def setup(self, ctx): self.choice = None self.is_first_run = True filepaths = ctx.database.get(datatype="spreadsheet") self.is_missing = True self.choice = None if filepaths is not None and len(filepaths) > 0: self.is_missing = False self._append_view(TextView("Select the covariates/group data spreadsheet file")) self.add_file_str = "Add spreadsheet file" dsp_values = [f'"{value}"' for value in filepaths] dsp_values = [*dsp_values, self.add_file_str] self.filepath_by_str = dict(zip(dsp_values, filepaths)) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(dsp_values, isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self._append_view(TextView("Specify the analysis type")) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView( list(self.options.keys()), isVertical=self.is_vertical ) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.is_first_run = True self.should_run = True self.choice = None if not hasattr(ctx.spec.files[-1], "metadata") or ctx.spec.files[-1].metadata is None: ctx.spec.files[-1].metadata = dict() if ctx.spec.files[-1].metadata.get("variables") is None: ctx.spec.files[-1].metadata["variables"] = [] if any( variable["type"] == "id" for variable in ctx.spec.files[-1].metadata["variables"] ): self.should_run = False if self.should_run: self._append_view(TextView("Specify the column containing subject names")) already_used = set(v["name"] for v in ctx.spec.files[-1].metadata["variables"]) df = loadspreadsheet(ctx.spec.files[-1].path) columns = [column for column in df if column not in already_used] options = [format_column(column) for column in columns] self.varname_by_str = dict(zip(options, columns)) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(options, isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self._append_view( TextView("Specify the categorical variable for this contrast")) self.variables = ctx.database.metadata(ctx.spec.models[-1].spreadsheet, "variables") self.variables = apply_filters_to_variables( ctx.spec.models[-1].filters, self.variables) contrastvariables = set( ravel(contrast["variable"] for contrast in ctx.spec.models[-1].contrasts if contrast.get("type") == "infer") ) # names of all variables added to the model in the previous step self.variables = [ variable for variable in self.variables if variable["type"] == "categorical" and variable["name"] in contrastvariables ] varnames = [variable["name"] for variable in self.variables] options = [format_column(varname) for varname in varnames] self.varname_by_str = dict(zip(options, varnames)) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(options) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self._append_view(TextView("Specify the feature type")) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(list(self.options.keys()), isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): if hasattr(self, "header_str") and self.header_str is not None: self._append_view(TextView(self.header_str)) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView( list(self.options.keys()), isVertical=self.is_vertical ) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.is_first_run = True self.existing_spec = loadspec(ctx.workdir, logger=logging.getLogger("pipeline.ui")) self.choice = None if self.existing_spec is not None: self._append_view(TextView("Found spec file in working directory")) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(self.options, isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self._append_view(TextView("Specify the categorical variable for this contrast")) self.varname_by_str = { _format_column( for variable in ctx.spec.analyses[-1].variables if variable.type == "categorical" } self.options = list(self.varname_by_str.keys()) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(self.options) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.choice = None self.is_first_run = True self.should_run = self._should_run(ctx) if self.should_run: if hasattr(self, "header_str") and self.header_str is not None: self._append_view(TextView(self.header_str)) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView( list(self.options.keys()), isVertical=self.is_vertical ) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.is_first_run = True self.is_missing = True if any(variable.type == "id" for variable in ctx.spec.analyses[-1].variables): self.is_missing = False if self.is_missing: self._append_view(TextView("Specify the column containing subject names")) if ctx.spec.analyses[-1].variables is None: ctx.spec.analyses[-1].variables = [] already_used = set( for variable in ctx.spec.analyses[-1].variables) self.varname_by_str = { _format_column(column): column for column in self.df if column not in already_used } options = list(self.varname_by_str.keys()) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(options, isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.is_first_run = True self.existing_spec = loadspec(ctx.workdir, logger=logging.getLogger("halfpipe.ui")) self.choice = None if self.existing_spec is not None: self._append_view(TextView("Found spec file in working directory")) options = self.options[:3] if len(self.existing_spec.features) > 0: options.append(self.options[3]) if len(self.existing_spec.models) > 0: options.append(self.options[4]) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(options, isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.is_first_run = True if self.header_str is not None: self._append_view(TextView(self.header_str)) self.values = ctx.database.get_tagvaldict(self.entity) self.is_missing = True self.choice = None if self.values is not None and len(self.values) > 0: self.is_missing = False self.add_file_str = f"Add {self.filetype_str} file" dsp_values = [] if len(self.values) > 1: dsp_values.append(self.all_str) dsp_values.extend(self._make_tagval_strs()) dsp_values.append(self.add_file_str) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(dsp_values, isVertical=True) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): humankey = display_str(self.key).lower() unit = _get_unit(self.schema, self.key) field = self.field header_str = f"Specify {humankey}{self.appendstr}" if unit is not None and self.key != "slice_timing": header_str += f" in {unit}" self._append_view(TextView(header_str)) self.aliases = {} if field.validate is not None and hasattr(field.validate, "choices") or self.key == "slice_timing": if self.key == "slice_timing": choices = [*slice_order_strs, "import from file"] else: choices = [*field.validate.choices] if set(space_codes).issubset(choices): choices = [*space_codes] if self.key == "slice_encoding_direction": choices = list(reversed(choices)) display_choices = [ display_str(direction_code_str(choice, None)) for choice in choices ] else: display_choices = [display_str(choice) for choice in choices] self.aliases = dict(zip(display_choices, choices)) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(display_choices, isVertical=True) elif isinstance(field, fields.Float): self.input_view = NumberInputView() else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported metadata field "{field}"') self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))
def setup(self, ctx): self.is_first_run = True self.should_skip = self._should_skip(ctx) self.choice = None if self.should_skip: self.is_missing = True return humankey = display_str(self.key).lower() if self.filters is None: filepaths = [ fileobj.path for fileobj in ctx.database.fromspecfileobj(ctx.spec.files[-1]) ] else: filepaths = [*ctx.database.get(**self.filters)] ctx.database.fillmetadata(self.key, filepaths) vals = [ctx.database.metadata(filepath, self.key) for filepath in filepaths] self.suggestion = None if self.key == "phase_encoding_direction" or self.key == "slice_encoding_direction": for i, val in enumerate(vals): if val is not None: vals[i] = direction_code_str(val, filepaths[i]) elif self.key == "slice_timing": for i, val in enumerate(vals): if val is not None: sts = slice_timing_str(val) if sts == "unknown": val = np.asarray(val) sts = np.array2string(val, max_line_width=16384) else: sts = humanize(sts) vals[i] = sts if any(val is None for val in vals): self.is_missing = True self._append_view(TextView(f"Missing {humankey} values")) vals = [val if val is not None else "missing" for val in vals] else: self.is_missing = False self._append_view(TextView(f"Check {humankey} values{self.appendstr}")) uniquevals, counts = np.unique(vals, return_counts=True) order = np.argsort(counts) column1 = [] for i in range(min(10, len(order))): column1.append(f"{counts[i]} images") column1width = max(len(s) for s in column1) unit = _get_unit(self.schema, self.key) if unit is None: unit = "" if self.key == "slice_timing": unit = "" for i in range(min(10, len(order))): display = display_str(f"{uniquevals[i]}") if self.suggestion is None: self.suggestion = display tablerow = f" {column1[i]:>{column1width}} - {display}" if uniquevals[i] != "missing": tablerow = f"{tablerow} {unit}" self._append_view(TextView(tablerow)) if len(order) > 10: self._append_view(TextView("...")) if self.is_missing is False: self._append_view(TextView("Proceed with these values?")) self.input_view = SingleChoiceInputView(["Yes", "No"], isVertical=False) self._append_view(self.input_view) self._append_view(SpacerView(1))