Пример #1
    def _compile_website_translations(self, name='website', threshold=50):
        from calibre.utils.zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo, ZIP_STORED
        from calibre.ptempfile import TemporaryDirectory
        from calibre.utils.localization import get_iso639_translator, get_language, get_iso_language
        self.info('Compiling', name, 'translations...')
        srcbase = self.j(self.d(self.SRC), 'translations', name)
        if not os.path.exists(srcbase):
        fmap = {}
        files = []
        stats = {}
        done = []

        def handle_stats(src, nums):
            locale = fmap[src]
            trans = nums[0]
            total = trans if len(nums) == 1 else (trans + nums[1])
            stats[locale] = int(round(100 * trans / total))

        with TemporaryDirectory() as tdir, ZipFile(
                self.j(srcbase, 'locales.zip'), 'w', ZIP_STORED) as zf:
            for f in os.listdir(srcbase):
                if f.endswith('.po'):
                    l = f.partition('.')[0]
                    pf = l.split('_')[0]
                    if pf in {'en'}:
                    d = os.path.join(tdir, l + '.mo')
                    f = os.path.join(srcbase, f)
                    fmap[f] = l
                    files.append((f, d))
            self.compile_group(files, handle_stats=handle_stats)

            for locale, translated in iteritems(stats):
                if translated >= 50:
                    with open(os.path.join(tdir, locale + '.mo'), 'rb') as f:
                        raw = f.read()
                    zi = ZipInfo(os.path.basename(f.name))
                    zi.compress_type = ZIP_STORED
                    zf.writestr(zi, raw)
            dl = done + ['en']

            lang_names = {}
            for l in dl:
                if l == 'en':
                    t = get_language
                    t = getattr(get_iso639_translator(l),
                                'gettext' if ispy3 else 'ugettext')
                    t = partial(get_iso_language, t)
                lang_names[l] = {x: t(x) for x in dl}
            zi = ZipInfo('lang-names.json')
            zi.compress_type = ZIP_STORED
                json.dumps(lang_names, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))
            return done
Пример #2
    def compile_website_translations(self):
        from calibre.utils.zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo, ZIP_STORED
        from calibre.ptempfile import TemporaryDirectory
        from calibre.utils.localization import get_iso639_translator, get_language, get_iso_language
        self.info('Compiling website translations...')
        srcbase = self.j(self.d(self.SRC), 'translations', 'website')
        fmap = {}
        files = []
        stats = {}
        done = []

        def handle_stats(src, nums):
            locale = fmap[src]
            trans = nums[0]
            total = trans if len(nums) == 1 else (trans + nums[1])
            stats[locale] = int(round(100 * trans / total))

        with TemporaryDirectory() as tdir, ZipFile(self.j(srcbase, 'locales.zip'), 'w', ZIP_STORED) as zf:
            for f in os.listdir(srcbase):
                if f.endswith('.po'):
                    l = f.partition('.')[0]
                    pf = l.split('_')[0]
                    if pf in {'en'}:
                    d = os.path.join(tdir, l + '.mo')
                    f = os.path.join(srcbase, f)
                    fmap[f] = l
                    files.append((f, d))
            self.compile_group(files, handle_stats=handle_stats)

            for locale, translated in iteritems(stats):
                if translated >= 20:
                    with open(os.path.join(tdir, locale + '.mo'), 'rb') as f:
                        raw = f.read()
                    zi = ZipInfo(os.path.basename(f.name))
                    zi.compress_type = ZIP_STORED
                    zf.writestr(zi, raw)
            dl = done + ['en']

            lang_names = {}
            for l in dl:
                if l == 'en':
                    t = get_language
                    t = getattr(get_iso639_translator(l), 'gettext' if ispy3 else 'ugettext')
                    t = partial(get_iso_language, t)
                lang_names[l] = {x: t(x) for x in dl}
            zi = ZipInfo('lang-names.json')
            zi.compress_type = ZIP_STORED
            zf.writestr(zi, json.dumps(lang_names, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))
        dest = self.j(self.d(self.stats), 'website-languages.txt')
        data = ' '.join(sorted(done))
        if not isinstance(data, bytes):
            data = data.encode('utf-8')
        with open(dest, 'wb') as f: