Пример #1
def main():
    test_img_files = glob.glob("test_images/*.jpg")
    test_images = [read_image_as_rgb(f) for f in test_img_files]
    cameraCalibrator = CameraCalibrator()
    pipeline = LaneDetectionPipeline(cameraCalibrator)

    img = test_images[0]
    undistorted = pipeline.get_birds_eye_binary(img)
    bet = BirdsEyeViewTransform()
    birds_eye_undistorted = bet.get_birds_eye_view(undistorted)
    crop = trapezoidal_crop(undistorted)
    birds_eye_crop = bet.get_birds_eye_view(crop)

    # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
    # ax[0][0].imshow(undistorted, cmap='gray')
    # ax[0][0].set_title("hls and gradient transform")
    # ax[0][0].axis("off")
    # ax[0][1].imshow(birds_eye_undistorted, cmap='gray')
    # ax[0][1].set_title("birds eye")
    # ax[0][1].axis("off")

    # ax[1][0].imshow(crop, cmap='gray')
    # ax[1][0].title("trapeziodal crop")
    # ax[1][0].axis("off")
    # ax[1][1].imshow(birds_eye_crop, cmap='gray')
    # ax[1][1].title("birds eye crop")
    # ax[1][1].axis("off")

    histogram = np.sum(birds_eye_crop, axis=0)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.width = 1280
     self.height = 720
     self.left_lines = Line()
     self.right_lines = Line()
     self.s_magnitude_thresh = (175, 255)
     self.sobel_kernel = 7
     self.m_thresh = (14, 255)
     self.d_thresh = (0.0, 0.73)
     self.camera_calibrator = CameraCalibrator()
def calibrate_cameras():
    global cameras, tfm_pub

    greenprint('Step 1. Calibrating multiple cameras.')
    cam_calib = CameraCalibrator(cameras)

    done = False
    while not done:
        cam_calib.calibrate(n_obs=CAM_N_OBS, n_avg=CAM_N_AVG)
        if cameras.num_cameras == 1:
        if not cam_calib.calibrated:
            redprint('Camera calibration failed.')
            if yes_or_no('Are you happy with the calibration? Check RVIZ.'
                done = True
                yellowprint('Calibrating cameras again.')

    greenprint('Cameras calibrated.')
Пример #4
from camera_calibration import CameraCalibrator
from image_utils import *
from lane_detection import LaneDetectionPipeline
from lane_finding_histogram import *
from lanes import *
from glob import glob

cameraCalibrator = CameraCalibrator()
pipeline = LaneDetectionPipeline(cameraCalibrator)

test_images_dir = "test_images"
output_images_dir = "output_images"
input_file_paths = glob(test_images_dir + "/*.jpg")
for input_file_path in input_file_paths:
    output_file_path = input_file_path.replace(test_images_dir, output_images_dir)
    img = read_image_as_rgb(input_file_path)
    out_img = pipeline.process(img)
    out_img = cv2.cvtColor(out_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    cv2.imwrite(output_file_path, out_img)

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
test_videos_dir = "test_videos"
output_videos_dir = "output_videos"
video_file_paths = glob(test_videos_dir + "/*.mp4")
for video_file_path in video_file_paths:
    output_file_path = video_file_path.replace(test_videos_dir, output_videos_dir)
    clip = VideoFileClip(video_file_path)
    clip_output = clip.fl_image(pipeline.process)
    clip_output.write_videofile(output_file_path, audio=False)
Пример #5
def calibrate_cameras ():
    global tfm_pub, cameras, tf_listener
    tfm_base_kinect = get_robot_kinect_transform()
    if yes_or_no('Calibrate again?'):
        greenprint("Step 1. Calibrating multiple cameras.")
        cam_calib = CameraCalibrator(cameras)
        done = False
        while not done:
            cam_calib.calibrate(CAM_N_OBS, CAM_N_AVG)
            if cameras.num_cameras == 1:
            if not cam_calib.calibrated:
                redprint("Camera calibration failed.")
                tfm_reference_camera = cam_calib.get_transforms()[0]
                tfm_reference_camera['child'] = 'camera_link'
                tfm_base_reference = {}
                tfm_base_reference['child'] = transform['parent']
                tfm_base_reference['parent'] = 'base_footprint'
                tfm_base_reference['tfm'] = nlg.inv(tfm_reference_camera['tfm'].dot(nlg.inv(tfm_base_kinect)))
                if yes_or_no("Are you happy with the calibration? Check RVIZ."):
                    done = True
                    yellowprint("Calibrating cameras again.")
        greenprint("Cameras calibrated.")

    if yes_or_no('Get PR2 Gripper?'):
        # Finding transform between PR2's gripper and the tool_tip
        marker_id = 1
        camera_id = 1
        n_avg = 100
        tfms_camera_marker = []
        for i in xrange(n_avg):
            tfms_camera_marker.append(cameras.get_ar_markers([marker_id], camera=camera_id)[marker_id])
        tfm_camera_marker = utils.avg_transform(tfms_camera_marker)
        calib_file = 'calib_cam_hydra_gripper1'
        file_name = osp.join(calib_files_dir, calib_file)
        with open(file_name, 'r') as fh: calib_data = cPickle.load(fh)
        lr, graph = calib_data['grippers'].items()[0]
        gr = gripper.Gripper(lr, graph)
        assert 'tool_tip' in gr.mmarkers
        gr.tt_calculated = True
        tfm_marker_tooltip = gr.get_rel_transform(marker_id, 'tool_tip', 0)
        i = 10
        tfm_base_gripper = None
        while i > 0:
                now = rospy.Time.now()
                tf_listener.waitForTransform('base_footprint', 'l_gripper_tool_frame', now, rospy.Duration(5.0))
                (trans, rot) = tf_listener.lookupTransform('base_footprint', 'l_gripper_tool_frame', rospy.Time(0))
                tfm_base_gripper = conversions.trans_rot_to_hmat(trans, rot)
            except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException):
                yellowprint("Failed attempt.")            
                i -= 1
        if tfm_base_gripper is not None:
            tfm_gripper_tooltip = {'parent':'l_gripper_tool_frame',
            greenprint("Gripper to marker found.")
            redprint("Gripper to marker not found.")
Пример #6
class LaneFinder():
    """Finds laneline inside car camera images"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.width = 1280
        self.height = 720
        self.left_lines = Line()
        self.right_lines = Line()
        self.s_magnitude_thresh = (175, 255)
        self.sobel_kernel = 7
        self.m_thresh = (14, 255)
        self.d_thresh = (0.0, 0.73)
        self.camera_calibrator = CameraCalibrator()

    def undistort(self, img):
        """Undistort image using camera matrix"""
        return self.camera_calibrator.undistort_image(img)

    def s_magnitude(self, img):
        """Returns magnitude thresholded binary image of
        the S channel in HLS color space
        thresh = self.s_magnitude_thresh
        hls = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS)
        s_channel = hls[:, :, 2]
        magnitude_binary = np.zeros_like(s_channel)
        magnitude_binary[(s_channel >= thresh[0])
                         & (s_channel <= thresh[1])] = 1
        return magnitude_binary

    def l_direction(self, img):
        """ Apply sobel filter on L(HLS) channel and threshold,
        filter pixels direction inside self.d_thresh and
        filter pixels magnitude inside self.m_thresh
        sobel_kernel = self.sobel_kernel
        m_thresh = self.m_thresh
        d_thresh = self.d_thresh

        hls = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS)
        l_channel = hls[:, :, 1]
        sobelx = cv2.Sobel(l_channel, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=sobel_kernel)
        sobely = cv2.Sobel(l_channel, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=sobel_kernel)

        magnitude = np.sqrt(np.square(sobelx) + np.square(sobely))
        scaled = np.uint8(255 * magnitude / np.max(magnitude))
        abs_sobelx = np.absolute(sobelx)
        abs_sobely = np.absolute(sobely)
        direction = np.arctan2(abs_sobely, abs_sobelx)
        binary_output = np.zeros_like(direction)
        binary_output[(direction >= d_thresh[0]) & (direction <= d_thresh[1]) &
                      (scaled >= m_thresh[0]) & (scaled <= m_thresh[1])] = 1
        return binary_output

    def combined_thresholding(self, img):
        """Returns the combined result of all thresholdings"""
        s_mag = self.s_magnitude(img)
        l_dir = self.l_direction(img)
        combined_binary = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 1])
        combined_binary[(s_mag == 1) | (l_dir == 1)] = 1
        return combined_binary

    def get_perspective_transform_matrix(self, reverse=False):
        matrix_key = 'perspective_transform_mtx'
        if reverse:
            matrix_key = 'reverse_perspective_transform_mtx'

        matrix = getattr(self, matrix_key, None)
        if matrix is not None:
            return matrix

        # no previous stored matrix, calculate one
        tls = (563, 470)  # top left source point
        bls = (220, 700)  # bottom left source point
        tld = (300, 300)  # top left destination
        bld = (300, 720)  # bottom left destination

        src = np.float32([[tls[0], tls[1]], [self.width - tls[0], tls[1]],
                          [self.width - bls[0], bls[1]], [bls[0], bls[1]]])

        dst = np.float32([
            [tld[0], tld[1]],
            [self.width - tld[0], tld[1]],
            [self.width - tld[0], bld[1]],
            [bld[0], bld[1]],

        if reverse:
            transform_mtx = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst, src)
            transform_mtx = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)

        # save matrix for later use
        setattr(self, matrix_key, transform_mtx)
        return transform_mtx

    def perspective_transform(self, img, reverse=False):
        """Transform car camera image into birds eye view"""
        transform_mtx = self.get_perspective_transform_matrix(reverse=reverse)
        shape = (self.width, self.height)
        warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,
        return warped

    def histogram_find_lines(self, binary_warped):
        """Find left/right lane line indices from the binary warped
        image without knowing previous line positions using the
        hostogram/sliding window method
        width, height = self.width, self.height
        nwindows = 9
        window_height = np.int(height / nwindows)

        histogram = np.sum(binary_warped[int(height / 2):, :], axis=0)
        midpoint = np.int(width / 2)
        leftx_base = np.argmax(histogram[:midpoint])
        rightx_base = np.argmax(histogram[midpoint:]) + midpoint

        nonzero = binary_warped.nonzero()
        nonzeroy = np.array(nonzero[0])
        nonzerox = np.array(nonzero[1])

        leftx_current = leftx_base
        rightx_current = rightx_base

        left_lane_inds = []
        right_lane_inds = []
        windows = []  # record search window for visualization

        margin = 100  # half window size
        minpix = 100  # least pixels to be recognized as found

        for window in range(nwindows):
            win_y_low = height - (window + 1) * window_height
            win_y_high = height - window * window_height
            win_xleft_low = leftx_current - margin
            win_xleft_high = leftx_current + margin
            win_xright_low = rightx_current - margin
            win_xright_high = rightx_current + margin

                (win_xleft_low, win_y_low, win_xleft_high, win_y_high))
                (win_xright_low, win_y_low, win_xright_high, win_y_high))

            good_left_inds = ((nonzeroy >= win_y_low) & (nonzeroy < win_y_high)
                              & (nonzerox >= win_xleft_low) &
                              (nonzerox < win_xleft_high)).nonzero()[0]
            good_right_inds = ((nonzeroy >= win_y_low) &
                               (nonzeroy < win_y_high) &
                               (nonzerox >= win_xright_low) &
                               (nonzerox < win_xright_high)).nonzero()[0]

            # Append these indices to the lists

            # If you found > minpix pixels, recenter next window
            # on their mean position
            if len(good_left_inds) > minpix:
                leftx_current = np.int(np.mean(nonzerox[good_left_inds]))
            if len(good_right_inds) > minpix:
                rightx_current = np.int(np.mean(nonzerox[good_right_inds]))

        # Concatenate the arrays of indices
        left_lane_inds = np.concatenate(left_lane_inds)
        right_lane_inds = np.concatenate(right_lane_inds)

        leftx = nonzerox[left_lane_inds]
        lefty = nonzeroy[left_lane_inds]
        rightx = nonzerox[right_lane_inds]
        righty = nonzeroy[right_lane_inds]

        left_fit = np.polyfit(lefty, leftx, 2)
        right_fit = np.polyfit(righty, rightx, 2)

        return left_fit, right_fit

    def convolution_find_lines(self, binary_warped, left_fit, right_fit):
        """Find line around known previous lines
        left_fit, right_fit: previously fitted left, right lines
        window_width = 50
        hww = 25  # half window width
        n_windows = 9
        window_height = self.height / n_windows
        window_centroids = []
        margin = 100  # How much to slide left/right for searching
        window = np.ones(window_width)
        offset = np.int((window_width + margin) / 2)

        nonzero = binary_warped.nonzero()
        nonzeroy = np.array(nonzero[0])
        nonzerox = np.array(nonzero[1])
        left_lane_inds = []
        right_lane_inds = []

        for level in range(n_windows):
            y_min = np.int(level * window_height)
            y_max = np.int(y_min + window_height)
            layer = binary_warped[y_min:y_max, :]
            image_layer = np.sum(layer, axis=0)
            conv_signal = np.convolve(window, image_layer)

            y_eval = (y_min + y_max) / 2
            l_base = np.int(left_fit[0] * y_eval**2 + left_fit[1] * y_eval +
            l_base = max(0, min(self.width, l_base))
            l_center = (np.argmax(
                conv_signal[max(0, l_base -
                                offset):min(self.width, l_base + offset)]) +
                        l_base - offset - hww)
            r_base = np.int(right_fit[0] * y_eval**2 + right_fit[1] * y_eval +
            r_base = max(0, min(self.width, r_base))
            r_center = (np.argmax(
                conv_signal[max(0, r_base -
                                offset):min(self.width, r_base + offset)]) +
                        r_base - offset - hww)
            window_centroids.append((l_center, r_center))
            good_left_inds = ((nonzeroy >= y_min) & (nonzeroy <= y_max) &
                              (nonzerox >= (l_center - hww)) &
                              (nonzerox <= (l_center + hww))).nonzero()[0]
            good_right_inds = ((nonzeroy >= y_min) & (nonzeroy <= y_max) &
                               (nonzerox >= (r_center - hww)) &
                               (nonzerox <= (r_center + hww))).nonzero()[0]

        left_lane_inds = np.concatenate(left_lane_inds)
        right_lane_inds = np.concatenate(right_lane_inds)

        leftx = nonzerox[left_lane_inds]
        lefty = nonzeroy[left_lane_inds]
        rightx = nonzerox[right_lane_inds]
        righty = nonzeroy[right_lane_inds]
        left_fit = np.polyfit(lefty, leftx, 2)
        right_fit = np.polyfit(righty, rightx, 2)

        return left_fit, right_fit

    def find_lines(self, img):
        """Find lane line"""
        prev_left_fit = self.left_lines.best_fit()
        prev_right_fit = self.right_lines.best_fit()
        if prev_left_fit is None or prev_right_fit is None:
            naive_left_fit, naive_right_fit = self.histogram_find_lines(img)
            if prev_left_fit is None:
                prev_left_fit = naive_left_fit
            if prev_right_fit is None:
                prev_right_fit = naive_right_fit

        new_left_fit, new_right_fit = self.convolution_find_lines(
            img, prev_left_fit, prev_right_fit)

        # TODO(Olala): sanity check before append
        avg_left_fit = self.left_lines.best_fit()
        avg_right_fit = self.right_lines.best_fit()
        assert avg_left_fit is not None
        assert avg_right_fit is not None
        return avg_left_fit, avg_right_fit