Пример #1
def consent(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect('/')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        user = request.user
        user.profile.has_seen_consent = True

        if is_worker(request.user):
            return redirect('/')

        if request.POST.get('consent') == 'yes':
            consent_to_policy(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS)

            if 'automatic_fullname' in request.POST:
                consent_to_policy(user, AUTOMATIC_FULLNAME)

            # Force re-login as this will update the username
            return redirect(reverse('social:begin', args=['liu']))
            # Make sure that personal information is erased before continuing
            return redirect('/')

    if is_worker(request.user):
        return render(request, 'baljan/consent_worker.html')
        return render(request, 'baljan/consent.html')
Пример #2
def consent(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect('/')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        user = request.user
        user.profile.has_seen_consent = True

        if is_worker(request.user):
            return redirect('/')

        if request.POST.get('consent') == 'yes':
            consent_to_policy(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS)

            if 'automatic_fullname' in request.POST:
                consent_to_policy(user, AUTOMATIC_FULLNAME)

            # Force re-login as this will update the username
            return redirect(reverse('social:begin', args=['liu']))
            # Make sure that personal information is erased before continuing
            return redirect('/')

    if is_worker(request.user):
        return render(request, 'baljan/consent_worker.html')
        return render(request, 'baljan/consent.html')
Пример #3
def legal_social_details(backend, strategy, details, response, user, *args,
    # We censor the field fullname immediately because it's not certain if it will
    # be used at all, and it will most definetely be replaceable by first_name and
    # last_name. See it as a measure of precaution.
    details = dict(backend.get_user_details(response), **details)
    details['fullname'] = None

    if user is not None and is_worker(user):
        # Workers are not affected by the consent as they are bound by an agreement which
        # regulates our processing of their personal details.

        # We must ensure that we keep an up-to-date username though.
        username = details['username']

        # Only update the username if it has changed!
        if user.username != username:
            user.username = username

        return {'details': details}

    if not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS):
        # Note that we must NOT remove the e-mail address here! This is needed for the step
        #   social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email
        # Users that have never logged in using OAUTH before will not have an anonymous
        # identifier connected to their account, which is what python-social-auth uses for
        # connecting a login response to an actual user by default. If this identifier is
        # missing they must instead be associated using their e-mail address so we need to
        # keep the email-value in the details dictionary for this. We will later reset
        # this value in the step
        #   cafesys.baljan.gdpr.clean_social_details
        # Note: users that have never logged in using OAUTH could either be very old, and
        # previously logged in using the ADFS solution. Another alternative is that they
        # have been created as part of the "jobbsläpp" and thus have never logged in at all.
        # The user has given their consent to storing their username and e-mail
        # given from LiU ADFS. If this is their first time logging in after
        # giving their consent we must explicitly change the username here,
        # as python-social-auth will not change this "protected" field themselves.

        username = details['username']

        # Only update the username if it has changed!
        if user.username != username:
            user.username = username

    if not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_FULLNAME):
        # The user has not consented to the automatic retrieval of their fullname
        # from the LiU database, so we clear these fields from the details dict.
        details['first_name'] = ''
        details['last_name'] = ''

    return {'details': details}
Пример #4
def legal_social_details(backend, strategy, details, response, user, *args, **kwargs):
    # We censor the field fullname immediately because it's not certain if it will
    # be used at all, and it will most definetely be replaceable by first_name and
    # last_name. See it as a measure of precaution.
    details = dict(backend.get_user_details(response), **details)
    details['fullname'] = None

    if user is not None and is_worker(user):
        # Workers are not affected by the consent as they are bound by an agreement which
        # regulates our processing of their personal details.

        # We must ensure that we keep an up-to-date username though.
        username = details['username']

        # Only update the username if it has changed!
        if user.username != username:
            user.username = username

        return {'details': details}

    if not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS):
        # Note that we must NOT remove the e-mail address here! This is needed for the step
        #   social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email
        # Users that have never logged in using OAUTH before will not have an anonymous
        # identifier connected to their account, which is what python-social-auth uses for
        # connecting a login response to an actual user by default. If this identifier is
        # missing they must instead be associated using their e-mail address so we need to
        # keep the email-value in the details dictionary for this. We will later reset
        # this value in the step
        #   cafesys.baljan.gdpr.clean_social_details
        # Note: users that have never logged in using OAUTH could either be very old, and
        # previously logged in using the ADFS solution. Another alternative is that they
        # have been created as part of the "jobbsläpp" and thus have never logged in at all.
        # The user has given their consent to storing their username and e-mail
        # given from LiU ADFS. If this is their first time logging in after
        # giving their consent we must explicitly change the username here,
        # as python-social-auth will not change this "protected" field themselves.

        username = details['username']

        # Only update the username if it has changed!
        if user.username != username:
            user.username = username

    if not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_FULLNAME):
        # The user has not consented to the automatic retrieval of their fullname
        # from the LiU database, so we clear these fields from the details dict.
        details['first_name'] = ''
        details['last_name'] = ''

    return {'details': details}
Пример #5
def set_anonymous_username(user, strategy, *args, **kwargs):
    if not is_worker(user) and not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS):
        # This is the first time the user has logged in, or the user has not
        # approved any automatic storage of LiU details: generate a unique name.

        username = generate_anonymous_username(user)
        if user.username != username:
            user.username = username

    return {}
Пример #6
def set_anonymous_username(user, strategy, *args, **kwargs):
    if not is_worker(user) and not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS):
        # This is the first time the user has logged in, or the user has not
        # approved any automatic storage of LiU details: generate a unique name.

        username = generate_anonymous_username(user)
        if user.username != username:
            user.username = username

    return {}
Пример #7
def clean_social_details(details, user, *args, **kwargs):
    if user is not None and is_worker(user):
        # This step is not needed for workers, see comment in
        #   cafesys.baljan.gdpr.legal_social_details

        return {}

    if not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS):
        # We have temporarily set an e-mail address that we aren't allowed
        # to persistently store, so we clear it and continue.

        details['email'] = ''
        return {'details': details}

    return {}
Пример #8
def clean_social_details(details, user, *args, **kwargs):
    if user is not None and is_worker(user):
        # This step is not needed for workers, see comment in
        #   cafesys.baljan.gdpr.legal_social_details

        return {}

    if not LegalConsent.is_present(user, AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS):
        # We have temporarily set an e-mail address that we aren't allowed
        # to persistently store, so we clear it and continue.

        details['email'] = ''
        return {'details': details}

    return {}
Пример #9
def see_user(request, who):
    u = request.user
    tpl = {}

    watched = User.objects.get(id=who)
    watching_self = u == watched
    if u.is_authenticated():
        profile_form_cls_inst = (
                (forms.UserForm, u),
                (forms.ProfileForm, u.profile),

    if watching_self and request.method == 'POST':
        # Handle policy consent and revocation actions
        if request.POST.get('policy') is not None:
            if not is_worker(u):
                policy_name, policy_version, action = request.POST.get('policy').split('/')
                if action == 'revoke':
                    revoke_policy(u, policy_name)
                    return redirect(request.path)
                elif action == 'consent':
                    consent_to_policy(u, policy_name, int(policy_version))
                    if policy_name == AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS or policy_name == AUTOMATIC_FULLNAME:
                        return redirect(reverse('social:begin', args=['liu']) + '?next=' + request.path)
            profile_forms = [c(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=i)
                             for c, i in profile_form_cls_inst]

            # Make sure all forms are valid before saving.
            all_valid = True
            for f in profile_forms:
                if not f.is_valid():
                    all_valid = False
            if all_valid:
                for f in profile_forms:

                MutedConsent.log(u, ACTION_PROFILE_SAVED)
                messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Kunde inte spara din profil. Ditt LiU-kortnummer kanske finns sparat hos någon annan användare.')

        return redirect(reverse('profile'))

    tpl['watched'] = watched
    tpl['watching_self'] = watching_self
    tpl['watched_groups'] = pseudogroups.real_only().filter(user=watched).order_by('name')

    if watching_self:
        tpl['sent_trade_requests'] = tr_sent = trades.requests_sent_by(u)
        tpl['received_trade_requests'] = tr_recd = trades.requests_sent_to(u)
        tpl['trade_requests'] = tr_sent or tr_recd
        profile_forms = [c(instance=i) for c, i in profile_form_cls_inst]
        tpl['profile_forms'] = profile_forms

        policies = get_policies(u)
        tpl['policies'] = policies

        tpl['is_worker'] = is_worker(u)

    # Call duties come after work shifts because they are more frequent.
    tpl['signup_types'] = (
            (_("work shifts"), ['work'], signups_for(watched)),
            (_("call duties"), ['call-duty'], callduties_for(watched)),
    return render(request, 'baljan/user.html', tpl)
Пример #10
def see_user(request, who):
    u = request.user
    tpl = {}

    watched = get_object_or_404(User, id=who)
    watching_self = u == watched
    if u.is_authenticated:
        profile_form_cls_inst = (
            (forms.UserForm, u),
            (forms.ProfileForm, u.profile),

    if watching_self and request.method == 'POST':
        # Handle policy consent and revocation actions
        if request.POST.get('policy') is not None:
            if not is_worker(u):
                policy_name, policy_version, action = request.POST.get(
                if action == 'revoke':
                    revoke_policy(u, policy_name)
                    return redirect(request.path)
                elif action == 'consent':
                    consent_to_policy(u, policy_name, int(policy_version))
                    if policy_name == AUTOMATIC_LIU_DETAILS or policy_name == AUTOMATIC_FULLNAME:
                        return redirect(
                            reverse('social:begin', args=['liu']) + '?next=' +
            profile_forms = [
                c(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=i)
                for c, i in profile_form_cls_inst

            # Make sure all forms are valid before saving.
            all_valid = True
            for f in profile_forms:
                if not f.is_valid():
                    all_valid = False
            if all_valid:
                for f in profile_forms:

                MutedConsent.log(u, ACTION_PROFILE_SAVED)
                    request, messages.WARNING,
                    'Kunde inte spara din profil. Ditt LiU-kortnummer kanske finns sparat hos någon annan användare.'

        return redirect(reverse('profile'))

    tpl['watched'] = watched
    tpl['watching_self'] = watching_self
    tpl['watched_groups'] = pseudogroups.real_only().filter(

    if watching_self:
        tpl['sent_trade_requests'] = tr_sent = trades.requests_sent_by(u)
        tpl['received_trade_requests'] = tr_recd = trades.requests_sent_to(u)
        tpl['trade_requests'] = tr_sent or tr_recd
        profile_forms = [c(instance=i) for c, i in profile_form_cls_inst]
        tpl['profile_forms'] = profile_forms

        policies = get_policies(u)
        tpl['policies'] = policies

        tpl['is_worker'] = is_worker(u)

    # Call duties come after work shifts because they are more frequent.
    tpl['signup_types'] = (
        (_("work shifts"), ['work'], signups_for(watched)),
        (_("call duties"), ['call-duty'], callduties_for(watched)),
    return render(request, 'baljan/user.html', tpl)