Пример #1
def c2_native_run_op(op_def, inputs):
    ws = Workspace()
    if isinstance(inputs, dict):
        for key, value in inputs.items():
            ws.FeedBlob(key, value, op_def.device_option)
        assert (len(op_def.input) == len(inputs))
        for key, value in zip(op_def.input, inputs):
            ws.FeedBlob(key, value, op_def.device_option)


    output_names = op_def.output
    output_values = [ws.FetchBlob(name) for name in output_names]
    return ws, namedtupledict('Outputs', output_names)(*output_values)
Пример #2
        def op_func(*inputs, **args):
            ws = Workspace()
            schema = OpSchema.get(op_type)
            input_prefix = 'input_'
            output_prefix = 'output_'

            def get_name_list(prefix, num, max_num):
                return [prefix + str(x) for x in range(min(num, max_num))]

            input_names, output_names = [], []
            input_names = get_name_list(
                input_prefix, len(inputs), schema.max_input
            # verify the length of input name is in range
            # of schema
            num_input = len(input_names)
            if num_input > schema.max_input or num_input < \
               schema.min_input or not schema.num_inputs_allowed(num_input):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Functional C2: Number of inputs not in \
                range: {} - {} or not allowed."
                    .format(schema.min_input, schema.max_input)

            if 'num_output' in args:
                num_output = args['num_output']
                if num_output > schema.max_output or \
                   num_output < schema.min_output or \
                   not schema.num_outputs_allowed(num_output) or \
                   not schema.num_inputs_outputs_allowed(num_input,
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Functional C2: Number of output \
                    not in range: {} - {} or not allowed"
                        .format(schema.min_output, schema.max_output)
                output_names = get_name_list(
                    output_prefix, num_output, schema.max_output
            calculated = schema.CalculateOutput(num_input)
            if not output_names and calculated != -1:
                output_names = get_name_list(
                    output_prefix, calculated, schema.max_output

            if not output_names:
                max_output = schema.max_output
                # For an op with max_output == inf
                # and no Output defined in schema
                # user should pass output_size explicitly
                if schema.inf == max_output:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "For operators with max_output == inf,\
                        user should pass num_output explicity."
                output_names = get_name_list(
                    output_prefix, max_output, max_output

            op = core.CreateOperator(
                op_type, input_names, output_names, **args
            device_option = args.get('device_option', core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CPU))
            with core.DeviceScope(device_option):
                for i, input_blob in enumerate(inputs):
                    ws.FeedBlob(input_names[i], input_blob)
                # RunOperator
                output_values = [ws.FetchBlob(x) for x in output_names]
                return namedtupledict('output', output_names)(*output_values)