Пример #1
    def generate_month_calendar(self, year, month_seqnum):
        """This method is responsible for generating 6-weeks monthdatescalendar for the given month of the year"""

        # Sunday is specified to be the first day of the week (necessary for appropriate deployment of the days of month)
        cal = Calendar(firstweekday=6)

        # list of weeks of the given month of the year as full weeks; week is list of seven datetime.date objects
        month_dates_cal = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month_seqnum)
        weeks_cnt = len(
        )  # i.e. weeks in the monthdatescalendar generated by Python

        # adding either one or two weeks to complete to the total of 6 weeks
        if weeks_cnt < 6:
            # in case first day of the given month is the first day of the week(i.e. Sunday),
            # it is necessary to add the last week of the preceding month
            if month_dates_cal[0][0].day == 1:
                prev_month_seqnum = month_seqnum - 1
                prev_year = year
                if prev_month_seqnum == 0:
                    prev_month_seqnum = 12
                    prev_year = year - 1

                    cal.monthdatescalendar(prev_year, prev_month_seqnum)[-1]
                )  # week index is -1 i.e. the last week of the preceding month
                weeks_cnt = len(month_dates_cal)

            # if (either originally or after adding the last week of the preceding month) one week is missing to complete to the total of 6,
            # it is necessary to append the first week of the succeeding month
            if weeks_cnt == 5:
                next_year = year
                next_month_seqnum = month_seqnum + 1
                if next_month_seqnum == 13:
                    next_month_seqnum = 1
                    next_year = year + 1

                nextmonth_cal = cal.monthdatescalendar(next_year,
                nextmonth_week = 1  # first week of the succeeding month contains days of the given month therefore the second week is to be appended
                if nextmonth_cal[0][0].day == 1:
                    nextmonth_week = 0  # in case the first day of the succeeding month is the first day of the week(i.e. Sunday), the first week is to be appended


        # list flattening:
        month_dates_cal = [day for week in month_dates_cal for day in week]
        return month_dates_cal
Пример #2
def _calendar(selected_date):
    year, month = selected_date.year, selected_date.month
    filters = {'date__year':  year, 'date__month': month}
    bookings = {b.date: b for b in Booking.objects.filter(**filters)}
    calendar = Calendar(firstweekday=6)
    for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
        yield [(day, bookings.get(day)) for day in week]
Пример #3
 def m_to_expiry(self, m_expiry):
     c = Calendar()
     expiry = datetime.strptime(m_expiry, '%Y%m%d')
     mdc = c.monthdatescalendar(expiry.year, expiry.month)
     fridays = [x[4] for x in mdc if x[4].month == expiry.month]
     if fridays[2] == expiry.date(): expiry += timedelta(days=1)        
     return expiry.strftime('%y%m%d')
Пример #4
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        data = super(BaseCalendarMonthArchiveView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        date = data['date_list'][0]
        cal = Calendar(self.get_first_of_week())

        month_calendar = []
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        date_lists = defaultdict(list)
        for obj in data['object_list']:
            obj_date = getattr(obj, self.get_date_field())            
                obj_date = obj_date.date()
            except AttributeError:
                # It's a date rather than datetime, so we use it as is

        for week in cal.monthdatescalendar(date.year, date.month):
            week_calendar = []
            for day in week:
                    'day': day,
                    'object_list': date_lists[day],
                    'today': day == now.date(),
                    'is_current_month': day.month == date.month,
        data['calendar'] = month_calendar

        return data
Пример #5
def my_request(login_id, month_year):
    if month_year and not isinstance(month_year, date):
        month_year = datetime.strptime(month_year, '%Y-%m').date()

    session = get_db_session()
    operator = OperatorQuery(session).get_operator_of_user_id(current_user.id)

    CalendarDay = namedtuple('CalendarDay',
                             ('date', 'outer_month', 'notices', 'requests'))

    def is_between(date, start, end):
        return start.date() <= date <= end.date()

    def create_date(date, notices):
        return CalendarDay(
            date, date.year != month_year.year
            or date.month != month_year.month, notices, [
                request for request in operator.requests
                if is_between(date, request.at_from, request.at_to)

    calender = Calendar()
    weeks = [[create_date(_date, None)
              for _date in week] for week in calender.monthdatescalendar(
                  month_year.year, month_year.month)]
    return render_template('request.html', month_year=month_year, weeks=weeks)
Пример #6
def jourl_avec_jour(annee, mois, jour):
    calendar = Calendar()
    months = calendar.monthdatescalendar(annee, mois)
    for week in months:
        for i in range(len(week)):
            if week[i].day == jour:
                return jours[i]
Пример #7
    def render(self, context):
        mycal = Calendar()
        context[self.var_name] = mycal.monthdatescalendar(
            int(self.year.resolve(context)), int(self.month.resolve(context))

        return ""
Пример #8
def get_month_events(year, month):
    # Get the day-dates of the current month
    cal = Calendar(0) # default replace by user db? (starting day)
    the_month = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)

    # First day of first week
    begin = the_month[0][0]
    # Last day of last week
    end = the_month[-1][-1]
    events = Event.query.filter(
        Event.event_date > begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        Event.event_date < end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) \

    # Load the days for the calendar
    def per_day(day):
        # Get the interval bounds of that day
        day_start = datetime.combine(day, time())
        day_end = day_start + timedelta(days = 1)
        # Run through all events
        day_events = []
        for e in events:
            if e.event_date >= day_start and e.event_date < day_end:
        return (day, day_events)
    def per_week(week):
        return [per_day(d) for d in week]
    def per_month(month):
        return [per_week(w) for w in month]

    return per_month(the_month)
Пример #9
def get_month_events(year, month):
    # Get the day-dates of the current month
    cal = Calendar(0)  # default replace by user db? (starting day)
    the_month = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)

    # First day of first week
    begin = the_month[0][0]
    # Last day of last week
    end = the_month[-1][-1]
    events = Event.query.filter(
        Event.event_date > begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        Event.event_date < end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) \

    # Load the days for the calendar
    def per_day(day):
        # Get the interval bounds of that day
        day_start = datetime.combine(day, time())
        day_end = day_start + timedelta(days=1)
        # Run through all events
        day_events = []
        for e in events:
            if e.event_date >= day_start and e.event_date < day_end:
        return (day, day_events)

    def per_week(week):
        return [per_day(d) for d in week]

    def per_month(month):
        return [per_week(w) for w in month]

    return per_month(the_month)
Пример #10
def cal_event(event_id, year, month):
    notifications = get_notifications(current_user.id)
    cal = Calendar(6)
    if year == 0 and month == 0:
        year = date.today().year
        month = date.today().month
        return redirect(
            url_for('cal_event', year=year, month=month, event_id=event_id))
    weeks = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)
    coming_up = db.session.query(Event).join(
        UserEvent, UserEvent.event_id == Event.id).filter(
            UserEvent.user_id == current_user.id,
            UserEvent.accepted == 1).all()
    event = Event.query.get(event_id)
    user_event = UserEvent.query.filter_by(event_id=event_id,
    eventform = eventform = UpdateEventForm()
    friendform = AddFriendForm()
    today = datetime.date.today()
    return render_template("cal_event.html",
Пример #11
def _calendar(selected_date, selected_place):
    place = selected_place
    year, month = selected_date.year, selected_date.month
    filters = {'date__year':  year, 'date__month': month, 'place': place}
    bookings = {b.date: b for b in Booking.objects.filter(**filters)}
    calendar = Calendar(firstweekday=6)
    for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
        yield [(day, bookings.get(day)) for day in week]
Пример #12
def index(year):
    cal = Calendar(0)
        if not year:
            year = date.today().year
        cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i + 1) for i in xrange(12)]
    except Exception, e:
Пример #13
def index(year):
	cal = Calendar(0)
		if not year:
			year = date.today().year
		cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i+1) for i in xrange(12)]
	except Exception, e:
Пример #14
def to_calendar(interval, series):
    start, stop = get_calendar_range(interval, 3)

    legend, values = colorize(
        [value for timestamp, value in series if value is not None],

    value_color_map = dict(values)
    value_color_map[None] = '#F2F2F2'

    series_value_map = dict(series)

    def get_data_for_date(date):
        dt = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        ts = to_timestamp(dt)
        value = series_value_map.get(ts, None)
        return (
                'value': value,
                'color': value_color_map[value],

    calendar = Calendar(6)
    sheets = []
    for year, month in map(index_to_month, range(start, stop + 1)):
        weeks = []

        for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
            weeks.append(map(get_data_for_date, week))

            datetime(year, month, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),

    return {
        'legend': list(legend.keys()),
        'sheets': sheets,
Пример #15
def to_calendar(interval, series):
    start, stop = get_calendar_range(interval, 3)

    legend, values = colorize(
        [value for timestamp, value in series if value is not None],

    value_color_map = dict(values)
    value_color_map[None] = '#F2F2F2'

    series_value_map = dict(series)

    def get_data_for_date(date):
        dt = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        ts = to_timestamp(dt)
        value = series_value_map.get(ts, None)
        return (
                'value': value,
                'color': value_color_map[value],

    calendar = Calendar(6)
    sheets = []
    for year, month in map(index_to_month, range(start, stop + 1)):
        weeks = []

        for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
            weeks.append(map(get_data_for_date, week))

            datetime(year, month, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),

    return {
        'legend': list(legend.keys()),
        'sheets': sheets,
Пример #16
def list_sessions(request, year=None, month=None):
    args = {}

    today = date.today()

    if year is None:
        year = today.year
        month = today.month
        year = int(year)
        month = int(month)

    current = date(year, month, 1)
    nextmonth = current + relativedelta(months=1)
    prevmonth = current - relativedelta(months=1)

    args["year"] = year
    args["month"] = month
    args["current"] = current
    args["prevmonth"] = prevmonth
    args["nextmonth"] = nextmonth

    cal = Calendar()
    days = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)

    q = Q(nr_votes__gt=0) | Q(nr_statements__gt=0)
    date_q = Q(plsess__date__gte=current, plsess__date__lte=nextmonth)
    pl_items = PlenarySessionItem.objects.filter(q & date_q).select_related('plsess').order_by('plsess__date')

    acc = {}

    for pl_item in pl_items:
        statements, votes, plsess = acc.setdefault(pl_item.plsess.date, (0, 0, None))

        statements += pl_item.nr_statements
        votes += pl_item.nr_votes
        plsess = pl_item.plsess.url_name

        acc[pl_item.plsess.date] = statements, votes, plsess

    def _date_to_info(d):
        info = {}
        info['date'] = d
        info['weekdayclass'] = "small" if d.weekday() in [5, 6] else "normal"
        info['today'] = d == today
        info['offmonth'] = d.month != current.month or d.year != current.year

        statements, votes, plsess = acc.setdefault(d, (0, 0, None))
        info["statements"] = statements
        info["votes"] = votes
        info["plsess"] = plsess

        return info

    args["weeks"] = map(lambda w: map(_date_to_info, w), days)

    return render_to_response('new_sessions.html', args, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #17
def monthdates_cal(yr, m):
    returns a month's list of weeks with the days as datetime.date objects
    :return: [datetime.date(2017-04-15), ....],[datetime.date(2017-04-22)...]
    cal = Calendar(firstweekday=6)
    monthdates = cal.monthdatescalendar(yr, m)

    return monthdates
Пример #18
def index(year):
    conn = pymongo.MongoClient()
    db = conn.test
    cal = Calendar(0)
        if not year:
            year = date.today().year
        cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i + 1) for i in xrange(12)]
    except Exception, e:
Пример #19
def index(year):
	conn = pymongo.MongoClient()
	db = conn.test
	cal = Calendar(0)
		if not year:
			year = date.today().year
		cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i+1) for i in xrange(12)]	
	except Exception, e:
Пример #20
def index(request):

    appointment_list = Appointment.objects.all()
        patient = Patient.objects.get(user=request.user)
        appointment_list = Appointment.objects.filter(
        patient = None

        doctor = Doctor.objects.get(user=request.user)
        appointment_list = Appointment.objects.filter(
        doctor = None

    today = date.today()
    calendar = Calendar(firstweekday=6)
    iter = calendar.monthdatescalendar(today.year, today.month)
    month = today.strftime("%B")

    checkyearlast = today.year
    checkyearnext = today.year
    lastmonth = today.month - 1
    if lastmonth == 0:
        lastmonth = 12
        checkyearlast = checkyearlast - 1

    nextmonth = today.month + 1
    if nextmonth == 13:
        nextmonth = 1
        checkyearnext = checkyearnext + 1

    context = {
        'appointment_list': appointment_list,
        'iter': iter,
        'month': month,
        'today': today,
        'nextmonth': nextmonth,
        'nextyear': checkyearnext,
        'lastmonth': lastmonth,
        'lastyear': checkyearlast,
        'markdate': today


    if doctor is not None:
        return render(request, 'doctor_appointment_index.html', context)
    if patient is not None:
        return render(request, 'patient_appointment_index.html', context)

    return render(request, 'nurse_appointment_index.html',
                  {'apps': appointment_list})
Пример #21
def current_week(cday):
    calendar = Calendar()
    months = calendar.monthdatescalendar(cday.year, cday.month)
    for week in months:
        for day in week:
            if day == cday:
                curr_week = week
    result = []
    for i in range(len(curr_week)):
    return result
Пример #22
def index(year):
    cal = Calendar(0)
        if not year:
            year = date.today().year
        cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i + 1) for i in range(12)]
        return render_template('cal.html', year=year, cal=cal_list)
Пример #23
def week_calendar(days):
    cal = Calendar(6)
    today = date.today() + timedelta(days=days)
    weeks = cal.monthdatescalendar(today.year, today.month)
    current_week = []
    for week in weeks:
        if week[0] <= today <= week[6]:
            current_week = week

    return current_week
Пример #24
def week_calendar(days):
    cal = Calendar(6)
    today = date.today() + timedelta(days=days)
    weeks = cal.monthdatescalendar(today.year, today.month)
    current_week = []
    for week in weeks:
        if week[0] <= today <= week[6]:
            current_week = week

    return current_week
    def __init__(self):
        self.begin_day = 1
        self.year = 2016
        self.month = 9
        c = Calendar(firstweekday=self.begin_day)
        self.cal = c.monthdatescalendar(self.year, self.month)

        thursday = 4 - self.begin_day
        friday = 5 - self.begin_day
        sunday = 6 - self.begin_day
        monday = 1 - self.begin_day
        self.weekday_select = [thursday, friday]
Пример #26
 def get_expiry_date(self, last_date, expiry):
     data_dow = self.dt_date.isoweekday()
     if 'week' in expiry.lower():
         if last_date: return last_date + td(days=7)
         else: return self.dt_date + td(days=(6 - data_dow))
     elif 'q' in expiry.lower():
         quarter, year = expiry.split('-')
         month = int(quarter[1])*3
         year = int(self.dt_date.strftime('%C') + year)
         c = Calendar()
         last_day = c.monthdatescalendar(year, month)[-1][-1]
         while not (last_day.month == month and last_day.isoweekday() <= 5):
             last_day = last_day - td(days=1)
         return last_day        
         e_dt = datetime.strptime(expiry, '%b-%y')
         c = Calendar()
         fridays = [x[4] 
                    for x in c.monthdatescalendar(e_dt.year, e_dt.month)]
         if fridays[0].month == e_dt.month: return fridays[2] + td(days=1)
         else: return fridays[3] + td(days=1)
Пример #27
def trap_calendar(year):
    cal = Calendar(0)
        if year is None:
            year = date.today().year
            year_mod = year
            year_mod = year % 9999
            if year_mod < 1:
                year_mod = 1
        cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year_mod, i + 1) for i in xrange(12)]
    except Exception, e:
Пример #28
def getweek(t):
    Given a specific datetime, it picks the corresponding week and
    returns an array containing the 7 dates corresponding to each day.
    # cal = Calendar(6)  # sunday as first day of week
    cal = Calendar(1)  # tuesday as first day
    weeks = [w for w in cal.monthdatescalendar(t.year, t.month)]
    for w in weeks:
        for d in w:
            if d.day == t.day:
                return w
    return []
Пример #29
def modify_worktime():
    new_worktime = request.form.get('new_worktime', '', type=str)
    username = request.form.get('username', '', type=str)
    teacher = User.query.filter_by(username=username,
    if teacher:
        # 把工作时间字符串变成列表
        new_worktime_list = new_worktime.split(';')
        # 上面是协管员视角的时间,还要转化为UTC时间,才能存储
        # 让每个星期从星期天开始
        cal = Calendar(6)
        # 随便获取一个完整的naive的星期的日期
        week = cal.monthdatescalendar(2020, 2)[0]
        # 获取utc时区对象
        utc = timezone('UTC')
        # 获取协管员时区对象
        moderator_country = current_user.timezone
        if len(moderator_country) > 2:
            moderator_tz = country_timezones[moderator_country[:2]][int(
            moderator_tz = country_timezones[moderator_country][0]
        tz_obj = timezone(moderator_tz)
        # 用来存放按照这个星期来看,UTC的上课时间(年月日小时)
        temp = []
        for w in new_worktime_list:
            date = week[int(w[0])]
            time = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, int(w[2:]))
            time = time.astimezone(tz_obj)
            time = time.astimezone(utc)
        # datetime里的6代表星期天,也就是我定义的0,这里用一个字典来保存这种映射关系
        weekday_map = {6: 0, 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6}
        # 清空worktime_list列表,用于存储UTC的常规工作时间
        new_worktime_list = []
        for time in temp:
            # 依然要把每个工作时间点变成0-1的形式,存进列表
                str(weekday_map[time.weekday()]) + '-' + str(time.hour))
        new_worktime = ';'.join(new_worktime_list)
        # 查询出worktime表中该老师对应的对象,把更新保存到数据库中
        # 如果老师还没有这个对象,那就新建
        work_time = teacher.work_time.first() or WorkTime()
        work_time.work_time = new_worktime
        work_time.teacher_id = teacher.id
        return jsonify({'msg': '已经成功设置了教师时间'})
    return jsonify({'msg': '信息有误,请重试'})
Пример #30
    def calendar(self):
        """generates calendars representing all meals in the session, as a list
        of Calendar.monthdatescalendar() lists.
        In those lists, the second values of tuples are the corresponding Meal
        cur_month = None

        meals = self.meal_set.order_by('date')
        meals_dates = {}
        meals_count = 0
        for meal in meals:
            cur_month = meal.date if cur_month is None else cur_month
            meals_count += 1
            if meal.date not in meals_dates:
                if meal.date.date() not in meals_dates:
                    meals_dates[meal.date.date()] = []

        if not cur_month:
            cur_month = datetime.now()

        months = []

        cal = Calendar()
        month = cal.monthdatescalendar(cur_month.year, cur_month.month)
        remaining_meals = meals_count
        while remaining_meals > 0:
            month = cal.monthdatescalendar(cur_month.year, cur_month.month)
            for i, month_week in enumerate(month):
                for j, day in enumerate(month_week):
                    meal_dates = meals_dates[day] if day in meals_dates and \
                        day.month == cur_month.month else []
                    remaining_meals -= len(meal_dates)
                    month[i][j] = {'date': month[i][j], 'meals': meal_dates}
            months.append({'month': cur_month, 'dates': month})
            cur_month = cur_month + relativedelta(months=1)
        return months
Пример #31
    def calendar(self):
        """generates calendars representing all meals in the session, as a list
        of Calendar.monthdatescalendar() lists.
        In those lists, the second values of tuples are the corresponding Meal
        cur_month = None

        meals = self.meal_set.order_by('date')
        meals_dates = {}
        meals_count = 0
        for meal in meals:
            cur_month = meal.date if cur_month is None else cur_month
            meals_count += 1
            if meal.date not in meals_dates:
                if meal.date.date() not in meals_dates:
                    meals_dates[meal.date.date()] = []

        if not cur_month:
            cur_month = datetime.now()

        months = []

        cal = Calendar()
        month = cal.monthdatescalendar(cur_month.year, cur_month.month)
        remaining_meals = meals_count
        while remaining_meals > 0:
            month = cal.monthdatescalendar(cur_month.year, cur_month.month)
            for i, month_week in enumerate(month):
                for j, day in enumerate(month_week):
                    meal_dates = meals_dates[day] if day in meals_dates and \
                        day.month == cur_month.month else []
                    remaining_meals -= len(meal_dates)
                    month[i][j] = {'date': month[i][j], 'meals': meal_dates}
            months.append({'month': cur_month, 'dates': month})
            cur_month = cur_month + relativedelta(months=1)
        return months
Пример #32
def index(year):
    cal = Calendar(0)
        if not year:
            year = date.today().year
        cal_list = [
            cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i+1)
            for i in range(12)
        return render_template('cal.html', year=year, cal=cal_list)
Пример #33
 def new(work_categories: [], month: int, year: int):
     calendar = SysCalendar()
     monthdatescalendar = [
         y for x in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month) for y in x
         if y.year == year and y.month == month
     days = [
         DaySetting.new(x, day_abbr[x.weekday()], work_categories)
         for x in monthdatescalendar
     return MonthlySetting(
         UuidFactory.new_uuid(), month, year, days,
         len([x for x in monthdatescalendar if x.weekday() in [5, 6]]))
Пример #34
def current_week():
    today = datetime.date.today()
    calendar = Calendar()
    months = calendar.monthdatescalendar(today.year, today.month)
    for week in months:
        for day in week:
            if day == today:
                curr_week = week
    result = []
    for i in range(len(curr_week)):
            Jour(curr_week[i].year, curr_week[i].month, curr_week[i].day,
    return result
Пример #35
def index():
	# check if user is logged in
	if session.get('username'):
		cal = Calendar(0)
		year = date.today().year
		month = date.today().month
#		cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i + 1) for i in xrange(12)]
		cal_list = [cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)]
		return render_template('index.html',
			title = 'Dashboard',
			year = year,
			this_month = month,
			calendar = cal_list)
		return redirect(url_for('login'))
Пример #36
def trap_calendar(year):
    cal = Calendar(0)
        if year is None:
            year = date.today().year
            year_mod = year
            year_mod = year % 9999
            if year_mod < 1:
                year_mod = 1
        cal_list = [
            cal.monthdatescalendar(year_mod, i + 1) for i in xrange(12)
    except Exception, e:
Пример #37
def to_calendar(organization, interval, series):
    start, stop = get_calendar_range(interval, 3)

    legend, values = colorize(
        [value for timestamp, value in series if value is not None],

    value_color_map = dict(values)
    value_color_map[None] = "#F2F2F2"

    series_value_map = dict(series)

    # If global views are enabled we can generate a link to the day
    has_global_views = features.has("organizations:global-views", organization)

    def get_data_for_date(date):
        dt = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        ts = to_timestamp(dt)
        value = series_value_map.get(ts, None)

        data = {"value": value, "color": value_color_map[value], "url": None}
        if has_global_views:
            url = reverse(
                "sentry-organization-issue-list", kwargs={"organization_slug": organization.slug}
            params = {
                "project": -1,
                "utc": True,
                "start": dt.isoformat(),
                "end": (dt + timedelta(days=1)).isoformat(),
            url = f"{url}?{urlencode(params)}"
            data["url"] = absolute_uri(url)

        return (dt, data)

    calendar = Calendar(6)
    sheets = []
    for year, month in map(index_to_month, range(start, stop + 1)):
        weeks = []

        for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
            weeks.append(map(get_data_for_date, week))

        sheets.append((datetime(year, month, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), weeks))

    return {"legend": list(legend.keys()), "sheets": sheets}
Пример #38
class Meetup:
    def __init__(self, year, month):
        self.year = year
        self.month = month
        self.cal = Calendar()

    def monthly(self):
        return self.cal.monthdatescalendar(self.year, self.month)

    def weeks(self, ord_day):
        daily = ([
            day for day in week
            if day.weekday() == ord_day and day.month == self.month
        ] for week in self.monthly)
        return [ordinal[0] for ordinal in filter(lambda d: d != [], daily)]
Пример #39
def to_calendar(interval, series):
    start, stop = get_calendar_range(interval, 3)

    legend, values = colorize(
        [value for timestamp, value in series if value is not None],

    value_color_map = dict(values)
    value_color_map[None] = "#F2F2F2"

    series_value_map = dict(series)

    def get_data_for_date(date):
        dt = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        ts = to_timestamp(dt)
        value = series_value_map.get(ts, None)
        return (dt, {"value": value, "color": value_color_map[value]})

    calendar = Calendar(6)
    sheets = []
    for year, month in map(index_to_month, range(start, stop + 1)):
        weeks = []

        for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
            weeks.append(map(get_data_for_date, week))

        sheets.append((datetime(year, month, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), weeks))

    return {"legend": list(legend.keys()), "sheets": sheets}
Пример #40
def calendar(request, year=None, month=None, template="gnotty/calendar.html"):
    Show calendar months for the given year/month.

        year = int(year)
    except TypeError:
        year = datetime.now().year
    lookup = {"message_time__year": year}
    if month:
        lookup["message_time__month"] = month
    if hide_joins_and_leaves(request):
        lookup["join_or_leave"] = False

    messages = IRCMessage.objects.filter(**lookup)
        dates = messages.datetimes("message_time", "day")
    except AttributeError:
        dates = messages.dates("message_time", "day")
    days = [d.date() for d in dates]
    months = []

    if days:
        min_date, max_date = days[0], days[-1]
        days = set(days)
        calendar = Calendar(SUNDAY)
        for m in range(1, 13) if not month else [int(month)]:
            lt_max = m <= max_date.month or year < max_date.year
            gt_min = m >= min_date.month or year > min_date.year
            if lt_max and gt_min:
                weeks = calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, m)
                for w, week in enumerate(weeks):
                    for d, day in enumerate(week):
                        weeks[w][d] = {
                            "date": day,
                            "in_month": day.month == m,
                            "has_messages": day in days,
                months.append({"month": date(year, m, 1), "weeks": weeks})

    context = dict(settings)
    context["months"] = months
    return render(request, template, context)
Пример #41
def calendar(request, year=None, month=None, template="gnotty/calendar.html"):
    Show calendar months for the given year/month.

        year = int(year)
    except TypeError:
        year = datetime.now().year
    lookup = {"message_time__year": year}
    if month:
        lookup["message_time__month"] = month
    if hide_joins_and_leaves(request):
        lookup["join_or_leave"] = False

    messages = IRCMessage.objects.filter(**lookup)
        dates = messages.datetimes("message_time", "day")
    except AttributeError:
        dates = messages.dates("message_time", "day")
    days = [d.date() for d in dates]
    months = []

    if days:
        min_date, max_date = days[0], days[-1]
        days = set(days)
        calendar = Calendar(SUNDAY)
        for m in range(1, 13) if not month else [int(month)]:
            lt_max = m <= max_date.month or year < max_date.year
            gt_min = m >= min_date.month or year > min_date.year
            if lt_max and gt_min:
                weeks = calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, m)
                for w, week in enumerate(weeks):
                    for d, day in enumerate(week):
                        weeks[w][d] = {
                            "date": day,
                            "in_month": day.month == m,
                            "has_messages": day in days,
                months.append({"month": date(year, m, 1), "weeks": weeks})

    context = dict(settings)
    context["months"] = months
    return render(request, template, context)
Пример #42
    def calendar(self):
        Renders the view as a list of months.
        if len(self.days) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Calendar rendering is not permitted without '
        cal = Calendar()
        months = []
        remaining_days = sorted([k for k in self.days.keys()])
        current_day = remaining_days[0].replace(day=1)
        remaining_events = len(self.events)
        while remaining_events > 0:
            month = cal.monthdatescalendar(current_day.year, current_day.month)
            month_view = []
            for i, month_week in enumerate(month):
                for j, day in enumerate(month_week):
                    if day.weekday() not in [5, 6]:  # weekend removal
                        if day in self.days:
                            events, daily_events_count = \
                            events = copy.deepcopy(events)
                                'cur_month': day.month == current_day.month,
                            remaining_events -= daily_events_count
                            month_view[i][j] = events

                            default_attributes = {
                                'active': False,
                                'today': day == date.today(),
                                'cur_month': day.month == current_day.month
                            month_view[i][j] = EventDay(
            months.append({'month': current_day,
                           'dates': month_view})
            current_day = current_day + relativedelta(months=1)
        return months
Пример #43
def get_random_week_triplet(symbol):
    invalid_days = set([d for d in get_unavailable_dates(symbol)])
    year = random.choice([2003,2004,2005,2006])
    cal = Calendar()
    year_weeks = []
    for month in range(12):
        weeks = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month+1)
        for week in weeks:                    
            if week not in year_weeks: 
    rwi = random.choice(range(len(year_weeks)-2))
    prev_w, cur_w, next_w = year_weeks[rwi][:5], year_weeks[rwi+1][:5], year_weeks[rwi+2][:5]
    prev_w = [datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day) for d in prev_w]
    cur_w = [datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day) for d in cur_w]
    next_w = [datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day) for d in next_w]
    prev_w = [d for d in prev_w if d not in invalid_days]
    cur_w = [d for d in cur_w if d not in invalid_days]
    next_w = [d for d in next_w if d not in invalid_days]
    return prev_w, cur_w, next_w
Пример #44
def guide_cal_profile(year):

    cal = Calendar(0)
        if not year:
            year = date.today().year
        cal_list = [
            cal.monthdatescalendar(year, i+1)
            for i in range(12)
        for i in cal_list:
        return render_template('guide/cal_profile.html', year=year, cal=cal_list)
Пример #45
def calendar(request,
    Show calendar months for the given year/month.

        year = int(year)
    except TypeError:
        year = datetime.now().year
    lookup = {"message_time__year": year}
    if month:
        lookup["message_time__month"] = month
    messages = IRCMessage.objects.filter(**lookup)
    days = [d.date() for d in messages.dates("message_time", "day")]
    min_date, max_date = days[0], days[-1]
    days = set(days)
    months = []
    calendar = Calendar(SUNDAY)

    for m in range(1, 13) if not month else [int(month)]:
        lt_max = m <= max_date.month or year < max_date.year
        gt_min = m >= min_date.month or year > min_date.year
        if lt_max and gt_min:
            weeks = calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, m)
            for w, week in enumerate(weeks):
                for d, day in enumerate(week):
                    weeks[w][d] = {
                        "date": day,
                        "in_month": day.month == m,
                        "has_messages": day in days,
            months.append({"month": date(year, m, 1), "weeks": weeks})

    context = dict(settings)
    for key, value in kwargs:
        context['_'.join(['GNOTTY', key])] = value
    context["months"] = months
    return render(request, template, context)
Пример #46
def populate_calendar():
    cal = Calendar(6)
    year = date.today().year
    month = date.today().month
    day = date.today().day
    dates = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)

    calendar_params = {

        get_events = requests.get(CALENDAR_URL,params=calendar_params)
        events = get_events.json()['days']
        return flask.render_template('dates.html', dates=dates, year=year, month=month, today=day, events=events, month_name=calendar.month_name[month])

    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        return flask.render_template('dates.html', dates=dates, year=year, month=month, today=day) #return diff template??
Пример #47
def cal(year, month):
    notifications = get_notifications(current_user.id)
    cal = Calendar(6)
    if year == 0 and month == 0:
        year = date.today().year
        month = date.today().month
        return redirect(url_for('cal', year=year, month=month))
    weeks = cal.monthdatescalendar(year, month)
    coming_up = db.session.query(Event).join(
        UserEvent, UserEvent.event_id == Event.id).filter(
            UserEvent.user_id == current_user.id,
            UserEvent.accepted == 1).all()
    eventform = NewEventForm()
    return render_template("cal.html",
Пример #48
def _calendar(selected_date):
    year, month = selected_date.year, selected_date.month

    # Tapiri valid reservations (not cancelled nor expired)
    tp_filters = {'spot': 'TP', 'date__year': year, 'date__month': month}
    tp_reservations = {
        b.date: b
        for b in Reservation.valid_reservations.filter(**tp_filters)

    # Salão de Festas valid reservations (not cancelled nor expired)
    sf_reservations = Reservation.objects.filter(

    sf_filters = {'spot': 'SF', 'date__year': year, 'date__month': month}
    sf_reservations = {
        b.date: b
        for b in Reservation.valid_reservations.filter(**sf_filters)

    # Tapiri das Arvores valid reservations (not cancelled nor expired)
    ta_reservations = Reservation.objects.filter(
    ta_filters = {'spot': 'TA', 'date__year': year, 'date__month': month}
    ta_reservations = {
        b.date: b
        for b in Reservation.valid_reservations.filter(**ta_filters)

    calendar = Calendar(firstweekday=6)
    today = date.today()
    for week in calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month):
        yield [(day, tp_reservations.get(day), sf_reservations.get(day),
                ta_reservations.get(day)) for day in week]
Пример #49
def calendar(request, year=None, month=None, template="gnotty/calendar.html", **kwargs):
    Show calendar months for the given year/month.

        year = int(year)
    except TypeError:
        year = datetime.now().year
    lookup = {"message_time__year": year}
    if month:
        lookup["message_time__month"] = month
    messages = IRCMessage.objects.filter(**lookup)
    days = [d.date() for d in messages.dates("message_time", "day")]
    min_date, max_date = days[0], days[-1]
    days = set(days)
    months = []
    calendar = Calendar(SUNDAY)

    for m in range(1, 13) if not month else [int(month)]:
        lt_max = m <= max_date.month or year < max_date.year
        gt_min = m >= min_date.month or year > min_date.year
        if lt_max and gt_min:
            weeks = calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, m)
            for w, week in enumerate(weeks):
                for d, day in enumerate(week):
                    weeks[w][d] = {
                        "date": day,
                        "in_month": day.month == m,
                        "has_messages": day in days,
            months.append({"month": date(year, m, 1), "weeks": weeks})

    context = dict(settings)
    for key, value in kwargs:
        context['_'.join(['GNOTTY',key])] = value
    context["months"] = months
    return render(request, template, context)
Пример #50
def calendar(request, year=None, month=None, template='chat/calendar.html'):
    """Show calender months for this given year/month."""
        year = int(year)
    except TypeError:
        year = datetime.now().year
    lookup = {'time__year': year}
    if month:
        lookup['time__month'] = month
    if hide_joins_and_leaves(request):
        lookup['joins_or_leave'] = False

    messages = Message.objects.filter(**lookup)
    days = [d.date() for d in messages.dates('time', 'day')]
    months = []

    if days:
        min_date, max_date = days[0], days[-1]
        days = set(days)
        calendar = Calendar(SUNDAY)
        for m in range(1, 13) if not month else [int(month)]:
            lt_max = m<= max_date.month or year < max_date.year
            gt_min = m >= min_date.month or year > min_date.year
            if lt_max and gt_min:
                weeks = calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, m)
                for w, week in enumerate(weeks):
                    for d, day in enumerate(week):
                        weeks[w][d] = {
                            'date': day,
                            'in_month': day.month == m,
                            'has_messages': day in days,
                months.append({'month': date(year, m, 1), 'weeks': weeks})
    context = dict(settings)
    context['months'] = months
    return render(request, template, context)
Пример #51
def calendar(request, year=None, month=None, template='chat/calendar.html'):
    """Show calender months for this given year/month."""
        year = int(year)
    except TypeError:
        year = datetime.now().year
    lookup = {'time__year': year}
    if month:
        lookup['time__month'] = month
    if hide_joins_and_leaves(request):
        lookup['joins_or_leave'] = False

    messages = Message.objects.filter(**lookup)
    days = [d.date() for d in messages.dates('time', 'day')]
    months = []

    if days:
        min_date, max_date = days[0], days[-1]
        days = set(days)
        calendar = Calendar(SUNDAY)
        for m in range(1, 13) if not month else [int(month)]:
            lt_max = m <= max_date.month or year < max_date.year
            gt_min = m >= min_date.month or year > min_date.year
            if lt_max and gt_min:
                weeks = calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, m)
                for w, week in enumerate(weeks):
                    for d, day in enumerate(week):
                        weeks[w][d] = {
                            'date': day,
                            'in_month': day.month == m,
                            'has_messages': day in days,
                months.append({'month': date(year, m, 1), 'weeks': weeks})
    context = dict(settings)
    context['months'] = months
    return render(request, template, context)
Пример #52
    def _populate(self, year):
        # New Year's Day
        name = "New Year's Day"
        self[date(year, 1, 1)] = name

        # Birthday of Prophet, Mawlid in India
        # 12th day of 3rd Islamic month
        name = "Birth of Prophet"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            islam_year = from_gregorian(year + offset, 11, 20)[0]
            y, m, d = to_gregorian(islam_year, 3, 12)
            if y == year:
                self[date(y, m, d)] = name

        # Chinese New Year
        name = "Chinese New Year"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            ds = LunarDate(year + offset, 1, 1).toSolarDate()
            if ds.year == year:
                self[ds] = name

        # Tamil New Year
        # Note: it's not necessarily 04/14
        # due to the local calendar
        # other possible dates are 04/13 and 04/15
        name = "Tamil New Year"
        self[date(year, 4, 14)] = name

        # Good Friday
        name = "Good Friday"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            ds = easter(year + offset) - rd(days=2)
            if ds.year == year:
                self[ds] = name

        # Labor Day
        name = "Labor Day"
        self[date(year, 5, 1)] = name

        # Buddha's Birthday
        name = "Wesak Day"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            ds = LunarDate(year + offset, 4, 15).toSolarDate()
            if ds.year == year:
                self[ds] = name

        # King's birthday
        # https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/04/26/
        # Before 2017: first Saturday of June
        # 2017-2021: last Saturday of July
        name = "King's birthday"
        if year < 2017:
            c = Calendar(firstweekday=MONDAY)
            monthcal = c.monthdatescalendar(year, 6)

            l1 = len(monthcal)
            saturdays = []
            for i in range(l1):
                if monthcal[i][5].month == 6:
            self[saturdays[0]] = name
        elif (year >= 2017) and (year <= 2021):
            c = Calendar(firstweekday=MONDAY)
            monthcal = c.monthdatescalendar(year, 7)

            l1 = len(monthcal)
            saturdays = []
            for i in range(l1):
                if monthcal[i][5].month == 7:
            self[saturdays[-1]] = name

        # Eid al-Fitr
        name = "Eid al-Fitr"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            islam_year = from_gregorian(year + offset, 6, 15)[0]
            y1, m1, d1 = to_gregorian(islam_year, 10, 1)
            y2, m2, d2 = to_gregorian(islam_year, 10, 2)
            if y1 == year:
                self[date(y1, m1, d1)] = name
            if y2 == year:
                self[date(y2, m2, d2)] = name

        # Malaysia Day
        name = "Malaysia Day"
        self[date(year, 9, 16)] = name

        # Feast of the Sacrifice
        name = "Feast of the Sacrifice"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            islam_year = from_gregorian(year + offset, 8, 22)[0]
            y, m, d = to_gregorian(islam_year, 12, 10)
            if y == year:
                self[date(y, m, d)] = name

        # First Day of Muharram
        name = "First Day of Muharram"
        for offset in range(-1, 2, 1):
            islam_year = from_gregorian(year + offset, 9, 11)[0]
            y, m, d = to_gregorian(islam_year + 1, 1, 1)
            if y == year:
                self[date(y, m, d)] = name

        # Christmas
        name = "Christmas Day"
        self[date(year, 12, 25)] = name
Пример #53
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        Injects variables necessary for rendering the calendar into the context.

        Variables added are: `calendar`, `weekdays`, `month`, `next_month` and `previous_month`.
        data = super(BaseCalendarMonthView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        year = self.get_year()
        month = self.get_month()

        date = _date_from_string(year, self.get_year_format(),
                                 month, self.get_month_format())

        cal = Calendar(self.get_first_of_week())

        month_calendar = []
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        date_lists = defaultdict(list)
        multidate_objs = []

        for obj in data['object_list']:
            obj_date = self.get_start_date(obj)
            end_date_field = self.get_end_date_field()

            if end_date_field:
                end_date = self.get_end_date(obj)
                if end_date and end_date != obj_date:
                        'obj': obj,
                        'range': [x for x in daterange(obj_date, end_date)]
                    continue  # We don't put multi-day events in date_lists

        for week in cal.monthdatescalendar(date.year, date.month):
            week_range = set(daterange(week[0], week[6]))
            week_events = []

            for val in multidate_objs:
                intersect_length = len(week_range.intersection(val['range']))

                if intersect_length:
                    # Event happens during this week
                    slot = 1
                    width = intersect_length  # How many days is the event during this week?
                    nowrap_previous = True  # Does the event continue from the previous week?
                    nowrap_next = True  # Does the event continue to the next week?

                    if val['range'][0] >= week[0]:
                        slot = 1 + (val['range'][0] - week[0]).days
                        nowrap_previous = False
                    if val['range'][-1] > week[6]:
                        nowrap_next = False

                        'event': val['obj'],
                        'slot': slot,
                        'width': width,
                        'nowrap_previous': nowrap_previous,
                        'nowrap_next': nowrap_next,

            week_calendar = {
                'events': week_events,
                'date_list': [],
            for day in week:
                    'day': day,
                    'events': date_lists[day],
                    'today': day == now.date(),
                    'is_current_month': day.month == date.month,

        data['calendar'] = month_calendar
        data['weekdays'] = [DAYS[x] for x in cal.iterweekdays()]
        data['month'] = date
        data['next_month'] = self.get_next_month(date)
        data['previous_month'] = self.get_previous_month(date)

        return data
Пример #54
class YearCalendar(object):
    '''A year calendar with 12 pages for each month.

    All attributes have reasonable defaults.
    However, they can be overridden in constructor as well as directly.

    The most important method is "render" that renders the calendar
    into a specified file.

        Any font can be used. Reportlab by default uses Adobe fonts.
        Module font_loader however tries to import as many system fonts (TTF)
        as possible (see there). You can register your own fonts as well.

    Scaling algorithms:
        These algorithms (as scaling attribute) determine how the
        pictures are scaled (and transformed) to fit in the desired area.

        - "squarecrop" : Take square area and put a cropped picture inside
        - "fit" : Take the largest area possible and fit the whole image inside

    - holidays: A list of datetime.date's (default: from locale)
    - pagesize: (width, height) in points (default: A4)
    - scaling: Scaling algorithm (default: squarecrop, see above)
    - margins: (top, right, bottom, left) in points (default: 1.33cm)

    - title_font_name: Name of a registered font (see above)
    - title_font_size: Month title font size in pt (default 24)
    - title_font_variant: Month title font variant (see font_loader)


    def __init__(self, year, pictures, locale=DefaultLocale(), special_days=[], **kwargs):
        """Constructor with all initialization.

        :param year: The year in YYYY format.
        :param pictures: A picture source (collection with indexes 1..12).
        :param scaling: Algorithm for scaling pictures (default squarecrop, see)
        :param kwargs: A dictionary of attributes to be overridden (see class description)
        self.year = year
        self.pictures = pictures
        self.locale = locale
        self.special_days = special_days

        self.scaling = kwargs.get("scaling", "squarecrop")
        self.holidays = kwargs.get("holidays", self.locale.holidays(self.year))
        self.pagesize = kwargs.get("pagesize", A4)
        self.margins = kwargs.get("margins", (1.33*cm,) * 4)   # top, right, bottom, left

        self.max_table_height = kwargs.get("max_table_height", self.content_height / 4)

        self.title_font_name = kwargs.get("title_font_name", "DejaVu Sans")
        self.title_font_variant = kwargs.get("title_font_variant", font_loader.BOLD)
        self.title_margin = kwargs.get("title_margin", 6 * mm)
        self.title_font_size = kwargs.get("title_font_size", 24) #pt

        self.cell_font_name = kwargs.get("cell_font_name", "DejaVu Sans")
        self.cell_font_variant = kwargs.get("cell_font_variant", font_loader.OBLIQUE)
        self.cell_font_size = kwargs.get("cell_font_size", 16) #pt
        self.cell_padding = kwargs.get("cell_padding", 6)
        self.cell_spacing = kwargs.get("cell_spacing", 2 * mm)

        self.week_color = kwargs.get("week_color", colors.Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
        self.week_bgcolor = kwargs.get("week_bgcolor", colors.white)
        self.weekend_color = kwargs.get("weekend_color", colors.white)
        self.weekend_bgcolor = kwargs.get("weekend_bgcolor", colors.Color(1.0, 0.5, 0.5))
        self.holiday_color = kwargs.get("holiday_color", self.weekend_color)
        self.holiday_bgcolor = kwargs.get("holiday_bgcolor", colors.Color(1.0, 0.2, 0.2))
        self.special_day_color = kwargs.get("special_day_color", colors.white)
        self.special_day_bgcolor = kwargs.get("special_day_bgcolor", colors.Color(0.2, 0.2, 1.0))

        # Initialize calendar
        self._calendar = Calendar(self.locale.first_day_of_week)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        """HTML representation, useful for IPython notebook."""
        from io import BytesIO
        from base64 import b64encode
        html = "<div>"
        html += "<div style='font-size:124%'>Calendar for year {0}</div>".format(self.year)
        html += "<div>"
        thumb_size = 64
        for i, image in enumerate(self.pictures):
            pil_im = PIL.Image.open(image)
            pil_im = self._scale_picture(pil_im, 1)[0]
            pil_im.thumbnail((thumb_size, thumb_size))
            b = BytesIO()
            pil_im.save(b, format='png')
            image_data = b64encode(b.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
            html += "<img style='display:inline-block; margin:1px' alt='{0}' src='data:image/png;base64,{1}'/>".format(i, image_data)
        html += "</div>"
        html += "</div>"
        return html

    def width(self):
        return self.pagesize[0]

    def height(self):
        return self.pagesize[1]

    def content_width(self):
        '''Content width (= paper width - margins).'''
        return self.width - self.margins[1] - self.margins[3]

    def content_height(self):
        '''Content height (= paper height - margins).'''
        return self.height - self.margins[0] - self.margins[2]

    def cell_height(self):
        '''Height of a day cell in month calendar.'''
        return self.max_table_height / 6

    def cell_width(self):
        '''Width of a day cell in month calendar.'''
        return self.content_width / 7

    def set_font(self, name, size=12, variant="normal"):
        font = font_loader.get_font_name(name, variant)
        self.canvas.setFont(font, size)

    def _style_holidays_and_special_days(self, month, table_style):
        '''Set colours for all cells based on categories.

        Categories: weekend, holidays, special days.
        calendar = self._calendar.monthdatescalendar(self.year, month)
        for row, days in enumerate(calendar):
            for column, day in enumerate(days):
                if day.month != month:
                if day.weekday() in self.locale.weekend:
                    table_style.add("BACKGROUND", (column, row), (column, row), self.weekend_bgcolor)
                    table_style.add("TEXTCOLOR", (column, row), (column, row), self.weekend_color)
                if day in self.holidays:
                    table_style.add("BACKGROUND", (column, row), (column, row), self.holiday_bgcolor)
                    table_style.add("TEXTCOLOR", (column, row), (column, row), self.holiday_color)
                if day in self.special_days:
                    table_style.add("BACKGROUND", (column, row), (column, row), self.special_day_bgcolor)
                    table_style.add("TEXTCOLOR", (column, row), (column, row), self.special_day_color)

    def _scale_picture(self, image, max_picture_height):
        '''Apply the scaling algorithm.

        :param image: PIL object
        :max_picture_height: the vertical area that can be occupied

        Return tuple (transformed PIL image object, PDF width, PDF height)
        width, height = image.size

        if self.scaling == "squarecrop":
            crop_size = min(width, height)
            crop_coords = (
                (width - crop_size) // 2,
                (height - crop_size) // 2,
                (width - crop_size) // 2 + crop_size,
                (height - crop_size) // 2 + crop_size
            cropped = image.crop(crop_coords)

            size = min(self.content_width, max_picture_height)
            return cropped, size, size

        elif self.scaling == "fit":
            max_width = self.content_width
            max_height = max_picture_height
            if width * max_height > height * max_width:
                height = max_width * height / width
                width = max_width
                width = max_height * width / height
                height = max_height
            return image, width, height

            raise Exception("Unknown scaling: %s" % self.scaling)

    def _render_picture(self, month, max_picture_height):
        '''Draw the picture.

        It is automatically scaled using the selected algorithm.
        image = PIL.Image.open(self.pictures[month])
        image, width, height = self._scale_picture(image, max_picture_height)
        left = (self.content_width - width) / 2 + self.margins[3]
        top = self.content_height + self.margins[0] - height

        self.canvas.drawImage(ImageReader(image), left, top, width=width, height=height)

    def _render_month(self, month):
        '''Render one page with a month.'''
        table_data = self._calendar.monthdayscalendar(self.year, month)
        table_data = [ [ day or None for day in week ] for week in table_data ]

        table = Table(table_data,
            colWidths=(self.cell_width,) * 7,
            rowHeights=(self.cell_height,) * len(table_data)

        style = TableStyle()
        for padding in ("TOP", "RIGHT", "BOTTOM", "LEFT"):
            style.add(padding + "PADDING", (0, 0), (-1, -1), self.cell_padding)
        for position in ("BEFORE", "AFTER", "ABOVE", "BELOW"):
            style.add("LINE" + position, (0, 0), (-1, -1), self.cell_spacing / 2, colors.white)

        font_name = font_loader.get_font_name(self.cell_font_name, self.cell_font_variant)
        style.add("FONT", (0, 0), (-1, -1), font_name, self.cell_font_size)
        style.add("ALIGN", (0, 0), (-1, -1), "RIGHT")
        style.add("VALIGN", (0, 0), (-1, -1), "MIDDLE")
        style.add("BACKGROUND", (0, 0), (-1, -1), self.week_bgcolor)
        style.add("TEXTCOLOR", (0, 0), (-1, -1), self.week_color)

        self._style_holidays_and_special_days(month, style)

        table_width, table_height = table.wrapOn(self.canvas, 7*self.cell_width, 6*self.cell_height)
        table.drawOn(self.canvas, self.margins[3], self.margins[2])
        # Render title
        title_position = (self.margins[3], self.margins[2] + table_height + self.title_margin)
        self.set_font(self.title_font_name, self.title_font_size, variant=self.title_font_variant)
        self.canvas.drawString(title_position[0], title_position[1], self.locale.month_title(self.year, month))

        # Render picture
        self._render_picture(month, self.content_height - self.title_font_size - 2 * self.title_margin - table_height)

    def render_title_page(self):
        # TODO: Implement
        # self.canvas.showPage()

    def render(self, file_name):
        '''Render the calendar into a PDF file.

        :param file_name: Path to write to.
        self.canvas = canvas.Canvas(file_name, self.pagesize)
        self.canvas.setTitle("{0} {1}".format(self.locale.calendar_name, self.year))
        self.render_title_page()   # TODO: To be implemented
        for month in range(1, 13):
Пример #55
from calendar import Calendar
from datetime import date

cal = Calendar(0)

month = cal.monthdatescalendar(2016, 6)

for week in month:
    print week