Пример #1
    def calculate(self, first_number, second_number):
        This function calculate -second_number
        :param first_number: The number to the left of the
        operator(automatically zero)
        :param second_number:The number to the right of the operator
        :return:CalculationResult(object) that hold whether or not the
        calculation was successful(if it was unsuccessful it will hold
        the error code) and the calculation result

        # create the CalculationResult
        calculation_data = CalculationResult()

            # try do the calculation
            calculation_data.result = -second_number
        except OverflowError:
            # if get to here the number is too  big meaning
            # the equation is invalid, save the corresponding error
            # and changes the calculation_data.is_successful to false
            # (flag that indicate if the calculation was successful
            # or not)
            calculation_data.is_successful = False
            calculation_data.invalid_equation_code = \

        # general check on the result (check if number is inf ,-inf or
        # complex)

        return calculation_data
Пример #2
    def calculate(self, first_number, second_number):

        # create the CalculationResult
        calculation_data = CalculationResult()

        # try do the calculation
        calculation_data.result = \
            first_number if first_number > second_number else second_number
        return calculation_data
Пример #3
    def solve_equation(self, metadata):
        This function solve the equation
        :param metadata:Hold information about the equation
        :return:CalculationResult(object) that hold whether or not the
        calculation was successful(if it was unsuccessful it will hold the
        error code) and the calculation result

        # convert the equation from infix expression to postfix
        postfix_list = self._prepare_list_before_solve(metadata)

        # check if the equation is only one number
        # if true create CalculationResult is the number as the result
        # and return the CalculationResult
        if len(postfix_list) == 1:
            calculation_result = CalculationResult()
            calculation_result.result = postfix_list[0]
            return calculation_result

        # stack that hold the operands
        operands_stack = []

        # scanning all the equation
        for current_char in postfix_list:

            # if current char is number push to the stack
            if isinstance(current_char, float):

            # else current_char is operator

                # pop the last two numbers from the operands stack
                second_number = operands_stack.pop()
                first_number = operands_stack.pop()

                # calculate the expression by calling the calculate
                # function of the operator instance from the
                # OPERATORS_DICTIONARY
                calculation_result = metadata. \
                    OPERATORS_DICTIONARY[current_char] \
                    .calculate(first_number, second_number)

                # check if the calculation was successful
                # if true push the calculation result to operands stack
                # else return the calculation_result that hold the
                # calculation error
                if calculation_result.is_successful:
                    return calculation_result

        return calculation_result
Пример #4
    def calculate(self, first_number, second_number):

        # create the CalculationResult
        calculation_data = CalculationResult()

            # try do the calculation
            calculation_data.result = (first_number + second_number) / 2

        except OverflowError:
            # if get to here the number is too big meaning
            # the equation is invalid, save the corresponding error
            # and changes the calculation_data.is_successful to false
            # (flag that indicate if the calculation was successful
            # or not)
            calculation_data.is_successful = False
            calculation_data.invalid_equation_code = \

        # general check on the result (check if number is inf ,-inf or
        # complex)
        return calculation_data