Пример #1
def PGPD_Denoising(par, model):
    im_out = par['nim']
    h, w = im_out.shape
    # Fill in more parameters
    par['nSig0'] = par['nSig']
    par['maxr'] = h - par['ps'] + 1
    par['maxc'] = w - par['ps'] + 1
    par['maxrc'] = par['maxr'] * par['maxc']
    par['h'] = h
    par['w'] = w

    r = range(0, par['maxr'], par['step'])
    par['r'] = r + range(r[-1] + 1, par['maxr'])
    # Unsure if I translated this line correctly
    #par['r'] = [r r()+1:par['maxr']]
    c = range(0, par['maxc'], par['step'])
    par['c'] = c + range(c[-1] + 1, par['maxc'])

    par['lenr'] = len(par['r'])
    par['lenc'] = len(par['c'])
    par['lenrc'] = par['lenr'] * par['lenc']
    par['ps2'] = par['ps'] * par['ps']

    for ite in range(par['IteNum']):
        # iterative regularization
        im_out = im_out + par['delta'] * (par['nim'] - im_out)

        # estimation of noise variance
        if ite == 0:
            par['nSig'] = par['nSig0']
            dif = numpy.mean(numpy.mean(numpy.square(par['nim'] - im_out)))
            par['nSig'] = numpy.sqrt(
                abs(par['nSig0'] * par['nSig0'] - dif)) * par['eta']

        # search non-local patch groups
        [nDCnlX, blk_arr, DC, par] = CalNonLocal(im_out, par)
        # Gaussian dictionary selection by MAP
        if (ite) % 2 == 0:
            # CHECKPOINT
            PYZ = numpy.zeros((model['nmodels'], (DC.shape)[1]))
            sigma2I = (par['nSig']**2) * numpy.eye(par['ps2'])
            for i in range(model['nmodels']):
                sigma = model['covs'].item()[:, :, i] + sigma2I
                R = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)
                Q = numpy.transpose(
                    numpy.linalg.lstsq(numpy.transpose(R), nDCnlX)[0])
                #print numpy.diag(R).shape, numpy.log(numpy.diag(R)).shape
                print numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.diag(R))).shape
                print(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Q), Q) / 2.).shape
                #print Q[0].shape, Q[1].shape
                #print type(numpy.dot(Q,Q)/2.), numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.diag(R)))
                TempPYZ = -numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.diag(R))) - numpy.dot(
                    numpy.transpose(Q), Q) / 2.
                print DC.shape, TempPYZ.shape, par['nlsp']
                TempPYZ = TempPYZ.reshape((par['nlsp'], DC.shape[1]))
                #print TempPYZ.shape
                #print numpy.sum(TempPYZ)

                PYZ[i, :] = numpy.sum(TempPYZ)

            # find the most likely component for each patch group
            tmp, dicidx = max(PYZ)
            dicidx = numpy.transpose(dicidx)
            idx, s_idx = numpy.sort(dicidx)
            idx2 = idx[:-1] - idx[1:]
            seq = numpy.nonzero(idx2)
            seg = numpy.concatenate([0, seq, len(dicidx)])
            seg = seg.reshape(len(seg), 1)

        # Weighted Sparse Coding
        X_hat = numpy.zeros((par['ps2'], par['maxrc']))
        W = numpy.zeros((par['ps2'], par['maxrc']))
        for j in range(len(seg) - 2):
            idx = s_idx[seg[j] + range(seg[j + 1])]
            cls = dicidx[idx[0]]
            D = par['D'][:, :, cls]
            S = par['S'][:, cls]
            lambdaM = numpy.tile(
                (par['c1'] * par['nSig']**2.) / (numpy.sqrt(S) + 0.0001),
            for i in range(len(idx)):
                #Y = nDCnlX(:,(idx(i)-1)*par['nlsp']+1:idx(i)*par['nlsp'])
                Y = nDCnlX[:, (idx[i] - 1) * par['nlsp'] +
                           range(idx[i] * par['nlsp'])]
                b = numpy.transpose(D) * Y
                # soft threshold
                alpha = numpy.sign(b) * numpy.max(abs(b) - lambdaM / 2., 0.)
                # add DC components and aggregation
                #X_hat[:,blk_arr[:,idx[i]]] = X_hat[:,blk_arr[:,idx[i]]]+bsxfun(@plus,D*alpha, DC[:,idx[i]])
                X_hat[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] = X_hat[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] + (
                    D * alpha + DC[:, idx[i]])
                W[:, blk_arr[:,
                             idx[i]]] = W[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] + numpy.ones(
                                 par['ps2'], par['nlsp'])
        # Reconstruction
        im_out = numpy.zeros(h, w)
        im_wei = numpy.zeros(h, w)
        r = range(par['maxr'])
        c = range(par['maxc'])
        k = 0
        for i in range(par['ps']):
            for j in range(par['ps']):
                #im_out(r-1+i,c-1+j)  =  im_out(r-1+i,c-1+j) + reshape( numpy.transpose(X_hat(k,:)), [par['maxr'] par['maxc']])
                #im_wei(r-1+i,c-1+j)  =  im_wei(r-1+i,c-1+j) + reshape( numpy.transpose(W(k,:)), [par['maxr'] par['maxc']])
                im_out[r + i, c + j] = im_out[r + i, c + j] + numpy.reshape(
                    numpy.transpose(X_hat[k, :]), [par['maxr'], par['maxc']])
                im_wei[r + i, c + j] = im_wei[r + i, c + j] + numpy.reshape(
                    numpy.transpose(W[k, :]), [par['maxr'], par['maxc']])
                k = k + 1

        im_out = im_out / im_wei
        # calculate the PSNR and SSIM
        PSNR = csnr.csnr(im_out * 255, par['I'] * 255., 0, 0)
        SSIM = cal_ssim.cal_ssim(im_out * 255, par['I'] * 255., 0, 0)
        print('Iter #d : PSNR = #2.4f, SSIM = #2.4f\n', ite, PSNR, SSIM)

    im_out[im_out > 1] = 1
    im_out[im_out < 0] = 0
    return im_out, par
Пример #2
import numpy
import Parameters_Setting

# set parameters
nSig = 50.
[par, model] = Parameters_Setting.Parameters_Setting(nSig)

# read clean image
I = skimage.io.imread('cameraman.png') / 255.
par['I'] = I
# generate noisy image
# I doubt that this translates well to python
#par.nim =   par.I + par.nSig*randn(size(par.I));
nim = I + par['nSig'] * numpy.random.randn(I.shape[0], I.shape[1])
par['nim'] = nim

PSNR_init = csnr.csnr(nim * 255., I * 255., 0., 0.)
SSIM_init = cal_ssim.cal_ssim(nim * 255., I * 255., 0., 0.)
print('The initial value of PSNR = ' + str(PSNR_init) + ', SSIM = ' +

# PGPD denoising
[im_out, par] = PGPD_Denoising.PGPD_Denoising(par, model)
# [im_out,par]  =  PGPD_Denoising_faster(par,model) # faster speed

# calculate the PSNR and SSIM
PSNR_final = csnr.csnr(im_out * 255., I * 255., 0., 0.)
SSIM_final = cal_ssim.cal_ssim(im_out * 255., I * 255., 0., 0.)
print('Cameraman Results: PSNR = ' + str(PSNR_final) + ', SSIM = ' +
Пример #3
import csnr
import PGPD_Denoising
import numpy
import Parameters_Setting

# set parameters
nSig = 50.
[par, model]  =  Parameters_Setting.Parameters_Setting( nSig )

# read clean image
I = skimage.io.imread('cameraman.png')/255.
par['I'] = I
# generate noisy image
# I doubt that this translates well to python
#par.nim =   par.I + par.nSig*randn(size(par.I));
nim = I + par['nSig']*numpy.random.randn(I.shape[0], I.shape[1])
par['nim'] = nim

PSNR_init = csnr.csnr(nim*255., I*255., 0., 0.)
SSIM_init = cal_ssim.cal_ssim(nim*255., I*255., 0., 0.)
print('The initial value of PSNR = '+str(PSNR_init)+', SSIM = '+str(SSIM_init))

# PGPD denoising
[im_out, par] = PGPD_Denoising.PGPD_Denoising(par, model)
# [im_out,par]  =  PGPD_Denoising_faster(par,model) # faster speed

# calculate the PSNR and SSIM
PSNR_final = csnr.csnr(im_out*255., I*255., 0., 0.)
SSIM_final = cal_ssim.cal_ssim(im_out*255., I*255., 0., 0.)
print('Cameraman Results: PSNR = '+str(PSNR_final)+', SSIM = '+str(SSIM_final))
Пример #4
def PGPD_Denoising(par, model):
    im_out = par["nim"]
    h, w = im_out.shape
    # Fill in more parameters
    par["nSig0"] = par["nSig"]
    par["maxr"] = h - par["ps"] + 1
    par["maxc"] = w - par["ps"] + 1
    par["maxrc"] = par["maxr"] * par["maxc"]
    par["h"] = h
    par["w"] = w

    r = range(0, par["maxr"], par["step"])
    par["r"] = r + range(r[-1] + 1, par["maxr"])
    # Unsure if I translated this line correctly
    # par['r'] = [r r()+1:par['maxr']]
    c = range(0, par["maxc"], par["step"])
    par["c"] = c + range(c[-1] + 1, par["maxc"])

    par["lenr"] = len(par["r"])
    par["lenc"] = len(par["c"])
    par["lenrc"] = par["lenr"] * par["lenc"]
    par["ps2"] = par["ps"] * par["ps"]

    for ite in range(par["IteNum"]):
        # iterative regularization
        im_out = im_out + par["delta"] * (par["nim"] - im_out)

        # estimation of noise variance
        if ite == 0:
            par["nSig"] = par["nSig0"]
            dif = numpy.mean(numpy.mean(numpy.square(par["nim"] - im_out)))
            par["nSig"] = numpy.sqrt(abs(par["nSig0"] * par["nSig0"] - dif)) * par["eta"]

        # search non-local patch groups
        [nDCnlX, blk_arr, DC, par] = CalNonLocal(im_out, par)
        # Gaussian dictionary selection by MAP
        if (ite) % 2 == 0:
            # CHECKPOINT
            PYZ = numpy.zeros((model["nmodels"], (DC.shape)[1]))
            sigma2I = (par["nSig"] ** 2) * numpy.eye(par["ps2"])
            for i in range(model["nmodels"]):
                sigma = model["covs"].item()[:, :, i] + sigma2I
                R = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)
                Q = numpy.transpose(numpy.linalg.lstsq(numpy.transpose(R), nDCnlX)[0])
                # print numpy.diag(R).shape, numpy.log(numpy.diag(R)).shape
                print numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.diag(R))).shape
                print (numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Q), Q) / 2.0).shape
                # print Q[0].shape, Q[1].shape
                # print type(numpy.dot(Q,Q)/2.), numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.diag(R)))
                TempPYZ = -numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.diag(R))) - numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Q), Q) / 2.0
                print DC.shape, TempPYZ.shape, par["nlsp"]
                TempPYZ = TempPYZ.reshape((par["nlsp"], DC.shape[1]))
                # print TempPYZ.shape
                # print numpy.sum(TempPYZ)

                PYZ[i, :] = numpy.sum(TempPYZ)

            # find the most likely component for each patch group
            tmp, dicidx = max(PYZ)
            dicidx = numpy.transpose(dicidx)
            idx, s_idx = numpy.sort(dicidx)
            idx2 = idx[:-1] - idx[1:]
            seq = numpy.nonzero(idx2)
            seg = numpy.concatenate([0, seq, len(dicidx)])
            seg = seg.reshape(len(seg), 1)

        # Weighted Sparse Coding
        X_hat = numpy.zeros((par["ps2"], par["maxrc"]))
        W = numpy.zeros((par["ps2"], par["maxrc"]))
        for j in range(len(seg) - 2):
            idx = s_idx[seg[j] + range(seg[j + 1])]
            cls = dicidx[idx[0]]
            D = par["D"][:, :, cls]
            S = par["S"][:, cls]
            lambdaM = numpy.tile((par["c1"] * par["nSig"] ** 2.0) / (numpy.sqrt(S) + 0.0001), par["nlsp"])
            for i in range(len(idx)):
                # Y = nDCnlX(:,(idx(i)-1)*par['nlsp']+1:idx(i)*par['nlsp'])
                Y = nDCnlX[:, (idx[i] - 1) * par["nlsp"] + range(idx[i] * par["nlsp"])]
                b = numpy.transpose(D) * Y
                # soft threshold
                alpha = numpy.sign(b) * numpy.max(abs(b) - lambdaM / 2.0, 0.0)
                # add DC components and aggregation
                # X_hat[:,blk_arr[:,idx[i]]] = X_hat[:,blk_arr[:,idx[i]]]+bsxfun(@plus,D*alpha, DC[:,idx[i]])
                X_hat[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] = X_hat[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] + (D * alpha + DC[:, idx[i]])
                W[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] = W[:, blk_arr[:, idx[i]]] + numpy.ones(par["ps2"], par["nlsp"])
        # Reconstruction
        im_out = numpy.zeros(h, w)
        im_wei = numpy.zeros(h, w)
        r = range(par["maxr"])
        c = range(par["maxc"])
        k = 0
        for i in range(par["ps"]):
            for j in range(par["ps"]):
                # im_out(r-1+i,c-1+j)  =  im_out(r-1+i,c-1+j) + reshape( numpy.transpose(X_hat(k,:)), [par['maxr'] par['maxc']])
                # im_wei(r-1+i,c-1+j)  =  im_wei(r-1+i,c-1+j) + reshape( numpy.transpose(W(k,:)), [par['maxr'] par['maxc']])
                im_out[r + i, c + j] = im_out[r + i, c + j] + numpy.reshape(
                    numpy.transpose(X_hat[k, :]), [par["maxr"], par["maxc"]]
                im_wei[r + i, c + j] = im_wei[r + i, c + j] + numpy.reshape(
                    numpy.transpose(W[k, :]), [par["maxr"], par["maxc"]]
                k = k + 1

        im_out = im_out / im_wei
        # calculate the PSNR and SSIM
        PSNR = csnr.csnr(im_out * 255, par["I"] * 255.0, 0, 0)
        SSIM = cal_ssim.cal_ssim(im_out * 255, par["I"] * 255.0, 0, 0)
        print ("Iter #d : PSNR = #2.4f, SSIM = #2.4f\n", ite, PSNR, SSIM)

    im_out[im_out > 1] = 1
    im_out[im_out < 0] = 0
    return im_out, par