Пример #1
def load_comp_constants(roach, consts, bram_re, bram_im):
    Load complex constants into ROACH bram. Real and imaginary parts
    are loaded in separated bram blocks.
    :param roach: FpgaClient object to communicate with roach
    :param consts: complex constants array.
    :param bram_re: bram block name for real part.
    :param bram_im: bram block name for imaginary part.
    # separate real and imaginary
    consts_re = np.real(consts)
    consts_im = np.imag(consts)

    # convert data into fixed point representation
    consts_re_fixed = cd.float2fixed(consts_re,
    consts_im_fixed = cd.float2fixed(consts_im,

    # load data
    cd.write_interleaved_data(roach, bram_re, consts_re_fixed)
    cd.write_interleaved_data(roach, bram_im, consts_im_fixed)
Пример #2
def msdft(data, N, k):
    """calculate the msdft using the structure in duda
       data = smaples to calculate the dft, the len 
              should be larger than N
       N =  dft lenght
       k = twiddle factor
    if (len(data) < N):
        raise Exception('len(data) should be larger than N!')
    twidd = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * k / N)
    twidd_re = calan.float2fixed(twidd.real, nbits=16, binpt=14)
    twidd_im = calan.float2fixed(twidd.imag, nbits=16, binpt=14)
    twidd = twidd_re / 2.**14 + 1j * twidd_im / 2.**14
    prev_data = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
    actual_twidd = 1
    resonator = 0
    mult_1 = 0
    out = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=complex)
    twidd_values = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=complex)
    for i in range(len(data)):
        comb = data[i] - prev_data[i % N]
        prev_data[i % N] = data[i]
        mult_1 = comb * actual_twidd
        twidd_values[i] = actual_twidd
        phase_mult = np.conjugate(actual_twidd)
        actual_twidd = actual_twidd * twidd  #W_N**k(n+1)
        resonator = resonator + mult_1
        out[i] = resonator  #*np.conjugate(twidd)
    return [out, twidd_values]
Пример #3
def write_twidd(fpga, k, bram_name='twidd'):
    N = 2**14
    t = np.arange(N)
    twidd = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * k / N * t)
    twidd_re = twidd.real
    twidd_im = twidd.imag
    re_data = calan.float2fixed(twidd_re, nbits=16, binpt=14)
    im_data = calan.float2fixed(twidd_im, nbits=16, binpt=14)
    twidd_data = np.zeros(2 * len(re_data), dtype='int')
    twidd_data[1::2] = re_data
    twidd_data[::2] = im_data
    twid_data = twidd_data.tolist()
    raw_data = struct.pack('>32768h', *twidd_data)
    fpga.write(bram_name, raw_data)
    return 1
Пример #4
def write_phasor_reg(roach, phasor, addrs, phasor_regs, addr_regs, we_reg,
                     nbits, binpt):
    Writes a phasor (complex) constant into a register from a register bank
    in the FPGA. The method to write the phasor is:

        1. Write the complex value into software registers, one for the real 
            and other for the imaginary part.
        2. Write the appropate value(s) into the address register(s). 
            This/these value(s) select the register in the register bank. 
            In some cases it also select the appropate bank if you have more 
            than one register bank.
        3. Create a positive edge (0->1) in  the we (write enable register). 
            This register is reseted to 0 before anything else in order to 
            avoid tampering with the rest of the bank.

    :param roach: FpgaClient object for communication.
    :param phasor: complex constant to write in the register bank.
    :param addrs: list of addresses to set in the address registers to 
        properly select the register in the register bank. The number of 
        addresses must coincide with the number of address registers.
    :param phasor_regs: list of two registers for the real and imaginary part 
        of the phasor constant. E.g.: ['real_reg', 'imag_reg'].
    :param addr_regs: list of registers for the addresses in the bank.
    :param we_reg: write enable register for the bank.
    :param nbits: number of bits of the fixed point representation in the model.
    :param binpt: binary point for the fixed point representation in the model.
    # 1. write phasor registers
    phasor_re = cd.float2fixed(np.real([phasor]), nbits, binpt)
    phasor_im = cd.float2fixed(np.imag([phasor]), nbits, binpt)
    roach.write_int(phasor_regs[0], phasor_re)
    roach.write_int(phasor_regs[1], phasor_im)

    # 2. write address registers
    for addr_reg, addr in zip(addr_regs, addrs):
        roach.write_int(addr_reg, addr)

    # 3. posedge in we register
    roach.write_int(we_reg, 1)
    roach.write_int(we_reg, 0)