Пример #1
def mac_gpu_check(job_mode: conf.JobMode, command: str) -> None:
    """If the command depends on 'docker run' and is running on a Mac, fail fast."""
    if conf.gpu(job_mode) and command in ("shell", "notebook", "run"):
        u.err("\n'caliban {}' doesn't support GPU usage on Macs! Please pass ".
              format(command) + "--nogpu to use this command.\n\n")
            "(GPU mode is fine for 'caliban cloud' from a Mac; just nothing that runs "
Пример #2
def tf_base_image(job_mode: c.JobMode, tensorflow_version: str) -> str:
    """Returns the base image to use, depending on whether or not we're using a
  GPU. This is JUST for building our base images for Blueshift; not for
  actually using in a job.

  List of available tags: https://hub.docker.com/r/tensorflow/tensorflow/tags

    if tensorflow_version not in TF_VERSIONS:
        raise Exception("""{} is not a valid tensorflow version.
    Try one of: {}""".format(tensorflow_version, TF_VERSIONS))

    gpu = "-gpu" if c.gpu(job_mode) else ""
    return "tensorflow/tensorflow:{}{}-py3".format(tensorflow_version, gpu)
Пример #3
def _run_cmd(job_mode: c.JobMode,
             run_args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[str]:
    """Returns the sequence of commands for the subprocess run functions required
  to execute `docker run`. in CPU or GPU mode, depending on the value of

  Keyword args:
  - run_args: list of args to pass to docker run.

    if run_args is None:
        run_args = []

    runtime = ["--runtime", "nvidia"] if c.gpu(job_mode) else []
    return ["docker", "run"] + runtime + ["--ipc", "host"] + run_args
Пример #4
def base_extras(job_mode: c.JobMode, path: str,
                extras: Optional[List[str]]) -> Optional[List[str]]:
    """Returns None if the supplied path doesn't exist (it's assumed it points to a
  setup.py file).

  If the path DOES exist, generates a list of extras to install. gpu or cpu are
  always added to the beginning of the list, depending on the mode.

    ret = None

    if os.path.exists(path):
        base = extras or []
        extra = 'gpu' if c.gpu(job_mode) else 'cpu'
        ret = base if extra in base else [extra] + base

    return ret
Пример #5
def test_gpu():
    assert c.gpu(c.JobMode.GPU)
    assert not c.gpu(c.JobMode.CPU)
    assert not c.gpu("face")
Пример #6
def base_image_suffix(job_mode: c.JobMode) -> str:
    return "gpu" if c.gpu(job_mode) else "cpu"
Пример #7
def base_image_suffix(job_mode: c.JobMode) -> str:
    return DEFAULT_GPU_TAG if c.gpu(job_mode) else DEFAULT_CPU_TAG