Пример #1
def average_se_trace_full_experiment(file_max_column, file_max_row, sheet):
    # average_se_trace_full_experiment function calculates the average and standard error of all the samples in each time-point
    # generating and average trace for the whole experiment with its standard error.
    # file_max_column: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # file_max_row: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # sheet: calculated by any of the analysis functions.

    average_trace_header = sheet.cell(row=2,
                                      column=file_max_column + 4).coordinate
    sheet[average_trace_header] = "Experiment Average"
    ca_ex_st.style_headers(average_trace_header, sheet)

    average_trace_SE_header = sheet.cell(row=2,
                                         column=file_max_column + 5).coordinate
    sheet[average_trace_SE_header] = "Experiment SE"
    ca_ex_st.style_headers(average_trace_SE_header, sheet)

    for row in range(3, file_max_row + 1):
        first_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=2).coordinate
        last_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=file_max_column).coordinate
        average_cells = f"= average({first_cell}:{last_cell})"
        average_value = sheet.cell(row=row,
                                   column=file_max_column + 4).coordinate
        sheet[average_value] = average_cells
        ca_ex_st.style_number(average_value, sheet)
        standar_error_cells = f"= stdev({first_cell}:{last_cell})/sqrt({file_max_column-1})"
        standar_error_value = sheet.cell(row=row,
                                         column=file_max_column + 5).coordinate
        sheet[standar_error_value] = standar_error_cells
        ca_ex_st.style_number(standar_error_value, sheet)
Пример #2
def basal_ratio_pretreatment_and_increment_calculation(column, file_max_column,
                                                       row_number, sheet):
    # basal_ratio_pretreatment_and_increment_calculation function calculates the basal ratio before pre-estimuli or precalcium,
    # and generates the "ratio true value - ratio basal value" for each frame,
    # allowing us to calculate the agonist-evoked Ca2+ release and/or entry
    # as the integral of the rise in fura-2 fluorescence ratio
    # for 2½ min after the addition of the agonist or CaCl2.
    # to achieve that, the function requieres the following values:
    # column: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # integral_time: Set as default as 150 seconds, but could be modified by the user.
    # file_max_column: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # row_number: use pre_stimuli to calculate the calcium release integral or pre_calcium for the calcium entry integral.
    # sheet: calculated by any of the analysis functions.

    ca_integral = row_number
    basal_begining = sheet.cell(row=ca_integral - 11, column=column).coordinate
    basal_ending = sheet.cell(row=ca_integral - 1, column=column).coordinate
    ca_integral_header = sheet.cell(row=ca_integral,
                                    column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
    sheet[ca_integral_header] = f"= average({basal_begining}:{basal_ending})"
    ca_ex_st.style_average_values(ca_integral_header, sheet)

    # Cálculo incremento ratio de calcio basal tras el estímulo
    for row in range(ca_integral + 1, ca_integral + 1 + integral_time + 1):
        ratio_sample = sheet.cell(row=row, column=column).coordinate
        ratio_normalized = sheet.cell(row=row,
                                      column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
            ratio_normalized] = f"= {ratio_sample}-{absolute_coordinate(ca_integral_header)}"
        ca_ex_st.style_number(ratio_normalized, sheet)
Пример #3
def parameter_initial_ratio_values(column, file_max_column, n_integral_value,
    # parameter_initial_ratio_values function generates an excel cell with the average ratio value for the first 10 rows (or 20 seconds)
    # file_max_column: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # n_integral_value: value that calculates the position of the excel cell.
    # n_initial_ratio_value
    # sheet: calculated by any of the analysis functions.

    calcium_beginning = sheet.cell(row=3, column=column).coordinate
    calcium_ending = sheet.cell(row=13, column=column).coordinate
    calcium_integral = f"= (average({calcium_beginning}:{calcium_ending}))"
    cell_n_calcium_value = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
                                      column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
    sheet[cell_n_calcium_value] = calcium_integral
    ca_ex_st.style_number(cell_n_calcium_value, sheet)
Пример #4
def parameter_peak_values(file_max_column, integral_time, n_integral_value,
                          row_number, sheet):
    # parameter_peak_values function generates an excel cell with the maximun value (Peak) in the integral_time range
    # for a given parameter in each sample. (Parameters= Calcium release | Calcium Entry)
    # file_max_column: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # integral_time: Set as default as 150 seconds, but could be modified by the user.
    # n_integral_value: value that calculates the position of the excel cell. Calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # n_calcium_release_peak_value |  n_calcium_entry_peak_value
    # row_number: use pre_stimuli to calculate the calcium release integral or pre_calcium for the calcium entry integral.
    # sheet: calculated by any of the analysis functions.

    calcium_beginning = sheet.cell(row=row_number + 1,
                                   column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
    calcium_ending = sheet.cell(row=row_number + 1 + integral_time,
                                column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
    calcium_integral = f"= MAX({calcium_beginning}:{calcium_ending})"
    cell_n_calcium_value = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
                                      column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
    sheet[cell_n_calcium_value] = calcium_integral
    ca_ex_st.style_number(cell_n_calcium_value, sheet)
Пример #5
def single_cell_ratio_normalized_f_f0(keyword, sheet_f_f0_max_column,
                                      sheet_f_f0_max_row, sheet_f_f0):
    # single_cell_ratio_normalized_f_f0 function normalizes the ratio along the time of each sample with its basal value.
    # To achieve that, the program, and not this function, will create a copy of the main worksheet 'Time Measurement Report' and rename it as 'F_F0'.
    # Following along the function will them calculate the average ratio basal value for the 10 first values
    # within the timelap in 'Time Measurement Report', and will write the result in the first row of 'F_F0' for each sample.
    # Finally, it will divide each of the values in the timelap for each sample with its calculated average,
    # writing the result in the worksheet 'F_F0'.

    number_cell = 1
    for column in range(1, sheet_f_f0_max_column + 1):
        if sheet_f_f0.cell(row=2, column=column).value:
            if keyword in sheet_f_f0.cell(row=2, column=column).value:
                sample_number_header = sheet_f_f0.cell(
                    row=2, column=column).coordinate
                    sample_number_header] = f"#{number_cell:02} {keyword} - F/F0"
                ca_ex_st.style_headers(sample_number_header, sheet_f_f0)

                basal_begining = sheet_f_f0.cell(row=3,
                basal_ending = sheet_f_f0.cell(row=13,
                ca_f_f0_integral_header = sheet_f_f0.cell(
                    row=1, column=column).coordinate
                    ca_f_f0_integral_header] = f"= average('Time Measurement Report'!{basal_begining}:{basal_ending})"

                # Cálculo ratio de calcio basal al comienzo del experimento
                for row in range(3, sheet_f_f0_max_row + 1):
                    ratio_sample = sheet_f_f0.cell(row=row,
                    ratio_normalized = sheet_f_f0.cell(
                        row=row, column=column).coordinate
                        ratio_normalized] = f"= 'Time Measurement Report'!{ratio_sample}/F_F0!{absolute_coordinate(ca_f_f0_integral_header)}"
                    ca_ex_st.style_number(ratio_normalized, sheet_f_f0)

                number_cell += 1
Пример #6
def single_cell_average_se_paramemeters(analyzed_cells, analyzed_parameter,
                                        n_integral_title, n_integral_value,
                                        sheet, total_column):
    # single_cell_average_se_paramemeters function calculates the average and standard error of each parameter for the full experiment.
    # analyzed_parameter: Release | Release Peak | Release Slope | Entry | Entry Peak | Entry Slope.
    # n_integral_title: value that calculates the position of the excel cell. Calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    #     n_calcium_release_integral_title | n_calcium_entry_integral_title
    #     n_calcium_release_peak_title | n_calcium_entry_peak_title
    #     n_calcium_release_slope_title | n_calcium_entry_slope_title
    # n_integral_value: value that calculates the position of the excel cell. Calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    #     n_calcium_release_integral_value | n_calcium_entry_integral_value
    #     n_calcium_release_peak_value | n_calcium_entry_peak_value
    #     n_calcium_release_slope_value | n_calcium_entry_slope_value
    # sheet: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # total_column: final number of columns in the file after all the calculations are performed.

    average_title = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_title,
                               column=total_column + 2).coordinate
    sheet[average_title] = f"Average  {analyzed_parameter}"
    ca_ex_st.style_average_values(average_title, sheet)
    standar_error_title = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_title,
                                     column=total_column + 3).coordinate
    sheet[standar_error_title] = "SE"
    ca_ex_st.style_average_values(standar_error_title, sheet)

    first_cell = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
                            column=(total_column + 1) -
    last_cell = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
    average_cells = f"= average({first_cell}:{last_cell})"
    average_value = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
                               column=total_column + 2).coordinate
    sheet[average_value] = average_cells
    ca_ex_st.style_number(average_value, sheet)

    standar_error_cells = f"= stdev({first_cell}:{last_cell})/sqrt({analyzed_cells})"
    standar_error_value = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
                                     column=total_column + 3).coordinate
    sheet[standar_error_value] = standar_error_cells
    ca_ex_st.style_number(standar_error_value, sheet)
Пример #7
def parameter_slope_values(column, file_max_column, n_integral_value,
                           row_number, sheet, slope_time, time_column):
    # slope_values function generates an excel cell with the slope value of the trendline calculated from the integral_time range
    # for a given parameter in each sample. (Parameters= Calcium release | Calcium Entry)
    # file_max_column: calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    # integral_time: Set as default as 150 seconds, but could be modified by the user.
    # n_integral_value: value that calculates the position of the excel cell. Calculated by any of the analysis functions.
    #     n_calcium_release_slope_value | n_calcium_entry_slope_value
    # row_number: use pre_stimuli to calculate the calcium release integral or pre_calcium for the calcium entry integral.
    # sheet: calculated by any of the analysis functions.

    calcium_beginning = sheet.cell(row=row_number + 1,
    calcium_ending = sheet.cell(row=row_number + 1 + slope_time,
    slope_beginning = sheet.cell(row=row_number + 1,
    slope_ending = sheet.cell(row=row_number + 1 + slope_time,
    calcium_slope = f"= SLOPE({calcium_beginning}:{calcium_ending},{slope_beginning}:{slope_ending})"
    cell_n_calcium_value = sheet.cell(row=n_integral_value,
                                      column=file_max_column + 7).coordinate
    sheet[cell_n_calcium_value] = calcium_slope
    ca_ex_st.style_number(cell_n_calcium_value, sheet)
def imaging_ca_oscillation_multi_analysis(adquisiton_time, keyword, file, folder, peak_amplitude, peak_longitude, route, time_initial_linregress, time_final_linregress, y_max_value, y_min_value):
    route = os.path.join(folder, file)
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(route)
    sheets = wb.sheetnames
    for sheet in sheets:
        if sheet != "Time Measurement Report":
            to_delete = wb[sheet]

    sheet = wb.active

    file_max_row = sheet.max_row
    file_max_column = sheet.max_column
    event_number_time_final_linregress = file_max_row
        adquisiton_time, file_max_row, sheet)

    number_cell = 1
    for column in range(1, file_max_column + 1):
        if sheet.cell(row=1, column=column).value:
            if keyword in sheet.cell(row=1, column=column).value:
                sample_number_header = sheet.cell(
                    row=1, column=column).coordinate
                sheet[sample_number_header] = f"#{number_cell:02} {keyword}"
                ca_ex_st.style_headers(sample_number_header, sheet)
                number_cell += 1

    splited_file = file.split(".xlsx")[0]
    non_space_filename = splited_file.replace(" ", "_")

    file_route = f"{non_space_filename}_modified.xlsx"
    df = pd.read_excel(file_route)
    x = df["Time (s)"]
    y = df.iloc[:, 1:]
    max_column_num = len(df.columns)
    column_num_plots = max_column_num + 2
    row_num_plots = 2
    column_num_data = max_column_num + 10
    row_num_data = 2

    for column in y.columns:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(
            2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, constrained_layout=True)
        fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
        fig.set_size_inches(6, 5)
        ax[0].plot(x, y[column], color="black")
        ax[1].plot(x, y[column], color="black")

        #  Añade peaks al archivo excel
        peaks, _ = find_peaks(
            y[column], prominence=peak_amplitude, width=peak_longitude)      # BEST!
        parameter_value_peaks = f"Peak time {column}"
        df_peaks = pd.DataFrame(
            {parameter_value_peaks: peaks * adquisiton_time})
        append_df_to_excel(file_route, df_peaks.T, sheet_name="Time Measurement Report",
                           startrow=row_num_data, startcol=column_num_data, header=True, index=True, truncate_sheet=False)
        row_num_data += 2

        peaks, properties = find_peaks(
            y[column], prominence=peak_amplitude, width=peak_longitude)
        properties["prominences"], properties["widths"]
        parameter_value_max = f"Max {column}"
        df_max = pd.DataFrame({parameter_value_max: properties["prominences"]})
        append_df_to_excel(file_route, df_max.T, sheet_name="Time Measurement Report",
                           startrow=row_num_data, startcol=column_num_data, header=False, index=True, truncate_sheet=False)
        row_num_data += 1
        parameter_value_width = f"Width {column}"
        df_width = pd.DataFrame(
            {parameter_value_width: properties["widths"] * adquisiton_time})
        append_df_to_excel(file_route, df_width.T, sheet_name="Time Measurement Report",
                           startrow=row_num_data, startcol=column_num_data, header=False, index=True, truncate_sheet=False)
        row_num_data += 2

        # The numpy and scipy libraries include the composite trapezoidal (numpy.trapz)
        # and Simpson's (scipy.integrate.simps)rules.
        #  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13320262/calculating-the-area-under-a-curve-given-a-set-of-coordinates-without-knowing-t/13323861#13323861
        #  Añade los valores de la recta de regresión obtenida con los valores iniciales y el área bajo la curva al archivo excel

        df_initial_time = x[:time_initial_linregress]
        df_initial_trend = y[column][:time_initial_linregress]
        res_initial = stats.linregress(
            df_initial_time, df_initial_trend)
        df_initial_linear_regresion = res_initial.intercept + res_initial.slope*x
        corrected_y_initial = y[column].sub(
        r_squared_initial = float(f"{res_initial.rvalue**2:.6f}")
        intercept_initial = res_initial.intercept
        slope_initial = res_initial.slope
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, r_squared_initial, file_route,
                             column_num_data, row_num_data, "R-squared initial")
        row_num_data += 1
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, intercept_initial, file_route,
                             column_num_data, row_num_data, "Intercept initial")
        row_num_data += 1
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, slope_initial, file_route,
                             column_num_data, row_num_data, "Slope initial")
        row_num_data += 1
        area_initial_trapz = trapz(
            corrected_y_initial, x) * adquisiton_time
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, area_initial_trapz, file_route, column_num_data,
                             row_num_data, "Trapz AUC Initial linear regresion")
        row_num_data += 1
        area_initial_simps = simps(
            corrected_y_initial, x) * adquisiton_time
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, area_initial_simps, file_route, column_num_data,
                             row_num_data, "Simps AUC Initial linear regresion")
        row_num_data += 2

        #  Añade los valores de la recta de regresión obtenida con los valores finales y el área bajo la curva al archivo excel
        df_final_time = x.tail(time_final_linregress)
        df_final_trend = y[column].tail(time_final_linregress)
        res_final = stats.linregress(df_final_time, df_final_trend)
        df_final_linear_regresion = res_final.intercept + res_final.slope*x
        corrected_y_final = y[column].sub(
        r_squared_final = float(f"{res_final.rvalue**2:.6f}")
        intercept_final = res_final.intercept
        slope_final = res_final.slope
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, r_squared_final, file_route,
                             column_num_data, row_num_data, "R-squared final")
        row_num_data += 1
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, intercept_final, file_route,
                             column_num_data, row_num_data, "Intercept final")
        row_num_data += 1
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, slope_final, file_route,
                             column_num_data, row_num_data, "Slope final")
        row_num_data += 1
        area_final_trapz = trapz(
            corrected_y_final, x) * adquisiton_time
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, area_final_trapz, file_route, column_num_data,
                             row_num_data, "Trapz AUC Final linear regresion")
        row_num_data += 1
        area_final_simps = simps(
            corrected_y_final, x) * adquisiton_time
        addapted_df_to_excel(column, area_final_simps, file_route, column_num_data,
                             row_num_data, "Simps AUC Final linear regresion")
        row_num_data += 11

        # Make a plot with major ticks that are multiples of 20 and minor ticks that
        # are multiples of 5.  Label major ticks with '%d' formatting but don't label
        # minor ticks.

            x, y[column], df_initial_linear_regresion, color="peachpuff", where=x > time_initial_linregress)
            x, y[column], df_final_linear_regresion, color="wheat", where=x < event_number_time_final_linregress)
        ax[0].set_title(f'{column}', fontsize=12)
        ax[0].set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=9)
        ax[1].set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=9)
        ax[0].set_ylabel('Fura2 fluorescencia (a.u)', fontsize=9)
        ax[1].set_ylabel('Fura2 fluorescencia (a.u)', fontsize=9)
        if y_min_value != "" and y_max_value != "":
            plt.ylim(y_min_value, y_max_value)

        ax[0].vlines(x=peaks*adquisiton_time, ymin=y[column][peaks] - properties["prominences"],
                     ymax=y[column][peaks], color="blue")
        ax[0].hlines(y=properties["width_heights"], xmin=properties["left_ips"]*adquisiton_time,
                     xmax=properties["right_ips"]*adquisiton_time, color="blue")
        ax[1].vlines(x=peaks*adquisiton_time, ymin=y[column][peaks] - properties["prominences"],
                     ymax=y[column][peaks], color="blue")
        ax[1].hlines(y=properties["width_heights"], xmin=properties["left_ips"]*adquisiton_time,
                     xmax=properties["right_ips"]*adquisiton_time, color="blue")
        ax[0].plot(peaks*adquisiton_time, y[column]
                   [peaks], "o", color="red")
        ax[1].plot(peaks*adquisiton_time, y[column]
                   [peaks], "o", color="red")
        ax[0].plot(x, df_initial_linear_regresion,
                   color="saddlebrown", label="AUC Initial linear regresion")
        ax[1].plot(x, df_final_linear_regresion,
                   color="darkgoldenrod", label="AUC Final linear regresion")
        plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0})

        temporal_images = os.path.join(folder, non_space_filename)
        Path(temporal_images).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        fig_name = os.path.join(temporal_images, f"{column}.png")
        plt.savefig(fig_name, dpi=100)
        # plt.show()

    print(f"Number of analyzed cells: {ca_cal.analyzed_cell_number(sheet)}.")

    for folder, subfolders, files in os.walk(folder):
        for subfolder in subfolders:
            if subfolder == non_space_filename:
                wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_route)
                sheet = wb.active
                for temporal_image in os.listdir(subfolder):
                    temporal_image_route = os.path.join(
                        folder, subfolder, temporal_image)
                    img = openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(
                    img_cell = sheet.cell(
                        row=row_num_plots, column=column_num_plots).coordinate
                    img.anchor = img_cell
                    row_num_plots += 26
                    filename = f"{non_space_filename}_analyzed.xlsx"

                final_file_max_row = sheet.max_row
                final_file_max_column = sheet.max_column

                for row in range(1, final_file_max_row + 1):
                    for column in range(1, final_file_max_column):
                        if sheet.cell(row=row, column=column).value:
                            float_formating = sheet.cell(
                                row=row, column=column).coordinate
                            if type(sheet[float_formating].value) == float:
                                ca_ex_st.style_number(float_formating, sheet)
                            elif type(sheet[float_formating].value) == int:
                                ca_ex_st.style_time(float_formating, sheet)

                for row in range(1, final_file_max_row + 1):
                    if sheet.cell(row=row, column=column_num_data + 1).value:
                        parameter_sample = sheet.cell(
                            row=row, column=column_num_data + 1).coordinate
                            parameter_sample, sheet)

                    sheet, column_num_data)
                print(f"{filename} has been saved.")