Пример #1
def node_from_loc(root, locs, totals=None):
    node = root.xpath('//*[local-name()="body"]')[0]
    for i, loc in enumerate(locs):
        children = tuple(node.iterchildren(etree.Element))
        if totals is not None and totals[i] != len(children):
            raise MalformedMarkup()
        node = children[loc]
    return node
Пример #2
def add_id(container, name, loc, totals=None):
    root = container.parsed(name)
        node = node_from_loc(root, loc, totals=totals)
    except MalformedMarkup:
        # The webkit HTML parser and the container parser have yielded
        # different node counts, this can happen if the file is valid XML
        # but contains constructs like nested <p> tags. So force parse it
        # with the HTML 5 parser and try again.
        raw = container.raw_data(name)
        root = container.parse_xhtml(raw, fname=name, force_html5_parse=True)
            node = node_from_loc(root, loc, totals=totals)
        except MalformedMarkup:
            raise MalformedMarkup(_('The file %s has malformed markup. Try running the Fix HTML tool'
                                    ' before editing.') % name)
        container.replace(name, root)

    node.set('id', node.get('id', uuid_id()))
    container.commit_item(name, keep_parsed=True)
    return node.get('id')
Пример #3
def split(container, name, loc_or_xpath, before=True, totals=None):
    Split the file specified by name at the position specified by loc_or_xpath.
    Splitting automatically migrates all links and references to the affected

    :param loc_or_xpath: Should be an XPath expression such as
        //h:div[@id="split_here"]. Can also be a *loc* which is used internally to
        implement splitting in the preview panel.
    :param before: If True the split occurs before the identified element otherwise after it.
    :param totals: Used internally

    root = container.parsed(name)
    if isinstance(loc_or_xpath, type('')):
        split_point = root.xpath(loc_or_xpath)[0]
            split_point = node_from_loc(root, loc_or_xpath, totals=totals)
        except MalformedMarkup:
            # The webkit HTML parser and the container parser have yielded
            # different node counts, this can happen if the file is valid XML
            # but contains constructs like nested <p> tags. So force parse it
            # with the HTML 5 parser and try again.
            raw = container.raw_data(name)
            root = container.parse_xhtml(raw,
                split_point = node_from_loc(root, loc_or_xpath, totals=totals)
            except MalformedMarkup:
                raise MalformedMarkup(
                    _('The file %s has malformed markup. Try running the Fix HTML tool'
                      ' before splitting') % name)
            container.replace(name, root)
    if in_table(split_point):
        raise AbortError('Cannot split inside tables')
    if split_point.tag.endswith('}body'):
        raise AbortError('Cannot split on the <body> tag')
    tree1, tree2 = do_split(split_point, container.log, before=before)
    root1, root2 = tree1.getroot(), tree2.getroot()
    anchors_in_top = frozenset(root1.xpath('//*/@id')) | frozenset(
        root1.xpath('//*/@name')) | {''}
    anchors_in_bottom = frozenset(root2.xpath('//*/@id')) | frozenset(
    base, ext = name.rpartition('.')[0::2]
    base = re.sub(r'_split\d+$', '', base)
    nname, s = None, 0
    while not nname or container.exists(nname):
        s += 1
        nname = '%s_split%d.%s' % (base, s, ext)
    manifest_item = container.generate_item(
        nname, media_type=container.mime_map[name])
    bottom_name = container.href_to_name(manifest_item.get('href'),

    # Fix links in the split trees
    for r in (root1, root2):
        for a in r.xpath('//*[@href]'):
            url = a.get('href')
            if url.startswith('#'):
                fname = name
                fname = container.href_to_name(url, name)
            if fname == name:
                purl = urlparse(url)
                if purl.fragment in anchors_in_top:
                    if r is root2:
                            'href', '%s#%s' % (container.name_to_href(
                                name, bottom_name), purl.fragment))
                        a.set('href', '#' + purl.fragment)
                elif purl.fragment in anchors_in_bottom:
                    if r is root1:
                            'href', '%s#%s' % (container.name_to_href(
                                bottom_name, name), purl.fragment))
                        a.set('href', '#' + purl.fragment)

    # Fix all links in the container that point to anchors in the bottom tree
    for fname, media_type in iteritems(container.mime_map):
        if fname not in {name, bottom_name}:
            repl = SplitLinkReplacer(fname, anchors_in_bottom, name,
                                     bottom_name, container)
            container.replace_links(fname, repl)

    container.replace(name, root1)
    container.replace(bottom_name, root2)

    spine = container.opf_xpath('//opf:spine')[0]
    for spine_item, spine_name, linear in container.spine_iter:
        if spine_name == name:
    index = spine.index(spine_item) + 1

    si = spine.makeelement(OPF('itemref'), idref=manifest_item.get('id'))
    if not linear:
        si.set('linear', 'no')
    container.insert_into_xml(spine, si, index=index)
    return bottom_name