def __loadProgramExecutionFromJsonMap(self, progExecMap):
        Load a new ProgramExecution class from a "Json-compliant" dict.
        # @param aProgramExecution Program execution that holds the LanguageObject searched.
        # @id Id for the LanguageObject being serched (or 0 for a "None" object).
        # @return The LanguageObject searching for id, or None if id is 0.
        def getLanguageObjectFromId(aProgramExecution, id ):
            Return the LanguageObject searching for id, or None if id is 0.
            return None if id is 0 else aProgramExecution.getLanguageObjects()[id]
        JSON = CallGraphSerializer.JSON
        language = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE]
        myProgramExecution = ProgramExecution(progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE])
        #LanguageType map is already loaded, verify it has the same values
        langTypesMap = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPES]
        langTypes = []
        for lt in langTypesMap:
            ltId = lt[JSON.ID]
            if LanguageType.asString(ltId) != lt[JSON.NAME]:
                raise CallGraphLoadException("Invalid LanguageType pair. Id: " + str(ltId) + ", name:'" + lt[JSON.NAME] + "'")
        if sorted(myProgramExecution.getLanguageTypes()) != sorted(langTypes):
            raise CallGraphLoadException("Invalid LanguageType's: " + str(langTypes))
        langObjectsArray = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_OBJECTS]
        for lo in langObjectsArray:
            parent = getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, lo[JSON.PARENT_ID])
            myLo = LanguageObject (lo[JSON.ID], lo[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPE_ID], lo[JSON.DECLARATION_TYPE], asJsonString(lo[JSON.DECLARATION_CODE]), parent)

        myCalls = progExecMap[JSON.CALL_GRAPH]
        for callMap in myCalls:
            callId = callMap[JSON.ID]
            callee = getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, callMap[JSON.CALLEE_ID])
            funcName = callMap[JSON.FUNC_NAME]
            methodType = callMap[JSON.METHOD_TYPE]
            level = callMap[JSON.LEVEL]
            returnedObject = getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, callMap[JSON.RETURNED_OBJECT] if callMap.has_key(JSON.RETURNED_OBJECT) else 0)
            threwException = callMap[JSON.THREW_EXCEPTION] if callMap.has_key(JSON.THREW_EXCEPTION) else False 
            totalTime = callMap[JSON.TOTAL_TIME] if callMap.has_key(JSON.TOTAL_TIME) else None
            args = callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.ARGS]
            argsList = []
            if language == ProgramExecution.Languages.PYTHON:
                for arg in args:
                    argObj = Argument(getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, arg))
                kargsMap = callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.KARGS]
                for argName, objId in kargsMap.items():
                    argObj = Argument(getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, objId), argName)
                assert language == ProgramExecution.Languages.C_PLUS_PLUS
                for arg in args:
                    argLoId = arg[JSON.ID]
                    argValueType = arg[JSON.ARG_TYPE]
                    argIsConst = arg[JSON.IS_CONST]
                    argObj = Argument(getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, argLoId), None, argValueType, argIsConst)
            func = FunctionCall(callId, callee, funcName, methodType, argsList, level, returnedObject, threwException, totalTime)
        return myProgramExecution
    def __loadProgramExecutionFromJsonMap(self, progExecMap):
        Load a new ProgramExecution class from a "Json-compliant" dict.

        # @param aProgramExecution Program execution that holds the LanguageObject searched.
        # @id Id for the LanguageObject being serched (or 0 for a "None" object).
        # @return The LanguageObject searching for id, or None if id is 0.
        def getLanguageObjectFromId(aProgramExecution, id):
            Return the LanguageObject searching for id, or None if id is 0.
            return None if id is 0 else aProgramExecution.getLanguageObjects(

        JSON = CallGraphSerializer.JSON
        language = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE]
        myProgramExecution = ProgramExecution(progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE])
        #LanguageType map is already loaded, verify it has the same values

        langTypesMap = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPES]
        langTypes = []
        for lt in langTypesMap:
            ltId = lt[JSON.ID]
            if LanguageType.asString(ltId) != lt[JSON.NAME]:
                raise CallGraphLoadException(
                    "Invalid LanguageType pair. Id: " + str(ltId) +
                    ", name:'" + lt[JSON.NAME] + "'")
        if sorted(myProgramExecution.getLanguageTypes()) != sorted(langTypes):
            raise CallGraphLoadException("Invalid LanguageType's: " +

        langObjectsArray = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_OBJECTS]
        for lo in langObjectsArray:
            parent = getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution,
            myLo = LanguageObject(lo[JSON.ID], lo[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPE_ID],

        myCalls = progExecMap[JSON.CALL_GRAPH]
        for callMap in myCalls:
            callId = callMap[JSON.ID]
            callee = getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution,
            funcName = callMap[JSON.FUNC_NAME]
            methodType = callMap[JSON.METHOD_TYPE]
            level = callMap[JSON.LEVEL]
            returnedObject = getLanguageObjectFromId(
                myProgramExecution, callMap[JSON.RETURNED_OBJECT]
                if callMap.has_key(JSON.RETURNED_OBJECT) else 0)
            threwException = callMap[JSON.THREW_EXCEPTION] if callMap.has_key(
                JSON.THREW_EXCEPTION) else False
            totalTime = callMap[JSON.TOTAL_TIME] if callMap.has_key(
                JSON.TOTAL_TIME) else None

            args = callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.ARGS]
            argsList = []

            if language == ProgramExecution.Languages.PYTHON:
                for arg in args:
                    argObj = Argument(
                        getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, arg))
                kargsMap = callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.KARGS]
                for argName, objId in kargsMap.items():
                    argObj = Argument(
                        getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, objId),
                assert language == ProgramExecution.Languages.C_PLUS_PLUS
                for arg in args:
                    argLoId = arg[JSON.ID]
                    argValueType = arg[JSON.ARG_TYPE]
                    argIsConst = arg[JSON.IS_CONST]
                    argObj = Argument(
                        getLanguageObjectFromId(myProgramExecution, argLoId),
                        None, argValueType, argIsConst)

            func = FunctionCall(callId, callee, funcName, methodType, argsList,
                                level, returnedObject, threwException,

        return myProgramExecution
    def __dumpProgramExecutionAsJsonMap(self, aProgramExecution):
        Translate a ProgramExecution class to a "Json-compliant" format, i.e.:
        a Python dict (simplejson forces the object to dump to be a native type, not a custom class)
        with the same information.
        # @param obj LanguageObject, or None
        # @return Obj's LanguageObject id, or 0 if obj is None.         
        def getOptionalObjectId( obj ):
            Return LanguageObject id, or 0 if obj is None.
            return 0 if obj is None else obj.getId()

        JSON = CallGraphSerializer.JSON
        progExecMap = {}
        progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE] = aProgramExecution.getLanguage()
        progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPES] = []
        ltArray = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPES]
        myLanguageTypes = aProgramExecution.getLanguageTypes()
        for lt in myLanguageTypes:
            ltArray.append( { JSON.ID: lt, JSON.NAME: LanguageType.asString( lt) } )
        langObjects = aProgramExecution.getLanguageObjects()
        progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_OBJECTS] = []
        loArray = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_OBJECTS]
        for oId, o in langObjects.items():
            loMap = {}
            assert oId == o.getId()
            loMap[JSON.ID] = oId
            loMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPE_ID] = o.getLanguageType()
            loMap[JSON.DECLARATION_TYPE] = o.getDeclarationType()
            loMap[JSON.DECLARATION_CODE] = fromJsonString(o.getDeclarationCode())
            parent = o.getParent()
            loMap[JSON.PARENT_ID] = getOptionalObjectId(parent)

        theCalls = aProgramExecution.getFunctionCalls()
        progExecMap[JSON.CALL_GRAPH] = []
        callGraph = progExecMap[JSON.CALL_GRAPH]
        for aCall in theCalls:
            callMap = {}
            callMap[JSON.ID] = aCall.getId()
            callMap[JSON.CALLEE_ID] = aCall.getCallee().getId()
            callMap[JSON.FUNC_NAME] = aCall.getFunctionName()
            callMap[JSON.METHOD_TYPE] = aCall.getMethodType()
            callMap[JSON.LEVEL] = aCall.getLevel()
            callMap[JSON.RETURNED_OBJECT] = getOptionalObjectId(aCall.getReturnedObject())
            callMap[JSON.THREW_EXCEPTION] = aCall.threwException()
            totalTime = aCall.getTotalTime()
            if totalTime:
                callMap[JSON.TOTAL_TIME] = totalTime
            callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS] = {}
            argsList = []
            kargsMap = {}
            for anArgument in aCall.getArgsList():
                theId = anArgument.getLanguageObject().getId()
                theName = anArgument.getName()
                if anArgument.getName() is None:
                    kargsMap[theName] = theId
            callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.ARGS] = argsList
            callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.KARGS] = kargsMap

        return progExecMap
    def __dumpProgramExecutionAsJsonMap(self, aProgramExecution):
        Translate a ProgramExecution class to a "Json-compliant" format, i.e.:
        a Python dict (simplejson forces the object to dump to be a native type, not a custom class)
        with the same information.

        # @param obj LanguageObject, or None
        # @return Obj's LanguageObject id, or 0 if obj is None.
        def getOptionalObjectId(obj):
            Return LanguageObject id, or 0 if obj is None.
            return 0 if obj is None else obj.getId()

        JSON = CallGraphSerializer.JSON
        progExecMap = {}
        progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE] = aProgramExecution.getLanguage()

        progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPES] = []
        ltArray = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPES]
        myLanguageTypes = aProgramExecution.getLanguageTypes()
        for lt in myLanguageTypes:
            ltArray.append({JSON.ID: lt, JSON.NAME: LanguageType.asString(lt)})

        langObjects = aProgramExecution.getLanguageObjects()
        progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_OBJECTS] = []
        loArray = progExecMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_OBJECTS]
        for oId, o in langObjects.items():
            loMap = {}
            assert oId == o.getId()
            loMap[JSON.ID] = oId
            loMap[JSON.LANGUAGE_TYPE_ID] = o.getLanguageType()
            loMap[JSON.DECLARATION_TYPE] = o.getDeclarationType()
            loMap[JSON.DECLARATION_CODE] = fromJsonString(
            parent = o.getParent()
            loMap[JSON.PARENT_ID] = getOptionalObjectId(parent)

        theCalls = aProgramExecution.getFunctionCalls()

        progExecMap[JSON.CALL_GRAPH] = []
        callGraph = progExecMap[JSON.CALL_GRAPH]

        for aCall in theCalls:
            callMap = {}
            callMap[JSON.ID] = aCall.getId()
            callMap[JSON.CALLEE_ID] = aCall.getCallee().getId()
            callMap[JSON.FUNC_NAME] = aCall.getFunctionName()
            callMap[JSON.METHOD_TYPE] = aCall.getMethodType()
            callMap[JSON.LEVEL] = aCall.getLevel()
            callMap[JSON.RETURNED_OBJECT] = getOptionalObjectId(
            callMap[JSON.THREW_EXCEPTION] = aCall.threwException()
            totalTime = aCall.getTotalTime()
            if totalTime:
                callMap[JSON.TOTAL_TIME] = totalTime
            callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS] = {}
            argsList = []
            kargsMap = {}
            for anArgument in aCall.getArgsList():
                theId = anArgument.getLanguageObject().getId()
                theName = anArgument.getName()
                if anArgument.getName() is None:
                    kargsMap[theName] = theId
            callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.ARGS] = argsList
            callMap[JSON.ARGUMENTS][JSON.KARGS] = kargsMap

        return progExecMap