def calculate(processor, interp_multiplier, ignore_calib, plot_fkt, correction_factor=1): x, y, laser_x, laser_y = processor.get_data(interp_multiplier) calibrator = Calibrator(laser_x, laser_y, interp_multiplier, plot_fkt) delta, dt_max = calibrator.get_calibration(x) print(len(x)) if not ignore_calib: _x = x + delta x = np.linspace(_x[0], _x[-1], len(_x)) y = Utils.interpolate(x, _x, y) x = x * correction_factor # t in seconds t = x * dt_max dt = t[1] - t[0] t_max = len(t) print(len(t)) print(1 / t_max) l, y_trans = FourierTransformer().transform(y, dt, t_max) # / y_trans = list(reversed(y_trans)) return l, y_trans
def fromConfig(cls, config): if 'camera' not in config: return None camera = PinholeCamera.fromConfig(config['camera']) if camera: monocular = MonocularWrapper() if 'calibrator' in config: calibrator = Calibrator.fromConfig(camera, monocular, config['calibrator']) else: calibrator = Calibrator(camera, monocular) if calibrator: for key in cls.CONFIG_KEYS: if key not in config: return None roi = config['roi'] velocitaCrociera = config['velocitaCrociera'] #Parametri opzionali distanzaMinima = config[ 'distanzaMinima'] if 'distanzaMinima' in config else None distanzaLimite = config[ 'distanzaLimite'] if 'distanzaLimite' in config else None windowSize = config[ 'windowSize'] if 'windowSize' in config else None skipThreshold = config[ 'skipThreshold'] if 'skipThreshold' in config else None return cls(camera, monocular, calibrator, roi, velocitaCrociera, distanzaMinima, distanzaLimite, windowSize, skipThreshold)
def main(): print(Banner("GUESS THE NUMBER APP").content) calibrator = Calibrator(random.randint(0, 100)) prompt = Prompt() success = False while not success: calibration = calibrator.calibrate(prompt.input()) print(calibration.message) success = calibration.is_equal
def CheckPinCode(self, pin): if pin=='2502': self.tempthreadcontrol(0) spi.close() self.CalibrWindow=Calibrator(self.finish_signal, self) else: pass self.Calibr.setStyleSheet(metrocss.prog_passive)
def generate_samples(filename, output='./output.mp4'): if not clb.initialized(): clb.find_pictures(directory='./camera_cal/') clb.calibrate_camera(9, 6) m = model.CarModel() m.load() t = track.FrameVehiclePipeline(m, shape=(720, 1280)) video = VideoFileClip(filename) out = video.fl_image(t.samples) out.write_videofile(output, audio=False)
def single_image(filename, model_path='./data/model.p'): if not clb.initialized(): clb.find_pictures(directory='./camera_cal/') clb.calibrate_camera(9, 6) im = common.load_image(filename, color='RGB') common.show_image(im) m = model.CarModel() m.load(filename=model_path) t = track.FrameVehiclePipeline(m, shape=im.shape[:2]) t.process(im, show=True)
def xtest_compare_calibrator_with_multiple_interpolations(self): # 2: Light # 1: Laser processor = preProcessData.DataProcessor( "./data/Notch Filter/Data Channel 1.dat", "./data/Notch Filter/Data Channel 2.dat") x, y, laser_x, laser_y = processor.get_data(1) calibrator = Calibrator(laser_x, laser_y) x, y = calibrator.calculate_calibration() plt.plot(x, y) x, y, laser_x, laser_y = processor.get_data(2) calibrator = Calibrator(laser_x, laser_y) x, y = calibrator.calculate_calibration(2) plt.plot(x, y) x, y, laser_x, laser_y = processor.get_data(8) calibrator = Calibrator(laser_x, laser_y) x, y = calibrator.calculate_calibration(8) plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel('peak index') plt.ylabel('delta')
def AnalyzeImg(self): imglist = [] for i in range(self.screenshot_list.count()): item = self.screenshot_list.item(i) imglist.append(unicode(item.text())) language = unicode(self.ocr_language.currentText()) self.calibratorthread = Calibrator(self, imglist, language) QObject.connect(self.calibratorthread, SIGNAL('finished(float, int, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.threadFinished) QObject.connect(self.calibratorthread, SIGNAL('steps(int)'), self.updateSteps) QObject.connect(self.calibratorthread, SIGNAL('progress(int)'), self.updateProgress) self.calibratorthread.execute()
def test(filename, n=0, show=False): import importlib importlib.reload(mask) print(persp._perspective) im_ = plt.imread(filename) im = clb.undistort(im_) if n == -1: return persp.warp(im, show=show) elif n == 0: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='h', thresh=(100, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='l', thresh=(200, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='s', thresh=(100, 255), show=show) elif n == 1: im_eq = equalize_hist(im, show=show) im2 = persp.warp(im_eq, show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='h', thresh=(0, 100), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='l', thresh=(200, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='s', thresh=(100, 255), show=show) elif n == 2: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) color_mask.rgb_channel(im2, channel='r', thresh=(220, 255), show=show) color_mask.rgb_channel(im2, channel='g', thresh=(210, 255), show=show) color_mask.rgb_channel(im2, channel='b', thresh=(0, 100), show=show) elif n == 3: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='h', thresh=(0, 90), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='l', thresh=(200, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='s', thresh=(110, 255), show=show) elif n == 4: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) return custom_mask.special_mask(im2, show=show)
def calibrate(path: str, filter: str, nrows: int, ncols: int): calibrator = Calibrator(1) objp = np.zeros((nrows * ncols, 3), np.float32) objp[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:nrows, 0:ncols].T.reshape(-1, 2) counter = 0 image_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filter)) print(image_names) for i in range(100): for imname in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filter)): counter += 1 image = cv2.imread(imname, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) f, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(image, (nrows, ncols), None) cv2.cornerSubPix(image, corners, (11, 11), (-1, -1), (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)) print(counter) calibrator.train(objp, np.squeeze(corners.astype(np.float64)))
def build_engine(max_batch_size, save_engine): """Takes an ONNX file and creates a TensorRT engine to run inference with""" with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, \ builder.create_network(1) as network,\ trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser: config = builder.create_builder_config() config.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # parse onnx model file if not os.path.exists(onnx_file_path): quit('ONNX file {} not found'.format(onnx_file_path)) print('Loading ONNX file from path {}...'.format(onnx_file_path)) with open(onnx_file_path, 'rb') as model: print('Beginning ONNX file parsing') parser.parse( assert network.num_layers > 0, 'Failed to parse ONNX model. \ Please check if the ONNX model is compatible ' print('Completed parsing of ONNX file') print('Building an engine from file {}; this may take a while...'. format(onnx_file_path)) # build trt engine builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB builder.fp16_mode = fp16_mode if int8_mode: config.max_workspace_size = common.GiB(1) config.set_flag(trt.BuilderFlag.INT8) config.int8_calibrator = Calibrator( calibration_stream, calibration_table_path ) # 设定的东西要放到config里面 - 没有更改运行时候的文件,这里只是给自己做一下提醒 #builder.int8_mode = int8_mode assert calibration_stream, 'Error: a calibration_stream should be provided for int8 mode' #builder.int8_calibrator = Calibrator(calibration_stream, calibration_table_path) print('Int8 mode enabled') #engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network) #engine = builder.build_engine(network,config) profile = builder.create_optimization_profile() profile.set_shape( network.get_input(0).name, (1, 3, 368, 432), (8, 3, 368, 432), (64, 3, 368, 432)) #lopps #profile.set_shape(network.get_input(0).name, (1, 3,368, 656), (8, 3,368, 656), (64, 3,368, 656)) #openpose_coco #profile.set_shape(network.get_input(0).name, (1, 3,432, 368), (1, 3,432, 368), (32, 3, 432, 368)) #openpose_thin #profile.set_shape(network.get_input(0).name, (1, 3, 384, 384), (8, 3, 384, 384), (64, 3, 384, 384))#ppn-resnet50-V2-HW=384x384.onnx) config.add_optimization_profile(profile) engine = builder.build_engine(network, config) if engine is None: print('Failed to create the engine') return None print("Completed creating the engine") if save_engine: with open(engine_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(engine.serialize()) return engine
def differential_scan(self): cmat, dist_ceofs, \ rmat, tmat, _ = Calibrator().calibration_data.load_calibrations() while self.is_scanning: if np.abs(self.theta) >= PI2: break else: begin = time.time() try: image =
def samples(self, im, target='data/video_dataset/'): im = clb.undistort(im) shape = self._model.input_shape for nw, se in self._slicer.wins: ys, ye = nw[1], se[1] xs, xe = nw[0], se[0] cpy = cv.resize(im[ys:ye, xs:xe, :], shape[:2]) cpy = common.cvt_color(cpy, color='BGR', src='RGB') cv.imwrite('{0}/{1}.png'.format(target, self._i), cpy) self._i += 1 print(self._i) return im
def build_engine(max_batch_size, save_engine): """Takes an ONNX file and creates a TensorRT engine to run inference with""" with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, \ builder.create_network(1) as network, \ trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser: # parse onnx model file if not os.path.exists(onnx_file_path): quit('ONNX file {} not found'.format(onnx_file_path)) 'Loading ONNX file from path {}...'.format(onnx_file_path)) with open(onnx_file_path, 'rb') as model:'Beginning ONNX file parsing') parser.parse( assert network.num_layers > 0, 'Failed to parse ONNX model. \ Please check if the ONNX model is compatible ''Completed parsing of ONNX file') 'Building an engine from file {}; this may take a while...'. format(onnx_file_path)) # build trt engine if int8_mode: builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.int8_mode = int8_mode builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB assert calibration_stream, 'Error: a calibration_stream should be provided for int8 mode' builder.int8_calibrator = Calibrator(calibration_stream, calibration_table_path) engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network)'Int8 mode enabled') if fp16_mode: builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB builder.fp16_mode = fp16_mode engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network)'fp16 mode enabled') if fp32_mode: builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network)'fp32 mode enabled') if engine is None: log.logger.error('Failed to create the engine') return None print("Completed creating the engine") if save_engine: with open(engine_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(engine.serialize()) return engine
def calibrate(self, original, realSizeMM=[254.0, 170.0], chessboardSize=[25, 17], returnAnnotatedImage=False): rc = Calibrator.calibrate(self, original=self.QPixmapToImage(original), realSizeMM=realSizeMM, chessboardSize=chessboardSize, returnAnnotatedImage=returnAnnotatedImage) if type(rc) is not bool: return self.imageToQPixmap(rc) else: return rc
def main(): test_set = '../testpics' model_file = '../Engine/11.onnx' # Now we create a calibrator and give it the location of our calibration data. # We also allow it to cache calibration data for faster engine building. engine_model_path = "models_save/panoptic_fcn_int8_7.2.2.trt" calibration_cache = 'models_save/panoptic_fcn_int8.cache' calib = Calibrator(test_set, cache_file=calibration_cache) # Inference batch size can be different from calibration batch size. batch_size = 1 engine = build_int8_engine(model_file, calib, batch_size) with open(engine_model_path, "wb") as f: f.write(engine.serialize())
def calibrate_devices(): # with Serial('/dev/ttyWHATEVER', baudrate=115200, timeout=30, xonxoff=True) as frequency_counter_port: # frequency_counter = Tf930FrequencyCounter(frequency_counter_port) global calibration_dir resources = pyvisa.ResourceManager('@py') with resources.open_resource( 'USB0::62700::60984::SDM36GBQ5R0755::0::INSTR') as resource: frequency_counter = Sdm3065xFrequencyCounter(resource) calibrator = CalibrationProcess( lambda: Calibrator(CalibrationLog(calibration_dir), frequency_counter, lambda: Cluck2SesameDevice(lambda: Serial( '/dev/ttyS0', baudrate=9600, timeout=30)), vdd_volts_range=[2.7, 4.5])) calibrator.calibrate()
def process(self, frame, show=False): im = clb.undistort(frame) warped = prsp.warp(im) masked = custom_mask.apply(warped, show=show) lp, rp = self._find_lane_points(masked, num_strips=10, radius=70, show=show) height = masked.shape[0] width = masked.shape[1] llane = Lane(lp, end=height - 1, num=height) rlane = Lane(rp, end=height - 1, num=height) offset = Lane.offset(llane, rlane, y=masked.shape[0] - 1, frame_width=width) lcurv = llane.curvature(height // 2) rcurv = rlane.curvature(height // 2) fill = Lane.fill_lanes(warped, llane, rlane, show=show) return self._final_frame(im, fill, lcurv, rcurv, offset, show=show)
if __name__ == "__main__": image_size = (image_width, image_height) # imgLeft = downsample_image(cv2.imread("./input_images/aloeL.jpg"), 1) # imgRight = downsample_image(cv2.imread("./input_images/aloeR.jpg"), 1) imgLeft = downsample_image(cv2.imread("./input_images/left19.jpg"), 3) imgRight = downsample_image(cv2.imread("./input_images/right19.jpg"), 3) width_left, height_left = imgLeft.shape[:2] width_right, height_right = imgRight.shape[:2] if 0 in [width_left, height_left, width_right, height_right]: print("Error: Can't remap image.") calibrator = Calibrator(6, 9) calibrator.load_parameters() imgLeft = calibrator.undistort_image(imgLeft) imgRight = calibrator.undistort_image(imgRight) # cv2.imshow('Left CALIBRATED', imgLeft) # cv2.imshow('Right CALIBRATED', imgRight) # # cv2.waitKey(0) # Rectify both image threshold = 0.65 imgLeft_r, imgRight_r = rectify_stereo_pair_uncalibrated( imgLeft, imgRight, threshold) stereo = SGBMTuner(imgLeft_r, imgRight_r)
class ColorCalibrationWizard(QWizard, Ui_ColorCalibrationWizard): def __init__(self, settings): QWizard.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.settings = settings self.add_screenshots.clicked.connect(self.AddFiles) self.wizardPage2.pageCreated.connect(self.AnalyzeImg) self.contrast = 0.0 def accept(self): self.settings.setValue('contrast', self.contrast) self.settings.sync() self.close() def AddFiles(self): files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, "Open", self.settings['screenshot_dir']) if files == []: return first_item = None for file in files: if self.screenshot_list.count() >= 5: break file1 = unicode(file).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) item = QListWidgetItem(file1) self.screenshot_list.addItem(item) if self.screenshot_list.count() >= 1: self.wizardPage1.fullfilled = True self.wizardPage1.completeChanged.emit() def threadFinished(self, result, errors, result_list): self.contrast = result rel_error = errors/self.screenshot_list.count() information = "Calibration finished.\nResulting optimal contrast value for your HUD color settings: "+unicode(result) +"\n" information += "OCR Errors: "+unicode(errors)+"\n\n" if rel_error == 0: information += "Your screenshots seem to have perfect size and contrast. OCR accuracy should be almost perfect. Please observe your result and perform OCR training in case there are some mistakes.\n\n" elif rel_error < 4: information += "Your screenshots seem to have good size and contrast. OCR accuracy should be high enough for numbers, possible inaccuracies in the text will be corrected by dictionary comparison. Please observe your result and perform OCR training in case there are some mistakes.\n\n" elif rel_error < 10: information += "Your screenshots seem to have sufficient size and contrast. You should check your results for possible errors. Especially 6,8 and 9 could get mixed up. Please consider using higher resolution, lower FOV or higher contrast HUD color. Observe your result and perform OCR training in case there are mistakes.\n\n" else: information += "Your screenshots are not usable for OCR. Use higher resolution, lower FOV or higher contrast HUD colors and perform the calibration again. OCR training might help but it is not guaranteed. \n\n" for i in range(len(result_list)): information += "Image "+unicode(i+1)+"\n" information += "Valid market screenshot: "+unicode(result_list[i][0])+"\n" information += "Resolution: "+unicode(result_list[i][1])+"x"+unicode(result_list[i][2])+"\n" information += "Market width: "+unicode(result_list[i][3])+"\n\n" information += "You can train the OCR with your screenshots. To perform training go to Settings > Learning wizard.\n\n" self.scr_result.setPlainText(information) self.wizardPage2.fullfilled = True self.wizardPage2.completeChanged.emit() def updateSteps(self, steps): self.analyzing_progress.setMaximum(steps) self.repaint() def updateProgress(self, time_left): self.time_left.setText(unicode(time_left)+"s") self.analyzing_progress.setValue(self.analyzing_progress.value()+1) self.repaint() def AnalyzeImg(self): imglist = [] for i in range(self.screenshot_list.count()): item = self.screenshot_list.item(i) imglist.append(unicode(item.text())) language = unicode(self.ocr_language.currentText()) self.calibratorthread = Calibrator(self, imglist, language) QObject.connect(self.calibratorthread, SIGNAL('finished(float, int, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.threadFinished) QObject.connect(self.calibratorthread, SIGNAL('steps(int)'), self.updateSteps) QObject.connect(self.calibratorthread, SIGNAL('progress(int)'), self.updateProgress) self.calibratorthread.execute()
def correct(self,qpixmap): image = self.QPixmapToImage(qpixmap) rc = Calibrator.correct(self,image) return self.imageToQPixmap(rc)
def calibrate(self,original,realSizeMM=[254.0,170.0],chessboardSize=[25,17],returnAnnotatedImage=False): rc = Calibrator.calibrate(self,original=self.QPixmapToImage(original),realSizeMM=realSizeMM,chessboardSize=chessboardSize,returnAnnotatedImage=returnAnnotatedImage) if type(rc) is not bool: return self.imageToQPixmap(rc) else: return rc
def build_engine(max_batch_size, save_engine): """Takes an ONNX file and creates a TensorRT engine to run inference with""" # 1 << NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, \ builder.create_network(1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH)) as network, \ trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser: # parse onnx model file if not os.path.exists(onnx_file_path): quit('ONNX file {} not found'.format(onnx_file_path)) print('Loading ONNX file from path {}...'.format(onnx_file_path)) with open(onnx_file_path, 'rb') as model: print('Beginning ONNX file parsing') parser.parse( # modify the orignal onnx network count = 0 for i in range(network.num_layers): net = network.get_layer(i) if (net.type == trt.LayerType.CONVOLUTION and 'Conv' in count = count + 1 # network.mark_output(net.get_output(0)) f_layer.write('----1----network.num_layers:' + str(network.num_layers) + ' .the number of the conv is:' + str(count) + '\n') f_layer.write( + '\n') f_layer.write(str(net.type) + '\n') # network.unmark_output(net.get_output(0)) activate = network.add_activation( input=net.get_output(0), type=trt.ActivationType.CLIP) # return a layer if (strategy == None): print('strategy error!') activate.beta = pow(2, strategy[count - 1] - 1) - 1 activate.alpha = -pow(2, strategy[count - 1] - 1) = 'CLIP_%d' % i f_layer.write( + ' beta is ' + str(activate.beta) + ' and alpha is ' + str(activate.alpha) + '\n') # get the layer next to conv,and input the output of the activation layer. net_next = network.get_layer(i + 1) net_next.set_input(0, activate.get_output(0)) f_layer.write( + '\n') f_layer.write(str(net_next.type) + '\n') net_next2 = network.get_layer(i + 2) net_next2.set_input(0, net_next.get_output(0)) net_next2.set_input(1, activate.get_output(0)) f_layer.write( + '\n') f_layer.write(str(net_next2.type) + '\n') f_layer.write('----2----network.num_layers:' + str(network.num_layers) + '\n') assert network.num_layers > 0, 'Failed to parse ONNX model. \ Please check if the ONNX model is compatible ' print('Completed parsing of ONNX file') print('Building an engine from file {}; this may take a while...'. format(onnx_file_path)) # build trt engine if int4_mode: builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.int8_mode = int4_mode builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB assert calibration_stream, 'Error: a calibration_stream should be provided for int8 mode' builder.int8_calibrator = Calibrator(calibration_stream, calibration_table_path) engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network) # config=builder.create_builder_config() # config.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # # config.flags = 1 << int(trt.BuilderFlag.INT8) # # assert calibration_stream, 'Error: a calibration_stream should be provided for int8 mode' # config.int8_calibrator = Calibrator(calibration_stream, calibration_table_path) # engine = builder.build_engine(network, config) print('Int4 mode enabled') if fp16_mode: builder.strict_type_constraints = True builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB builder.fp16_mode = fp16_mode engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network) print('fp16 modify mode enabled') if fp32_mode: builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 30 # 1GB engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network) print('fp32 modify mode enabled') if engine is None: print('Failed to create the engine') return None print("Completed creating the engine") if save_engine: with open(engine_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(engine.serialize()) return engine
#peaks, _ = getPeaks(spectrum, min_dist=25, thres=0.3) from scipy.signal import find_peaks spectrum /= spectrum.max() peaks, _ = find_peaks(spectrum, height=0.1, distance=10, width=(0,40)) plt.plot(spectrum) plt.vlines(peaks, 0, max(spectrum)) if len(peaks) == 0: print("No peaks found, try again!") exit(1) c = Calibrator(peaks, atlas) c.set_fit_constraints(min_slope=0.043, max_slope=0.053, min_intercept=550, max_intercept=650, line_fit_thresh=2) best_p = c.match_peaks_to_atlas( if best_p is not None: c.plot_fit(spectrum, best_p) print("Start wavelength: ", best_p[-1]) print("Centre wavelenght: ", polyfit_value(len(spectrum)/2, best_p[::-1])) print("Dispersion: ", best_p[-2])
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2020/6/15 23:06 # @Author : Wang Xin # @Email : [email protected] # @File : demo_BM.PY import cv2 from utils import * from calibrator import Calibrator from stereo_matcher import StereoMatcher import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for not rectified images # stereo calibration calibrator = Calibrator(images_dir="./data/calibration_images", border_size=(9, 6)) calibrator.calibrate()"stereo_camera.json") # stereo matching matcher1 = StereoMatcher(methods="BM", is_rectified=False, camera_params_file="stereo_camera.json") imgL1 = cv2.imread("./data/calibration_images/left06.jpg", flags=0) imgR1 = cv2.imread("./data/calibration_images/right06.jpg", flags=0) print(len(imgR1.shape)) rectifiedImgL1, rectifiedImgR1 = rectifyImagePair( imgL1, imgR1, cameraParams=json_load("stereo_camera.json")) rectifiedImgPair = np.concatenate((rectifiedImgL1, rectifiedImgR1), axis=1) rectifiedImgPair[::20, :] = 0 disp1 = matcher1.predict(imgL1, imgR1)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(spectrum, distance=3., prominence=np.percentile(spectrum, 20)) plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.clf() plt.plot(spectrum) plt.vlines(peaks, spectrum[peaks.astype('int')], spectrum.max() * 1.1, colors='C1') plt.ylim(0, spectrum.max() * 1.1) plt.xlim(0, len(spectrum)) c = Calibrator(peaks, elements=["Xe"], min_wavelength=3000., max_wavelength=9000.) # thresh (A) :: the individual line fitting tolerance to accept as a valid fitting point # fit_tolerance (A) :: the RMS c.set_fit_constraints(n_pix=len(spectrum), min_intercept=3000., max_intercept=5000., fit_tolerance=pix_scale * 0.5, thresh=pix_scale * 1., polydeg=4) pix = np.array((241., 269., 280., 294., 317., 359., 462.5, 468.4, 477., 530.3, 752., 836., 900., 912., 980.)) wave = np.array( (4500.98, 4624.28, 4671.23, 4734.15, 4844.33, 5023.88, 5488.56, 5531.07,
import sys # import PyQt4 QtCore and QtGui modules from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from calibrator import Calibrator if __name__ == '__main__': # create application app = QApplication( sys.argv ) app.setApplicationName( 'calibrator' ) # create widget w = Calibrator() w.setWindowTitle( 'calibrator' ) # connection QObject.connect( app, SIGNAL( 'lastWindowClosed()' ), app, SLOT( 'quit()' ) ) # execute application sys.exit( app.exec_() )
def process(self, orig, show=False): im = clb.undistort(orig, show=show) self._find_cars_heatmap(im, show=show) self._find_cars_boxes(show=show) self._reset_heatmap() return self._draw_car_boxes(orig, show=show)
def __init__(self): assert (clb.initialized()) assert (prsp.initialized()) self.left_line = None self.right_line = None
'param':resultMoment['Parameter'], 'paramStd':resultMoment['Parameter_Std'], 'scatterUncert':[resultMoment['Max95%Scatter_Uncertainty'][0]], 'meanUncert':[resultMoment['Max95%Mean_Uncertainty'][0]]}) else: # NOTE: SG Calibration workingDirectory=r'C:\Users\Richard\Google Drive\Berkeley\Berkeley Classes\Fall 2018\ME 103\Lab 4-5\ME103\10.26.2018' settings={'dir': workingDirectory, 'x': 'Ch1_Fz', 'y': 'Weight', 'xUnit': '[volts]', 'yUnit': '[Newton]', 'xUncert': 0.0, 'yUncert': weightUncert, 'target_file': 'strain_gauge_cal.csv', 'auto': True, 'eqn': 'p1'} customEquation=None botSG=Calibrator(**settings) botSG.read_data() discrete_fit_data_SG=decorator(botSG, botSG.discrete_fit_data, h=lambda y: -y/1000*9.81) resultSG=discrete_fit_data_SG(customEquation) SGData=[ ['Parameter', 'Parameter_Std', 'R2', 'Max95%Scatter_Uncertainty', 'Max95%Mean_Uncertainty'], [resultSG['param'][0], resultSG['paramStd'][0], resultSG['R2'], max(resultSG['scatterUncert']), max(resultSG['meanUncert'])], [resultSG['param'][1], resultSG['paramStd'][1], '', '', ''] ] # NOTE: AOA Calibration workingDirectory=r'C:\Users\Richard\Google Drive\Berkeley\Berkeley Classes\Fall 2018\ME 103\Lab 4-5\ME103\10.26.2018\Angle Attack Cali' settings={'dir': workingDirectory, 'x': 'Ch4_a_control', 'y': 'Angle_of_Attack', 'xUnit': '[volts]', 'yUnit': '[degree]', 'xUncert': 0.0, 'yUncert': levelUncert,
#!/usr/bin/env python from calibrator import Calibrator import rospy calibrator = Calibrator() if "__main__" == __name__: try: calibrator.set_pattern_type("CHESS_BOARD") calibrator.set_calibration_file("calibration_sd_kinect/") #~ calibrator.set_calibration_file("calibration_s4/") calibrator.perform_calibration() calibrator.print_parameters() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
def correct(self, qpixmap): image = self.QPixmapToImage(qpixmap) rc = Calibrator.correct(self, image) return self.imageToQPixmap(rc)
def projectSpecCalc(proj, **kwargs): generalPrint( "ProjectSpecCalc", "Calculating spectra for project with options: {}".format(kwargs)) # default options options = parseKeywords(getDefaultOptions(proj), kwargs) # calculate the spectra # get the reference time datetimeRef = proj.getRefTime() # prepare the calibrator cal = Calibrator(proj.getCalDataPath()) if options["calibrate"]: cal.printInfo() # loop over sites for s in options["sites"]: # print site info proj.printSiteInfo(s) # get measurement directories for site s timeMeas = proj.getSiteTimeFiles(s) # loop over measurement folders and calculate spectra for each one for meas in timeMeas: # get measurement sample frequency fs = proj.getMeasSampleFreq(s, meas) # check to see if in given frequency list if int(fs) not in options["freqs"]: continue # print measurement info proj.printMeasInfo(s, meas) # get measurement start and end times datetimeStart = proj.getMeasStartTime(s, meas) datetimeEnd = proj.getMeasEndTime(s, meas) # get data, sensor info, serial info, chopper info for calibration reader = proj.getMeasDataReader(s, meas) # get data start and end times - these may not be equal to startDate and endDate # there is the issue of ats data recording end time as one sample late # hence get the actual end time dataStartTime, dataEndTime = reader.getDataTimes( datetimeStart, datetimeEnd) dataChans = reader.getChannels() if len(options["chans"]) > 0: dataChans = options["chans"] # alternatively, could simply do getPhysicalSamples() and get all data that way data = reader.getPhysicalData(dataStartTime, dataEndTime, chans=dataChans) if options["calibrate"]: # do the calibration here sensors = reader.getSensors(dataChans) serials = reader.getSerials(dataChans) choppers = reader.getChoppers(dataChans) data = cal.calibrate(data, fs, sensors, serials, choppers) # notch filter if required for n in options["notch"]: for c in data: data[c] = notchFilter(data[c], fs, n, n / 5.0) # define decimation parameters decParams = DecimationParams(fs) if len(options["evalfreq"]) == 0: decParams.setDecimationParams(options["declevels"], options["freqlevel"]) else: decParams.setFrequencyParams(options["evalfreq"], options["declevels"], options["freqlevel"]) decParams.printInfo() numLevels = decParams.getNumLevels() # now do window parameters winParams = WindowParams(decParams) # winParams.printInfo() # create the decimator dec = Decimator(data, fs, decParams) # dec.printInfo() # loop through decimation levels for iDec in xrange(0, numLevels): # get the data for the current level check = dec.incrementLevel() if not check: break # not enough data #dec.printInfo() data = dec.getData() # create the windower and give it window parameters for current level fsDec = dec.getSampleFreq() win = Windower(datetimeRef, dataStartTime, data, fsDec, winParams.getWindowSize(iDec), winParams.getOverlap(iDec)) numWindows = win.getNumWindows() # win.printInfo() if numWindows < 2: break # do no more decimation # create the spectrum calculator and statistics calculators specCalc = SpectrumCalculator(fsDec, winParams.getWindowSize(iDec)) # get ready a file to save the spectra specWrite = SpectrumWriter(proj.getSpecDataPathMeas(s, meas), datetimeRef) specWrite.openBinaryForWriting("spectra", iDec, fsDec, winParams.getWindowSize(iDec), winParams.getOverlap(iDec), win.getGlobalWindowOffset(), numWindows, dataChans) # loop though windows, calculate spectra and save for iW in xrange(0, numWindows): # get the window data winData = win.getData(iW) # calculate spectra f, specData = specCalc.calcFourierCoeff(winData) # write out spectra specWrite.writeBinary(specData, iW) # close spectra and stat files specWrite.closeFile()