh):
        @summary: Checks if you can ping a public ip
        @param addresses: List of public addresses
        @type addresses: Address List
        @return: True if you can ping, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        for public_address in public_addresses:
            if public_address.version == 4 and not
                    public_address.addr, ip_address_version_for_ssh):
                return False
        return True

    def can_authenticate(self):
        @summary: Checks if you can authenticate to the server
        @return: True if you can connect, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        return self.ssh_client.is_connected()

    def get_hostname(self):
        @summary: Gets the host name of the server
        @return: The host name of the server
        @rtype: string
        return self.ssh_client.execute_command("hostname").stdout.rstrip()

    def can_remote_ping_private_ip(self, private_addresses):
        @summary: Checks if you can ping a private ip from this server.
        @param private_addresses: List of private addresses
        @type private_addresses: Address List
        @return: True if you can ping, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        for private_address in private_addresses:
            remote = PingClient.ping_using_remote_machine(
                self.ssh_client, private_address.addr)
            if private_address.version == 4 and not remote:
                return False
        return True

    def get_files(self, path):
        @summary: Gets the list of filenames from the path
        @param path: Path from where to get the filenames
        @type path: string
        @return: List of filenames
        @rtype: List of strings
        command = "ls -m " + path
        return self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout.rstrip(
            '\n').split(', ')

    def get_ram_size_in_mb(self):
        @summary: Returns the RAM size in MB
        @return: The RAM size in MB
        @rtype: string
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command('free -m | grep Mem').stdout
        # TODO (dwalleck): We should handle the failure case here
        if output:
            return output.split()[1]

    def get_swap_size_in_mb(self):
        @summary: Returns the Swap size in MB
        @return: The Swap size in MB
        @rtype: int
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'fdisk -l /dev/xvdc1 2>/dev/null | grep '
        if output:
            return int(output.split()[2])

    def get_disk_size_in_gb(self, disk_path):
        @summary: Returns the disk size in GB
        @return: The disk size in GB
        @rtype: int
        command = "df -h | grep '{0}'".format(disk_path)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        size = output.split()[1]

        def is_decimal(char):
            return str.isdigit(char) or char == "."

        size = filter(is_decimal, size)
        return float(size)

    def get_number_of_vcpus(self):
        @summary: Get the number of vcpus assigned to the server
        @return: The number of vcpus assigned to the server
        @rtype: int
        command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return int(output)

    def get_partitions(self):
        @summary: Returns the contents of /proc/partitions
        @return: The partitions attached to the instance
        @rtype: string
        command = 'cat /proc/partitions'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output

    def get_uptime(self):
        @summary: Get the uptime time of the server
        @return: The uptime of the server
        result = self.ssh_client.execute_command('cat /proc/uptime').stdout
        uptime = float(result.split(' ')[0])
        return uptime

    def create_file(self, file_name, file_content, file_path=None):
        @summary: Create a new file
        @param file_name: File Name
        @type file_name: String
        @param file_content: File Content
        @type file_content: String
        @return filedetails: File details such as content, name and path
        @rtype filedetails; FileDetails
        if file_path is None:
            file_path = "/root/" + file_name
        self.ssh_client.execute_command('echo -n ' + file_content + '>>' +
        return FileDetails("644", file_content, file_path)

    def get_file_details(self, filepath):
        @summary: Get the file details
        @param filepath: Path to the file
        @type filepath: string
        @return: File details including permissions and content
        @rtype: FileDetails
        command = ('[ -f ' + filepath + ' ] && echo "File exists" || '
                   'echo "File does not exist"')
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        if not output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists':
            raise FileNotFoundException("File:" + filepath +
                                        " not found on instance.")

        file_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'stat -c %a ' + filepath).stdout.rstrip("\n")
        file_contents = self.ssh_client.execute_command('cat ' +
        return FileDetails(file_permissions, file_contents, filepath)

    def is_file_present(self, filepath):
        @summary: Check if the given file is present
        @param filepath: Path to the file
        @type filepath: string
        @return: True if File exists, False otherwise
        command = ('[ -f ' + filepath + ' ] && echo "File exists" || '
                   'echo "File does not exist"')
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists'

    def get_partition_types(self):
        @summary: Return the partition types for all partitions
        @return: The partition types for all partitions
        @rtype: Dictionary
        partitions_list = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
        partition_types = {}
        for row in partitions_list:
            partition_name = row.split()[0].rstrip(':')
            partition_types[partition_name] = re.findall(
                r'TYPE="([^"]+)"', row)[0]
        return partition_types

    def get_partition_details(self):
        @summary: Return the partition details
        @return: The partition details
        @rtype: Partition List
        # Return a list of partition objects that each contains the name and
        # size of the partition in bytes and the type of the partition
        partition_types = self.get_partition_types()
        partition_names = ' '.join(partition_types.keys())

        partition_size_output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'fdisk -l %s 2>/dev/null | '
            'grep "Disk.*bytes"' % partition_names).stdout
        partition_size_output = partition_size_output.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
        partitions = []
        for row in partition_size_output:
            row_details = row.split()
            partition_name = row_details[1].rstrip(':')
            partition_type = partition_types[partition_name]
            if partition_type == 'swap':
                partition_size = DiskSize(float(row_details[2]),
                partition_size = DiskSize(
                    int(row_details[4]) / 1073741824, 'GB')
                Partition(partition_name, partition_size, partition_type))
        return partitions

    def verify_partitions(self, expected_disk_size, expected_swap_size,
                          server_status, actual_partitions):
        @summary: Verify the partition details of the server
        @param expected_disk_size: The expected value of the Disk size in GB
        @type expected_disk_size: string
        @param expected_swap_size: The expected value of the Swap size in GB
        @type expected_swap_size: string
        @param server_status: The status of the server
        @type server_status: string
        @param actual_partitions: The actual partition details of the server
        @type actual_partitions: Partition List
        @return: The result of verification and the message to be displayed
        @rtype: Tuple (bool,string)
        expected_partitions = self._get_expected_partitions(
            expected_disk_size, expected_swap_size, server_status)
        if actual_partitions is None:
            actual_partitions = self.get_partition_details()

        for partition in expected_partitions:
            if partition not in actual_partitions:
                return False, self._construct_partition_mismatch_message(
                    expected_partitions, actual_partitions)
        return True, "Partitions Matched"

    def _get_expected_partitions(self, expected_disk_size, expected_swap_size,
        @summary: Returns the expected partitions for a server based on status
        @param expected_disk_size: The Expected disk size of the server in GB
        @type expected_disk_size: string
        @param expected_swap_size: The Expected swap size of the server in MB
        @type expected_swap_size: string
        @param server_status: Status of the server (ACTIVE or RESCUE)
        @type server_status: string
        @return: The expected partitions
        @rtype: Partition List
        # ignoring swap untill the rescue functionality is clarified

        expected_partitions = [
            Partition('/dev/xvda1', DiskSize(expected_disk_size, 'GB'),
            Partition('/dev/xvdc1', DiskSize(expected_swap_size, 'MB'), 'swap')
        if str.upper(server_status) == 'RESCUE':
            expected_partitions = [
                Partition('/dev/xvdb1', DiskSize(expected_disk_size, 'GB'),
            # expected_partitions.append(Partition('/dev/xvdd1',
            # DiskSize(expected_swap_size, 'MB'), 'swap'))
        return expected_partitions

    def _construct_partition_mismatch_message(self, expected_partitions,
        @summary: Constructs the partition mismatch message based on
                  expected_partitions and actual_partitions
        @param expected_partitions: Expected partitions of the server
        @type expected_partitions: Partition List
        @param actual_partitions: Actual Partitions of the server
        @type actual_partitions: Partition List
        @return: The partition mismatch message
        @rtype: string
        message = 'Partitions Mismatch \n Expected Partitions:\n'
        for partition in expected_partitions:
            message += str(partition) + '\n'
        message += ' Actual Partitions:\n'
        for partition in actual_partitions:
            message += str(partition) + '\n'
        return message

    def mount_file_to_destination_directory(self, source_path,
        @summary: Mounts the file to destination directory
        @param source_path: Path to file source
        @type source_path: String
        @param destination_path: Path to mount destination
        @type destination_path: String
        self.ssh_client.execute_command('mount ' + source_path + ' ' +

    def get_xen_user_metadata(self):
        command = 'xenstore-ls vm-data/user-metadata'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        meta_list = output.split('\n')
        meta = {}
        for item in meta_list:
            # Skip any blank lines
            if item:
                meta_item = item.split("=")
                key = meta_item[0].strip()
                value = meta_item[1].strip('" ')
                meta[key] = value
        return meta

    def get_xenstore_disk_config_value(self):
        """Returns the xenstore value for disk config (True/False)"""
        command = 'xenstore-read vm-data/auto-disk-config'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output.strip().lower() == 'true'

    def create_directory(self, path):
        @summary: Creates Directory
        @param path: Directory path
        @type path: string
        command = "{0} {1}".format("mkdir -p", path)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output

    def is_directory_present(self, directory_path):
        @summary: Check if directory is present
        @param path: Path for the directory
        @type path: string
        cmd_str = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}"
        args = [
            "[ -d", directory_path,
            "] && echo 'Directory found' || echo 'Directory", directory_path,
            "not found'"
        command = cmd_str.format(*args)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        return output.rstrip('\n') == 'Directory found'

    def get_directory_details(self, dirpath):
        @summary: Get the directory details
        @param direpath: Path to the directory
        @type dirpath: string
        @return: Directory details including permissions and content
        @rtype: DirectoryDetails
        output = self.is_directory_present(dirpath)
        if not output:
            raise DirectoryNotFoundException(
                "Directory: {0} not found.".format(dirpath))
        dir_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            "stat -c %a {0}".format(dirpath)).stdout.rstrip("\n")
        dir_size = float(
                "du -s {0}".format(dirpath)).stdout.split('\t', 1)[0])
        return DirectoryDetails(dir_permissions, dir_size, dirpath)

    def get_block_devices(self):
        disks_raw = self.ssh_client.execute_command('lsblk -dn').stdout
        disks_raw_list = disks_raw.split('\n')
        devices = []
        for disk in disks_raw_list:
            disk_params = disk.split()
            if disk_params:
                    'name': disk_params[0],
                    'size': disk_params[3]
        return devices
Пример #2
class LinuxClient(BaseClient):

    def __init__(self, ip_address=None, server_id=None, username=None,
                 password=None, config=None, os_distro=None, key=None):
        self.client_log = cclogging.getLogger(

        ssh_timeout = config.connection_timeout
        if ip_address is None:
            raise ServerUnreachable("None")
        self.ip_address = ip_address
        self.username = username
        if self.username is None:
            self.username = '******'
        self.password = password
        self.server_id = server_id

        start = int(time.time())
        reachable = False
        while not reachable:
            reachable =,
            if int(time.time()) - start >= config.connection_timeout:
                raise ServerUnreachable(ip_address)

        if key is not None:
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.KEY_STRING
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.PASSWORD

        self.ssh_client = SSHBehaviors(
            username=self.username, password=self.password,
            host=self.ip_address, tcp_timeout=20, auth_strategy=auth_strategy,
            look_for_keys=False, key=key)
        self.ssh_client.connect_with_timeout(cooldown=20, timeout=ssh_timeout)
        if not self.ssh_client.is_connected():
            message = ('SSH timeout after {timeout} seconds: '
                       'Could not connect to {ip_address}.')
            raise SshConnectionException(message.format(
                timeout=ssh_timeout, ip_address=ip_address))

    def can_connect_to_public_ip(self):
        @summary: Checks if you can connect to server using public ip
        @return: True if you can connect, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        # This returns true since the connection has already been tested in the
        # init method

        return self.ssh_client is not None

    def can_ping_public_ip(self, public_addresses, ip_address_version_for_ssh):
        @summary: Checks if you can ping a public ip
        @param addresses: List of public addresses
        @type addresses: Address List
        @return: True if you can ping, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        for public_address in public_addresses:
            if public_address.version == 4 and not
                    public_address.addr, ip_address_version_for_ssh):
                return False
        return True

    def can_authenticate(self):
        @summary: Checks if you can authenticate to the server
        @return: True if you can connect, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        return self.ssh_client.is_connected()

    def get_hostname(self):
        @summary: Gets the host name of the server
        @return: The host name of the server
        @rtype: string
        return self.ssh_client.execute_command("hostname").stdout.rstrip()

    def can_remote_ping_private_ip(self, private_addresses):
        @summary: Checks if you can ping a private ip from this server.
        @param private_addresses: List of private addresses
        @type private_addresses: Address List
        @return: True if you can ping, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool
        for private_address in private_addresses:
            remote = PingClient.ping_using_remote_machine(self.ssh_client,
            if private_address.version == 4 and not remote:
                return False
        return True

    def get_files(self, path):
        @summary: Gets the list of filenames from the path
        @param path: Path from where to get the filenames
        @type path: string
        @return: List of filenames
        @rtype: List of strings
        command = "ls -m " + path
        return self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            command).stdout.rstrip('\n').split(', ')

    def get_ram_size_in_mb(self):
        @summary: Returns the RAM size in MB
        @return: The RAM size in MB
        @rtype: string
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command('free -m | grep Mem').stdout
        # TODO (dwalleck): We should handle the failure case here
        if output:
            return output.split()[1]

    def get_swap_size_in_mb(self):
        @summary: Returns the Swap size in MB
        @return: The Swap size in MB
        @rtype: int
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'fdisk -l /dev/xvdc1 2>/dev/null | grep '
        if output:
            return int(output.split()[2])

    def get_disk_size_in_gb(self, disk_path):
        @summary: Returns the disk size in GB
        @return: The disk size in GB
        @rtype: int
        command = "df -h | grep '{0}'".format(disk_path)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        size = output.split()[1]

        def is_decimal(char):
            return str.isdigit(char) or char == "."
        size = list(filter(is_decimal, size))
        return float(size)

    def get_number_of_vcpus(self):
        @summary: Get the number of vcpus assigned to the server
        @return: The number of vcpus assigned to the server
        @rtype: int
        command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return int(output)

    def get_partitions(self):
        @summary: Returns the contents of /proc/partitions
        @return: The partitions attached to the instance
        @rtype: string
        command = 'cat /proc/partitions'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output

    def get_uptime(self):
        @summary: Get the uptime time of the server
        @return: The uptime of the server
        result = self.ssh_client.execute_command('cat /proc/uptime').stdout
        uptime = float(result.split(' ')[0])
        return uptime

    def create_file(self, file_name, file_content, file_path=None):
        @summary: Create a new file
        @param file_name: File Name
        @type file_name: String
        @param file_content: File Content
        @type file_content: String
        @return filedetails: File details such as content, name and path
        @rtype filedetails; FileDetails
        if file_path is None:
            file_path = "/root/" + file_name
            'echo -n ' + file_content + '>>' + file_path)
        return FileDetails("644", file_content, file_path)

    def get_file_details(self, filepath):
        @summary: Get the file details
        @param filepath: Path to the file
        @type filepath: string
        @return: File details including permissions and content
        @rtype: FileDetails
        command = ('[ -f ' + filepath + ' ] && echo "File exists" || '
                                        'echo "File does not exist"')
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        if not output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists':
            raise FileNotFoundException(
                "File:" + filepath + " not found on instance.")

        file_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'stat -c %a ' + filepath).stdout.rstrip("\n")
        file_contents = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'cat ' + filepath).stdout
        return FileDetails(file_permissions, file_contents, filepath)

    def is_file_present(self, filepath):
        @summary: Check if the given file is present
        @param filepath: Path to the file
        @type filepath: string
        @return: True if File exists, False otherwise
        command = ('[ -f ' + filepath + ' ] && echo "File exists" || '
                                        'echo "File does not exist"')
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists'

    def get_partition_types(self):
        @summary: Return the partition types for all partitions
        @return: The partition types for all partitions
        @rtype: Dictionary
        partitions_list = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
        partition_types = {}
        for row in partitions_list:
            partition_name = row.split()[0].rstrip(':')
            partition_types[partition_name] = re.findall(
                r'TYPE="([^"]+)"', row)[0]
        return partition_types

    def get_partition_details(self):
        @summary: Return the partition details
        @return: The partition details
        @rtype: Partition List
        # Return a list of partition objects that each contains the name and
        # size of the partition in bytes and the type of the partition
        partition_types = self.get_partition_types()
        partition_names = ' '.join(list(partition_types.keys()))

        partition_size_output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'fdisk -l %s 2>/dev/null | '
            'grep "Disk.*bytes"' % partition_names).stdout
        partition_size_output = partition_size_output.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
        partitions = []
        for row in partition_size_output:
            row_details = row.split()
            partition_name = row_details[1].rstrip(':')
            partition_type = partition_types[partition_name]
            if partition_type == 'swap':
                partition_size = DiskSize(
                    float(row_details[2]), row_details[3].rstrip(','))
                partition_size = DiskSize(
                    int(row_details[4]) / 1073741824, 'GB')
                Partition(partition_name, partition_size, partition_type))
        return partitions

    def verify_partitions(self, expected_disk_size, expected_swap_size,
                          server_status, actual_partitions):
        @summary: Verify the partition details of the server
        @param expected_disk_size: The expected value of the Disk size in GB
        @type expected_disk_size: string
        @param expected_swap_size: The expected value of the Swap size in GB
        @type expected_swap_size: string
        @param server_status: The status of the server
        @type server_status: string
        @param actual_partitions: The actual partition details of the server
        @type actual_partitions: Partition List
        @return: The result of verification and the message to be displayed
        @rtype: Tuple (bool,string)
        expected_partitions = self._get_expected_partitions(
            expected_disk_size, expected_swap_size, server_status)
        if actual_partitions is None:
            actual_partitions = self.get_partition_details()

        for partition in expected_partitions:
            if partition not in actual_partitions:
                return False, self._construct_partition_mismatch_message(
                    expected_partitions, actual_partitions)
        return True, "Partitions Matched"

    def _get_expected_partitions(self, expected_disk_size, expected_swap_size,
        @summary: Returns the expected partitions for a server based on status
        @param expected_disk_size: The Expected disk size of the server in GB
        @type expected_disk_size: string
        @param expected_swap_size: The Expected swap size of the server in MB
        @type expected_swap_size: string
        @param server_status: Status of the server (ACTIVE or RESCUE)
        @type server_status: string
        @return: The expected partitions
        @rtype: Partition List
        # ignoring swap untill the rescue functionality is clarified

        expected_partitions = [Partition('/dev/xvda1',
                                         DiskSize(expected_disk_size, 'GB'),
                                         DiskSize(expected_swap_size, 'MB'),
        if str.upper(server_status) == 'RESCUE':
            expected_partitions = [Partition(
                '/dev/xvdb1', DiskSize(expected_disk_size, 'GB'), 'ext3')]
            # expected_partitions.append(Partition('/dev/xvdd1',
            # DiskSize(expected_swap_size, 'MB'), 'swap'))
        return expected_partitions

    def _construct_partition_mismatch_message(self, expected_partitions,
        @summary: Constructs the partition mismatch message based on
                  expected_partitions and actual_partitions
        @param expected_partitions: Expected partitions of the server
        @type expected_partitions: Partition List
        @param actual_partitions: Actual Partitions of the server
        @type actual_partitions: Partition List
        @return: The partition mismatch message
        @rtype: string
        message = 'Partitions Mismatch \n Expected Partitions:\n'
        for partition in expected_partitions:
            message += str(partition) + '\n'
        message += ' Actual Partitions:\n'
        for partition in actual_partitions:
            message += str(partition) + '\n'
        return message

    def mount_file_to_destination_directory(self, source_path,
        @summary: Mounts the file to destination directory
        @param source_path: Path to file source
        @type source_path: String
        @param destination_path: Path to mount destination
        @type destination_path: String
            'mount ' + source_path + ' ' + destination_path)

    def get_xen_user_metadata(self):
        command = 'xenstore-ls vm-data/user-metadata'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        meta_list = output.split('\n')
        meta = {}
        for item in meta_list:
            # Skip any blank lines
            if item:
                meta_item = item.split("=")
                key = meta_item[0].strip()
                value = meta_item[1].strip('" ')
                meta[key] = value
        return meta

    def get_xenstore_disk_config_value(self):
        """Returns the xenstore value for disk config (True/False)"""
        command = 'xenstore-read vm-data/auto-disk-config'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output.strip().lower() == 'true'

    def create_directory(self, path):
        @summary: Creates Directory
        @param path: Directory path
        @type path: string
        command = "{0} {1}".format("mkdir -p", path)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        return output

    def is_directory_present(self, directory_path):
        @summary: Check if directory is present
        @param path: Path for the directory
        @type path: string
        cmd_str = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}"
        args = ["[ -d",
                "] && echo 'Directory found' || echo 'Directory",
                directory_path, "not found'"]
        command = cmd_str.format(*args)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        return output.rstrip('\n') == 'Directory found'

    def get_directory_details(self, dirpath):
        @summary: Get the directory details
        @param direpath: Path to the directory
        @type dirpath: string
        @return: Directory details including permissions and content
        @rtype: DirectoryDetails
        output = self.is_directory_present(dirpath)
        if not output:
            raise DirectoryNotFoundException(
                "Directory: {0} not found.".format(dirpath))
        dir_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            "stat -c %a {0}".format(dirpath)).stdout.rstrip("\n")
        dir_size = float(self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            "du -s {0}".format(dirpath)).stdout.split('\t', 1)[0])
        return DirectoryDetails(dir_permissions, dir_size, dirpath)

    def get_block_devices(self):
        disks_raw = self.ssh_client.execute_command('lsblk -dn').stdout
        disks_raw_list = disks_raw.split('\n')
        devices = []
        for disk in disks_raw_list:
            disk_params = disk.split()
            if disk_params:
                devices.append({'name': disk_params[0],
                                'size': disk_params[3]})
        return devices
Пример #3
class LinuxClient(RemoteInstanceClient):
    def __init__(self,
        self.client_log = cclogging.getLogger(

        if ip_address is None:
            raise ServerUnreachable("None")
        self.ip_address = ip_address
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

        # Verify the server can be pinged before attempting to connect
        start = int(time.time())
        reachable = False
        while not reachable:
            reachable =
            if reachable:
            if int(time.time()) - start >= connection_timeout:
                raise ServerUnreachable(ip_address)

        if key is not None:
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.KEY_STRING
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.PASSWORD

        self.ssh_client = SSHBehaviors(username=self.username,
        if not self.ssh_client.is_connected():
            message = ('SSH timeout after {timeout} seconds: '
                       'Could not connect to {ip_address}.')
            raise SshConnectionException(

    def can_authenticate(self):
        Verifies that a connection was made to the remote server

        @return: Whether the connection was successful
        @rtype: bool

        return self.ssh_client.is_connected()

    def get_hostname(self):
        Gets the host name of the server

        @return: The host name of the server
        @rtype: string

        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command("hostname")
        if output:
            return output.stdout.rstrip()

    def get_allocated_ram(self):
        Returns the amount of RAM the server has

        @return: The RAM size in MB
        @rtype: string

        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command('free -m | grep Mem')
        if output:
            return output.stdout.split()[1]

    def get_disk_size(self, disk_path):
        Returns the size of a given disk

        @return: The disk size in GB
        @rtype: int

        disks = self.get_all_disks()
        return disks.get(disk_path)

    def get_number_of_cpus(self):
        Return the number of CPUs assigned to the server

        @return: The number of CPUs a server has
        @rtype: int

        command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output:
            return int(output.stdout)

    def get_uptime(self):
        Get the uptime time of the server.

        @return: The uptime of the server in seconds
        @rtype: int

        result = self.ssh_client.execute_command('cat /proc/uptime')
        if result:
            uptime = float(result.stdout.split(' ')[0])
            return uptime

    def create_file(self, file_name, file_content, file_path=None):
        Creates a new file with the provided content.

        @param file_name: File name
        @type file_name: string
        @param file_content: File content
        @type file_content: String
        @rtype: FileDetails

        if file_path is None:
            file_path = "/root/{file_name}".format(file_name=file_name)
            'echo -n {file_content} >> {file_path}'.format(
                file_content=file_content, file_name=file_name))
        return FileDetails("644", file_content, file_path)

    def get_file_details(self, file_path):
        Retrieves the contents of a file and its permissions.

        @param file_path: Path to the file
        @type file_path: string
        @return: File details including permissions and content
        @rtype: FileDetails

        command = ('[ -f {file_path} ] && echo "File exists" || '
                   'echo "File does not exist"'.format(file_path=file_path))
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        output = output.stdout

        if not output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists':
            raise FileNotFoundException(
                "File {file_path} not found on instance.".format(

        file_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'stat -c %a {file_path}'.format(
        file_contents = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'cat {file_path}'.format(file_path=file_path)).stdout
        return FileDetails(file_permissions, file_contents, file_path)

    def is_file_present(self, file_path):
        Verifies if the given file is present.

        @param file_path: Path to the file
        @type file_path: string
        @return: True if File exists, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool

        command = ('[ -f {file_path} ] && echo "File exists" || '
                   'echo "File does not exist"'.format(file_path=file_path))
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        if output:
            return output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists'

    def mount_disk(self, source_path, destination_path):
        Mounts a disk to specified destination.

        @param source_path: Path to file source
        @type source_path: string
        @param destination_path: Path to mount destination
        @type destination_path: string

            'mount {source_path} {destination_path}'.format(
                source_path=source_path, destination_path=destination_path))

    def unmount_disk(self, disk_path):
        Unmounts the disk at the specified location.

        @param disk_path: Path to file source
        @type disk_path: string

            'umount {disk_path}'.format(disk_path=disk_path))

    def get_xen_user_metadata(self):
        Retrieves the user-metadata section from the XenStore.

        @return: The contents of the user-metadata
        @rtype: dict

        command = 'xenstore-ls vm-data/user-metadata'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if not output:
            return None

        output = output.stdout
        meta_list = output.split('\n')
        meta = {}
        for item in meta_list:
            # Skip any blank lines
            if item:
                meta_item = item.split("=")
                key = meta_item[0].strip()
                value = meta_item[1].strip('" ')
                meta[key] = value
        return meta

    def get_xenstore_disk_config_value(self):
        Returns the XenStore value for disk config.

        @return: Whether the virtual machine uses auto disk config
        @rtype: bool
        command = 'xenstore-read vm-data/auto-disk-config'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        output = output.stdout
        return output.strip().lower() == 'true'

    def create_directory(self, path):
        Creates a directory at the specified path.

        @param path: Directory path
        @type path: string

        command = "mkdir -p {path}".format(path=path)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        return output.stdout

    def is_directory_present(self, directory_path):
        Check if given directory exists.

        @param directory_path: Path to the directory
        @type directory_path: string
        @return: Result of directory check
        @rtype: bool
        command = ("[ -d {path} ] && echo 'Directory found'"
                   "|| echo 'Directory {path} not found'".format(

        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        output = output.stdout
        return output.rstrip('\n') == 'Directory found'

    def get_directory_details(self, dir_path):
        Retrieves informational data about a directory.

        @param dir_path: Path to the directory
        @type dir_path: string
        @return: Directory details
        @rtype: DirectoryDetails
        output = self.is_directory_present(dir_path)
        if output is None:
            raise DirectoryNotFoundException(
                "Directory: {0} not found.".format(dir_path))
        dir_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            "stat -c %a {0}".format(dir_path)).stdout.rstrip("\n")
        dir_size = float(
                "du -s {0}".format(dir_path)).stdout.split('\t', 1)[0])
        return DirectoryDetails(dir_permissions, dir_size, dir_path)

    def get_all_disks(self):
        Returns a list of all block devices for a server.

        @return: The accessible block devices
        @rtype: dict

        disks_raw = self.ssh_client.execute_command('fdisk -l')
        if disks_raw is None:
            return None
        disks_raw = disks_raw.stdout
        p = re.compile('Disk /dev/\w+: \d+.*')
        disks_list = p.findall(disks_raw)

        disks = {}
        for disk in disks_list:
            items = disk.split()
            disk_name = items[1].replace(':', '')
            size = int(items[4]) / (1 << 30)
            disks[disk_name] = size
        return disks

    def format_disk(self, disk, filesystem_type):
        Formats a disk to the provided filesystem type.

        @param disk: The path to the disk to be formatted
        @type disk: string
        @param filesystem_type: The filesystem type to format the disk to
        @type filesystem_type: string

        @return: Output of command execution
        @rtype: string

        out = self.ssh_client.execute_command('mkfs -t {type} {disk}'.format(
            type=filesystem_type, disk=disk))
        if out is None:
            return None
        return out.stdout
Пример #4
class LinuxClient(RemoteInstanceClient):

    def __init__(self, ip_address=None, username='******', password=None,
                 key=None, connection_timeout=600, retry_interval=10):
        self.client_log = cclogging.getLogger(

        if ip_address is None:
            raise ServerUnreachable("None")
        self.ip_address = ip_address
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

        # Verify the server can be pinged before attempting to connect
        start = int(time.time())
        reachable = False
        while not reachable:
            reachable =
            if reachable:
            if int(time.time()) - start >= connection_timeout:
                raise ServerUnreachable(ip_address)

        if key is not None:
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.KEY_STRING
            auth_strategy = SSHAuthStrategy.PASSWORD

        self.ssh_client = SSHBehaviors(
            username=self.username, password=self.password,
            host=self.ip_address, tcp_timeout=20, auth_strategy=auth_strategy,
            look_for_keys=False, key=key)
            cooldown=20, timeout=connection_timeout)
        if not self.ssh_client.is_connected():
            message = ('SSH timeout after {timeout} seconds: '
                       'Could not connect to {ip_address}.')
            raise SshConnectionException(message.format(
                timeout=connection_timeout, ip_address=ip_address))

    def can_authenticate(self):
        Verifies that a connection was made to the remote server

        @return: Whether the connection was successful
        @rtype: bool

        return self.ssh_client.is_connected()

    def get_hostname(self):
        Gets the host name of the server

        @return: The host name of the server
        @rtype: string

        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command("hostname")
        if output:
            return output.stdout.rstrip()

    def get_allocated_ram(self):
        Returns the amount of RAM the server has

        @return: The RAM size in MB
        @rtype: string

        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command('free -m | grep Mem')
        if output:
            return output.stdout.split()[1]

    def get_disk_size(self, disk_path):
        Returns the size of a given disk

        @return: The disk size in GB
        @rtype: int

        disks = self.get_all_disks()
        return disks.get(disk_path)

    def get_number_of_cpus(self):
        Return the number of CPUs assigned to the server

        @return: The number of CPUs a server has
        @rtype: int

        command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output:
            return int(output.stdout)

    def get_uptime(self):
        Get the uptime time of the server.

        @return: The uptime of the server in seconds
        @rtype: int

        result = self.ssh_client.execute_command('cat /proc/uptime')
        if result:
            uptime = float(result.stdout.split(' ')[0])
            return uptime

    def create_file(self, file_name, file_content, file_path=None):
        Creates a new file with the provided content.

        @param file_name: File name
        @type file_name: string
        @param file_content: File content
        @type file_content: String
        @rtype: FileDetails

        if file_path is None:
            file_path = "/root/{file_name}".format(file_name=file_name)
            'echo -n {file_content} >> {file_path}'.format(
                file_content=file_content, file_name=file_name))
        return FileDetails("644", file_content, file_path)

    def get_file_details(self, file_path):
        Retrieves the contents of a file and its permissions.

        @param file_path: Path to the file
        @type file_path: string
        @return: File details including permissions and content
        @rtype: FileDetails

        command = ('[ -f {file_path} ] && echo "File exists" || '
                   'echo "File does not exist"'.format(file_path=file_path))
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        output = output.stdout

        if not output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists':
            raise FileNotFoundException(
                "File {file_path} not found on instance.".format(

        file_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'stat -c %a {file_path}'.format(
        file_contents = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            'cat {file_path}'.format(file_path=file_path)).stdout
        return FileDetails(file_permissions, file_contents, file_path)

    def is_file_present(self, file_path):
        Verifies if the given file is present.

        @param file_path: Path to the file
        @type file_path: string
        @return: True if File exists, False otherwise
        @rtype: bool

        command = ('[ -f {file_path} ] && echo "File exists" || '
                   'echo "File does not exist"'.format(file_path=file_path))
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command).stdout
        if output:
            return output.rstrip('\n') == 'File exists'

    def mount_disk(self, source_path, destination_path):
        Mounts a disk to specified destination.

        @param source_path: Path to file source
        @type source_path: string
        @param destination_path: Path to mount destination
        @type destination_path: string

            'mount {source_path} {destination_path}'.format(
                source_path=source_path, destination_path=destination_path))

    def unmount_disk(self, disk_path):
        Unmounts the disk at the specified location.

        @param disk_path: Path to file source
        @type disk_path: string

            'umount {disk_path}'.format(disk_path=disk_path))

    def get_xen_user_metadata(self):
        Retrieves the user-metadata section from the XenStore.

        @return: The contents of the user-metadata
        @rtype: dict

        command = 'xenstore-ls vm-data/user-metadata'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if not output:
            return None

        output = output.stdout
        meta_list = output.split('\n')
        meta = {}
        for item in meta_list:
            # Skip any blank lines
            if item:
                meta_item = item.split("=")
                key = meta_item[0].strip()
                value = meta_item[1].strip('" ')
                meta[key] = value
        return meta

    def get_xenstore_disk_config_value(self):
        Returns the XenStore value for disk config.

        @return: Whether the virtual machine uses auto disk config
        @rtype: bool
        command = 'xenstore-read vm-data/auto-disk-config'
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        output = output.stdout
        return output.strip().lower() == 'true'

    def create_directory(self, path):
        Creates a directory at the specified path.

        @param path: Directory path
        @type path: string

        command = "mkdir -p {path}".format(path=path)
        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        return output.stdout

    def is_directory_present(self, directory_path):
        Check if given directory exists.

        @param directory_path: Path to the directory
        @type directory_path: string
        @return: Result of directory check
        @rtype: bool
        command = ("[ -d {path} ] && echo 'Directory found'"
                   "|| echo 'Directory {path} not found'".format(

        output = self.ssh_client.execute_command(command)
        if output is None:
            return None
        output = output.stdout
        return output.rstrip('\n') == 'Directory found'

    def get_directory_details(self, dir_path):
        Retrieves informational data about a directory.

        @param dir_path: Path to the directory
        @type dir_path: string
        @return: Directory details
        @rtype: DirectoryDetails
        output = self.is_directory_present(dir_path)
        if output is None:
            raise DirectoryNotFoundException(
                "Directory: {0} not found.".format(dir_path))
        dir_permissions = self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            "stat -c %a {0}".format(dir_path)).stdout.rstrip("\n")
        dir_size = float(self.ssh_client.execute_command(
            "du -s {0}".format(dir_path)).stdout.split('\t', 1)[0])
        return DirectoryDetails(dir_permissions, dir_size, dir_path)

    def get_all_disks(self):
        Returns a list of all block devices for a server.

        @return: The accessible block devices
        @rtype: dict

        disks_raw = self.ssh_client.execute_command('fdisk -l')
        if disks_raw is None:
            return None
        disks_raw = disks_raw.stdout
        p = re.compile('Disk /dev/\w+: \d+.*')
        disks_list = p.findall(disks_raw)

        disks = {}
        for disk in disks_list:
            items = disk.split()
            disk_name = items[1].replace(':', '')
            size = int(items[4])/(1 << 30)
            disks[disk_name] = size
        return disks

    def format_disk(self, disk, filesystem_type):
        Formats a disk to the provided filesystem type.

        @param disk: The path to the disk to be formatted
        @type disk: string
        @param filesystem_type: The filesystem type to format the disk to
        @type filesystem_type: string

        @return: Output of command execution
        @rtype: string

        out = self.ssh_client.execute_command('mkfs -t {type} {disk}'.format(
            type=filesystem_type, disk=disk))
        if out is None:
            return None
        return out.stdout