def createisomap(iso, mapscale, name, name_en): map_width = int(mapscale[0]) map_height = int(mapscale[1]) map_minx = float(mapscale[2]) map_maxx = float(mapscale[3]) map_miny = float(mapscale[4]) map_maxy = float(mapscale[5]) print("mapdata:", map_width, map_height, map_maxx, map_maxy, map_minx, map_miny) geojsonfile = '/osm/service/' + CONTINENT + '/' + iso + '/poly/osm.geojson' m = mapnik.Map( map_width, map_height) # create a map with a given width and height in pixels # note: m.srs will default to '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' # the 'map.srs' is the target projection of the map and can be whatever you wish m.background = mapnik.Color( '#000000') # set background colour to 'steelblue'. s = mapnik.Style() # style object to hold rules r = mapnik.Rule() # rule object to hold symbolizers # to fill a polygon we create a PolygonSymbolizer psymbolizer = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer() #psymbolizer.fill = mapnik.Color('#f2eff9') psymbolizer.fill = mapnik.Color('#000000') r.symbols.append(psymbolizer) lsymbolizer = mapnik.LineSymbolizer() #lsymbolizer.stroke = mapnik.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)') lsymbolizer.stroke = mapnik.Color('#FFA500') lsymbolizer.stroke_width = 0.8 r.symbols.append(lsymbolizer) s.rules.append(r) # now add the rule to the style and we're done m.append_style( 'My Style', s) # Styles are given names only as they are applied to the map ds = mapnik.Ogr(file=geojsonfile, layer_by_index=0) print(ds) ds.envelope() layer = mapnik.Layer( 'world') # new layer called 'world' (we could name it anything) # note: layer.srs will default to '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' layer.datasource = ds layer.styles.append('My Style') m.layers.append(layer) bbox = mapnik.Box2d(map_maxx, map_maxy, map_minx, map_miny) m.zoom_to_box(bbox) # Write the data to a png image called world.png the current directory img_directory = '/osm/service/' + CONTINENT + '/' + iso + '/img/' if not os.path.exists(img_directory): os.makedirs(img_directory) os.system("rm -f " + img_directory + "*") mapnik.render_to_file(m, img_directory + 'dbackground0.png', 'png') gdalw1 = 'gdalwarp -te {} {} {} {} -ts {} {} '.format( map_minx, map_miny, map_maxx, map_maxy, map_width, map_height) # NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR.tif gdalw2 = ' -of GTiff /osm/ne/ne.tif {} '.format(img_directory + 'nebackground.geotif') print("gdalw:", gdalw1, gdalw2) os.system(gdalw1 + gdalw2) os.system('gdal_translate -of PNG {} {} '.format( img_directory + 'nebackground.geotif', img_directory + 'nebackground.png')) os.system('convert {} -transparent Black {} '.format( img_directory + 'dbackground0.png', img_directory + 'tdbackground.png')) os.system('composite {} -compose over {} {} '.format( img_directory + 'tdbackground.png', img_directory + 'nebackground.png', img_directory + 'dbackground.png')) ###################### flag ################################## im_cmd1 = r'convert /osm/setup/osmlogo.png -font DejaVu-Serif -fill darkblue -pointsize 34 -gravity center -draw "text 16,-18' im_cmd2 = r" '." + iso[:2] + "' " im_cmd3 = r'" ' + img_directory + 'dflag.png' os.system(im_cmd1 + im_cmd2 + im_cmd3) #################### Logo ##################################### surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 448, 98) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.select_font_face("Courier", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) ctx.set_font_size(42) ctx.move_to(2, 50) ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.15) ctx.show_text('Taginfo-' + CONTINENT + '-' + iso) ctx.select_font_face('Sans') if len(name_en) > 26: ctx.set_font_size(20) elif len(name_en) > 18: ctx.set_font_size(26) else: ctx.set_font_size(30) ctx.move_to(1, 90) ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.35) ctx.show_text(name_en) # finish up ctx.stroke() surface.write_to_png(img_directory + 'dlogo.png')
ds.variables['longitude'][:]), ds.variables['u10'][t0:tn]) v = rgi((ds.variables['time'][t0:tn], ds.variables['latitude'][:], ds.variables['longitude'][:]), ds.variables['v10'][t0:tn]) temp = rgi((ds.variables['time'][t0:tn], ds.variables['latitude'][:], ds.variables['longitude'][:]), ds.variables['t2m'][t0:tn]) ds.close() print("Interpolating data finished; plotting countries.") # Get countries from shapefile. sf = shapefile.Reader("lib/countries.shp") countries = sf.shapes() # Plot countries. overlay = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, outx, outy) ctx2 = cairo.Context(overlay) ctx2.set_line_width(3) ctx2.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_BEVEL) bbox = [-15, 43, 13, 57.5] for c in countries: ctx2.move_to((c.points[0][0] - bbox[0]) * ar * 60 * 10, -(c.points[0][1]) * 60) for i, p in enumerate(c.points): if i in ctx2.move_to((p[0] - bbox[0]) * 60 * 4 * ar, -(p[1] - bbox[3]) * 60 * 4) else: ctx2.line_to((p[0] - bbox[0]) * 60 * 4 * ar, -(p[1] - bbox[3]) * 60 * 4) ctx2.set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) ctx2.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5)
def white_borders(model, selection, pdfqueue): crop = [] for path in selection: it = model.get_iter(path) p = model.get_value(it, 0) pdfdoc = pdfqueue[p.nfile - 1] page = pdfdoc.document.get_page(p.npage - 1) # Always render pages at 72 dpi whatever the zoom or scale of the page w, h = page.get_size() # FIXME: No longer ignore p.crop so we could do nested white border crop w = int(w) h = int(h) thumbnail = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h) cr = cairo.Context(thumbnail) page.render(cr) # TODO: python list are dead slow compared to memoryview. It would # be faster to create a memoryview full of 0 and then compare each row # to it. memoryview have full native __eq__ operator which is fast. data = thumbnail.get_data().cast("i", shape=[h, w]).tolist() crop_this_page = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # TODO: Those 4 copy/past should be factorized # Left allwhite = True for col in range(w - 1): for row in range(h - 1): if data[row][col] != 0: allwhite = False crop_this_page[0] = (col) / w break if not allwhite: break # Right allwhite = True for col in range(w - 1, 0, -1): for row in range(h - 1): if data[row][col] != 0: allwhite = False crop_this_page[1] = (w - col) / w break if not allwhite: break # Top allwhite = True for row in range(h - 1): for col in range(w - 1): if data[row][col] != 0: allwhite = False crop_this_page[2] = (row) / h break if not allwhite: break # Bottom allwhite = True for row in range(h - 1, 0, -1): for col in range(w - 1): if data[row][col] != 0: allwhite = False crop_this_page[3] = (h - row) / h break if not allwhite: break crop.append(p.rotate_crop(crop_this_page, p.rotate_times(p.angle))) return crop
for v in range(V): top_branch[v] = max(vy[v], vy[spouses[v]]) + 1/(My-my) for v in range(V): low_branch[v] = min([vy[di[c]] for c in getChildren(v)]) - 5/(My-my) # Node colors colors = {-1:np.array([0,0,0])} for v in range(V): if parents[i[v]] == 0: colors[i[v]] = rs.random_sample(3) else: pa = di[df.loc[i[v], "Father"]] ma = di[df.loc[i[v], "Mother"]] colors[i[v]] = (colors[pa]+colors[ma])/2 cr = cairo.Context(surface) cr.scale(WIDTH, HEIGHT) # Normalizing the canvas for v in range(V): # if node has children, draw tree paths if children[v] > 0: # Draw joining line cr.set_source_rgb(*((colors[v]+colors[spouses[v]])/2)) cr.move_to(vx[v], vy[v]) cr.set_line_width(0.001) cr.line_to(vx[v], top_branch[v]) cr.stroke() cr.move_to(vx[v], top_branch[v]) cr.line_to((vx[v]+vx[spouses[v]])/2, top_branch[v]) cr.stroke()
def renderTo(self, fileName): xAttribs = self.xAttribs yAttribs = self.yAttribs xAttribs.setMinMax(self.xMin, self.xMax) # Create the image surface and cairo context surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 330 + int(xAttribs.size + 0.5), 55 + int(yAttribs.size + 0.5)) cr = cairo.Context(surface) cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) cr.paint() cr.set_miter_limit(1.414) cr.translate(80, 8 + yAttribs.size) # Draw axes labelFont = createScaledFont('Arial', 13) with Saved(cr): cr.set_line_width(1) cr.set_source_rgb(.4, .4, .4) # Horizontal axis cr.move_to(0, -0.5) cr.rel_line_to(xAttribs.size + 1, 0) cr.stroke() for pos, label in xAttribs.iterLabels(): # Labels x = math.floor(pos + 0.5) with Saved(cr): cr.translate(x, 9) fillAlignedText(cr, 0, 6, labelFont, label, 0.5) # Vertical axis cr.set_source_rgb(*colorTuple('f0f0f0')) for pos, label in yAttribs.iterLabels(): # Background lines if label == '0': continue y = -math.floor(pos + 0.5) - 0.5 cr.move_to(1, y) cr.rel_line_to(xAttribs.size + 1, 0) cr.stroke() cr.set_source_rgb(.4, .4, .4) cr.move_to(0.5, 0) cr.rel_line_to(0, -yAttribs.size - 0.5) if False: for pos, label in yAttribs.iterLabels(): # Tick marks if label == '0': continue y = -math.floor(pos + 0.5) - 0.5 cr.move_to(1, y) cr.rel_line_to(-4, 0) cr.stroke() for pos, label in yAttribs.iterLabels(): # Labels if label == '0': continue fillAlignedText(cr, -4, -pos + 4, labelFont, label, 1) """ with Saved(cr): x = xAttribs.size - 70.5 + 80 y = -234.5 cr.rectangle(x, y, 120, 82) cr.set_source_rgb(*colorTuple('ffffff')) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb(*colorTuple('f0f0f0')) cr.rectangle(x, y, 120, 82) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.stroke() """ # Draw curves for cn, curve in enumerate(self.curves): points = curve.points color = curve.color width = 1.75 #if color == colorTuple('ff4040'): #width = 2 with Saved(cr): cr.set_line_width(width) cr.set_source_rgba(*color) #if color == colorTuple('9090b0'): # cr.set_dash([9, 2]) with Saved(cr): cr.rectangle(0, 5, xAttribs.size, -yAttribs.size - 15) cr.clip() x, y = points[0] cr.move_to(xAttribs.mapAxisValue(x), -yAttribs.mapAxisValue(y)) for x, y in points[1:]: cr.line_to( xAttribs.mapAxisValue(x) + 0.5, -yAttribs.mapAxisValue(y) - 0.5) cr.stroke() for x, y in points: cr.rectangle( xAttribs.mapAxisValue(x) - 2.5, -yAttribs.mapAxisValue(y) - 2.5, 5, 5) cr.fill() x = xAttribs.size + 40 y = -120 + (5 - cn) * 14 cr.move_to(x - 4.5, y - 4.5) cr.rel_line_to(-21, 0) cr.stroke() # Label weight = cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL if color == colorTuple('ff4040'): weight = cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD labelFont = createScaledFont('Arial', 13, weight=weight) label = #x, y = points[-1] #fillAlignedText(cr, xAttribs.mapAxisValue(x) + 3, -yAttribs.mapAxisValue(y) + 4, labelFont, label, 0) x = xAttribs.size + 40 y = -120 + (5 - cn) * 14 fillAlignedText(cr, x, y, labelFont, label, 0) # Draw axis names cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) axisFont = createScaledFont('Helvetica', 16, weight=cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) with Saved(cr): cr.translate(-66, -yAttribs.size / 2.0) cr.rotate(-math.pi / 2) fillAlignedText(cr, 0, 0, axisFont, 'Map Operations / Sec', 0.5) with Saved(cr): axisFont2 = createScaledFont('Helvetica', 13) cr.translate(-50, -yAttribs.size / 2.0) cr.rotate(-math.pi / 2) cr.set_source_rgba(*colorTuple('808080')) fillAlignedText(cr, 0, 0, axisFont2, '(Total Across All Threads)', 0.5) fillAlignedText(cr, xAttribs.size / 2.0, 42, axisFont, 'Threads', 0.5) # Save PNG file surface.write_to_png(fileName)
import cairo surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, 300, 200) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.rectangle(25, 50, 50, 120) ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0) ctx.fill() surface.write_to_png('rectangle.png')
def render(opts, trace): if opts.verbose: print '[II] Identifying relevant tasks and CPUs...', sys.stdout.flush() tasks, cores = trace.active_in_interval(opts.start, opts.end) if opts.verbose: print '%d tasks, %d cores.' % (len(tasks), len(cores)) # scale is given in points/ms, we need points/ns xscale = opts.xscale/1E6 yscale = opts.yscale/YRES width = ceil(opts.margin * 2 + (opts.end - opts.start) * xscale + YLABEL_MARGIN) height = ceil(opts.margin * 2 + (len(tasks) * YRES) * yscale + XLABEL_MARGIN) if opts.verbose: print '[II] Canvas size: %dpt x %dpt' % (width, height) pdf = cairo.PDFSurface(opts.output, width, height) task_idx = {} for i, t in enumerate(sorted(tasks)): task_idx[t] = i c = cairo.Context(pdf) c.translate(opts.margin + YLABEL_MARGIN, opts.margin) # draw box # c.rectangle(0, 0, width - opts.margin * 2, height - opts.margin * 2) # c.stroke() def xpos(x): return (x - opts.start) * xscale def ypos(y): return (y * YRES) * yscale # c.scale(xscale, yscale) if opts.verbose: print '[II] Drawing grid...', sys.stdout.flush() # draw minor tick lines if opts.minor_ticks: c.set_source_rgb(*MINOR_TICK_COLOR) c.set_line_width(MINOR_TICK_WIDTH) time = opts.start while time <= opts.end: x = xpos(time) y = ypos(len(tasks)) c.new_path() c.move_to(x, y) c.line_to(x, 0) c.stroke() time += opts.minor_ticks * 1E6 # draw major tick lines if opts.major_ticks: c.set_source_rgb(*MAJOR_TICK_COLOR) c.set_line_width(MAJOR_TICK_WIDTH) c.set_font_size(MAJOR_TICK_FONT_SIZE) time = opts.start while time <= opts.end: x = xpos(time) y = ypos(len(tasks) + 0.2) c.new_path() c.move_to(x, y) c.line_to(x, 0) c.stroke() y = ypos(len(tasks) + 0.3) center_text(c, x, y, "%dms" % ((time - opts.start) / 1E6)) time += opts.major_ticks * 1E6 # draw task labels c.set_font_size(TASK_LABEL_FONT_SIZE) c.set_source_rgb(*TASK_LABEL_COLOR) for pid in tasks: x = -24 y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + 0.25) vcenter_right_align_text(c, x, y, "%s/%d" % (trace.task_names[pid], pid)) y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + 0.75) vcenter_right_align_text(c, x, y, "(%.2fms, %.2fms)" % (trace.task_wcets[pid] / 1E6, trace.task_periods[pid] / 1E6)) if opts.verbose: print 'done.' print '[II] Drawing CPU allocations...', sys.stdout.flush() # raw allocations box_height = ALLOC_HEIGHT * YRES * yscale c.set_font_size(TAG_FONT_SIZE) for (to, away) in trace.scheduling_intervals_in_range(opts.start, opts.end): delta = (event_time(away) - event_time(to)) * xscale pid = event_pid(to) y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT)) x = xpos(event_time(to)) c.new_path() c.rectangle(x, y, delta, box_height) c.set_source_rgb(*cpu_color(event_cpu(to))) c.fill() c.set_source_rgb(*TAG_COLOR) text_left_align_below(c, x + 2, y + 2, '%d' % event_cpu(to)) # draw task base lines c.set_source_rgb(*GRID_COLOR) c.set_line_width(GRID_WIDTH) for t in tasks: c.new_path() y = ypos(task_idx[t] + 1) x = xpos(opts.start) c.move_to(x, y) x = xpos(opts.end) c.line_to(x, y) c.stroke() if opts.verbose: print 'done.' print '[II] Drawing releases and deadlines...', sys.stdout.flush() # draw releases and deadlines c.set_source_rgb(*JOB_EVENT_COLOR) c.set_line_width(ARROW_LINE_WIDTH) # c.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND) c.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND) c.set_font_size(JOB_ID_FONT_SIZE) arrow_width = ARROW_WIDTH / 2 arrow_height = ARROW_HEIGHT * YRES * yscale for rec in trace.events_in_range_of_type(opts.start, opts.end, 'ST_RELEASE'): pid = event_pid(rec) y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + 1) rel = xpos(event_time(rec)) c.new_path() c.move_to(rel, y - (GRID_WIDTH - 1)) c.rel_line_to(0, -arrow_height) c.rel_line_to(-arrow_width, arrow_width) c.rel_move_to(arrow_width, -arrow_width) c.rel_line_to(arrow_width, arrow_width) c.stroke() if opts.show_job_ids: text_left_align_above(c, rel + 4, y - arrow_height - 4, "%d" % event_job_id(rec)) dl = xpos(rec[-1]) c.new_path() c.move_to(dl, y - arrow_height - (GRID_WIDTH - 1)) c.rel_line_to(0, arrow_height) c.rel_line_to(-arrow_width, -arrow_width) c.rel_move_to(arrow_width, arrow_width) c.rel_line_to(arrow_width, -arrow_width) c.stroke() if opts.verbose: print 'done.' print '[II] Drawing job completions...', sys.stdout.flush() # draw job completions for rec in trace.events_in_range_of_type(opts.start, opts.end, 'ST_COMPLETION'): pid = event_pid(rec) y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + 1) x = xpos(event_time(rec)) c.new_path() c.move_to(x, y - (GRID_WIDTH - 1)) c.rel_line_to(0, -arrow_height) c.rel_move_to(-arrow_width, 0) c.rel_line_to(2 * arrow_width, 0) c.stroke() if opts.show_job_ids: text_left_align_above(c, x + 4, y - arrow_height - 4, "%d" % event_job_id(rec)) if opts.verbose: print 'done.' print '[II] Drawing job suspensions...', sys.stdout.flush() # draw job suspensions c.set_line_width(1) for rec in trace.events_in_range_of_type(opts.start, opts.end, 'ST_BLOCK'): pid = event_pid(rec) y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT) + 0.5 * ALLOC_HEIGHT) y1 = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT) + 0.4 * ALLOC_HEIGHT) y2 = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT) + 0.6 * ALLOC_HEIGHT) x = xpos(event_time(rec)) c.new_path() c.move_to(x, y1) c.line_to(x, y2) c.line_to(x - arrow_width, y) c.line_to(x, y1) c.close_path() c.stroke() if opts.verbose: print 'done.' print '[II] Drawing job wake-ups...', sys.stdout.flush() # draw job suspensions c.set_line_width(1) for rec in trace.events_in_range_of_type(opts.start, opts.end, 'ST_RESUME'): pid = event_pid(rec) y = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT) + 0.5 * ALLOC_HEIGHT) y1 = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT) + 0.4 * ALLOC_HEIGHT) y2 = ypos(task_idx[pid] + (1 - ALLOC_HEIGHT) + 0.6 * ALLOC_HEIGHT) x = xpos(event_time(rec)) c.new_path() c.move_to(x, y1) c.line_to(x, y2) c.line_to(x + arrow_width, y) c.line_to(x, y1) c.close_path() c.stroke() if opts.verbose: print 'done.' print '[II] Finishing PDF...', sys.stdout.flush() pdf.finish() if opts.verbose: print 'done.' if opts.verbose: print '[II] Flushing PDF...', sys.stdout.flush() pdf.flush() if opts.verbose: print 'done.' del pdf
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): def message(msg): """ Print message if user set verbose mode. """ if options.verbose: print(msg, file=sys.stderr) usage = "usage: %prog [options] file1 file2..." parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose output" ) parser.add_option( "-u", "--use-underscores", dest="underscores", action="store_true", help="use underscores instead of spaces for output filenames", ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="dir", metavar="directory", help="output to directory" ) parser.add_option( "-f", "--format", dest="format", metavar="format", help="output file format, default pdf", default="pdf", choices=["pdf", "svg", "png"], ) parser.add_option( "-r", "--regex", dest="regex", metavar="regex", help="process diagrams which name matches given regular expresion;" " name includes package name; regular expressions are case insensitive", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if not args: parser.print_help() Application.init( services=["event_manager", "component_registry", "element_factory"] ) factory = Application.get_service("element_factory") name_re = None if options.regex: name_re = re.compile(options.regex, re.I) # we should have some gaphor files to be processed at this point for model in args: message(f"loading model {model}") storage.load(model, factory) message("ready for rendering") for diagram in e: e.isKindOf(UML.Diagram)): odir = pkg2dir(diagram.package) # just diagram name dname = # full diagram name including package path pname = f"{odir}/{dname}" if options.underscores: odir = odir.replace(" ", "_") dname = dname.replace(" ", "_") if name_re and not message(f"skipping {pname}") continue if options.dir: odir = f"{options.dir}/{odir}" outfilename = f"{odir}/{dname}.{options.format}" if not os.path.exists(odir): message(f"creating dir {odir}") os.makedirs(odir) message(f"rendering: {pname} -> {outfilename}...") view = View(diagram.canvas) view.painter = ItemPainter() tmpsurface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 0, 0) tmpcr = cairo.Context(tmpsurface) view.update_bounding_box(tmpcr) tmpcr.show_page() tmpsurface.flush() w, h = view.bounding_box.width, view.bounding_box.height if options.format == "pdf": surface = cairo.PDFSurface(outfilename, w, h) elif options.format == "svg": surface = cairo.SVGSurface(outfilename, w, h) elif options.format == "png": surface = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, int(w + 1), int(h + 1) ) else: assert False, f"unknown format {options.format}" cr = cairo.Context(surface) view.matrix.translate(-view.bounding_box.x, -view.bounding_box.y) paint(view, cr) cr.show_page() if options.format == "png": surface.write_to_png(outfilename) surface.flush() surface.finish()
def visualize(fun, l: list, width: int, height: int, name: str): surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, width, height) sorted_list = l.copy() swaps = [s for s in fun(sorted_list)] sctx = cairo.Context(surface) sctx.scale(width, height) sctx.rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) sctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) sctx.fill() MAX_VALUE = sorted_list[-1] MIN_VALUE = sorted_list[0] LIST_LENGTH = len(l) SWAP_LENGTH = len(swaps) X_UNIT = width / (SWAP_LENGTH + 2) # print(X_UNIT) VIOLET = (0.7, 0, 0.9) BLUE = (0.7, 0.9, 1) Y_UNIT = height / (LIST_LENGTH * 1.05) # print(Y_UNIT) contexts = [None] * len(l) for i, val in enumerate(l): percent_max = (val - MIN_VALUE) / (MAX_VALUE - MIN_VALUE) color = [ percent_max * c1 + (1 - percent_max) * c2 for c1, c2 in zip(VIOLET, BLUE) ] ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.set_source_rgb(*color) y_value = i * Y_UNIT ctx.translate(0, 0.05 * height) ctx.move_to(0, y_value) ctx.set_line_width(0.3 * Y_UNIT) ctx.line_to(X_UNIT, y_value) contexts[i] = ctx for i, swap in enumerate(swaps): x_value = (i + 2) * X_UNIT swap_0 = swap[0] swap_1 = swap[1] for j, ctx in enumerate(contexts): if swap_0 == j: ctx.line_to(x_value, swap_1 * Y_UNIT) elif swap_1 == j: ctx.line_to(x_value, swap_0 * Y_UNIT) else: ctx.line_to(x_value, j * Y_UNIT) contexts[swap_0], contexts[swap_1] = contexts[swap_1], contexts[swap_0] for i, ctx in enumerate(contexts): ctx.line_to(width, i * Y_UNIT) ctx.stroke() surface.write_to_png(f'{name}.png')
hitEdge = walkers[index].edges() if hitEdge or hitLine: walk = False count = count + 1 index = index + 1 for walker in walkers: walker.draw(context) # Call the main function and save an image if __name__ == '__main__': if fileFormat == 'PNG': surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) context = cairo.Context(surface) main() fileName = uuid.uuid4().hex[:8] surface.write_to_png('Images/Vertical_Lines/' + str(fileName) + '.png') elif fileFormat == 'SVG': fileName = uuid.uuid4().hex[:8] surface = cairo.SVGSurface( 'Images/Vertical_Lines/0-svg/' + str(fileName) + '.svg', width, height ) context = cairo.Context(surface) main() context.finish()
def cairo_surf(tree: libginger.Tree, colour: ty.Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0., 0., 0., 1.), line_width: float = 1.0, font_size: int = 20, token_node_distance: int = 20, node_part_margin: int = None, label_shift: int = 5, arrow_shift: int = 6, energy: float = 0.5) -> 'cairo.RecordingSurface': r''' Render a tree in a cairo recording surface. ## Parameters - `colour` the colour of the drawing as an RGBA vector in $[0, 1]⁴$ - `line_width` the width of the lines, obviously - `font_size` the font size used - `token_node_distance` the horizontal spacing between two nodes - `node_part_margin` the vertical spacing between node attributes (default: `$⌈\texttt{token\_node\_distance`/3}⌉$`) - `label_shift` the space between arrow and their labels - `arrow_shift` the horizontal padding between arrows of opposite directions - `energy` the magnitude of the tangent at the origin of an arc etween two nodes is $E×d$ where $E$ is the energy and $d$ the distance between those nodes. Increase this to make the arcs go higher. ''' if cairo is None: raise NotImplementedError if node_part_margin is None: node_part_margin = math.ceil(token_node_distance / 3) res = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, None) context = cairo.Context(res) context.set_font_size(font_size) # For every token, we need to take account the width of the largest of the stacked attributes : # `form`, `lemma`, `upostag` This dict associate every node to its Rect node_rects = {} # type: ty.Dict[libginger.Node, Rect] current_x = 0 for n in tree.word_sequence: parts_extents = [ context.text_extents(s if s is not None else '_') for s in (n.form, n.lemma, n.upostag) ] w = max(e[2] for e in parts_extents) h = sum(e[3] for e in parts_extents) + 3 * node_part_margin node_rects[n] = Rect(current_x, 0, w, h) current_x += w + token_node_distance # Normalise the height of the nodes to the largest part_height = math.ceil(max(h for _, _, _, h in node_rects.values()) / 3) nodes_height = 3 * part_height # And take into account in node rects node_rects = { n: Rect(x, y, w, nodes_height) for n, (x, y, w, h) in node_rects.items() } # Now draw context.set_source_rgba(*colour) context.set_line_width(line_width) # First draw the nodes context.move_to(0, 0) for node, (x, y, w, h) in ((n, node_rects[n]) for n in tree.word_sequence): parts = (s if s is not None else '_' for s in (node.form, node.lemma, node.upostag)) for i, p in enumerate(parts, start=1): margin = math.floor((w - context.text_extents(p)[2]) / 2) context.move_to(x + margin, y + i * part_height) context.show_text(p) context.stroke() # Find out the largest arc height # First, get the relations deps = [(node.head, node, node.deprel) for node in tree.word_sequence if node.head is not tree.root] # Now draw the arcs arrowhead_size = font_size / 3 for head, foot, tag in deps: # Arc head_rect, foot_rect = node_rects[head], node_rects[foot] start = Point( head_rect.x + head_rect.w / 2 + (-arrow_shift if foot.identifier < head.identifier else arrow_shift), head_rect.y) end = Point(foot_rect.x + foot_rect.w / 2, foot_rect.y - arrowhead_size) origin_speed = math.floor(abs(end.x - start.x) * energy) control1 = (start.x, start.y - origin_speed) control2 = (end.x, end.y - origin_speed) context.move_to(*start) context.curve_to(*control1, *control2, *end) arrow_extents = context.path_extents() context.stroke() arrowhead(context, arrowhead_size, end) tag_w = context.text_extents(tag)[2] context.move_to((arrow_extents[0] + arrow_extents[2] - tag_w) / 2, arrow_extents[1] - label_shift) context.show_text(tag) # Root arrow head_rect = node_rects[next(node for node in tree.word_sequence if node.head is tree.root)] root_x = head_rect.x + head_rect.w / 2 _, root_y, *_ = res.ink_extents() root_w = context.text_extents('root')[2] - label_shift context.move_to(root_x - root_w / 2, root_y) context.show_text('root') context.move_to(root_x, root_y) context.line_to(root_x, head_rect.y) context.stroke() arrowhead(context, arrowhead_size, Point(root_x, head_rect.y)) return res
def _scroll(tdw, model, width=1920, height=1080, zoom=1.0, mirrored=False, rotation=0.0, turns=8, turn_steps=8, turn_radius=0.3, save_pngs=False, set_modes=None, use_background=True): """Test scroll performance Scroll around in a circle centred on the virtual display, testing the same sort of render that's used for display - albeit to an in-memory surface. This tests rendering and cache performance quite well, though it discounts Cairo acceleration. """ num_undos_needed = 0 if set_modes: for path, mode in set_modes.items(): model.select_layer(path=path) num_undos_needed += 1 model.set_current_layer_mode(mode) num_undos_needed += 1 assert model.layer_stack.deepget(path, None).mode == mode model.layer_stack.background_visible = use_background model.layer_stack._render_cache.clear() radius = min(width, height) * turn_radius fakealloc = namedtuple("FakeAlloc", ["x", "y", "width", "height"]) alloc = fakealloc(0, 0, width, height) tdw.set_allocation(alloc) surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) tdw.set_rotation(rotation) tdw.set_zoom(zoom) tdw.set_mirrored(mirrored) tdw.recenter_document() start = time.clock() cx, cy = tdw.get_center() last_x = cx last_y = cy nframes = 0 for turn_i in xrange(turns): for step_i in xrange(turn_steps): t = 2 * math.pi * (step_i / turn_steps) x = cx + math.cos(t) * radius y = cy + math.sin(t) * radius dx = x - last_x dy = y - last_y cr = cairo.Context(surf) cr.rectangle(*alloc) cr.clip() tdw.scroll(dx, dy) tdw.renderer._draw_cb(tdw, cr) surf.flush() last_x = x last_y = y if save_pngs: filename = "/tmp/scroll-%03d-%03d.png" % (turn_i, step_i) surf.write_to_png(filename) nframes += 1 dt = time.clock() - start for i in range(num_undos_needed): model.undo() if set_modes: for path in set_modes.keys(): mode = model.layer_stack.deepget(path, None).mode assert mode == mypaintlib.CombineNormal return (nframes, dt)
def __init__(self, renderer): GraphicsContextBase.__init__(self) self.renderer = renderer self.ctx = cairo.Context()