def __init__(self, environment, ipam_config): self.command = None """ Command indicating which action to take - one of "ADD" or "DEL". """ self.container_id = None """ Identifier for the container for which we are performing IPAM. """ self.datastore_client = IPAMClient() """ Access to the datastore client. Relies on ETCD_AUTHORITY environment variable being set by the calling plugin. """ self.assign_ipv4 = ipam_config.get(ASSIGN_IPV4_KEY, "true") == "true" """ Whether we should auto assign an IPv4 address - defaults to True. """ self.assign_ipv6 = ipam_config.get(ASSIGN_IPV6_KEY, "false") == "true" """ Whether we should auto assign an IPv6 address - defaults to False. """ cni_args = parse_cni_args(environment.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV, "")) self.k8s_pod_name = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAME) self.k8s_namespace = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAMESPACE) """ Only populated when running under Kubernetes. """ """ Only populated if the user requests a specific IP address. """ self.ip = cni_args.get(CNI_ARGS_IP) # Validate the given environment and set fields. self._parse_environment(environment) if self.k8s_namespace and self.k8s_pod_name: self.workload_id = "%s.%s" % (self.k8s_namespace, self.k8s_pod_name) else: self.workload_id = self.container_id """
def __init__(self, network_config, env): self._client = DatastoreClient() """ DatastoreClient for access to the Calico datastore. """ # Parse CNI_ARGS into dictionary so we can extract values. cni_args = parse_cni_args(env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV, "")) self.k8s_pod_name = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAME) """ Name of Kubernetes pod if running under Kubernetes, else None. """ self.k8s_namespace = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAMESPACE) """ Name of Kubernetes namespace if running under Kubernetes, else None. """ self.network_config = network_config """ Network config as provided in the CNI network file passed in via stdout. """ self.network_name = network_config["name"] """ Name of the network from the provided network config file. """ self.ipam_type = network_config["ipam"]["type"] """ Type of IPAM to use, e.g calico-ipam. """ self.hostname = network_config.get("hostname", socket.gethostname()) """ The hostname to register endpoints under. """ self.container_engine = get_container_engine(self.k8s_pod_name) """ Chooses the correct container engine based on the given configuration. """ self.ipam_env = env """ Environment dictionary used when calling the IPAM plugin. """ self.command = env[CNI_COMMAND_ENV] assert self.command in [CNI_CMD_DELETE, CNI_CMD_ADD], \ "Invalid CNI command %s" % self.command """ The command to execute for this plugin instance. Required. One of: - CNI_CMD_ADD - CNI_CMD_DELETE """ self.container_id = env[CNI_CONTAINERID_ENV] """ The container's ID in the containerizer. Required. """ self.cni_netns = env[CNI_NETNS_ENV] """ Relative path to the network namespace of this container. """ self.interface = env[CNI_IFNAME_ENV] """ Name of the interface to create within the container. """ self.cni_path = env[CNI_PATH_ENV] """ Path in which to search for CNI plugins. """ self.running_under_k8s = self.k8s_namespace and self.k8s_pod_name if self.running_under_k8s: self.workload_id = "%s.%s" % (self.k8s_namespace, self.k8s_pod_name) self.orchestrator_id = "k8s" else: self.workload_id = self.container_id self.orchestrator_id = "cni" kubernetes_config = network_config.get("kubernetes", {}) self.kubeconfig_path = kubernetes_config.get("kubeconfig") self.k8s_node_name = kubernetes_config.get("node_name", socket.gethostname()) """ Configure orchestrator specific settings. workload_id: In Kubernetes, this is the pod's namespace and name. Otherwise, this is the container ID. orchestrator_id: Either "k8s" or "cni". """ # Ensure that the ipam_env CNI_ARGS contains the IgnoreUnknown=1 option # See # And self.ipam_env[CNI_ARGS_ENV] = 'IgnoreUnknown=1' if env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV): # Append any existing args - if they are set. self.ipam_env[CNI_ARGS_ENV] += ";%s" % env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV) self.policy_driver = get_policy_driver(self) """
def __init__(self, network_config, env): self._client = DatastoreClient() """ DatastoreClient for access to the Calico datastore. """ # Parse CNI_ARGS into dictionary so we can extract values. cni_args = parse_cni_args(env.get(CNI_ARGS_ENV, "")) self.k8s_pod_name = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAME) """ Name of Kubernetes pod if running under Kubernetes, else None. """ self.k8s_namespace = cni_args.get(K8S_POD_NAMESPACE) """ Name of Kubernetes namespace if running under Kubernetes, else None. """ self.network_config = network_config """ Network config as provided in the CNI network file passed in via stdout. """ self.network_name = network_config["name"] """ Name of the network from the provided network config file. """ self.ipam_type = network_config["ipam"]["type"] """ Type of IPAM to use, e.g calico-ipam. """ self.policy_driver = get_policy_driver(self.k8s_pod_name, self.k8s_namespace, self.network_config) """ Chooses the correct policy driver based on the given configuration """ self.container_engine = get_container_engine(self.k8s_pod_name) """ Chooses the correct container engine based on the given configuration. """ self.ipam_env = env """ Environment dictionary used when calling the IPAM plugin. """ self.command = env[CNI_COMMAND_ENV] assert self.command in [CNI_CMD_DELETE, CNI_CMD_ADD], \ "Invalid CNI command %s" % self.command """ The command to execute for this plugin instance. Required. One of: - CNI_CMD_ADD - CNI_CMD_DELETE """ self.container_id = env[CNI_CONTAINERID_ENV] """ The container's ID in the containerizer. Required. """ self.cni_netns = env[CNI_NETNS_ENV] """ Relative path to the network namespace of this container. """ self.interface = env[CNI_IFNAME_ENV] """ Name of the interface to create within the container. """ self.cni_path = env[CNI_PATH_ENV] """